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Conquered Match

Page 2

by Lynne Silver

  She visibly swallowed. “I’m surprised you invested money in the fancy toys.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve seen you and the guys train, Ryan. You can take down an enemy in seconds and have him restrained with nothing more than the lint in your pocket. I would have thought you’d be more creative when it came to restraining your helpless little wife.”

  Holy shit, was she implying… “You wanted me to dominate you?”

  Her mouth curled into the wickedest smile he’d ever seen. “I’d watch you train and race home the second it ended, hoping to catch you before you showered. I hoped your adrenaline was still revved.”

  He needed to sit.

  “But you never did. You gave me polite kisses and went to shower, and then you waited until dark to make safe love to me. Don’t get me wrong. It was hot. Hot, but safe.”

  Who was this woman on the bed? How had he gotten it so wrong?

  “Now that you finally have me here? What are you going to do?” She arched off the bed as much as the restraints allowed.

  “I’m going to pleasure you without letting you come, an hour for every article that resulted from your indiscretion. Last search had seventy legitimate news articles. You’re lucky I’m not counting Twitter mentions. You wouldn’t come until you turn forty.”

  “Go for it. Do you worst.”

  Chapter Two

  She took a deep breath and forced her eyes to stay open, watching her husband’s every move. The pillows against her back kept her at an awkward angle, but the discomfort was easily ignored. Her fear had morphed into something more. Something…seductive.

  When Ryan had bound her wrists, every nerve ending in her body woke up, both terrified and exhilarated that he was, at last, going to be the man she wanted. The man she’d only seen fully the day she’d agreed to marry him.

  He was correct, she had toyed with him for a year, wondering how long it would take for him to get fed up waiting for her to acquiesce and take what he wanted. One year, as it turned out. She shivered, remembering the day he’d charged into her lab, wrapped an arm around her shoulders and physically guided her out to his car, where he’d driven them to a county government office to get married. “Shut up and just say yes,” he’d ordered. And she had.

  After the brief official ceremony, he’d taken her back to the car then taken her in the backseat. It was a side of him she’d wanted to see, but one he tried to keep contained. She didn’t know why. She loved when he got macho and aggressive with her. It was a side he showed other soldiers, but never her, except that once. And right now.

  “Stay with me, Thea.” He towered over her, staring down at her nude body on the bed. He kneeled next to her and lowered his lips to the expanse of skin between the curves of her breasts and the base of her neck. She squirmed from the ticklish sensation then started squirming as the tickling morphed into tingles that shot straight to her breasts.

  Ryan’s tongue moved lower to circle her nipples. The wet heat made her moan, and then when his hot mouth moved to the other nipple, the air-conditioning of the house felt cold on her tender bud. She thrashed against the mattress slightly and Ryan pulled away.

  “Uncomfortable already, hon? I’ve barely gotten started.”

  She didn’t respond and gave him a narrowed-eye stare. He was pretending to be unaffected, but she could see the sheen of sweat on his forehead, not to mention the huge bulge in his pants. She wanted that. Now.

  But according to him, her punishment was to keep her on edge. She wouldn’t be getting his cock anytime soon.

  Ryan caught the direction of her stare and smiled evilly. “Want a piece of me, do you?”

  She nodded. No point in trying to hide it. Unless he was going to prolong her torture, the more she begged. “Or you could go back to my nipples. Either way.” She shrugged, as though indifferent to whatever he wanted. Her nipples, his penis, it was all good. If she were being really honest with herself, she wanted his pants off and his erection buried deep inside. But she refused to break first.

  Everything Ryan did to her reverberated right back to him. He loved touching her breasts as much as she loved him touching them. He probably wanted to be buried in her as much as she wanted it.

  Or maybe not, since she never expected what he did next. Ryan turned his back to her and untied his boots, tossing them into the corner. She hadn’t noticed he still had them on. She’d been so distracted earlier when he’d dragged her home, she hadn’t reminded him to leave his shoes in the front hall, as she always did.

