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A Dragon's Clutch

Page 23

by Alica Mckenna Johnson

  * * *

  “Sapphire, can I come in?” Miu asked from the doorway. She had her hair in a high ponytail which she twisted around her fingers. Her skinny jeans and mint green blouse were missing her normal accessories. I couldn’t find a piece of lace, jewelry, hair bow, or sparkling anything. Even the laces on her black Keds were plain white and her lip-gloss clear.

  “Sure.” I tucked a sweater into my smaller suitcase and zipped it, then set it next to my backpack. I smiled softly trying to relax, trying to move forward like Philip wanted. Like I promised him I would try to do for our family. I could vent and rage to him and we would work it out, but our family needed to heal and move on. “There, I think that’s everything. What’s up?”

  Miu rushed at me wrapping her arms around my waist and bursting into tears. “Thank you for protecting Emiko. She’s my favorite cousin, I love her so much. And when I think of what she did, what we did to you, I can’t imagine why you would help her, but thank you so much.”

  I rubbed her back and breathed deeply trying to ground myself against Miu’s emotions. “You’re welcome.”

  “I would say more if I were allowed to,” she muttered against my shoulder.

  “I know, but those are the rules. No apologies, no blame.” I tried to squeeze her tighter. My arm throbbed at the movement making me hiss.

  “Let me heal you.” Miu stepped back and wiped her face. “I can at least make this right.”

  I let her move me to the bed. Once seated she took off my hoodie and pulled up the sleeve of my tee shirt. “This might sting.” She bit her lip as she removed the bandage. It pulled on the little hairs on my arm.

  “Taliesin and Sasha could use some healing too,” I said.

  “Yeah, I saw them, but Philip made me promise to wait.” Miu’s hands began to warm as she pulled in Phoenix power. The energy of her healing gift flowed into me. The heat relaxed my muscles, even as the wounds began to itch and tingle as they healed. “It’s going to scar.”

  I looked at the five-star burst scars, pink against my copper skin and set in an uneven pattern. “That’s okay. I mean how many people can truthfully say they were in a fight with a dragon? At least I have a good story.”

  Miu sighed and traced the scars. “Maybe if I had healed them yesterday.”

  “The rule is we move forward,” Philip said from the doorway. “Sapphire, I don’t want you to bring your laptop. No hiding in homework for the next few days.”

  My hands twitched and I bit my tongue to keep from arguing. I knew this was for the best but it wasn’t fair to take everything away. I mean, sure, I was willing to try and make things right, but shouldn’t I get to hide if it gets to be too much?

  “Hey,” Philip said walking into the room. “Okay, that upset you. Talk to me.”

  “I’m just … I’m an introvert. Even when things are good, I ....” I waved my arms about trying to find the right word.

  “Hide,” Miu said. “Sapphire listens to music, reads, does homework, or naps when she needs a break from everyone.”

  Philip nodded. “Okay, I can respect that. So how about you bring your tablet so you can read, and I assume you have music on your phone.”

  “Yes, thank you, I can do that.”

  “I want to help, not make things worse. So speak up if I suggest something that you don’t like. We’ll work it out, okay?”

  “Okay, thanks.”

  “No problem. Now hurry. I have two boys to torment on the train.” Philip’s grin was infectious, I had to smile back.

  “Why are you messing with them if you gave them permission to go out last night?” I asked picking up my bags.

  Philip wagged his finger. “No, I gave them permission to go blow off some steam. That could have meant many things.”

  “Philip,” I said rolling my eyes. “You knew what they were going to do.”

  “I had a guess. But like I said, they could have chosen many things. And when I’m done they will regret having chosen this one.” Philip grinned, a happy evil quirk of his mouth that I hoped was never directed at me.

  “Should we feel bad for the boys?” Miu asked.

  “We can,” I said. “But we can also enjoy the show.”

  “I think I’ll keep my camera handy.” Miu smiled at me, it didn’t take any of the sadness from her eyes.

  “Sounds like a good plan.” I smiled bigger than was called for. Being so aware of what other people felt killed my self-righteous feelings of anger and pity. So now I feel angry that I can’t feel angry? Sapphire, really could you make this any more difficult? “Come on, let’s join the others.”

