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Page 2

by Jodi Vaughn

  “If you stop expecting shit from people, then they stop disappointing you.” Barrett crossed his arms and kept his gaze on the Guardians, assessing the work of his men.

  Lucien’s breath grew too fast, too hot, too ready to fight. Righteous anger settled over him like an old musty blanket threatening to cut off his breath. “You don’t understand. My future was taken from me. My destiny stolen.”

  Barrett pushed off the truck and stepped in his space. One of Barrett’s qualities was never showing emotion. But now, standing in front of Lucien, emotion was written all over him, from his pissed-off expression to his hands curled into fists.

  Barrett leaned closer, eyes narrowed, jaw clenched. “No, you don’t understand. You’re expecting something you won’t ever get. It’s one thing to cut someone out of your life, but you’ve not even done that. You keep expecting something from your brother you won’t ever get. It’s going to destroy you. You have a family here, in this Pack. This is your family, your real family.”

  “He owes me.” He spat the words out and anger boiled in his heart.

  “Your bitterness where your brother is concerned will be your Achilles heel if you don’t watch it, Lucien. Your wounds will always be there. But if you keep this up, it will scar your soul and then there will be no coming back from it. Be better or be bitter. You can’t be both. Make up your fucking mind.” Barrett shot him a glare and then walked toward the front of the truck.

  Anger pounded in his chest like fists in a bar fight as he watched Barrett get in the truck and drive away. Rage pulsed under the surface of his flesh, and all he wanted to do was shift. He refused. He needed to remain in control. He squeezed his eyes shut and trapped the wolf inside.

  “What’s up, man?” Braxton slapped him on the back.

  Lucien growled and rounded on his fellow Guardian.

  “Whoa, bro.” Braxton held up his hands in defense. “My bad.” His eyebrows drew together. He searched Lucien’s face. “Everything okay?”

  Braxton, the werewolf with the sleeve tattoos and blue hair, had recently been inducted into the Guardians. He knew from what Braxton had shared that his family life hadn’t been pretty. In some aspects, he could relate to the guy.

  “Sorry, Braxton.” Lucien swallowed back his rage.

  “Anything I can do?” Braxton eyed him carefully.

  He shook his head. “No. I’m good. Just need to get back to work.” He walked back to the work site and picked up his hammer.

  Busy was good.

  Busy kept him distracted.

  Busy kept the ghosts from his past from resurfacing.

  Chapter Three

  Lucien stopped in front of Barrett’s office door, knocked, and stepped back to wait. Right after they were finished working at the construction site, he’d gotten a text from Barrett saying he needed to see him. He scanned the hallway for the other Guardians but realized he was alone.

  His scalp prickled, and the sensation spread down his torso and settled in his gut.

  The door flew open and bounced off the wall.

  “Fuck!” Ryker stormed out into the hallway. His narrowed gaze landed on Lucien and he stopped, nostrils flared and teeth bared, looking like a wild animal ready to kill.

  Lucien’s stomach tightened. He didn’t get involved in any of his Pack brothers’ business, but he knew Ryker’d had some beef with Damon after he’d been inducted into the Pack. Afterwards Ryker had made himself scarce, and the Pack never saw him anymore. Until now.

  “Ryker.” He glared at the Were and didn’t bother holding out his hand in greeting. He’d learned better than to let his guard down around anyone. Even his own Pack.

  Keeping his eyes trained on Lucien, Ryker reached for Barrett’s door and slammed it shut. The earsplitting sound echoed in the cavernous hall.

  Lucien bowed up to the Were, his adrenaline spiking like mountains in his veins. “If you have an issue with me, Ryker, I suggest you speak. Otherwise, I’m due for a meeting with Barrett.”

  Ryker growled and stepped into his personal space. Lucien’s heart jackhammered in his ears as he curled his fingers into fists and prepared to set Ryker straight if he decided to start swinging.

  “So he sent for you, did he?” The scorn in his voice echoed the contempt in his eyes.

  Ryker’s words sent an angry chill straight to Lucien’s core.

  “If you have a problem with me, then let’s settle this right now.”

