His to Hold (Regency Scoundrels Book 1)

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His to Hold (Regency Scoundrels Book 1) Page 10

by Mathews, Marly

  “Thank you,” Elizabeth murmured, doubting the woman’s statement about the second sight. She simply did not believe in such fustian nonsense, but she was happy nonetheless that Mary had tried to ease her torment.

  The tears slipped down her cheeks, as she buried her head in the soft pillow, and gave into the exhaustion that pulled at her every fiber. She fell asleep, and dreamed of a paradise the likes of which she could never imagine. And the prince of this paradise was her guardian angel, Captain Rafe Morgan.

  Chapter Nine

  “Captain, sir, I can see a ship on the horizon!” Robbie Smith exclaimed, pointing, as he balanced precariously at the top of the mast that he had climbed.

  Mallory reached for his spyglass, and held it up to his right eye. Robbie was right. There was a ship on the horizon, though they would have to change their course slightly in order to intercept them.

  “Change our course for interception,” Mallory called out, as shouts rang through the ship. He would pray to God that somehow it would turn out to be Antonio’s ship.

  Mallory held hope in his heart, for it had been the only thing that had sustained him through these last hellish two days. He didn’t want to imagine the sorts of vile things that Antonio could be doing to Elizabeth.

  It made him want to scream with frustration, and only made him want to do bodily harm to someone. He hadn’t slept at all, since his blissful night with Elizabeth, and he was beginning to think that his tiredness was making him half mad.

  He brushed at the stubble that had grown on his cheeks. He hadn’t taken the care to shave, and he didn’t know if he ever would. He grew a beard whenever he was in emotional upheaval, and right now, he knew that Elizabeth’s violent abduction constituted as that. He clasped the spyglass tightly in his hands, and kept checking to see if he could gain a clearer image of the ship.

  “Penny for your thoughts,” Ethan murmured, coming up quietly behind him. Mallory turned to glance at him, and sighed.

  “Do you know that sometimes I yearn for West Sussex, when pitted up against the tediousness of the sea?”

  “Aye, sea voyage can be tedious, but we are on a hot pursuit right now. I would have thought that you would be filled with excitement.”

  “And what shall I do to console Elizabeth once I rescue her? I shudder to imagine the misery she has been put through, and it has been all on my account.”

  “Rafe, you cannot put the burden of Elizabeth’s abduction at your door. It is not your fault that she was taken. You did everything in your power to keep her safe. Hells Bells, you were even willing to die for her.”

  “Yes, but it does nothing to ease this clenching in my gut.”

  “And I’d suspect in your heart as well. Face it, Rafe, you have fallen head-over-heels in love with this young woman, and why wouldn’t you? She’s as beautiful as her mother was. And when you are in love, you are strong, and weak all at the same time. You are strong, because the euphoria of your love fills you with passion, and weak because the worry of losing your love to something dire, pulls at you every day. If Elizabeth favours her mother’s side of the family, then I’ll guarantee you that she’ll have survived, with her mind and soul intact.”

  “I’ve definitely discovered that there is more than meets the eye, when it comes to Miss Elizabeth.”

  “Ah, so you’ve discovered that your simple plan of marrying her and using her fortune is more complicated than you would have thought?” There was unmistakable amusement in Ethan’s voice.

  Mallory slanted his mouth in a grin and sighed. “Simple is definitely not a word that should be used when describing Miss Elizabeth. Do you know that I would marry her now, even if she weren’t an heiress? Aye, I believed that I was in love with her before, but now there is a burning in my heart that will never be extinguished.”

  “Doesn’t it concern you that she cannot remember you? Two years isn’t such a long time to forget someone.”

  Mallory considered Ethan’s question for a good length of time. “My kiss will remind her of everything.”

  “Really? Think that much of yourself, do you?” Ethan chuckled.

  Mallory put the spyglass back up to his eye and felt his breath hitch in his throat. He could see the ship’s flag. “Prepare the cannons,” he ordered, cutting their conversation short, as they readied to board the ship they quickly approached.