  With his boots off, he stood and tugged his shorts down, leaving him in the athletic boxer briefs she bought for him, because there was nothing sexier than his rather large package wrapped snugly in the sleek black fabric. The material could barely contain him, it almost looked painful. He reached a hand between the elastic waistband and his skin and adjusted his erection to point up, ensuring she got a nice glimpse of his shaft.

  The muscles between her thighs clenched with desire. “What are you doing?” she asked as the mattress depressed at her right side as it took Ryan’s weight. He sat back on his knees and started to stroke himself.

  “I’m taking the edge off,” he said. “I won’t get very far with you if all I can think about is fucking you.”

  A needy noise escaped the back of her throat. Ryan never used words like that around her. He’d said it was the result of too many hand-to-back-of-head slaps from his mother. She’d taught him respect for women, and most of the time, Thea loved how darn polite he was, but hearing the F-word come crudely out of his mouth was hot. Especially knowing that she’d driven him to lowering his rules.

  His hand moved faster up and down his thick shaft and the muscles in his forearm flexed with each stroke. She wanted it to be her hand on his cock, but she kept her eyes wide and her pupils locked on the sight she’d never seen before. Again, one of Ryan’s rules for respecting his wife. No jerking off in front of her.

  She’d thought when they first married he didn’t do it anymore since they were having daily sex, but three months into the marriage, she’d accidently walked into the bathroom to see him doing the deed. He’d been embarrassed so she’d stepped out, never mentioning how hot she’d thought it. Now she could see she’d done the wrong thing. She should have stayed in the bathroom and watched, maybe even fingering herself to show him how okay she was with masturbating.

  Her momma didn’t raise any fools. Ryan was giving her a second opportunity. She turned her head and moaned, while trying to touch him with any part of her body. Her mouth would be best.

  He halted his strokes and looked at her. “You want this?” She nodded frantically. He blinked and froze for a second and then walked on his knees up the mattress to straddle her neck, angling his cock to feed it into her mouth.

  Heaven. His cock had gone to heaven and he might die from the pleasure. Her wet mouth suckled him tighter until his balls drew up and he knew this would be over soon. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the pleasure. He was using his wife like he’d never used her before. Fucking her mouth, not really caring whether she got off. In fact, the entire point was that she not get off.

  A muffled sound had him opening his eyes and looking down to make sure she was okay, that he wasn’t suffocating her. Her eyes were closed and she looked fine. Better than fine. Damn, it was the hottest thing he’d ever seen. From his viewpoint, he couldn’t see any of her nude body, only her bound arms, but knowing she was naked and tied to the bed had him picking up his pace and holding his breath against the blinding pleasure.

  When her teeth scraped his shaft only to be replaced by her tongue, he fisted the base and stroked once, then twice, then game over. He shot deep down her throat, not worried about whether she’d wanted to swallow it or not. Thea wasn’t squeamish about stuff like that. And if he was going to truly dominate her, he needed to own his instincts, and his instincts screamed for him to take his pleasure then concentrate on hers.

  As soon as he�
�d finished, he shifted off her to stand next to the bed. They stared into each other’s eyes, each taking gulps of air. “Need water?”

  She nodded. He left for the kitchen and returned with a sweating, icy-cold bottle of water. He unscrewed the cap and knelt to lower it carefully to her mouth. He only let her have a little. He didn’t want this game to end too quickly if he had to untie her to use the toilet.

  But, since he had all the cold water… He grinned down at the bottle in his hand then smirked at Thea. Her eyes widened, almost as if she knew what he planned. A yelp turned into a squeal escaped her as he drizzled a tiny bit onto each of her nipples then spilled a little into her navel.

  He leaned down to slurp it out, trying not to remember that a few weeks ago her belly had started to show swollen signs of the baby inside. Now her abdominals were as flat and taut as ever.