  “Good morning, Sapphire,” Hiroshi said from the far corner of the front porch. His normal smile was missing as he looked his sister over.

  “Good morning. Are you coming with us?” I asked walking over to him.

  “Yes. After finding out about the fox demon and everything that had happened, my parents let me off grounding and insisted I come to keep an eye on Miu.” Hiroshi’s emotions were tucked well behind a mask of calm.

  “I’m glad you’re coming with us.”

  “You couldn’t tell my sister and cousin were in trouble? How is that possible?” Hiroshi asked.

  “I wasn’t able to feel the fox demon,” I said icy guilt settling in the pit of my stomach. “I don’t know if it was part of her magic, or because she hid in Emiko, or maybe she is an Earth being instead of Akashic.”

  “I thought Miu was safe with you,” he said his voice hoarse.

  I frowned. “Why? You’ve drawn pictures of the dangers we’ve faced.”

  “But you always save the day.”

  The pedestal Hiroshi had put me on crumbled under my feet. “This isn’t a comic book. I fail all the time. A year ago I was another unwanted child in the San Francisco foster care system. I am so far from perfect, or heroic, and I have never saved the day. Superman saves the day. I do the best I can and try to not fuck up.”

  Hiroshi looked at the ground, his emotion swirling around him.

  I walked over to where Philip stood by the cabs.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  “Sure,” I said.

  The cab ride over had been quiet. Taliesin and Sasha had timed things carefully, so they slid into the back of the van next to Shin and Kayin. Philip merely grinned and got into the passenger seat.

  The dragons waited on the platform for us. Mizuchi appeared calm in his brown cotton kimono, his black hair in a neat topknot. Zennyo Ryūō waved, the sleeve of his blue green kimono fluttering under his hand which held his camera. His silver topknot in such contrast to his youthful face.

  I stopped walking for a second as Kiyohime turned and smiled at us. Wait, it was her, right? It looked like her. Chignon of blue tinged white hair. Indigo blue cotton kimono. Posture perfectly straight. Power that let you know that you are alive because she chose not to kill you. Yep, Kiyohime. So where had that smug smile come from?

  “Good morning,” I said bowing my head.

  “It is a fine morning,” Kiyohime said.

  “I take it your hunt was successful?” Philip asked.

  Hunt? Oh, the fox demon. We all perked up.

  “Most satisfying.” Kiyohime bowed her head slightly.

  “Thank you for taking care of her,” Philip said. “I’m sure we'll all sleep better knowing she isn’t a problem anymore.”

  Miu wiped at her eyes and began to text. “I’m telling Emiko. You text Mom and Dad.”

  “Okay,” Hiroshi, smiled as he typed.

  Taliesin smiled, reopening the cut on his lip.

  Zennyo Ryūō took a picture—the click of the camera making me jump. “Come on, let’s get on the train. It’s been decades since I’ve been on one.”

  Philip made sure he sat between Sasha and Taliesin. The rest of us arranged ourselves so we could watch what happened next. Well, except for Kiyohime who sat by herself reading.

  “So,” said Philip loud enough Sasha and Taliesin flinched and held their
heads. “This one time at circus camp …” For the next hour we only stopped laughing in order to hear the next part of the story. The dragons also shared their own stories, Kiyohime chiming in to keep them a bit closer to the truth then a fairy tale.

  Sasha and Taliesin flinched as our laughter echoed in the train car. The rocking motion of the train soothed me, but the boys seemed a bit green. They sipped water and electrolyte drinks. Once they looked to be feeling a little better, Philip rummaged around his backpack before pulling out a snack.

  This isn’t special or unique, we all carry snacks with us, and yet everyone froze. Taliesin’s eye got wide, and he pressed himself against the wall away from Philip. Sasha clenched his teeth, the muscles in his jaw tightening.

  “Anybody want some?” Philip asked as he tore open the package and the worst smell came out of it.

  “What is that?” I gasped. It smelled like old fish and smoke and something I didn’t want to identify. I put my hand over my mouth and nose.

