His to Hold (Regency Scoundrels Book 1)

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His to Hold (Regency Scoundrels Book 1) Page 9

by Mathews, Marly

  “How long have you…”

  “Been following you?” he asked, finishing her question for her.

  She nodded her head, feeling woozy with each sway of the ship.

  “Since you attended White’s that first night, and I caught sight of you. I knew straight off that you weren’t a man. Everyone else might have thought you were an effeminate dandy, but I knew better. I was impressed by your gambling skills, and by your quick tongue. Your eyes, and charms, also encouraged me to pursue you. I knew I had to possess such a resourceful woman.”

  She didn’t like the way he’d said possessed. It made her feel as if her skin crawled.

  Closing her eyes, she remembered that fateful night in White’s. She’d gone there numerous times dressed as her alter ego, an effeminate dandy that she and Raleigh had named Evan Beaumont. Raleigh dared her to do it, and assisted her in pulling it off, by letting her attend as his guest. In hindsight, she never should have done it.

  Raleigh had profited from it, as she had given him most of what she’d won at the gaming tables, and oh, how she had fleeced the unsuspecting members. There was no other way for her to get the rush of the gaming hells that were restricted to men, but to go disguised as Evan Beaumont.

  She, had, on occasion gone to a few of the private gambling houses run by various ladies of questionable respectability, as Miss Elizabeth Woodward. She had quite the reputation within those circles, and most were leery of playing with her, as they called her Lucky Lizzie, a moniker that she thoroughly despised.

  Women were prohibited from entering White’s...but as Evan Beaumont, she could do as she pleased, without being tossed out on her rear. And, with the way that fortune always seemed to sway in her favour at the gaming tables, she usually garnered a good deal of unwanted attention.

  That was when she’d crossed paths with Phillip. She’d never known that he was a pirate posing as a proper English gentleman, but then, she had a great deal of secrets, she wasn’t surprised to find out that others harboured secrets as well.

  Raleigh’s dare was coming back to haunt her in terrifying ways. He’d usually kept her close, but on a few occasions, he had wandered away from her to chat up his mates, and she had fallen into Philip’s orbit.

  It had cost Rafe his life. Oh, God.

  She shuddered again, as she came to terms with what Philip had said. This couldn’t be happening. She had only attended White’s those few times on a dare, and as a lark. She had never supposed that her actions would have such heavy consequences.

  “Why do you want me?” she asked bluntly. She knew that he was infatuated with her, but for a man in his formidable position that didn’t seem to be enough.

  “Did you know that my father was an Englishman?” He turned to her, and waited expectantly for her to respond. Dumbly, she shook her head, and waited for him to continue. “I was born on the wrong side of the blanket. I am a by-blow. My mother was quite poor, and was taken in by my fast-talking father. Soon, he had her lifting her skirts for him. I was born exactly nine months later.

  “When he found out she was pregnant with me, she lost her allure. He kicked her out of his bed and out of his life. She had nowhere else to go but the streets. After I was born, she had numerous other lovers, but each and every one of them tired of her after a while. They used her and got rid of her once they got bored with her. After all, she was only a Spanish woman...she was far beneath them in their eyes. I lived in hell for most of my life, and as soon as I was old enough I took to the seas, hoping to make a living for myself.”

  “What about your mother?” She tensed at the darkening expression that was splitting across his face.

  “She withered away in a dirty filthy whore house.” His answer was succinct and to the point. Her stomach churned again, as he continued.

  “I want you for the respect that you maintain in England, and abroad. You have the life I could only dream of. You have everything, my dear. You are legitimate, and both your father and mother were British born. You see, my friends in England do not even know that I and Captain Blood are one and the same, and they never will. As far as the beau monde in England are concerned, I am but a wealthy merchant, seeking to align myself with a well-bred noblewoman. Although you lack the title, you do have the family behind you. That life will always be my safe haven. True, running a textile mill isn’t the most exciting vocation, but it does do wonders for my reputation as Philip Berkley.”

