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Page 4

by J A Fielding

  “Hang tight Dan.” Jess said in a reassuring voice. “I’ll be right there.”

  An hour later, Jess walked into the Clearview Police Department. But after the sight that now met her disbelieving eyes, she was more than ready to walk right back out again.

  The vampire Scarlet, it seemed, no longer sat crouched in the corner of her cell. Instead she hovered far above the floor, her supple body suspended in midair as she scowled down at her arresting officers.

  “Oh Scarlet, stop being such a drama queen.” Jess rolled her eyes, approaching the side of the cell. “You refused your right to an attorney, so we didn’t send one. You refused to wear the orange jump suit, saying it bore a grave offense to your fashion sense. So we let you keep your street clothes,” her gaze scanned Scarlet’s skimpy black dress with judgmental eyes, “which does, incidentally, look very much like street clothes. In the literal sense…”

  “Shut your insolent mouth!” Scarlet roared, baring her fangs at the two police officers who stood outside her cell. “I am the queen of the fiercest vampire den that is known and recognized outside of Romania. I will not be caged!”

  Jess had heard enough.

  “If you had so much power back at the den, then why come and bother the Clearview vamps?” She planted her hands on her hips.

  At the mention of Hathen and his crew, Scarlet let loose with an inhuman roar that shook the walls of her tiny cell.

  “It is my goal to destroy every incubi den that populates and pollutes this planet,” she seethed, fists balled. “They soil the name of the vampire, and the blood-soaked legend of the immortal Count Dracula, with their loving and peaceful ways.” She spit out these last words like they were venom.

  “So they’re hippy vampires,” Jess sighed, drawing a chuckle from a rattled Dan. “What’s it to you?”

  “They are a disgrace!” Scarlet roared, scuffling about like an oversized fly in the confines of her holding space. “I intend to feed from their lust stricken bodies, just as I did with Hathen. Then I will rip them from limb to limb, as I almost did with Clotilde. This time, however, they will not survive the night!”

  “Yeah, well, good luck with that.” Refusing to be moved by Scarlet’s theatrics, Jess turned her back on her enraged prisoner and sat down at her corner desk. “You’re being charged with attempted murder.”

  She froze as her words were met with a chilling round of cool, sinister laughter.

  “You’ll have to catch me first.” Scarlet sneered.

  Jess turned with a smirk toward the cell, almost in disbelief at her prisoner's cockiness.

  “Hate to break it to ya toots,” she gestured toward the cell. “But you can’t fly too far in that cell. Well, at least before your lovely face makes unwelcome contact with a cast iron bar. But you're welcome to try.”

  Landing on the cell floor with a casual shrug, the vampire stared at Jess with a deadly glare worth a thousand daggers.

  “Someone is coming for me,” she announced with a smile. “In fact, they may already be here.”

  Bolting from her seat, Jess charged the cell with teeth bared and fists balled.

  She pointed an authoritative finger right in Scarlet’s face. “Tell me who! Is it someone in Hathen’s den?”

  Scarlet shrugged, infuriating Jess with her lack of cooperation.

  “You’re the big investigator,” she mocked, waving a carefree hand in Jess’s direction. “You tell me.”

  Scarlet retreated to a corner of her lowly cell as her arresting officer roared her anger.

  “No, how about you tell me before I come in there and slug that annoying smile right off your irritating little face!” A wild-eyed Jess screamed outright as she pressed her face against the bars. “Spill it, Demon Barbie!”

  “Chief, Chief.”

  Racing to her side, Sgt. Dan Banyon clutched her shoulders and lead her back to her desk.

  “You know, even when you’ve lost it you’re funny and dead cute.” He settled her back in the leathery confines of her soft desk chair; kneeling before her in a fatherly manner. “Still, you really need to calm yourself. Even vampires can claim police brutality these days.”

  Scarlet let of another cackle from her cage.

  “No worries, Sgt. Sissy.” The insults aimed at Dan made Jess’s blood boil. “You two don’t know the meaning of the word brutality.” Her voice rang out with a chilling promise as is she knew what was going to come. “Not yet, anyway.”


