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Wild Ride [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 11] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 9

by Jane Jamison

  A whirlwind joined the flame and spun out of control, taking her mind along with it. Instinct alone had her holding onto Declain and calling his name as her orgasm, the first she’d ever had outside masturbation, tore outward from her pussy.

  She cried out as her body trembled under the onslaught of her release. Declain’s voice joined hers, and she felt the warmth of his seed fill her.

  “You’re my mate. Tell me that you’re mine.” Declain yanked her hair back and pressed his mouth to her neck.

  She stretched her neck, urging him to bite and claim her. She felt his fangs along her skin and closed her eyes. “I’m your mate.”

  It would’ve been the happiest day of her life if she hadn’t heard Nolan stand up and leave. She turned to see him go, but Declain’s snarl made her look back at him. She only saw the blur of Nolan’s body as he slipped into the kitchen.

  Damn it. Why did he leave?

  Declain growled, his inner wolf’s way of telling her that she’d pleased him. And yet, he still hadn’t driven his fangs into her skin. She fisted her hands and struck his shoulders, trying to get a rise out of him.

  “I’m your mate, Declain. Claim me, damn you.”

  The next growl sounded more like a groan. He yanked on her hair, not in a sexual playful way this time, sending pain flashing into her head.

  Fangs peeked over his lower lip. “Not yet. Not until…” He stopped, then took a quick look toward the kitchen. “But you’re mine just the same. Now submit to me.”

  Hadn’t she already done everything he wanted? And yet, he wasn’t going to bite her? “Before you bite me?”

  “I said submit.” His eyes blazed, and he was as close to shifting as she’d ever seen him.

  “Change. I want to see the wolf I’m mating.”

  He tossed her to the floor, roughly, then stood and started removing his clothes. The shift began, progressing so swiftly that he almost didn’t have time to get undressed. Before long, a huge dark brown werewolf dropped to all fours beside her.

  She tried not to tremble as he drew back his mouth and exposed his fangs again. Snarling, he gave her the command to get on her knees. She understood, having heard the same command from other pack members whenever they’d made their mate submit.

  Zoey got on her hands and knees. If she could’ve shifted, she would’ve. Instead, she waited.

  Declain’s amber wolf eyes stared at her. He tilted his head, obviously questioning why she hadn’t change into her wolf form. He growled again, demanding that she transform. All she could do was shake her head.

  Even as a wolf, he towered over her. Her body shivered as he opened his jaws and placed his sharp fangs against her neck.

  When she realized what he was doing, she almost cried. He was still claiming her. Not with his bite, but with his actions.

  She remained as still as she could. He held her neck for a moment, then released it, and pressed his nose to her cheek. Growling, he licked her face, then whirled around and dashed out of the room.

  She went to her bottom and hugged her knees to her chest. He’d want an answer later as to why she hadn’t shifted, but until then, they’d made their promises to each other in another way, and that was all that mattered.

  She stood and slipped her dress over her body that still felt the touch of Declain’s hands and mouth. She looked toward the kitchen. “Nolan Sawyer. We’re going to get this figured out. Whether you like it or not.”

  * * * *

  Nolan should’ve gotten up and left the room. Watching them had been both sheer torture and delight, but once it was over, the delight was gone and only the pure hell remained. Even so, he’d stayed, hiding in the hallway next to the living room and listening to Declain and Zoey.

  Declain must’ve taken her. Why else had he shifted?

  She wanted him. She’d said as much. And he wanted her. But could he have her and remain a human?

  She was a virgin.

  The thought that she’d been a virgin only intensified his longing for her. She’d seemed so worldly during her show when washing the horse, but she’d only been faking it. And then when she’d gone down on Declain, he’d been sure that she’d known what she was doing. She’d acted hesitantly at first, but he’d chalked it up to an aversion to doing blow jobs.


  Watching had torn him apart, but knowing that she’d saved herself for her mates was absolute misery.