  Elizabeth stirred in her deep slumber as she felt the ship lurch. She opened her eyes and caught the guarded expression of Mary. She had just shut and locked the cabin door, and was quickly moving to the other side of the bed to check on her son.

  “Mary?” Elizabeth asked sleepily. Mary whirled about and put on a brave smile for her. She now held her sleeping son, to her breast, and the sight was enough to touch Elizabeth’s heart. “What is happening?”

  “Never you mind, dear,” she soothed, walking to sit on the side of the bed. “All will soon be well.”

  Elizabeth arched her eyebrow as the ear-splitting sound of cannon fire broke through the tension in the cabin. “I don’t think that can be ignored, do you?”

  “We are under attack,” Mary said softly in a controlled voice, so as to not scare her son. He had already woken up, and had begun to cry out in fear.

  Elizabeth’s heart stopped. No, this could not be happening! She would not, could not allow Antonio to board this ship. Not after all that Ronald and Mary had done for her. She would be damned if she allowed that bastard to hurt Mary, or even worse, the innocent babe that she held in her arms. She had done this. She had led Antonio to them. Oh, God, she would never forgive herself!

  “Do you know who is attacking the ship?” her voice broke and wavered, though Elizabeth managed to just barely maintain her calm.

  “Pirates, of all things. Why I didn’t think they existed anymore,” Mary answered shuddering. “They are onboard a smaller vessel, but my Ronald seemed very worried. Here you must hold Alistair,” Mary insisted, thrusting the baby toward Elizabeth. She accepted the precious burden as her mind reeled. There had to be something she could do.

  She watched mesmerized, as Mary moved over to the nearest chest, and opened it. She withdrew a long blade from a scabbard that resembled a Scottish broadsword. She clasped her hand around the gold basket hilt, and smiled at Elizabeth.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I am preparing to protect what is mine,” Mary said, smiling encouragingly at her.

  “And you know how to wield that sword?”

  “Of course I know how to fight. After all, my dear, I am known in Scotland as the Lady Warrior. In time, as I tell you about myself you will know why I have been given that name. But for now, there are other things that we must attend to. Like making sure that these immoral men do not harm, Alistair.”

  “Then you do not think that Ronald will be able to stand against them?”

  “I have a great amount of faith in Ronald, and I trust him with our son’s life, and my own. But I glimpsed terror in my husband’s eyes. He is worried, that something dreadful shall befall us this day.”

  “I thought that you had the gift of the second sight?”

  “Whatever approaches is veiled in the mists for some reason. I do not know why, and it is a mystery that makes my heart ache.” Mary turned her head at the sound of another warning shot. “They dare not damage our ship too much, unless absolutely necessary. If they did, they would not be able to use it for further purposes.”

  “I cannot allow you to take on this fight when it can be avoided.” Elizabeth’s resolve strengthened, as she stared down at the sweet child that was cuddled into her.

  She stood up carefully, and made her way toward Mary. “Take your son,” she said, as Mary accepted him with one arm. “I know who these pirates are. They are the men that I escaped from. They are merciless killers. You will not be able to stand against them. Ronald was like a brother to me once. I won’t let him sacrifice himself and his family for me.” She bolted to the door, and had it o
pened before Mary could make any protest.

  “Elizabeth, no!” Mary’s voice called after.

  She winced, as her bare feet slapped against the deck. It was then she finally realized that she had fled the cabin in nothing but her nightgown. But it was too late to turn back.

  She ran up the steps to the main deck, ignoring the raised eyebrows the sailors gave her. In her haste, she slammed into Ronald, and was propelled backwards, before she righted her footing.

  “Bess, what the hell do you think you are doing?” Ronald questioned angrily. She ignored him, and tried darting around him, so that she could see the ship’s flag.

  “Is it the Red Jolly Roger?” she mumbled. Her heart stopped, and her mind whirled, as she fell against Ronald. “This can’t be happening!” She struggled to control her rapid breathing, as her world once again turned upside down.