  His voice made her afraid, and her hands trembled. He bore down on her, and her eyes searched the cabin for something to defend herself with. She wished with all of her might that he hadn’t taken a special interest in her that night at White’s. He’d liked her so much that he’d insisted she return to the club every night for the next sennight. Then, one night, she’d arrived there to find that he’d mysteriously disappeared.

  In a way, the friendship they’d shared had been slightly disturbing...she’d assumed that he’d been interested in having more than a friendly relationship with her, and she’d been determined to end their friendship. In fact, his sudden disappearance had been a blessing in disguise. To think that he’d been following her every move since then, made her feel as if her privacy had been invaded.

  “As you say, I have no title. My mother was the daughter of an earl, I am the granddaughter of one, and my father was the son of a viscount but…”

  She couldn’t continue. He was right. She had the respect of the beau monde. She chewed her bottom lip nervously. “My father is not liked by many within the ton, and some do not look favourably upon me because of that.”

  Oh, hell, her money was all the ton needed when it came to judging her. They didn’t give a toss who her father was, or who he had offended, and Antonio, or Philip or whoever the hell he was, probably knew that.

  “You will make me a first-rate lover and mistress, and with your contacts, I will have high society at my feet.”

  She gasped, as his words sunk in. Mistress! He had to be mad to think that the beau monde would look upon her favourably as a fallen woman. It was really too much. He wanted her as his mistress? How could he even entertain the thought? At least Rafe wanted her as his wife. She slipped out from underneath him, and stood up on shaky legs. A blackout encroached upon her…

  “Don’t take one step closer to me,” she threatened.

  “Do you not know me?” he asked in a highly fake wounded voice. “It is your friend, Phillip, and I am here to make all of your worries disappear.”

  “I hate to shatter any illusions you might have about me, Phillip, but I’ve never really cared for you. You were an entertaining diversion, but that’s what you were, a diversion. In fact, I care more for the bacon on my plate in the morning, than I care for you. And if you think I will let you make me your mistress…you cad! I am no barque of frailty, sir!”

  His cheeks turned a beet red, and he reached for her, pulling him against her. Her mind and body cried out. She kicked him hard in the shins, hoping that would serve to deter him in some way. Instead, he whirled her around, and slammed her down upon his bed. He was reaching for the ties to his trousers, and coming down upon her in one fluid movement.

  “I shall tame the wildness out of you before this night is through. Then you will know who is master, and you will be my mistress for however long I want you to warm my bed. You will become my whore, and I will teach you many tricks that do not befit the station of your birth.”

  Screaming, she balled her fist. She swung it at him, and hit him full on in the jaw. He reached for her, and half-heartedly ripped her shirt that was beneath her greatcoat. While he was distracted, she reached and pulled out the dagger that was fastened to his waist. She plunged it into his shoulder blade, and cringed when blood began to seep out across his black shirt.

  She dashed away from him, and made her way to the door, before he pounced on her again. In her moment of confusion, the dagger went flying out of her hand, and clattered onto the floor. She fought against him and managed to open t
he door. She gasped, as the cool night air hit her in the face. She couldn’t see much and half ran, half staggered up the stairs to the deck above.

  Crewmen stared at her in shock, and then began bearing down upon her, when they heard their Captain’s outraged bellow. She made a beeline for the rail. Chancing a glance over her shoulder, she saw the grim silhouette of Captain Blood.

  “Catch her, my lads, and you’ll all have a bit of fun with her this night, after I am through with her.” His cruel insinuation made her heart stop beating altogether.

  Death was better than what he offered. For one brief second, she stared down into the nearly black rocking ocean. Mustering all of the courage that she could manage, she swung herself over the rail, and jumped blindly into the cold rushing water.

  Her body crashed against the waves, and she could hear catcalls and jeers in the distance. She shut her eyes against the agony of it all, as her body began to take over where her mind had left off. She began treading the water, and then started to swim away from The Destroyer. Thank God, she’d been taught as a child. She heard Captain Blood’s malicious farewell.

  “Ah, lads. There goes our Bird of Paradise. I’d warrant the sharks will enjoy her almost as much as we would have.”