  These words echoed through Jess’s mind the duration of the day, as she struggled to focus on precinct paperwork and other everyday duties.

  “Only there’s nothing every day about my life anymore,” she sighed, finally setting aside her pen and papers and resting her head in her hands.

  The passion and euphoria that the vampire Hathen had brought into her life, feelings that warmed and aroused her in equal measure, were balanced by the terror and uncertainty introduced by her former lover; a woman who threatened the peace and sanctity of her city. Even from behind bars.

  “Who knows how many nasty bloodsucking vamps are on their way to Clearview,” she sighed. “Who knows? One or two might already be here, putting both my people and Hathen’s in terrible danger.”

  “Chief?” Her troubled meditation was disrupted by a familiar and very friendly voice, one currently lined with a hint of concern. “Listen, you weren’t even supposed to come in so early.” Dan placed his hands on her shoulders. “Why don’t you go home and get some rest? Good ol’ Sgt. Sissy will hold down the fort here.”

  A laughing Jess enveloped her friend in a grateful hug as she rose from her chair.

  “Sounds good.” She nodded.

  As per Dan’s instruction, the Clearview police chief took immediate and hasty leave of her post. Yet instead of heading home as he recommended, she drove her compact car hard and fast in the direction of Nightingale Park.

  Her mind reasoned that this trip was nothing more than a matter of official business, and a needed one at that.

  I have to warn Hathen about the danger to his den, she told herself, pushing her accelerator to break the speed limit she worked so hard to enforce. I just hope they’re OK. Even now they might have a traitor among them.

  Yet even as her head throbbed with the weight of her own worry, her body also throbbed for want of the same man her mind sought to warn.

  Although exhausted, her entire being pounded with a strong, intense desire that threatened to overwhelm her. Her heart beat the rhythm of a saucy song, and her clit answered the call; throbbing with an insane need that demanded immediate assistance.

  She not only wanted Hathen, she needed him.

  And now.

  Chapter 7

  The moment that Jess crossed the emerald-grassed borders of Nightingale Park, she felt a hypnotic sense of calm consume and overtake her. It soothed her nerves, as she trekked the length of the nature made haven that added grace and beauty to her town.

  She went to sit at the edge of the ivory stone fountain that formed the park’s center, smiling at the adorable cherub that made this fountain its home. It flashed her with a gleeful smile that seemed to be all knowing.

  “Don’t judge me Sister” Jess playfully defended. “You're not the only thing of beauty in this park.”

  Glorious florals grew free and wild around her: the reddest roses, the lavender lilies, and the lush pearl pink carnations all pleased her with their scent and looks.

  With her senses intoxicated by the marvel of her surroundings, Jess’s mind naturally released the thoughts and worries that had plagued her for the last few days. Standing to her feet, her face erupted in a girlish grin as she whirled and twirled in circles. She suddenly feeling like a girl again, frolicking in her grandma’s garden without a care in the world.

  If the dudes back at the station saw me, they’d videotape the whole thing and show it at the precinct Christmas party, she thought.

  She didn’t care though: For the first time that
day she felt peaceful and carefree.

  That feeling soon went though as she opened her eyes and saw him. All feelings of peace and calm abandoned her system, instead being replaced with a bare heat and urgent desire that stole her breath.

  The sight of Hathen at the edge of the park was the most beautiful she’d ever seen. He had exposed himself in full, and now appeared before her hungry eyes.

  Her lover stood naked like a nymph of the forest, his sculpted body outshining the beauty of the trees and flowers that lined his path. This same path took him into the park, where he held Jess’s gaze as he fell to his knees before her.

  She froze in her place, watching in silent awe as he crawled like a lion to her feet. He kiss and licked her feet as she admired the curve of his muscular back and the roundness of his perfect ass.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” She attempted a casual tone, though trembling outright as he looked up at her with narrowed eyes and rubbed her legs in a tender massage.

  “I do believe I’m seducing you,” he whispered.

  Jess closed her eyes a moment, emotion overcoming her as he rose to his feet and lead her by the hand to the cast iron bench that was another Nightingale trademark.