  Ryder glared, spit on the floor, and then stormed toward the exit.

  “Don’t mind Ryker. He’s just hungry. Missed lunch. Come in,” Barrett’s bored voice called out from behind his massive office door.

  Lucien looked up and around, searching for a camera before opening the door and stepping inside. He couldn’t find one, which meant Barrett either had it cleverly hidden or he had ears like a bat.

  He stepped inside the Pack Master’s office. Despite the lack of furniture in the room— other than the essentials of a desk, a bookcase, a couple of chairs, and the state seal on the wall— Barrett’s presence always seemed to make the office smaller than it was.

  “You needed to speak to me?” The tone was more guarded than he liked, but after what Ryker had said, he knew this was no ordinary meeting.

  Barrett nodded at the empty chair, and Lucien took a seat.

  “I did.” Barrett tore his gaze away from the computer screen and opened the folder lying on his desk.

  “This is a delicate matter.” His hard gaze bore into Lucien’s. “What I’m about to tell you is confidential. You aren’t allowed to discuss this with any of the other Guardians.”

  “Understood.” The muscles around his gut twisted ever so slightly like someone turning a screw. His eyes tracked Barrett and time slowed as he waited.

  “None of the Guardians.” Barrett glared.

  Something was off. Way off. Usually Zane knew everything that was going on. As Barrett’s second-in-command, it made sense for him to be included on the details.

  “As you know, I’m not exactly an open book when it comes to the Guardians. Whatever you have to tell me is safe.”

  “That’s part of why you’re here and no one else.” The muscle in Barrett’s cheek worked as he continued to glare. “Some Arkansas Guardians are missing.”

  “What do you mean, missing?” Every muscle in his body tensed.

  “They are being captured.” Barrett’s gaze narrowed into slits as a muscle continued to work in his cheek. “Something happened today that confirms my suspicions.”

  He opened his desk drawer and pulled out a metal box. The sharp coppery scent of blood made Lucien’s stomach turn. Whatever was inside was not good news.

  Barrett flipped open the lid and the overwhelming scent of blood and flesh flooded the room. Barrett’s face twisted in rage as he pulled out something that appeared to be a sheet of leather.

  “Fuck me.” Lucien stood and fought back the bile rising in the back of his throat. “Is that what I think it is?”

  “Flesh.” Barrett laid out the large piece of skin across his desk. The signature wings and eyes of the Guardian tattoo stared back at them.

  “Whose is it?”

  “I’m running DNA tests to confirm, but from the looks of the two scars on the lower back, it’s Heimy. Our Guardian in the lower part of Arkansas.”

  Heimy was a Guardian in his mid-forties who had never settled down and mated. He’d been with the Arkansas Pack since he’d turned eighteen. He always had a quiet fierceness about him that Lucien respected.

  “What the fuck happened?”

  “Someone skinned his tattoo from his back.” Barrett fisted his hands, still stained muddy red from the grotesque flesh.

  “You mean someone did this to him? On purpose?” Rage boiled up in his chest and spilled into every vein until his body hummed.

  “Yeah. And I don’t think he’s the last.” Barrett growled low and deadly. He turned, drew back his arm and pounded his fist into the wall, shaking the room a
nd leaving a large dent in the cinder block.

  “Where’s the body?” Lucien forced the words out. The pain Heimy had endured must have been unbearable. Lucien shifted in his seat as his leather jacket slid over his back, reminding him of the pain he’d once suffered.

  “Can’t find a body.” Barrett’s low voice hummed with anger.

  To kill a Guardian was the severest offense. Punishment involved a slow, tortuous death. To desecrate a Guardian by skinning off his tattoo was unheard of. This went beyond anything Lucien had ever encountered.

  “Jesus Christ.” Lucien scrubbed his hand over his face.

  “Heimy is the second Guardian within a month to go missing.” Barrett walked over to the bookcase on the wall. “I suspect whoever did this has the other missing Guardian, Mitchell, too.”

  “How did you get that tattoo?” Lucien stilled as a shiver ran up his spine.

