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Wild Ride [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 11] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 5

by Jane Jamison

  He gave her a look that was filled with passion pushing at the brink of his control. “I’m going to be very truthful. If anyone could talk me into giving back this gun, it’d be you.” His eyes, the amber in them growing, took in her chest then jumped back to her face. “You are the hottest woman I’ve ever seen.”

  “You want me.”

  “I think you know the answer to that question.”

  She smiled, letting her inner seductress come out even more. “It wasn’t a question.”

  Nolan clearing his throat caught their attention, but neither one of them turned to look at him. “If you two want to be alone, just say the word. I’ll hobble to my room and get out of your way.”

  I’d rather you stay here with us.

  She hadn’t had that kind of thought for any man, much less two at once, until meeting the Sawyer men. Did virgins have those kinds of thoughts? Then again, wasn’t she past due? It was embarrassing to still be a virgin at her age, but there it was.

  Declain and Nolan Sawyer made her want to change that right away.

  Declain inhaled and closed his eyes.

  He’s drawing in my scent.

  She did the same. At least being half-werewolf allowed her to do that much. Declain’s aroma held the same wild undertone that all werewolves had. On top of that, however, was an extra layer that was spicy and musky, all at the same time. She took a deep breath and committed it to memory.

  She lifted a hand to touch him again, but he stepped back. Something inside her broke apart, as though he’d taken a piece of her very soul.

  “Zoey, you can take the room on the right at the end of the upstairs hall. It has its own bathroom, and you’ll find all you need, towel, toiletries, and the like. If you need anything else, you just let me know.”

  I need you.

  Her gaze slanted to Nolan, who leaned against the wall, his attention locked on them.

  Both of you.

  Holy shit.

  “Fine. But I’m still going to want my gun back.” She held her head high.

  Declain laughed and shook his head. “Not a chance in hell, lady. We wouldn’t want any more accidents.”

  She harrumphed, snatched up her backpack that she’d left by the door, then headed to the stairs, hiding her growing excitement. Having two men was a hell of a lot better than having a gun.

  * * * *

  Nolan came to stand beside Declain. Together they watched Zoey march up the stairs to the second story. She looked down at them once she’d gotten to the top, a curious expression on her face, then strode down the hall and out of sight.

  “Is she something or what?”

  Nolan agreed with Declain’s assessment of their new houseguest. “You can say that again. In fact, I think you already have. Thing is, I’m not exactly sure what that something is.”

  “It means she’s hotter than hell, that’s what.” Declain slapped him on the shoulder and sauntered into the kitchen. He pulled two beers from the fridge and handed one to Nolan. “You want this or some pain meds?”

  “Both. The beer’s already late in chasing the pain meds I took.” He’d already grabbed a couple of anti-inflammatory meds before the scene between his cousin and Zoey had started. He’d never felt so much like a third wheel.

  “Be careful doing that, man. You’re only human after all.”

  “I’ll be fine.” It was their typical way of telling each other to back off. “Now back to her. What the hell was that, anyway? What’s with inviting her to spend the night?”

  Declain dragged back a swig. “What? You would’ve let her sleep on the ground tonight?”

  No way.

  “She’s a werewolf, right? She would’ve been fine out by herself. In either human or wolf form.”

  “She’s half. Which means she’s not as strong as a full werewolf. And anyway, I want her here.” Declain tilted his head. “Are you saying you don’t?”

  Nolan shrugged. “If that’s what you want, then it’s no problem. But you’re not buying her story about going to Oklahoma, are you?”

  “Nope. She’s not going to say why she came here. Not yet anyway, so why push it? I’m just glad she did.” Declain cleared his throat. “Even if it meant putting a hole in you.”

  “You want her. That was clear as hell.”

  “Like any red-blooded male would. Don’t try to deny that you wouldn’t mind getting between her legs.”

  “Are you planning on visiting her bed later, Declain?”

