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Summer at Coastguard Cottages

Page 22

by Jennifer Bohnet

  He appreciated, too, the way she’d included him in things. Lunch at the pub. Walking the dogs together. Agreeing to come to the sundowner this week. He was looking forward to seeing her again, introducing her properly this time to Karen and the others as his wife’s daughter.

  Knowing she was going to be living and working just along the coast, he was hopeful they could spend some time together. Malcolm, of course, was her father and he would never do anything to debase that relationship, but maybe in time Carrie would come to regard him as part of her family too. A benevolent uncle. If that were to happen he’d be a happy and lucky man.

  Guy, in the shower, getting ready for the sundowner, found himself thinking about his life. The way in recent years it had disintegrated, out of his control. The far-reaching effects of that terrible July 14th evening in Nice had impacted on his own life like nothing else, pulling him up short and making him question everything. Then Melissa’s betrayal, her miscarriage. His decision to leave France, to do what? He’d had no idea. Charlie’s offer of his holiday cottage had been a godsend.

  Vigorously towelling himself dry, Guy knew he owed Charlie far more than he could ever tell him. To meet up with Karen again and realise that, deep down, he’d never forgotten her, that he’d been such a fool all those years ago. The pounding in his heart when she’d admitted she’d never forgotten him either had astonished him with its ferocity.

  Dressed, he made his way downstairs to collect the champagne from the fridge and to pick up his camera. He was looking forward to this evening. The champagne was to celebrate his and Karen’s burgeoning relationship, while taking photographs at tonight’s sundowner would place the past where it belonged and mark the beginning of his new life.

  Carrie was disappointed Tony was too busy to accompany them to Coastguard Cottages for the sundowner evening. She was pleased, though, to hear that Bruce wanted them to go at a later date on their own. She’d hoped Bruce would want to be a part of her life when she’d met him and it looked like he did.

  As for her relationship with Tony, she was beginning to feel more and more like part of a couple. A couple with a future together. Tony gave her precise directions for reaching the coastguard cottages, even insisted on setting up her sat nav for her. ‘Any problems, you break down or anything, ring me and I’ll sort it for you.’ She had this feeling Tony was going to be doing a lot of sorting for her in the future.

  Turning the car onto the lane that led to the coastguard cottages, she heard Elizabeth catch her breath. ‘Oh my, just look at that view, Malcolm. Isn’t it amazing? Maybe we can have a view like this when we move down?’

  ‘A view like that will cost a bit,’ Malcolm said. ‘But maybe.’

  Carrie smiled. Life in Devon was going to turn out fine for all of them, she was sure.

  Karen, too, was looking forward to the last sundowner. Francesca was arriving in the morning and she intended to talk to both her and Wills. Tell them about her relationship with Guy. She didn’t expect either of them would be surprised. Wills had been giving her some very knowing looks recently.

  They’d have to fix a date and time for them all to go to the house and sort their belongings out. There wasn’t much she wanted, just a few bits and pieces – her grandmother’s sewing-box and a jardiniere her great-grandfather had made, which she planned to put down by the arbour. And her clothes, of course – although the house-clearance man would be welcome to the beige and grey stuff she intended to leave behind.

  Oh, and she must remember the Christmas decorations up in the loft. She was SO looking forward to having Christmas in The Captain’s House this year. The three of them, and Guy. Thinking of Guy, she smiled. Her life might have been falling apart at the beginning of summer but it was definitely on the up now.

  If you loved Summer at Coastguard Cottages then turn the page for an exclusive extract from Rosie’s Little Café on the Riviera, another sparklingly brilliant romance from Jennifer Bohnet!


  ‘Bonne chance,’ the notaire said, counting the large wad of euros Rosie had given him before pushing a bunch of keys across the desk towards her. ‘The Café Fleur is now yours.’

  Five minutes later and, juggling the keys happily, Rosie walked along the ancient ramparts edging the Mediterranean towards the beach and the Café Fleur. Day one of the rest of her life was here at last and it felt oh so good. It had seemed to take forever, but one of her lifelong dreams was about to became a reality.

  Owning and running her own successful café had been her number-one dream for several years now. Her other dream of being married and having a family by the time she was thirty had been foiled by her own seeming inability to build a long-lasting relationship with any man.

  It was after a wine-fuelled thirtieth birthday hangover that she’d decided enough was enough. Life was passing her by. Okay, she’d failed to meet and marry Mr Right, but owning her own café was still within her grasp. So, Dream Target No 1 became saving enough money to open her own beach café in the South of France. Now, a couple of months before her thirty-fifth birthday, she was about to realise her dream.