  “It was mailed to me. I had to sign for it at the post office. I thought it was some bullshit paperwork.” Barrett pulled out a book and faced him. Rage flashed behind his eyes despite his otherwise calm expression. He was a storm about to blow in. Lucien knew his Pack Master hid his rage pretty well, but he had no doubt the guy wanted blood and he wanted it now.

  “This letter was inside.” Barrett pulled out a soiled sheet of paper from within the book and pushed the document across the desk.

  Lucien unfolded the crinkled parchment paper. His nostrils flared at the scent of blood and dirt.

  The hunters have become the hunted.

  “What the hell does that mean?” Lucien dropped the letter and shoved the disgusting message back across the desk.

  “Someone is targeting the Guardians. To take us out.”

  “Do you think it’s humans?” Unease raised the hair on the back of his neck. The US government knew about their existence and even employed the most lethal werewolves for their special ops teams in the military. But if the general public knew of the werewolves’ existence, then there would be an all-out witch hunt for every werewolf alive.

  “According to my sources at the government, it’s not the humans.” Barrett set his gaze on the Arkansas symbol that decorated his office wall and which promised to protect the Pack. “Feels more like another Pack targeting us.”

  “And no other Guardians know about this?”

  “You and Ryker. For now.” Barrett turned.

  That would explain Ryker’s behavior.

  Barrett’s expression was grim and unflinching. “That’s how I want to keep this thing. No need getting all the other Guardians up in arms. I’m sure as soon as they find out about Heimy, shit’s going to go sideways and they’re going to want to go vigilante. I can’t have that. Not until I have all the facts.”

  “Why tell me? Why not tell Zane? He’s second-in-command.”

  “Because I have a mission for you, but I want you to think this over before you give me your answer. I’ll let you sleep on it tonight.”

  “I don’t need to think about it. I’ll do it.” Lucien met his gaze.

  Barrett shook his head. “You don’t understand, Lucien. This is not your typical mission.”

  “What do you mean?” Lucien frowned.

  “The mission is out of state.” Barrett crossed his arms and studied Lucien. “I would be sending you down to New Orleans.”

  Lucien’s blood went icy. Louisiana. His home state. “Why Louisiana?”

  “I’ve heard some rumors about a recent lack of Guardians down there. Edward Boudier hasn’t mentioned it, and I’m not ready to approach him. As you know, we are not on the best of terms.”

  Lucien knew Edward Boudier, the Louisiana Pack Master, was still pissed at Barrett for putting the Louisiana Assassins in their place. Tensions were still high between Arkansas and Louisiana.

  “Before you answer, take tonight and think about it. You need to know this is not your typical mission. You’d be going alone. No backup.” Barrett gave him a hard look. “And you wouldn’t be going as a Guardian, so I will not be alerting the Pack Master of Louisiana of your visit. Everything we’re doing is breaking the rules.”

  “I guess it helps I don’t have the Guardian tattoo.” His back seemed to itch in agreement.

  “There is that.” Barrett looked away. “If you were caught, having the tatt would be like signing your own death warrant.”

  Barrett settled on the edge of his desk and crossed his arms. His blue eyes seared into Lucien’s. “Your past and what happened to you in Louisiana is the reason I hesitate to even ask you.”

  “I can do my job without my emotions getting in the way.” Lucien clenched his jaw until it ached.

  “Maybe. But what happens when you run into someone from your past? Your brother perhaps. What are you going to do when that happens? Will you be clearheaded and emotionally removed enough to remember the bigger picture here, Lucien?”

  “I…” He knew what he’d do if he saw his brother. Maybe this mission was fate’s gift to him to finally settle the score.

  Barrett held up his hand to stop him. Lucien slammed his mouth shut.

  “Lucien, this unresolved issue with your brother has not gone away. Lucien. When you came into this Pack, I saw great potential in your future. I still do. But in order to embrace your future, you’ve got to let go of your past.”

  Irritation flickered in his gut like a sore that wouldn’t heal.

  “I understand better than you might think.” Barrett pushed off the desk and walked around his desk. He continued to stand as he stared down at Lucien.