  She shuddered again and, in her distraction, she was sucked beneath the sea. She fought to recover her senses, and emerged, spitting out salty water all the while. She was doomed. No one would be coming for her, and by this time tomorrow, or before, she would be most undoubtedly dead.


  Mallory stalked the length of the ship. His crewman had managed to resume their duties even though they looked battered and nearly broken. He clasped his hands firmly behind his back, and breathed in deeply as the salty air, rustled his wayward hair.

  He was worried sick, and hadn’t felt so helpless in all of his life. Sordid images kept flooding his mind, and he wanted to kill Antonio with his bare hands. In fact, the next time they met, he would kill him, and enjoy it immensely.

  He started at the sound of Ethan’s voice. “Rafe, I do not think we will catch up to them. For some reason we have lost their scent.”

  Mallory’s heart fell and then tightened. His plan for Elizabeth was in shambles, and now the love of his life was facing a fate more horrible than death. He should have told her who he was, and now because of his deception, he would live with paralyzing guilt for the rest of his life.

  Resting his elbows on the rail, he bit his lip as the moist mist from the sea, spattered up onto him. He had lost Elizabeth, and only a miracle would bring her back to him.


  Elizabeth nearly choked on the mouthful of seawater she almost swallowed, when she had been sucked beneath the rough waves. She had been treading water for hours, and she couldn’t keep it up for much longer.

  There was no land in sight, and she didn’t know what to do. She turned at the distant sound of a baby’s cry. Shaking her head, she finally decided that she’d gone straight to Bedlam.

  It wasn’t unexpected. After all, she had been through the worst misery that she had ever suffered. She stared at the water around her, and licked her salty lips, only making her thirst even worse. She was constantly searching the sea for sights of a shark, or maybe more.

  Suddenly, the flicker of what looked to be a dolphin filled her vision. She began breathing quicker, as the bow of a ship came into sight. Straining her vision, she caught sight of the flag and sighed with relief. Every muscle in her body ached, and she coughed as a spasm wracked through her body.

  She felt her lethargy overwhelm her, and her eyelids drooped shut, just as she heard someone call out ‘Miss!’ followed by a large splash. She had just slipped under, and began thinking of an underwater fairy and mermaid world, as she sank into the welcoming darkness.

  She was on a bed of the softest downiest feathers. Her eyelids felt as if they were glued shut, and she was tempted to drift back into the dreamland beckoned to her. She rolled over onto her back, and then onto her right side. The sensation of being watched overcame her, and she opened her eyes to stare into the sparkling eyes of an angelic looking woman leaning toward her with a cool cloth to press to her forehead.

  “Ah, it is a relief to my heart to see you awake and well.” The woman smiled, and a warm cheery glint entered her sky blue eyes. Her skin was pale and spotted with freckles. “My Ronald will be very happy to know that you are awake. He says that the two of you know each other from your childhood.”

  The woman had a thick Scottish accent, and her hair was a bright red. “He also said that it was a blessing of fate that made our ship blow considerably off course during the last storm. Had we not been blown off course, we would never have come to rescue you. It had to be divine intervention. You have many guardian angels, my dear.” The woman reached for her hand that rested over the bedclothes, and grasped it tightly. “Are you cold?” she asked worriedly, soothingly rubbing her hand. “My name is Mary, and my dear Ronald is always telling me that I have an insatiable penchant for chatting.” Mary winked at her, and Elizabeth tried to speak but found that for the moment she was far too weary. Instead, she shook her head in answer to Mary’s question.

  “Ah, splendid. I was afraid that you’d be cold, considering the ordeal you’ve been through. I’ve stripped your wet clothes off of you, as you can tell and I’ve given you one of my warmest nightgowns. You are safe now. We shall take you onward to England. Do you remember Ronald?”

  Elizabeth nodded her agreement, and managed to rasp out a weak “Aye.”

  “Of course, it was a silly question. I do not know a woman that would not remember my Ronald.” Mary smiled, and then stood up when the cabin door opened. “She’s awake, my lord,” Mary murmured, as an expression of purely adoring love crossed her porcelain features. Why she called Ronald a lord was beyond her. He had no title.