  The setting sun glistened upon the man that stood ready to swing across and board the ship. It was a miracle, for she had no other explanation. Tears trickled down her face, and her knees became wobbly. She knew that she was about ready to collapse. The excitement had finally taken its toll on her. With the light of the sun glowing around him, he looked like a divine angel, instead of the marauding pirate that he was.

  “Rafe?” she whispered, before she succumbed to the darkness that was drawing near to her. And for the second time in her nearly twenty-one years, Miss Elizabeth Woodward fainted dead away.

  Chapter Ten

  Mallory could not believe the heart-wrenching scene that played out before him. She was alive and well! He stared belligerently at the man that had caught Elizabeth, and swung across to the ship. Jumping down onto the deck, he held his arms out for her.

  “Hand her over, old man,” he whispered, lacing his voice with just the right amount of danger. In his experience, people always bowed down to the tone of voice that he currently employed.

  “You, sir, may go straight to hell. Bess isn’t going anywhere.”

  Mallory was taken aback by the man’s nerve and impudence. Shots rang out around him, though Ethan seemed to be covering his hide rather well. He doubted that anyone on board this man’s ship would try to crack a shot at him anyhow. They’d be too afraid of hitting their captain.

  “Obviously, you did not hear what Elizabeth uttered before she collapsed. She knows me. She belongs to me. So be a good chap, and hand her over to me,” he encouraged, holding his arms out again. He didn’t want to hurt the foolish yet brave young man that stood in front of him, but he would bloody him black and blue, if that was what it took to get Elizabeth back in his arms.

  “You are a cut-throat of a pirate. And as the Captain of this ship, it is my duty to capture and detain you, sir.”

  “You and how many marines?” Mallory asked, scanning the deck. The man standing before him was ill prepared for a sea battle, and he was bloody lucky that he hadn’t met Antonio instead of him. “I’m afraid my good fellow, that we haven’t yet been introduced. If you don’t already know me, you soon will. I am Captain Rafe Morgan.” He watched with enjoyment as the man’s bravado wavered slightly.

  “And obviously you have not heard of me. I am Captain Ronald MacLeod.” Ronald stuck out his chin, and fearlessly challenged Mallory.

  “Captain MacLeod, you do not want to find yourself on my bad side.” His teeth were clenched now, and he yearned to gather Elizabeth into his arms.

  “I shall not give you, Bess,” Ronald said, causing Mallory to snort.

  “Look around you, Captain MacLeod. In your moment of distraction, my men have successfully secured your ship. You, sir, are at a supreme disadvantage.”

  Their disagreement was interrupted when a furious scream filled the air. If Mallory wasn’t mistaken, it sounded like it was some sort of a war cry, and the woman behind it was pissed off.

  Bellows and grunts of pain filled the air, as two of his men came speeding up the steps leading down to the cabins, as if they had a monster on their trail.

  One of his men screamed, “She’s a she witch, she’s mad…”

  “What in the blazes…” Mallory said, staring in open-mouthed astonishment at the enraged woman that had come running up the steps.

  “Lady Mary?” Mallory asked, dropping his arms to his side, and resting one hand on his cutlass.

  “Aye, one and the same,” she said, as a murderous glint entered her sky blue eyes. Mallory watched with a smile, as the maddened glint in her eyes faded to be replaced by stunned disbelief.

  “Your Grace?” Mary asked. Her jaw dropped down as her eyes scanned over him. “Good God Almighty, but you’re a bloody pirate!”

  “And a damn good one at that,” he answered, smiling brilliantly.

  “Your Grace?” Ronald asked incredulously, staring unbelievably between Mallory and Mary.

  “Why are you doing this, St. Martin?” Mary asked, falling into a more relaxed stance. “And just in case you’re interested,” she said, her blue eyes flashing onto Ronald. “Your son is down in the cabin with Sully.”

  “Thank God,” Ronald said.

  “And you, sir, you may tell your men that they deserved everything I gave them. To be sure, I have never seen such absolute disregard for a person’s personal space. Why, I wouldn’t even be up here had they not stormed into my locked cabin.”

  “I apologize, Mary,” Mallory said, bowing graciously. “I shall make certain that they are properly punished.”

  “Yes, indeed. You may take your men and get the hell off of my ship,” Ronald nearly shouted.