  Though I’m pretty sure it shouldn’t be used for this particular purpose. Her eyes gently shut as Hathen knelt before her and continued to kiss her feet as his manly fingers massaged her thighs.

  “Don’t you know about the public indecency laws in this area?” She grinned down at him, taking note of his bare muscled chest, sculpted abs, and long, hard shaft.

  “So punish me Officer.” Hathen pouted, reaching his arms upward to enclose her waist. “Name my punishment.”

  Throwing her head back in a fit passion, Jess took in a sharp breath as her lover surged forth between her legs; his hands shifting to pull down her restricting black pants.

  Reaching up to fondle and caress her breasts, Hathen seized the border of Jess’s satin panties tight between his teeth, and pulled them down the length of her legs. He discarded them on the lawn as he settled himself between her parted legs.

  Bracing his hands on her womanly hips, Hathen licked open her feminine folds as the night air bathed and soothed her breasts.

  “Just relax and enjoy what I’m about to do,” he whispered, his fingers tickling her bare skin as his lips loomed dangerously close. “Tonight I aim to bring you the ultimate pleasure.”

  She let out a soft cry as he surged between her legs, laying that sexy mouth on the surface of her throbbing nub. He nipped and suckled her as she moaned with pleasure, occasionally reaching down to stroke the long, smooth strands of his golden blond hair.

  Murmuring his own contentment, Hathen devoured Jess’s clit as she purred in approval. Every fiber of her being was awake with pleasure. The feel of his full lips, the lapping of his long tongue, the scrape of his fangs; all of these divine sensations combined to drive her over the edge.

  With a final mighty lick, Hathen launched his lover to the divine heights of a full-bodied orgasm. Lost in ecstasy, Jess fell forward into his arms as the two tumbled free across the emerald-hued grass that covered the ground of Nightingale Park.

  Their lips collided in a passionate kiss, their mouths moving in perfect sync with their their hungry hands. Hathen unbuttoned and peeled away Jess’s shirt, burying his head in her exposed chest as he kissed and licked her breasts.

  “I can’t get enough of you,” he growled, rocking his trim, bare hips against hers as their arms and legs entwined.

  “You don’t know how I’ve of dreamed of this,” Jess gasped out as she ran her fingernails down the plane of her back.

  Hathen's fangs peaked and hardened her nipples. Bolting his head upward, his gaze collided with hers as he cradled her close in his arms.

  “Tonight, my love, I vow to make your every dream come true.” He clutched her hands, charming her with a devilish smile as his long, hard cock surged between them.

  Launching herself into his arms, Jess wrapped her legs around Hathen’s back and assailed his lips with a hard kiss. She savored the light touch of his long, full hair as it brushed her tender breasts.

  “Now Baby,” he growled between gritted teeth, throwing his head back like a lion in heat as his sculpted abs flexed wild with the heat of his desire. “I have to be inside you.”

  With a heated thrust he filled her to the core. He pumped and probing as she wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders, pulling her lover closer than close.

  As her eyes flew open to take in a a golden moon and velvet sky, Jess’s gaze soon drifted to the immaculate being who hovered above her. His wide azure eyes glowed with desire, his fall of blond hair swaying to and fro with the rhythm of his motions.

  Jess reached out to touch and caress his massive upper chest. Her fingers grazed his flawless abs before reaching back to grab his firm, sculpted behind.

  Howling his apparent approval of this move, her heated lover clutched her to him as his cock slid forth in her tight, wet pussy. Their lips smacked together as, with a long last thrust, he sent them hurdling across the bounds of a blissful shared orgasm.

  Their cries of passion mingled in the air above them as their bodies clung together; soon they collapsed in the heavenly depths of a tight, sweaty embrace.

  “Thank you, darling, for making my fantasy come true,” Hathen whispered, holding Jess’s neck in a gentle manner.

  “Thanks for being my fantasy.” She stroked his hair as their bodies meld in a sweet, easy embrace. “It was even better than I dreamed.”

  “Well if you think that felt good,” he swept her underneath him, his hips moving in a teasing gyration as he stared into her eyes, “just imagine how incredible this will feel.”