  He’d never had a virgin before, and now he’d missed his chance with the woman he wanted more than anything else. Yet it made sense for Declain to have taken her virginity. He was, after all, her werewolf mate.

  At last he could take no more and had left as quietly as he could through the back door.

  * * * *

  Two hours later, he’d finally dared to sneak back inside only to find Declain waiting for him in the kitchen. From the way Declain was stretching his body, he could tell that his cousin had gone for a run after shifting in front of Zoey.

  Where was she anyway? If he’d had the time Declain had spent with her, he never would’ve left her side.

  “Are you ready now, Nolan?”

  Nolan ignored Declain, then downed a beer in one long drink. His body still ached from watching Declain and Zoey have sex, and he wasn’t sure he wouldn’t hurt until he could get his body under a cold shower. He wasn’t sure that even an icy blast would help much.

  “Ready to leave? Are you in that big a rush to get me out of the way?”

  Declain’s usual cheery mood was gone. “Get off it, man. You know that’s not what I want and it sure as hell isn’t what I’m talking about. Are you ready to claim her as ours?”

  “Don’t start, Declain.”

  “Man, I see how she looks at you. Hell, I thought she was going to attack you out on the front porch. If I hadn’t come along, she probably would have.”

  And then I would’ve had her virginity.

  He wanted to believe that, but so far, she’d only teased him. After giving it some thought, he believed her offer to have both of them was her way of including him just to please Declain. It didn’t mean she really wanted a human as a mate.

  “How can you be sure of that? I think she was playing games with me. You know. Torturing the human. Both with Dancer and in the living room.”

  “Yeah, right.” Declain snorted. “Because she seems like such a bitch that she’d do that, right? Hell, man, she was a virgin.”

  “She sure seemed to know what she was doing. Virgins can read, they can watch movies.”

  “Damn it, Nolan, she gave herself to us because we’re her intended mates.”

  “She gave herself to you. You’re her intended mate.”

  “Come on, Nolan. I’ve never seen you so bullheaded before.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I don’t want to stay where I’m not wanted.” He knew Declain’s response before he even started to give it. “Yeah, I know you want me here, but maybe she doesn’t. Not really.”

  “Did you ask her?”

  “No. Did you?” Nolan grabbed another beer from the fridge. “Let it go, man. You’re both werewolves and I don’t want to get in your way.”

  “You’re not. Other than by being a hardheaded asshole about this.” Declain chugged the last of his beer then set the bottle down on the counter hard. “Tell me you don’t want her.”

  “Of course I do. Any fool would.”

  “Then I guess you fit the bill, don’t you?”

  “You know how I feel about mating a werewolf.”

  Declain snagged another bottle. “Yeah, I do and it sucks.” He took a long swig. “You know what you are, Nolan? You’re a racist.”

  “I’m not sure you’re using the right word, but you’re dead wrong.” Nolan choked on his drink. “How the hell do you figure that anyway?”

  “Think about it. You don’t want to mate with her. Not because of her personality, or her looks, or anything else about her except for the fact that she’s part werewolf.” Declain narrowed his e
yes. “Yep. I finally figured out the truth of it. You’re prejudiced against shifters.”

  Nolan gaped at his cousin. And Declain stared back. “You’re shitting me. Do you really believe the crap falling out of your mouth?”

  Declain’s hard glare morphed into a smile. “Yeah, I’m shitting you, all right. I know that’s not it, but I wish it were. That would make more sense than this shit about being the odd man out. That’s the real reason, isn’t it?”

  Sometimes it sucked to have his cousin know him so well. “Look, I just want you to have the mate you’ve dreamed about.”

  “Part of that dream was that you’d share her with me.”

  “I know, but your dream may have to change.” He shrugged, trying to act like the idea of leaving the ranch, leaving his cousin, and leaving Zoey behind wasn’t killing him.

  “Okay, then, if that’s the way you want it, then get the hell out.”

  Nolan’s head jerked up. “What?”

  “You heard me.” Declain pointed his finger at him, emphasizing his next words. “But do me a favor first.”