  Nolan had expected his cousin to say yes, but he hadn’t expected to see the intensity of his yearning in his eyes. “Maybe. We had a thing together. I don’t know how or why, much less how it could happen so fast, but I felt a—”

  “A connection between you two?”

  The wonder on Declain’s face was unmistakable. Nolan had his answer before Declain ever opened his mouth.

  “Yeah. I never really believed all that shit I’ve heard. But now? Now I’m not so sure.”

  The declaration hit Nolan in his gut and overshadowed the aching in his leg. “Yeah, you are. You’re sure. I can see it all over your face.”

  Declain’s grin made the pain twisting his stomach in knots even worse. “Yeah. Amazing as it seems, I am. She’s the one, man. I can feel it.”

  Nolan covered his disappointment by taking a long drink. He’d expected this day to come, but that didn’t mean he liked it any less. But he’d never stand in the way of his cousin’s happiness. “Then go for it. Take her and claim her. I’m happy for you.”

  The expression of joy on Declain’s face vanished. “Naw, man. That’s not how we planned it. We’re supposed to share a mate, even if she’s a werewolf. We’ve talked about this.”

  “We did. But we both knew that whoever it turned out to be might not fall for the both of us. We knew I wouldn’t have that connection thing to help out. Hell, until a few minutes ago, we weren’t sure you’d have it.”

  “Are you saying you don’t think she’s the one for you?”

  Nolan took another drink, buying time to find the right words. “Naw. Not like you do anyway.” He knew humans could get the connection, too, but there was never any assurance that two men who wanted to share one woman would feel the same for that woman. Or her for them.

  Besides, he wasn’t sure he wanted a woman who was part shifter. How much would they have in common, anyway? He wouldn’t be able to run at night with her. He wouldn’t be able to shift and roughhouse the way shifters played together. And he sure as hell wouldn’t be able to fuck her in her wolf form. Declain, however, could do all those things.

  Declain edged closer, his focus driving into Nolan. That wasn’t new. Declain had often done that to him, but there was more urgency to it this time. “Come on. You didn’t feel anything?”

  He couldn’t lie to his cousin. He never could and didn’t want to start now. At the same time, he didn’t want to stand in his way either. “She’s a good-looking girl for sure and it’s obvious you two have that werewolf thing going on. But I get the impression that she’s not real fond of humans. At least not this one.” He downed the rest of his beer and hoped the booze and the pain meds would kick in sooner than later. “I wouldn’t have a chance with her.”

  “You don’t know that.” At Nolan’s silence, Declain fell back on an old argument. “I hate to say it again, but—”

  “Then don’t.” How many times had they had this discussion? He didn’t want to become a shifter. He liked being a human. One werewolf in the house was enough. One that would soon take a female werewolf, albeit a half-werewolf, as his mate. As a human, he wouldn’t fit in with that kind of family.

  “Join the club, Nolan. If you were a werewolf today, you would’ve sensed what she was and that she didn’t need any help. Plus, you’d already be healing right now.” He glanced toward the top of the stairs. “Until we settle this, I’ll stay away from her.”

  “Okay, I admit it. Being a werewolf has its advantages. As for me? I’m sticking with the huma
ns of the world. There’s too few of us in Forever as it is.” He chuckled, noted the lack of humor in the sound, and thumped a fist to his chest in mock salute. “I have to represent, man.”

  * * * *

  Hours later, Nolan found himself lying in his bed, staring at the walls and wondering what he’d do if—hell, when—Declain and Zoey hooked up. Declain and he had never discussed the possibility that Declain’s intended mate might not want Nolan. Though they should have. Declain’s mate had to be either werewolf or human. Yet, secretly, Nolan had hoped that she’d be human and would want to stay that way. She could’ve mated with Declain without turning and he wouldn’t have felt like an outsider in his own home.

  “I’m a selfish son of a bitch.” Nolan hated that he wanted their mate to be human and remain one.

  Unless that woman was like Zoey.