  “It’s smoked squid jerky,” Philip said tearing off a piece and eating it. He held the bag out, seeming to ignore the grey-green color Sasha and Taliesin had turned. “Want some?”

  I shook my head, the crystal on my bracelet sparkled with happy violet, which matched the gleefulness I felt coming from Philip. Sparks of dark red appeared as Sasha started cursing in Russian. Oh, I hope Philip doesn’t understand that bit about his mother and a goat.

  Philip smiled and took another bite.

  Sasha glared. Took a deep breath and sat straighter, his ballet dancer persona masking his discomfort. “Philip, it appears you are unhappy with our choice to drink last night. Taliesin and I will make better choices in the future. I am sorry.”

  Taliesin frowned then his aching brain figured out what was happening. “Yes, whatever to make this stop. I swear it. Put the grossness away.”

  “Excellent, that’s exactly what I wanted to hear.” Philip guzzled some water. “Man that stuff is vile.”

  “You are an ass,” Sasha said.

  “And don’t forget it. Miu, you can heal them now.” Philip stood and switched seats with her.

  Miu reached for Taliesin. “No,” he said. “Sasha first. He only did this to help me.”

  Sasha laughed. “Yes, because this is my first hangover.”

  Philip cleared his throat and arched an eyebrow.

  “It’s my last apparently, but not my first.” Sasha frowned but stilled when Miu placed her hands on his head sighing with relief as she eased his pain. His bruises faded and his golden skin glowed with health. “Thank you.”

  “Your turn,” Miu said. Taliesin closed his eyes. The purple bruises and cuts healed, leaving snow white skin behind. The tension he’d carried in his shoulders eased.

  “Thank you, Miu.” Taliesin said.

  Miu pounced, hugging him tight. Taliesin wrapped his arms around her, tightening them when she started to cry.

  I turned away wanting to give them some privacy.

  “You are all so resilient,” Zennyo Ryūō said with a smile. “The fox demon hurt you, but you will heal and be stronger than ever.”

  “How can you tell?” I asked. “Can you see the future?”

  “No, young one, but I can see you and your family. Strength, courage, compassion, love—these flow through all of you. Bonding you all together. Creating the foundation for your family.” Zennyo Ryūō patted my hand. “Trust me, I know these things.”

  I smiled back at the dragon. “Of course I trust you.”

  “And that is the first trap,” Mizuchi said.

  “What?” I asked. I would be alarmed, but I felt Mizuchi’s playfulness.

  “First, our sweet little Zennyo Ryūō earns your trust, and then he talks you into his home. Before you know it you belong to him.”

  “Just because I can’t keep her doesn’t mean I can’t be charming,” Zennyo Ryūō said.

  “Staying with you,” I said soft enough the others couldn’t hear me. “It’s a very tempting offer.”

  Zennyo Ryūō grinned, his whole face lighting up. “Oh, you are a jewel. You would have been one of my most treasured people. I would have had your portrait painted so I could look upon you and remember you always.”

  “You already have my picture.” I pointed to his camera.

  He waved his hand as if shooing away my words. “It’s not the same thing. There is an energy and life in a portrait that film doesn’t contain.”

  Telling me about the first painter he’d collected led to Zennyo Ryūō telling me about many of the different people he’d collected. Hiroshi scooted closer to better hear the dragon’s stories. His sketch pad open and he drew, as Zennyo Ryūō spoke of the loves of his life.

  I looked around at the others. Sasha and Taliesin leaned against each other napping. Miu, Shin and Kayin were smiling and talking. And Philip listened to Mizuchi like he was about to share the secrets of the universe. There was still an undercurrent of guilt and sorrow, but the happiness felt greater.

  * * *

  “Oh my God,” Philip shouted, his mouth curling into a smile and his blue eyes sparkling. “I now know why Gavin is a nervous wreck. Go, up the mountain with you. I’ll meet you there. Maybe.”

  “But Philip, you love us,” Shin said grasping his arm and batting his dark eyes at him.

  “Let me love you from afar. Be gone, shoo,” Philip waved, shooing us away.

  “Race you,” Sasha yelled and started running up the paved path.

  “Cheater,” Miu yelled running after him.

