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Page 15

by Jodi Vaughn

  She moaned and opened her mouth under his assault. She clutched his shoulders and held him tight.

  When he finally broke the kiss they were both breathless. “Let’s get inside before I rip off your clothes.”

  They hurried to her door. She fumbled with the key, her trembling hands trying to force it in. When it slid in and she heard the click of the tumblers giving, she breathed out a sigh of frustrated relief.

  They stepped inside and he kicked the door closed. Without wasting any time, he picked her up. She wrapped her legs around his lean waist and panted as she pressed herself against his thick erection.

  He pressed her against the wall and grabbed the hem of her T-shirt. He tugged it over her head and tossed it to the floor.

  “All of this has to go,” he murmured as his mouth kissed her neck and his hands were busy getting rid of her bra.

  Her nipples hardened as his hot tongue licked across the sensitive flesh. He pulled her nipple into his mouth and sucked.

  “Oh, god.” She moaned and held his head to her breast. Her rhythm of her heart beat in her ears as her body pulsed with desire so thick she thought she would explode.

  He walked over to her bed and laid her down. His fingers found the button on her jeans while his gaze stayed on hers. He pulled her jeans off and tossed them over his shoulder and then moved to her panties. Hooking his thumbs on either side, he tugged and tossed the lacy material to the ground.

  His gaze moved over her nakedness, devouring her with his eyes. His chest heaved and his nostrils flared as he feasted upon her with his gaze.

  She was used to men looking at her, but she wasn’t used to feeling like this. No one had made her feel like this. No one but Lucien.

  She rose up on her elbows and met his gaze.

  “You’re still dressed.”

  “I can fix that.” In what seemed like two seconds, he’d peeled his clothes off his body. The street light spilled in through the window and illuminated his muscles like he was on display. A solid wall of strength and finely honed muscle stood before her. He was more beautiful than any male she’d ever seen before.

  He climbed on top and lay between her legs. His eyes softened as he stared down at her.

  The way he looked at her made her heart weep with joy.

  He brushed the hair out of eyes with gentle fingers and then trailed then across her cheek. “You’re so perfect, Catty.”

  “I’m far from perfect, Lucien,” she whispered into the night.

  “For me. You’re perfect for me.”

  She fell for him in that one moment, heart and soul. Before she could speak, he covered her mouth with his in a blistering kiss that had her arching up and rubbing her body to his.

  His tongue tangled with hers, each tasting the other and reveling in the eroticism of the moment. His hand slid down and cupped her hip, and he ground his erection into her stomach. She tried to open her legs, but she was trapped under his weight.

  “Not yet. I want to savor you for as long as I can.”

  His deep voice sent tremors across her skin like electricity. She was no virgin, but the way he spoke to her, looked at her, was different. The pull to claim him was strong, and it pained her to think of him with another female. It only meant one thing.

  He was her perfect mate.

  She squeezed her eyes shut to still the tears behind them.

  Lucien would never mate her. He was too perfect. And what was she?

  A stripper.

  Her heart sunk to her stomach as his mouth nibbled along her neck.

  Gritting her teeth, she forced her thoughts away and focused on now.

  Now she was with him.

  Now she was his.

  Tonight she would give him everything and hold nothing back. Tonight she would make memories to sustain her a lifetime. Tonight she would pretend they were mated.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Lucien’s body ached with lust.

  He dipped his head, skimming his tongue across her tender flesh, marking her with his own scent. By the time he finished, every wolf within a fifty-yard radius would know she belonged to another.

  They would know she belonged to him.

  His head swam with her sweet feminine scent and his chest tightened with an unrecognizable emotion.

  His mouth captured a hardened peak of her nipple in his mouth, and she moaned low and deep.

  It made him harder and more eager to please her.

  He’d never envisioned himself with someone so beautiful who would accept him as he was.

  But Catty did. His scars didn’t scare her.


  “Don’t stop.” She arched her wet heat against his erection. She needed him. All of him. Her body craved his next touch, his next kiss, the next lick of his tongue.

  “I don’t plan on it. I wasn’t lying when I said you needed your energy for tonight.” His mouth moved down to the flat of her stomach. He sucked the tender flesh around her navel. She bucked and threaded her fingers through his hair.

  “Don’t stop touching me. With your fingers, your body, your mouth.” With him she found herself being emboldened, saying what she felt, telling him what she needed.