  He swooped down upon her to engage her in a passionate kiss; his full, moist mouth rubbing against hers as he swept her up in an all-encompassing embrace.

  For just a moment she lost herself to the feeling, wiggling and reveling in his arms as his ravenous lips devoured hers.

  Slowly and painfully she pulled away from him, remembering there were more pressing matters at hand.

  “Before we lose our focus…” she began, tone now deadly serious.

  “Oh baby I’m focused.” Hathen contested as his cock saluted her.

  Jess let out an amused school girl smile. “Hathen could you please behave for five minutes? I think I myself can manage at least three and a half, just long enough for me to tell you what needs to be said.

  A sobering Hathen ran a soothing hand through the strands of Jess’s hair, frowning as he considered her words.

  “Is something wrong, babe?” He frowned.

  “I’m afraid so,” Jess sighed. “Hathen, do you know where your den members are this evening?”

  Her lover shrugged.

  “We all have homes, Jess, separate from each other and Nightingale Park.” He tilted his head. “Why do you ask?”

  Jess lowered her hands to engage his shoulders in a tight, protective clench.

  “I don’t want to frighten you, Babe, but Scarlet keeps hinting at a rogue vampire in your ranks,” she revealed, “someone from her home pack, who she has sent to watch you, and to help her gain her freedom.” She cringed as she finished, “She wants to destroy you Hathen, you and your family. And if she can manage it, the entire race of the incubi.”

  “Just let the bitch try!” Hathen roared, bringing his fist down hard on the ground beside him. “Let her try to harm one of mine, she’ll find out that the wimpy incubi aren’t always so sweet and peaceable.”

  “OK OK, less with the macho vampire posturing.” Jess delivered a playful slap to Hathen’s beefy shoulder. “She’s in jail, where my officers and I are keeping a close watch on her and her activities. The only problem is that it’s hard to place a wiretap on the telepathic summonings of a crazed bloodsucking vampire.”

  Hathen nodded, relaxing in her arms.

  “I know we’re in good hands with you.” He cradled her close to him.
“Tell me how I can help.”

  Jess kissed his cheek.

  “Aside from calming down and keeping your gorgeous head on straight Babe, you can answer a few basic questions.” Jess tilted her head. “Aside from Clotilde’s brother, do you have any newcomers to the den?”

  Hathen nodded.

  “As a matter of fact, we do have another visitor. This one sent from Alida,” he revealed. “His name is Sebastian, and she wants him to shadow us for a while. I get the feeling that she is grooming him to become a vampire master.”

  “Well if Alida sent him he’s probably safe.” Jess shifted in his arms. “All the same, you might want to question him about his motives in wanting to lead a den.”

  Hathen pressed his cheek to Jess’s, seeming to seek comfort in her warmth and knowledge.

  “I’ll do that,” he sighed, adding, “As far as Clotilde’s brother, he may be out to drive us all insane! The man won’t stop whining about our sinful ways, and about how we’re corrupting his sister.” He cringed at the thought of Karl's on going wining. “I’ll be glad when he goes home.”

  In an impulsive move, Hathen swooped down on Jess, searing her lips with a heated kiss.

  “Now let me make you glad that you’re helping us,” he whispered against her lips, covering her face with sweet baby kisses.

  Shutting her eyes tight, Jess lost herself in the sweet song of a flock of seagulls that loomed low overhead. The crisp night wind coated their bodies as they kissed and cuddled. Hathen stroked his hand in a smooth motion over her gently rounded stomach, once again engaging her in a robust kiss.

  His lips lulled her into a trance that stole her breath and aroused her anew. Jess's pussy gushed with sweet anticipation as his hand went lower still.

  “Relax my darling.” His whisper was hypnotic as he lowered his head to her neck. He laid a light bite on the back of her neck as his fingertips tickled her long curls. “Let your mind fly free as I show you the true secret of the incubus.”

  She let loose with an ecstatic moan as he cupped her wet femininity, slipping his finger into her pussy and probing her. It was if he seemed to seek the ultimate source of her greatest feminine pleasure.


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