  Before he could let the sadness overwhelm him, he stood and stretched. “I’m gonna go rinse off.” He turned toward the bathroom before turning back to laugh at her shocked expression. “Oh, did you think I forgot about you? Don’t worry, I have something for you.” He returned to his box of sex toys and pulled out a vibrator shaped like a silver wand. He turned the setting to the lowest, glad he’d planned ahead and put batteries in. Then he placed the tip against Thea’s clit, just enough so she’d feel it, but not enough to make her come. “Be back in a few.” He slammed the bathroom door on her shriek of annoyance.

  He should have done something like this years ago. Thea was spitting mad, and he couldn’t wait to gentle her. He figured five minutes with the vibrator would get her ready for what was coming next.

  * * * * *

  “Nipple clamps,” she said, sucking back a curse of fear mixed with curiosity. Ryan had once joked around about piercing her nipples but she hadn’t taken him seriously. Perhaps she should have noted his reaction better.

  He nodded and gently screwed the silver ring with a bead on her engorged nipple. When she gasped, he paused. “Too tight?”

  She shook her head.

  “That’s a good girl, breathe through the pain.”

  She was breathing all right, but it wasn’t because of the pain. When the ring clamped on to her nipple, a heat of sensations flew down her belly straight into her pussy. The pussy that no longer had a vibrator at it. When Ryan had been in the bathroom, she’d scooched her butt down, trying to gain more leverage with it, but it had tipped to the side, sending annoying vibrations down her left inner thigh. She hoped Ryan noticed it soon and put it back where she wanted it.

  But he was too busy fastening the other nipple ring on to see that her hips were flexing, desperate for some relief. When both rings were in place, Ryan hovered to plant a gentle kiss on each breast, then sucked a nipple deeper into his mouth, tugging until the pleasure bordered on pain.

  “Ryan,” she cried, throwing her head back into the pillow.

  “Quiet, or I’ll gag you,” he said.

  She didn’t doubt it. This Ryan was not the husband she’d known for four years. He was someone darker, sexier. She loved it. Not that she didn’t love her normal Ryan, but she could totally handle this Ryan coming out to play every so often. She hoped she didn’t have to resort to drastic measures in order to make it happen again.

  She compressed her lips and stared at him with wide eyes. She wanted to be fully present for whatever he did to her body next. Ryan scooted down the bed to kneel level with her knees.

  ”Tsk.” He shook his head, looking down at where the vibrator now annoyed her thigh, far from where she wanted it. “You were greedy, weren’t you, Thea?”

  She nodded slightly, not sure whether he liked that she’d been greedy, or was upset with her for disobeying.

  “I kind of want to spank you for disobeying, but you look so gorgeous all tied up for pleasure. I think I’ll save your punishment for later.”

  His face came within inches of hers. His harsh whisper was a kiss on her lips. “Do you like that, Thea? Does the anticipation of a spanking get you going?”

  This time she bobbed her head vigorously. It was the right answer. The smile on Ryan’s face was pure sexual deviltry.

  “I can see I’ll have to hold it in place,” he said and moved into position, grabbing the vibrator and putting it in direct contact with her clit. Tremors shot up through her as her entire brain filled with two thoughts, two places. Her nipples and her vagina. Okay, technically three places, but Thea wasn’t counting mathematically right now.

  Despite her legs being tied to opposite corners, she used the few inches of give she had to lift her knees and spread her thighs wider. She needed more. Ryan was careful to hold the vibrator with the lightest touch to her skin. And seriously, what setting did he have it on? Negative one?

  “Ryan,” she pleaded.

  “Need more?” he asked.

  “Yes, more,” she said, not caring that desperation laced every word.

  He pushed the buzzing device harder against her, exactly where she needed it. “I’ll give you a little more,” he said.

  The pleasure was building. She could be close. It wouldn’t take much more, but then he pulled back, almost to the point the vibrator wasn’t touching her anymore.


  “Sorry. I’m not sure you deserve your orgasm yet. What do you think? Have you been a good girl?”

  Umm. She wasn’t sure how to answer. If he meant had she been a good girl who deserved an orgasm for letting her husband truss her up? Then yes. She was a good girl. But what if he was looking for a bad girl? A bad girl who’d done something so wrong, she could barely think about it without having to swallow back tears. Luckily, Ryan answered, saving her the wrong guess.