  Nolan’s stomach was tied in knots. He felt like throwing up, but didn’t want Declain to see his pain. “Name it.”

  “Talk to her first. Ask her how she feels about you. Let’s stop assuming and get the facts.”

  He should’ve seen that coming. Leaning against the kitchen counter, he tried to think of a way out of doing what Declain wanted. Yet a huge part of him screamed for him to give it a try. He was already planning on leaving. Maybe hearing that she didn’t want him straight from her mouth would make it easier.

  “Fine. I’ll talk to her.”

  * * * *

  Zoey couldn’t take any more. She had to make Nolan understand that she wanted him. He wanted her. At least his eyes and expressions said so. Not to mention the state of his cock when she’d glanced at him while having sex with Declain. So why wasn’t he making a move? Whatever his reason was, she was tired of waiting on him.

  I’m not a virgin any longer.

  The thought thrilled her. Her body still hummed, and the soreness between her legs made her feel like she’d been fucked and fucked good. She hoped the feeling would never go away.

  She’d kept herself for her mates, and it had all been worth it. Couldn’t Nolan see that she’d given them the ultimate gift? Granted, he hadn’t touched her, but she’d tried to make him understand with her looks that she’d wanted him to join them. Hell, she’d told him that she wanted him as her first as well as Declain. But he obviously hadn’t believed her.

  Did losing her virginity mean that she could change now? She closed her eyes and tried to force her inner wolf to the surface. As had happened so many times before, she could sense its presence, but couldn’t turn it free.

  It’s okay. Even if I never shift, it’s okay now that I’ve found my mates.

  After hearing Nolan come back, she’d waited until she heard Declain go out to the front porch, then dashed down the stairs. Once on the first floor, she pressed her back to the wall and listened. She could hear Nolan moving around the kitchen.

  She leaned over and took another peek toward the kitchen. Waiting in the hall wasn’t her idea of a seduction scene, but since the horse-washing show hadn’t worked, she wasn’t sure what would. Or maybe it would’ve if Declain hadn’t shown up and thrown her for a loop. She should’ve gone ahead and wrapped her naked body around Nolan’s, then let Declain join them. Instead, she’d run off like the scared little girl she’d been.

  Come on, Zoey. You shot the leader of the pack and you made love to Declain in front of Nolan. You’ve got the guts, now go for the glory.

  She was ready when Nolan pushed through the swinging kitchen door and into the hallway. His eyes widened as he faltered in his steps, then attempted to ease past her.

  “Nolan, talk to me.”

  His tongue flicked over his upper lip, and she would’ve sworn she saw movement in his jeans. “What about?”

  “About us.”

  He dropped his gaze, and when he returned it, a hard glint was there. “Fine. Let’s get this over with.”

  Over with? Was that how he saw her? As someone he could just deal with and then forget?

  “You know what the connection is, right?”

  “I live in Forever. Sure I do.”

  “And you know that I have that with Declain.”

  The muscle in his jaw jumped. “I do.”

  “So what I want to know is whether you feel it, too.”

  She liked the way the lines formed between his eyes whenever he frowned. Although he scowled or frowned more than he smiled, he still had laugh lines around his eyes.

  “It’s better left between you and Declain.”

  “No. I’m talking about the attraction I feel for you.” She swallowed and hoped she wasn’t making a fool out of herself. “And it’s the attraction that I think you feel for me. Be honest with me. Do you feel it?”

  The frown disappeared with the slackness of his jaw. “Are you saying you think we have the connection? That I’m supposed to be your mate along with Declain?”

  “Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m saying.” She’d gone this far so she might as well take it all the way. “Well? What do you think?”

  That muscle in his jaw flexed again. He opened his mouth, ready to speak, and she lifted her eyebrows, silently urging him to go ahead and say his peace.

  “I think you should shut the hell up.”

  He crossed the few feet that separated them and yanked her off her feet.

  She cried out as he slammed her against the wall. Wrapping her legs around him, she locked her hands around his neck and crushed her mouth to his.