  Zoey wasn’t anything he’d expected. As though reminding him of where he stood in the whole threesome possibility, the wound in his leg sent out a fresh wave of pain. Not for the first time, he wondered if he should go through with changing into a werewolf. It would make things easier with not only taking a mate, but living in Forever with all the other supernatural beings. And not going through the pain he was right then would’ve been nice, too.

  If anything would make changing into a werewolf worth it, it was Zoey. His mouth watered thinking about her sleeping in the room down the hall. He’d been relieved when Declain had refused to take her tonight even though he’d insisted not once but twice that he do just that.

  Flipping onto his side, he listened to the quiet of the house. If he was a werewolf, would he be able to hear Declain snoring in the other room? Or would he hear the sound of their lovemaking coming from her room? He closed his eyes, more than ready to have sleep take him, yet knowing it might never come.

  * * * *

  Not too long after Nolan finally managed to nod off, Zoey woke up. The sun was barely peeking over the horizon. She flopped onto her back and stared at the ceiling.

  Exhausted from the events of the day before, she’d done little else last night except check out the bedroom and take a quick shower. After that, she’d fallen into bed and straight to sleep.

  The bedroom was massive and could’ve easily fit her old bedroom at the Clayton Pack house inside it ten times over. White molding rimmed the room that was painted a shimmering blue color. Large windows covered by cream-colored blinds would let in a lot of light later in the day and the hardwood floor that gleamed under the overhead lights would sparkle once the sun struck it. A soft rug took up the middle section of the floor, and a dresser and two nightstands fought for dominance with the oversized four-poster mahogany bed. If she hadn’t been so worn out last night, she would’ve spent more time running her hands over the smooth surfaces and curling her toes in the lush carpet.

  The bathroom had beckoned to her, and she had indulged there, standing under the rainshower-style showerhead in the marbled shower that could’ve easily accommodated six people. Fluffy white towels hung on two heated rods. Even the floor felt warm as she stepped out of the shower and dried off her aching body. She’d glanced back at the shower and wished she’d had more energy to stay under the soothing spray longer, then sighed before crawling into bed.

  Now that it was morning, she let the fantasy she’d had last night come back. Although she was still a virgin, she’d seen enough of the pack having sex to know what was what. And since then, she’d ached to experience making love.

  Declain and Nolan sandwiched her between them as they each skimmed a loofah sponge full of soapy suds over her body. Their cocks were full and ready for action.

  She reached behind her and brought Nolan’s mouth to her neck while Declain bent lower and rubbed her between her legs.

  “You’re a dirty girl, Zoey,” murmured Nolan. His cock pushed against the small of her back.

  “Are you talking about my body or my mind?” She giggled and tunneled her fingers through the nape of Nolan’s hair. Soon enough, she’d reach behind and stroke him.

  “Which do you think?”

  Declain eased to the side and let the water wash away the soap over her mons. He bent before her, then pressed his nose between her legs and inhaled. “Ahhh. You smell so good.”

  “It’s the special soap you bought me.”

  He shook his head, then ran his palms along her leg. “No, it’s you. It’s your own sweet scent.”

  “I bet she tastes sweet, too.” Nolan dropped his sponge then reached around to take her breasts. He pinched her nipples, sending zings of delicious pain into them. “Spread your legs for him, darlin’. I’ll keep you steady.”

  She did so, and Declain wasted no time in flicking his tongue between her folds. Her legs almost buckled on her, but true to his word, Nolan kept her on her feet.

  The warmth of the water was nothing compared to the heat Declain’s mouth gave her. His tongue stabbed in and out of her pussy. Then he’d stopped and sucked on her clit, drawing in as much of her juices as he could.

  It wasn’t long before her body shook with a climax. She cried out and took hold of Declain’s hair. Declain kept feasting on her.

  Nolan eased his head to the side so he could see his cousin better. “Yeah, man, eat her up. Make her scream again. Then it’s going to be my turn.”

  Declain’s head bobbed up and down as he worked his magic on her. She leaned her head back and parted her lips, urging Nolan to turn her head and kiss her. When he did, it was intense and greedy.