  Glancing across the bay to where several boats were making their way to the marina entrance, her smile faded. She recognised the hull of the boat leading the way, flying the English ensign. A Sure Thing, the yacht she’d been chef on for the past few years, while she squirrelled away enough money to gain her independence, was returning to port.

  Briefly she wondered if Antoine, the skipper, had forgiven her yet for deserting him. He’d been less than happy when she’d told him her plans.

  ‘Sacre bleu, Rosie, Charlie’s going to be furious when he finds out you’ve left. He’ll probably make William fire me for letting you go. Rosie, please, for me – one more summer?’

  ‘No. Definitely not.’ Rosie shrugged. ‘He already knows I’ve left, but Antoine, DO NOT, under any circumstances, tell Charlie the whereabouts of my restaurant. Understood?’

  Antoine had given her a resigned nod and wished her well, knowing when he was beaten.

  Rosie sighed. She could only cross her fingers and pray that the message had got through to Charlie that she wasn’t interested in a relationship, however much he wanted to rekindle their long-ago college affair. She had enough to do getting the Café Fleur ready to open without having to deal with him as well.

  Hopefully the yacht was coming into port to take on fuel and stock up with food supplies and wouldn’t be staying long. Maybe they had plans to motor across to Corsica, one of Charlie’s favourite places. Corsica would be good. Go to Corsica, Rosie silently willed.

  The longer she could keep the location of her new business from Charlie, the better. The scene he was sure to make when he realised what she was doing was not one she looked forward to. Not that she cared these days what he thought, but no way did she want him turning up at her opening party next week. He definitely wasn’t on the guest list.

  Tansy, ex-stewardess on A Sure Thing, her best friend and, as of today, her sous-chef, waitress and chief washer-upper, was waiting for her in the car park at the back of the restaurant. ‘Signed your life away?’

  ‘Yep – and I’ve got the keys to prove it,’ Rosie said, stretching to raise the security grill before putting the first key in a lock near the top of the door and turning it. Another large, old-fashioned key went into a lock in the middle of the door and finally she bent down to insert a small, gold-coloured key into the lock six inches from the bottom, before turning the handle and opening the door.

  ‘I guess the last guy had a security obsession,’ she said. ‘At least, I hope that’s all it was.’

  Inside, dusty tables and chairs were arranged in neat rows, a pile of parasols leaned haphazardly against the far wall and faded curtains hung limply at the sides of the shuttered windows. In the kitchen a huge, old, white-doored fridge, which looked ancient enough to have graced Elizabeth David’s kitchen fifty years ago, held centre stage. Its presence dwarfing all the other, equally old, u
tensils. Rosie prayed it would all be in working order once she and Tansy had cleaned things.

  No way could she afford to buy a lot of new equipment. Paying the notaire had seriously depleted her bank account. She needed to be open and putting money into her new business account as quickly as possible. Otherwise she would be in trouble financially before the season even got going.

  ‘Right, let’s get the shutters open and make a start,’ Rosie said.

  ‘What’s behind that door?’ Tansy asked, pointing to a door at the side of the bar.

  ‘Stairs to a store room,’ Rosie said. ‘I didn’t take much notice to be honest, I was more interested in down here. Come on, let’s get scrubbing.’ She handed Tansy a pair of pink rubber gloves before pulling on a pair herself.

  While Tansy got to grips with the kitchen, Rosie went through to make a start on the restaurant. Sliding the bolts back on the front door, she stepped out onto the terrace to fold back the shutters with their peeling Provençal blue paint and stood for a few moments, visualising it busy with customers. Her customers. Eating outside on the terrace was an essential part of her plan for the café. People loved eating al fresco.

  Two large eucalyptus trees gave some perfumed shade where the terrace ran down to the beach. The French phrase pieds en mer – feet in the sea – described it perfectly, Rosie thought, looking around. Oleander bushes already budding up. Yachts sailing in the distance. A woman and a young girl beach combing. Shimmering sea.

  A vine with a thick, tree-like trunk covered the loggia running along the length of the restaurant. Rosie sighed. It really was an amazing location come true for her dream. It had to be a success for so many reasons. Not least because it was her final chance to make something of herself. And of course there was the little matter of being bankrupt if she didn’t make it work. She took a deep breath. Failure was simply not an option.

  The Beach Hotel next door was undergoing a seasonal spring clean too, judging by the number of men carrying ladders, paint, new equipment, etc. who were swarming all over it. Rosie watched enviously as three men struggled to manoeuvre a large La Cornue range through a narrow door on the side of the building. That was a stove to die for. Pity her budget didn’t allow for gadgets like that.