  “Upon my soul, that gladdens my heart.” A deep voice said, as it resonated around the cabin. “But then I could hardly expect otherwise from the indomitable Miss Elizabeth.”

  “Ron…” Elizabeth murmured, stopping suddenly, as he came into view. Her breath hitched in her throat.

  He had changed a good deal since they had last seen each other. He had without further elaboration grown into a man, and a striking one at that. And the most heartbreaking aspect of it all, was that he keenly reminded her of Rafe.

  Tears welled in her eyes, and pain exploded in her heart. She was mourning a man that had kidnapped her, and yet, she did not see it as a revolting thing. She quite simply missed Rafe. He had tried to save her from Captain Blood’s lecherous clutches, and he had died a nobly heroic death. For a man that had had hardly any honour or position in life, she knew that in death, his place was assuredly secured in heaven.

  “Miss Elizabeth, you are a sight for sore eyes. What troubles you, Bess?” he asked sitting down in the chair that Mary had recently vacated.

  “Nothing,” she murmured, deliberately avoiding his question.

  Ronald was American born, and they had indeed spent their early childhood together as friends, as his father owned the plantation house that neighboured Her Ladyship’s Kindness. He had been like the older brother she never had, and he and his younger brother and sisters had filled her days with joy.

  In the last few years they had seen each other a scant amount of times, and indeed, Elizabeth had not even been aware that he had married, but it wasn’t a surprise, as he was five years her senior.

  But Ron still knew her well, for she could tell he knew she was not telling him the truth. His eyes narrowed, and he was biting his lip. He glanced toward Mary, and his worried visage immediately melted.

  “All will soon be right with your world, Bess. Soon you will be up on your feet, and Mary will take grand care of you. She’s quite the woman, my Mary. A loving mother and wife, a man could not ask for more.” He winked at her, and then leaned toward her. “I had to cure her of her haughty ways when first we met.”

  “Ronald!” Mary gasped, w
alking toward the bed, balancing a baby on her hip. “You did no such thing. It was I that had to pull you, off your high horse.”

  “Now, now, my lady, do not grow angry with me.”

  “I am not angry,” Mary said, gliding toward the side of the bed.

  “Can you believe, Bess, that I married myself a title?”

  Elizabeth shook her head and wanly smiled. “Aye, indeed it is true. To the sheer delight of my Mama and Papa. Mary is my little countess.”

  “Oh, behave, my lord,” Mary said, her eyes dancing with twinkling stars.

  Elizabeth’s heart ached as she was basked in the glory of their true love. Ronald had been a scamp when he had been younger, and yet, if Elizabeth didn’t know better, she would swear that Mary had tamed his wild ways.

  She would die a shriveled up old maid, now that Rafe was gone, for she would never again meet a man that would stir her the way that he had.

  “I would like to sleep,” Elizabeth murmured, finding that she could contain her sorrow no longer. She was safe now, and that was all that mattered.

  Mary leaned toward her, and smiled. Elizabeth could see understanding in her eyes.

  “My lord, I am afraid that you are exciting her too much. You shall just have to go back up to the deck and busy yourself with matters pertaining to the ship. After all, you are its Captain.”

  “Of course. I’ll leave you two lovely ladies alone, and my little lord shall need his sleep soon,” Ronald said, kissing the downy crown of his son’s head. He walked out the door and shut it quietly behind him.

  “Now, my dear,” Mary said leaning forward, as the baby reached out toward Elizabeth. “You may cry for your lost love.”

  Elizabeth was lost for words. She merely stared up at her dumbly.

  “My dear,” Mary started. “An astute woman knows these things, and a woman blessed with the second sight, truly knows these things. So, let those tears that you have been valiantly holding fly free, and take comfort in one true thing. I do not believe that you have seen the last of your love. But then, I may be mistaken. Although I doubt it.” A secret smile played at the corners of her mouth. “I shall sit here until you fall back asleep.”


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