  “Your lack of forgiveness for what your brother did is only punishing yourself. Do you think it keeps him awake at night? Do you think he gives a second thought to what he did?”

  The flicker in his gut tightened.

  “Or do you think he’s gone on with his life?”

  “This doesn’t define me,” he argued.

  “Doesn’t it? You still won’t take your shirt off in front of the other Guardians. It was a hundred degrees today, and you kept your leather coat on. Hell, even Damon was running around shirtless, and you know that asshole is in love with his leather jacket.”

  Barrett shook his head. “I don’t want an answer tonight. I want you to sleep on it. Come back in the morning with your answer.”

  Lucien got to his feet. He already knew what his answer would be.

  “If you decide to go, I’ll need you to check out some of the strip clubs in New Orleans. I’ve had some intel passed along that we might have someone on the inside who might know what’s going on. It’s a female werewolf. She’s from Arkansas, so we might be able to count on her loyalty.”

  “Anyone I know?” Perfect. A manipulative female who couldn’t keep her clothes on.

  Barrett gave him an odd look. “Yeah. It’s Zane’s sister, Katy. She goes by the name Catty now.”

  “Shit.” He ran his hand through his dark hair.

  “Shit’s right. The last thing I need is Zane going down there to try to find his sister. They’re not in a good place. And I need someone levelheaded who’s not personally involved with her.” He gave Lucien a pointed look. “Now you see why I can’t ask Zane to go or even let him catch wind of this.”

  “Yeah.” He nodded and stood, shoving his hands in his jeans pockets.

  “Like I said, go get some sleep. Come back tomorrow morning and let me know your answer.”

  Lucien held his gaze and took a deep breath. “Fine. But you already know what my answer will be. This is my home state now, and this is my Pack.” He walked toward the door. “But I’ll do what you asked and sleep on it.”

  Lucien stepped out into the hallway and closed the heavy door behind him.

  His heavy footsteps echoed down the hallway, matching the parading thoughts in his head.

  His mind wandered as he headed toward his quarters. Some of the Guardians had places of their own, actual homes. But for the single guys who were still unmated, the barracks seemed the logical choice. State-of-the-art gym, indoor pool,
hot tub, and rooms rivaling a five-star hotel. It was a pretty sweet hookup and it was free.

  He never did see a need to buy a house off the base. It wasn’t like he’d ever be mated anyway. Females preferred the whole package, and he was damaged. He’d realized a long time ago that mating was not in the cards for him.

  Bitterness crept up his chest and wrapped around his heart. Damon had Ava, Braxton had Kate, Jayden had Haley, and Zane had Skylar. It seemed like within the past year so many of the Guardians had partnered off and mated. Hell, Jayden was taking it a step further and marrying his female as well. He wanted to make sure Haley was his in both werewolf law and the human law.

  Not him. His destiny had been stolen by his brother in Louisiana years ago.

  He fought back a cruel smile as his heart pounded.

  He would finally have his chance, his opportunity to find his brother and make him suffer as he’d once made Lucien suffer.

  Finally, after all these years of waiting, he would get his chance to settle the score.

  And he’d take his payment in blood.

  Chapter Four

  Catty opened the door to her cramped studio apartment and smiled when the familiar scent of jasmine candles greeted her.

  When she’d first moved in, she’d noticed a stench whenever it rained. The landlord continued to give her excuses with no solutions, so in the end she’d bought as many jasmine-scented candles as she could afford to drown out the mildew smell.

  She dropped her bag on the floor and shuffled into the kitchen for a hot cup of tea.

  She rolled her shoulders and reached her arms over her head, stretching out the tight muscles in her back. She lifted the hem of her T-shirt and sniffed.

  She normally reeked of cigarette smoke and liquor, but with the Louisiana heat at an all-time high, the overpowering smell of body odor clung to her clothes.

  She stifled a gag and walked to the window and threw it open.

  It wasn’t just the stench of the club that turned her stomach. Working as a stripper made her want to vomit too.

  She was ashamed to admit stripping hadn’t always had that effect on her.


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