  But first he turned the vibrator off and tossed it on the bed in the wide space between her ankles. She could almost imagine the vibrations against her clit.

  “You’ve been bad, Thea.” There was no trace of a teasing smile on Ryan’s handsome face. “Seriously, why would you go to the press?”

  “You know why.”

  He pursed his lips and looked away for a minute. “I could make a guess, but I want to hear it from you. I’m learning today that I’ve been wrong about a lot of things by making assumptions based on false data.”

  He knew exactly how to tug at her heartstrings. As a scientist and lab researcher, words like assumptions and false data were her language.

  “Tell me, and maybe I’ll reward you with an orgasm,” he said.

  She’d tell him, but not because of the much-desired orgasm. She’d tell him because he deserved to know. Because he was her husband and hadn’t deserved her betrayal. She hadn’t meant it to be a personal attack on him, but on the organization he served. Oh, who was she kidding? She’d wanted to hurt Ryan. A tiny irrational part of her blamed him for the miscarriage. If he weren’t a genetically enhanced soldier…if he weren’t a member of the Program. If, if, if. It wasn’t a pretty side of her, but there it was.

  “I was…angry,” she finally said, feeling a bit ridiculous having this discussion naked and tied up. She wished she could sit up. But then Ryan ran a large, calloused hand down her thigh to her calf. It was comforting and tantalizing all at once. She settled back into the mattress. “After I lost the baby, I was grieving. But when Doctor Wise told me my body would never carry an enhanced baby to term, or any baby, I kind of lost it.”

  He compressed his lips and his dark eyes were like two lasers boring into her. It was the same kind of non-emotion he’d displayed when she’d miscarried. She’d taken it for indifference, but now she wondered. He’d held her all night as she’d cried and mourned for their lost child. He’d remained so stoic, she’d assumed he was holding her because he loved her, not for any emotional attachment to a barely developed fetus. Or for the lost possibility of ever making a baby together.

  His hand kept running up and down her thigh, now closer to her inner thigh than outer. She swallowed over the lump in her throat and blinked back tears. Didn’t work. Her husband’s handsome f
ace blurred.

  “I was angry at everyone, but mostly this stupid place. I blamed the Program for losing the baby. If they didn’t demand a perfect enhanced future soldier, maybe I would’ve been able to carry the baby to term.” She released a cross between a sob and a laugh. “Stupid, I know. Doctor Wise told me it wasn’t the Program’s fault and I should be grateful they’d let me stay on even though I couldn’t breed.”

  For a brief second, Ryan gripped her thigh hard enough to leave five oval bruises. “I’ll kill her,” he said softly. His heated words faded the ugly bruise on her heart that still blamed him.

  “I wanted to also, but then I thought of a better way. And that’s when I came up with the idea of going to the press. Doctor Wise is so darn proud of this place. I wanted to hurt her.”

  Ryan stretched his large body out next to hers. His warmth heated every cold place inside that never thought it would be warm again. “You should have come to me. You still should never have gone public. I would’ve protected you.”

  She turned her head so they lay nose-to-nose. “I wasn’t thinking rationally.” Understatement of the year.

  He didn’t respond. They lay inches apart with their bodies side by side in silence.

  “Now what?” she finally asked.

  He leaned an elbow into the mattress and propped his head up. “We finish this. And maybe by the end, you’ll remember we’re a team. You’ll know to always come to me.” He shifted, crossing an arm over her chest and kneeled to hover over her. “You’ll understand that you’re mine.”

  He nipped at her lips with his teeth then stood off the bed and undid the restraints at her ankles. He followed up by loosening the tension at her wrists enough to allow her to roll onto her belly. Her arms crossed at the elbows and her face buried into her forearms, essentially blinding her. It wasn’t the most comfortable position she’d ever been in, but she could manage. Especially because her backside was totally exposed and she was feeling vulnerable.


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