  Declain stopped, and she pulled away from the kiss and snarled down at him. “Keep going. I want another orgasm.”

  An imperious eyebrow arched. “Baby, be careful how you talk to me. I’m the alpha in this home.”

  “Hey, watch it, man. I’m not just some lackey.”

  She laughed, happy that Nolan, even though a human, would think of himself as Declain’s equal. But where did she stand?

  Although she’d had enough of first Harland’s then Rick’s domineering natures, she’d always yearned for a real alpha to take her. She was sure there was a difference in the way Rick had tried to control her and the way a real man, her intended mate, would do it. While one would treat her as less than his equal, the other would use his commands to give her everything she needed.

  She pushed away from them and stepped toward the open edge of the shower. “Is that it? Are you both alphas?”

  “You don’t have to be a werewolf to be an alpha.” Nolan’s expression left no doubt that he believed what he said.

  “He’s right. Nolan’s every bit an alpha, too.”

  “And me? What am I supposed to be? Your slave?” As she’d expected her words would do, the reaction was swift. Declain’s eyes flamed with amber while Nolan’s narrowed, ready for a challenge.

  “That’s not a bad idea,” quipped Declain.

  She was out of the shower and running as fast as she could. Slamming the bathroom door wide, she only got a few feet before Declain grabbed her by the hair and yanked her back. She cried out, the pain stabbing her, but then that same ache heated the fire between her legs to a scorching level. Declain’s hand fisted in her hair as he put her on her hands and knees.

  He knelt beside her and looked up at his cousin. “Take her, Nolan. Show her who the alphas are.”

  She cried out as Declain jerked her hair, bringing her head back. He leaned close, putting his mouth to her ear. “We tell you when and where, do you understand?”

  She whimpered. The whole thing should’ve made her feel small, embarrassed, and frightened. Yet instead, it empowered her. “And if I don’t?”

  “Then I’ll explain it again. But know this. You make the choice to submit or not. We won’t rape or hurt you in any way.”

  She slanted her gaze his way as Nolan scooted behind her. She gave him a sultry smile. His huge cock pressed against her butt crack. “I understand.”

  Declain’s thick, purple-veined cock twitched at her willingness to submit. “Fuck her, Nolan. Fuck he
r like a werewolf would.”

  Nolan worked a finger, then another into her dark hole, preparing her. Her rings tightened around his fingers, capturing them. She pushed back, the initial sting giving way to a more pleasurable ache. Soon, even the ache was gone, leaving only the pleasure.

  He eased his cock inside her butt hole, moaning as he did so. He was so big, so wide, that she feared he’d tear her apart. Yet instead of crying out, she gritted her teeth. At first, he moved slowly, giving her time to prepare. Then his thrusts grew shorter, harder as he pounded his thighs against the back of her legs. She could feel his balls bouncing off her as his cock plunged into her asshole.

  “That’s not going to work, baby.” Declain moved in front of her. “Be careful with those fangs. We wouldn’t want any accidents, now would we?”

  She opened her mouth and drew him in. He worked his hips back and forth, never releasing his hold on her hair. She closed her eyes, concentrating on the myriad of sensations assaulting her. If she could stay that way forever, it wouldn’t be long enough.

  “Zoey! Hey, Zoey!”

  She opened her eyes, bolted upright, and stared at the unfamiliar surroundings. The call came again, and she became aware that the voice she’d heard wasn’t part of her fantasy.

  “Zoey Wate, get your ass downstairs. Now.”

  Chapter Five

  Zoey hurried and dressed, shoving her phone into her pack pocket. She pulled the simple cotton T-shirt over her head then checked her reflection in the mirror and frowned.

  I should’ve brought something better to wear.

  She turned to the side and studied her butt. Fantasies were one thing, but did the men really think she had a nice butt? She hoped so. Pleasing them was important, especially if they were her intended mates.

  Declain and Nolan Sawyer were different than any men she’d ever known. They were stronger, not only in a physical way, but in a more spiritual, more self-possessed way.


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