  What couldn’t she do to this place if she had a ‘no limits’ budget? New tables and chairs – some of those comfy, Paris bistro-type ones indoors, teak ones outside. New modern equipment in the kitchen. An up-to-date range. Different crockery and cutlery, pretty tablecloths, a florist to come in every day with fresh flower arrangements, rather than the silk ones she was planning to use. Original paintings on the wall – ah, but she was going to have those. Tansy knew someone who wanted to hang some paintings of local scenes, and a few exotic ones, with a view to selling them, so hopefully every few weeks the paintings would change.

  A man sitting on the rocks down by the shoreline smiled and raised a hand in greeting. Rosie hoped he didn’t make a habit of sitting in front of her café – with his bare feet, tousled, sun-bleached hair, cut-off jean shorts, and a pink T-shirt bearing the faded word ‘Mustique’, he didn’t exactly fit the image she had of the customers she wanted in her cafe. Like he’d ever been there. Neither did she want his presence to attract any undesirable friends he might have.

  Rosie politely raised her hand in acknowledgement but didn’t make eye contact, hoping he’d take the hint she didn’t want to talk. He didn’t.

  ‘Hi, I’m Sebastian. Seb to most people,’ he said, walking towards her and extending his hand, the leather friendship bracelets around his wrist tangling as they dropped forward. Reluctantly Rosie shook his hand. She didn’t want to be rude but she didn’t intend to encourage him to hang around.

  ‘I’m Rosie.’

  ‘Restaurant reopening soon? The old place could do with a makeover.’

  ‘A week today,’ she said.

  ‘Have you got all the staff you need? I might be able to help if you haven’t.’

  His English was impeccable but tinged with a faint accent some people might have described as sexy. Did he want a job? Or was he just asking, making conversation? He probably didn’t even have any suitable work clothes and, while the dress code during the day in her restaurant might be casual, she certainly wasn’t going to allow the staff to dress tattily. In the evenings, dress would definitely be smart casual.

  ‘All organised, thank you,’ Rosie answered quickly. He didn’t need to know Tansy was the only staff she could currently afford. Looking at Seb’s tanned, olive skin and the general air of casualness that hung about him, she guessed he’d be more of a drifter than a steady nine-to-five type guy.

  ‘Look, I’m sorry, but I really do have to get on,’ she said. ‘So much to do.’ This time he took the hint.

  ‘Yeah, right. See you around,’ Seb said with a smile and wandered off along the beach.

  ‘Good luck,’ she called out, feeling unexpectedly guilty about not being more friendly towards a guy who was clearly down on his luck. If he came back she would definitely offer him a couple of small jobs – cleaning the windows or washing the terrace down, something like that.

  Seb didn’t turn round at her words, merely waved his hand in the air in acknowledgement.

  Back in the restaurant Rosie set to work. She pushed the old upright piano in the corner by the French windows into the centre of the room, making a mental note to check the piano tuner was still coming Saturday morning. Musical lunches and suppers were all part of her plan to create a different ambience in the restaurant. And live music for the party was a definite necessity.

  Three hours later, when Tansy made them both a coffee from the newly cleaned espresso machine that had sprung miraculously, if noisily, into life when she switched it on, they were both fit to drop.

  ‘Rob said he’d give us a hand painting tomorrow if you’d like him to,’ Tansy said, smothering a yawn.

  ‘Great,’ Rosie said. ‘I was going to make a start this evening but...’ She glanced at her watch. ‘I think I’ll just make a list of things I’ve got to get at the cash and carry on Thursday. Rob still okay about us borrowing his van?’

  ‘I’ve got to drop him off at the marina first, then we’ve got the van until three o’clock. Right, I’m off. See you in the morning.’

  Closing the door behind Tansy, Rosie stood by the kitchen window for a few moments watching the continuing activities at the hotel. A large poster had been placed in one of the upstairs windows overlooking their car park: ‘Grande Réouverture Bientôt’.

  Just how grand would their opening be? And how soon was soon? Would she be open before they were? Was she about to find herself in competition with a top-notch chef right on her doorstep? Would their food be better than hers? Rosie shook herself. She would not think negative thoughts.

  The advertisement she’d arranged on the local English radio station would hopefully bring a few expats her way and kick-start a word-of-mouth buzz about the Café Fleur before the summer tourists started to arrive.

  She’d worry about the competition next door when she knew more about it.

  If you enjoyed Summer at Coastguard Cottages then take a look at Jennifer Bohnet’s other fantastic stories with HQ Digital!

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  An imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers Ltd.

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  First published in Great Britain by HQ in 2017

  Copyright © Jennifer Bohnet 2017

  Jennifer Bohnet asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

  A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

  This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities
is entirely coincidental.

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  E-book Edition © August 2017 ISBN: 978-0-00-826271-6




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