  Elizabeth still hung lifelessly in Ronald’s arms completely oblivious to the heated exchange that went on around her.

  “I will do just that when you hand over Elizabeth.”

  “You may stuff that, Captain Morgan, or St. Martin, or whoever the hell you are.”

  “You may call me Captain Morgan when I am on the High Seas, but when you see me in London Society, you’d best call me, Your Grace.” His voice held a pompous edge. He gained great satisfaction out of Captain MacLeod obvious discomfort.

  Captain MacLeod’s eyes seared Mallory, and Mallory simply smiled sweetly back at him. “Deliver Elizabeth into my hands right at this moment, or I shall grow tired of this bothersome game.”

  “I shall not!” MacLeod said, tightening his hold on Elizabeth.

  “You married a very inconvenient fellow, Mary.”

  “Ah, but I love him dearly, St. Martin.”

  “Well, come on then, hand her over.”

  Mallory turned his head at the sound of Mary’s surefooted approaching steps.

  He and MacLeod were both surprised by her next announcement.

  “Do it, Ronald.” Her voice was steady, and held a commanding tone that even Mallory couldn’t help but admire.

  “Mary, have you taken leave of your senses?” Ronald asked exasperated.

  “No, I have not lost my wits. At least, not yet. Pray, do as I said, Ronald, dear.”

  “You know that your every wish is my command, but I cannot in good conscience, hand my childhood friend over to a bloodthirsty pirate.”

  Mallory’s booming laughter echoed around them, as he reacted to MacLeod’s absurd comment. “Bloodthirsty, am I? What do you think of that, eh, Ethan?” he asked, when Ethan appeared seemingly out of thin air.

  “I think, Rafe, that this man is filled with shit,” Ethan scoffed, sneering at Ronald.

  Ronald stared over at Mary and Mallory could see the man searching her face for some sort of indication that she was in jest. Finding none, MacLeod sighed, and coughed. “Upon my word, I pray that I shall not regret this decision.”

  “Have I ever led you astray before, my lord?”

  “No, I suppose that you haven’t, my lady,” Ronald expelled a large gust of air. He gently transferred Elizabeth’s body to Mallory’s waiting arms. “If you harm her, and I find out, I shall make you rue the day that you were born.”

  “I would expect nothing else,” Mallory whispered, tenderly brushing a strand of h
air away from her forehead. He smiled gently at Mary, and then gave Ronald a stern look. “In fact, if you know what’s good for you, you’ll sail with me and my other ships. As soon as we arrive in British waters, we’ll change our flags. But for now, we remain pirates while on the High Seas.”

  “And why perchance, do you think that I will accept your invitation?” Ronald regarded Mallory steadily, and Mallory felt a welling of yet more self-fulfilled satisfaction. He darted his gaze toward Mary and watched her narrow her gaze at him.

  She knew enough of him to suspect that he was up to something. He could rock the boat some more by dropping the little tidbit concerning Mary’s past relationship with his brother.

  She had to be a few years older than dear old Ronald, but he knew that Ronald had suffered enough for one day. He did have a feather in his cap, if the overstuffed prig ever rubbed him the wrong way again.

  “Because if you do not accept my invitation, you might very well be sailing right into the clutches of a madman. I assume that you’ve heard tales of Captain Blood?”

  A hush fell over the crew, as everyone from the sailor mopping the deck to the ones climbing the rigging stopped in mid-motion.

  Ronald coughed indelicately and then cleared his throat. “Of course I have heard of Captain Blood.”

  “We shall sail with St. Martin, Ronald,” Mary said. “Thank you for inviting us, Your Grace.”

  “Splendid. I’ll just be taking my leave and setting for another course. I shall see you again will I not, Mary?” He stared at Mary and inwardly wished that her hot-headed husband would come to his senses. They wouldn’t stand a chance in hell of winning against Antonio.

  “Of course you shall, St. Martin. For I daresay that we shall see each other again once we reach London. After all, as long as we are sailing together, we’d be hard pressed to lose track of each other, wouldn’t we?”


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