  He poised his mouth between her legs and looked up into her eyes. Her heart twisted and pounded with the intimacy of the moment.

  She cupped his cheek and spread her legs, offering herself to him. “Lucien.”

  He grinned and then licked the sweet sensitive flesh between her legs. She arched off the bed, her breath catching in the back of her throat.

  He looked up and gave her a wicked grin.

  He dipped his head between her legs and cupped her butt in his hands as he feasted. His tongue teased and taunted as he continued to use his mouth.

  She was close. So close to finding her release.

  She moaned as her heart beat against her ribcage. He captured her clit in his mouth and sucked. Her body tensed and she tightened her legs around his head as pleasure zipped through her body.

  He opened his heavy-lidded eyes and watched as she threaded her fingers through his dark hair and held him close.

  Her body tensed, and a moan spilled out from the back of her throat as her orgasm washed over her, sending her into ecstasy.

  He continued to lick at her until she tumbled back down to earth, her body spent.

  Panting, she looked down at him. He wiped the wetness from his mouth with the back of his hand and crawled up her body.

  “Your turn.” She tried to roll him over onto his back, but it was like moving a freight train. Impossible.

  “If you put your mouth on me right now I wouldn’t last three seconds, baby.” He grinned and pressed his erection to her wet entrance. “Right now I want to be inside you.”

  “Lucien,” she whispered as he pushed inside, filling her with a pleasurable pain.

  Seated deep inside her body, he looked down at her as his breath came out in heavy pants, his eyes dilated with a craving. A craving for her.

  He said nothing, his gaze locked on hers. He didn’t need to. She felt all the words in his touch, in their eyes, in their connection.

  She ran her hands around to his back. He stilled but didn’t flinch from her touch this time.

  “All of you. I want all of you.” She pulled him closer and licked his ear. Her fingers traced the puckered ridges of his back.

  His mouth descended on hers. His hot scent was like a drug, lifting her higher and higher. She wanted more.

  He slowly began to move inside her body, claiming her with every thrust, every stroke.

  His body molded to hers in a perfect fit of flesh, muscle, and sweat.

  “Catty,” he groaned and reached between their bodies to the sensitive nub.

  She inhaled as he began to tease her sensitive flesh while thrusting in and out of her body.

  “Yes,” she groaned out. Her body tensed as pleasure filled her body and then crested over with an orgasm so intense she cried out.

g, she looked up at him and pulled his head down for a kiss.

  He groaned into her mouth as he found his own orgasm, spilling his seed deep within her.

  Exhausted, he collapsed on top of her. She wrapped her arms around him, holding him tight.

  In the aftermath of their pleasure, he sighed as her fingers traced over his back.

  “That was amazing.” She smiled and kissed his shoulder.

  “Give me five minutes and I’ll really blow your mind.”

  “You already did.” She laughed.

  He rolled over and tugged her into his chest. He cradled her in the protective circle of his arms. The only sound in the dark room was the mingling of their breathing.

  He glanced toward the window. “I used to love coming to New Orleans when I was a kid.”

  “You did?”

  “My parents would bring us here Sundays for lunch. My mother always made sure we were properly dressed.” He laughed. “That’s one thing I don’t miss. Dressing up to eat. Even at home, we had to dress for dinner.”

  “Sounds like your parents had money.” Catty’s parents were well-to-do, but they certainly weren’t rolling in it.

  “Yeah. They do. Or did. I haven’t seen them in a while. Not since I moved to Arkansas.” His voice sounded heavy, like he’d been carrying something for a long time, something he desperately needed to put down.

  “They must live close.” She pressed her lips together, waiting for him to answer.

  “They do. It’s a plantation home, not too far from here. My great-grandfather built it. It’s not as old as the other plantations around here, but it still has a lot of history.” He cupped her neck and rubbed his thumb across her bottom lip. “I once told my dad we should do tours of the house during holidays like Christmas and Valentine’s Day.” His lips turned up into a semblance of a smile. “He said no. Said he didn’t want strangers in the house trying to case the place or steal the family silver.”

  She laughed. “Well, I can’t blame him.”