  His need became hers as the bond between them seared into her. His body was hot with need, equaling the desire that overtook her. He plundered her mouth, at first whipping his tongue to taste her flavors, then sucking hers into his. His hands found their way beneath her sundress to grip her buttocks.

  She broke free of the kiss to turn her head to the side and whimper. “Fuck me, Nolan. Tell me that I’m yours.”

  He fumbled with his belt and jeans, and once he’d mastered them, he shoved them to the floor. She rubbed her pussy against his cock, circling to tempt him to enter.

  “Fuck me, Nolan. Now.”

  “Are you sure you’re not too sore? I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “It’s a good kind of sore. And it doesn’t hurt enough that I don’t want your cock inside me. I would’ve given myself to both of you, if you’d only wanted me.”

  “Aw, hell, girl. I wanted you. I wanted you so much I thought my cock would explode.”

  “Then, please, Nolan, spank me, pull my hair, do whatever you want to do to me, but just fuck me.”

  His groan started softly then grew to a loud shout as he shoved his cock inside her pussy. He took her hair and yanked on it, giving her pleasurable pain.

  She cried out again as the invasion of his cock into her pussy changed into a capture of his shaft by her vaginal walls. Tightening her legs around him, she cried out as he banged her body against the wall with each of his thrusts.

  The spaghetti straps of her dress fell off her shoulders, exposing her breasts, and he dipped his head to take her nipple in his mouth. His teeth held the taut bud as his tongue flicked over it. He switched to the other breast and did the same.

  He gripped her butt cheek and squeezed. He mumbled, and although she didn’t understand what he’d said, she got his meaning. He was hers and she was his.

  His pounding her against the wall shook the pictures hanging there. She had no doubt that if Declain was around, he’d hear them, and part of her hoped he’d join them. Still, maybe Nolan needed this time alone with her.

  “Tell me you want me, Nolan. Tell me I’m yours.”

  “I want you, damn it. I want you so bad.” He gripped her buttocks harder and leaned his upper torso away from her. “Damn, but your tits are fucking great.”

  She laughed, a
s much as she could with him shoving into her again and again. “And I love your cock.”

  She squealed as he took hold of her and walked over with her in his arms to the wide table against the opposite wall. Pushing the basket of keys that sat there onto the floor, he rested her ass on the table, then thrust his cock inside her again.

  He was huge, as large as Declain was. Even though he was human, he filled her, his powerful thrust of his hips against her scooting her to the back of the table. His mouth found her nipple again and he bit down, then drew it inside his mouth.

  She cried out and wrapped her legs around him again. “Nolan.”

  His hand slipped from her breast up to her throat. At first, it frightened her as he closed it around her neck, but soon she realized that he would only go so far. He didn’t mean to choke her, only to restrain her movements. She arched her back and gripped the edge of the table.

  “Tell me to fuck you.”

  “Fuck me, Nolan. Fuck me hard.”

  He slammed into her again and again, each thrust harder than the last.

  “Beg me to fuck you, woman.”

  She almost smiled. She begged and loved doing it. “Please, fuck me. I need you so much. I want you so much. Please, please.”

  He moaned and rammed into her again. “Damn, but you’re so tight.”

  “And you’re so big. Please, Nolan, fuck me harder.”

  His body, all muscles and raw power, quickened, shoving his cock with long, hard thrusts. The sounds of her ass on the table made sucking noises.

  He looked at her and grimaced. “Aw, crap. I can’t stop. I don’t want to…Not yet. Shit.”

  She tugged his head down, putting his mouth to her breast again. “Let it go, Nolan. I…oh, hell, I’m coming, too.”

  He rammed into her again, then stiffened and lifted his eyes to hers. She gritted her teeth, then did the only thing she could do. She let her release go just as he groaned and shoved into her one last time.

  Juices flowed between them, running down her pussy and between her butt cheeks. He pushed her against the wall even harder, bringing a hand up to cup her breast as he ground out his climax.


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