  Hiroshi looked around as if not sure what to do then ran after his sister. The instincts of a younger sibling taking over.

  I laughed as Shin and Kayin followed, not trying to win, yet. They were both mellow and would run fast enough to keep the others in sight, saving their energy to push to the end when everyone else had tired out.

  “What are you still doing here?” Philip asked then pushed my shoulder. “Go, be gone, vamoose, skedaddle.”

  Rolling my eyes, I started to jog. “See you guys later.”

  Zennyo Ryūō and Mizuchi waved to me.

  Kiyohime arched an eyebrow. “Don’t forget your unicorn.”

  Taliesin walked behind the dragons. “I’m going. I’m sure you have important grown-up things to talk about.”

  “Yes, they’ll tell me ancient secrets of how to deal with teenagers,” Philip said.

  “I didn’t think we were that bad,” I said once Taliesin had caught up.

  “No worse than normal. We were on a train for over four hours and couldn’t walk around. What does he expect?” Taliesin said his voice harsh with bitterness. I guess he hadn’t forgiven Philip for teasing him while hungover.

  “He was just giving us crap. He’s not really upset. Come on, you’ll feel better after we run.” I adjusted my backpack, grateful we’d left our bags in a hotel near the train station. I was pretty sure Philip would have made us run with our suitcases if we had them.

  Taliesin grunted then took a deep breath of the crisp mountain air.

  Leaves had started to bud on the pale grey branches. The sky was a bright blue with fluffy white clouds, and the scent of rich soil had a touch of sweetness to it from the few early wildflowers and the fruit trees blooming. The energy of the forest sparkled around me. I let it flow into me then began to jog a little faster.

  “Sapphire,” Taliesin said as we ran over a wooden bridge, a stream bubbling over rocks underneath our feet. “I’m sorry ...”

  “No, no apologies.” I shook my head, my hair swaying and hitting my chin. I brushed it off my face.

  “For last night. I was going to say that I’m sorry for last night and waking you up.”

  “Oh, it’s fine. You were kind of adorable drunk.” I grinned at him. His cheeks flushed pink and his long white braid swayed against his back with his movements.

  “Well I hope you enjoyed it, because it won’t happen again. Not with the way Philip was acting.”

  “But watching
him torment you and Sasha was fun,” I said laughing. “Actually I think it helped break the ice this morning. Breakfast was a time bomb of anxiety until you two showed up.”

  Taliesin grunted.

  Did he remember everything that had happened? Did he still want me to do the routine with him? Or had he changed his mind? Maybe he realized I was right? Okay, Sapphire, chill out. Stop stressing, enjoy the forest.

  “So, did you mean what you said last night?” Taliesin asked.

  “Yes.” I assumed he meant the silks routine. I hoped he meant the silks routine.

  “So you’ll do the routine with me?”

  “I would love to. If you’re sure you want me to. I still think you could find someone better.”

  Taliesin stopped running. I turned around. His sky blue eyes looked into mine and I couldn’t turn away. His chest rose with each deep breath. “Sapphire, I don’t want anyone else. I want you.”

  “Oh,” I said my face heating up. It must be from the running.

  Taliesin rolled his eyes and smiled. “Yes, ‘oh’.” He leaned in and kissed my cheek then started running again.

  “Oh.” I touched my cheek then bit my lip. Well this changes things.

  “Come on,” he called.

  I ran to catch up then matched his pace. “So tell me about this piece you’ve created.”

  Grinning, Taliesin described his vision of love at first sight.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “So who won?” I asked stopping at the foot of the stone stairs leading to the temple. Wooden red lamp posts lined the stairs, and beyond that were tall trees. The dark green needles from the pine trees were a welcome change from the gray branches tipped with spring buds.

  “Kayin,” said Sasha. “But I think Shin would have won if he didn’t enjoy watching his boyfriend so much.”

  Shin grinned, wrapping an arm around Kayin’s waist. “A man’s gotta have priorities.” His stomach growled. “And now it’s snack time.”

  “We can sit over there.” Miu pointed to a patch of grass off to the side. “So we won’t be in the way of the few people visiting the temple.”


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