  She settled back against his shoulder. “It must have been a great place to grow up. I remember my home. We lived in a subdivision, but the lots were big and our property backed up to a forest. Me and Skylar used to take my mom’s sheets and make forts in the woods. We’d also take her spoons so we could dig in the ground and make a fairy city. She’d always find her spoons bent out of shape and ask if I knew what happened. I would always lie. Although I couldn’t lie when Skylar was around. That girl had an honest streak a mile wide. She threw me under the bus one day when my mom asked if we’d seen her pearl necklace. I said no. Skylar spoke up and said I broke it while we were out in the forest working on our fairy house. We were going to use the pearls as a gate around the fairy house. I stretched it too far and the pearls went everywhere.”

  “Sounds like you had a good childhood.”

  “I did.” She’d chosen a different path, far from the charmed life she once knew.

  “It’s weird when things you took for granted aren’t there anymore.” His wistful tone made her heart ache.

  “Yes.” She eased up on her elbow to look into his eyes. “Like Mom’s meatloaf.”

  “Or digging up night crawlers to go fishing,” he added.

  She grinned. “Or irritating Zane.”

  “Oh, believe me he’s still getting irritated by his Guardian brothers.”

  “How long have you known Zane?” She trailed her finger down the muscles in his chest.

  “For a while.” He shrugged. “We’re not BFFs, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  “Do you like living in Arkansas?”

  “I do. I miss things about Louisiana though. Like the food and my home.” His voice trailed off.

  “Why don’t you go for a visit while you’re here?” She lifted her eyes to his.

  “Because I’m on business. Besides, I don’t think they want to see me.”

  “That can’t be true. They’re still your parents. They love you no matter what.”

  A slow smirk grew across his gorgeous lips. “You should listen to your own advice, Catty.”

  “I’m different.” She shook her head and fell back onto his shoulder. “I chose this path. I chose the consequences and the shame. My parents would be heartbroken if they knew what I’ve become.”

  He raised up on his elbow and lifted her chin with his finger. “What you’ve become is a beautiful, independent woman who looks after the interests of others. Like Mrs. Willis and your friend Jill. You have options and you are a survivor.” His words trickled over her soul like a warm spring, filling her with hope. She’d never looked at herself in that light before.

  “Well, maybe if you go see your parents, then I’ll go see mine.” She arched her brow. She couldn’t imagine going home, but she would encourage Lucien to.

  “We’ll see.” He laughed and fell back on the bed. “Right now, I’ve got other plans for you.” He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her on top of him.

  “I made a promise you were not getting any sleep tonight. And I never break my promises.”


  Catty stood at the foot of her bed and watched Lucien sleep. A sheet wound around his waist, the white material hiding his nakedness from her gaze.

  Dark hair brushed his forehead, while his face looked almost angelic as he slept. His large muscled body made her ache for him once again.

  She shook her head. She needed to snap out of it. She was acting like a nympho. They’d had sex five times last night. She’d been amazed at how much pleasure he could pull from her body with ease.

  Before they’d drifted off to sleep, he’d told her he had to go back to see the witch tonight.

  No way was she going to let him go alone.

  She’d set her alarm, woken early, and grabbed a shower without disturbing him.

  She glanced at the time. She had time to drop by and see Mrs. Willis before they left.

  She placed the note telling him where she was by the side of the bed. Sighing, she picked up her backpack and headed out the door.

  She stepped out of her building and glanced around. The morning still had a heavy gray look before the sun made its appearance. The air was heavy and thick, making each breath an effort.

  She hiked her bag higher on her shoulder and began the trek toward Mrs. Willis’s house.

  She ducked into a small coffee shop and was greeted with the delicious aroma of coffee beans and freshly baked pastries.

  The shop was relatively empty except for one older man at a table and two people in line. She stepped in behind an older woman and glanced up at the menu.

  “I don’t know, Haley. Get me whatever you think I’d like.” The gray-haired woman turned and smiled at Catty. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning.” Catty returned the smile. “The chocolate croissants are really good.” She nodded at the display case.

  “That sounds good.” The woman turned away from the pretty blonde she was talking to and looked at her. The woman leaned in and gave Catty a strange look.

  “You look like you didn’t get much sleep, dear.” The older woman lowered her voice.

  Her face heated. She was thrown off guard from the woman’s blunt comment.

  “Granny, that’s not nice.” The young girl turned and gave Catty an apologetic smile.

  “What?” Granny gave the girl an innocent look. “What I wouldn’t give for a night where some hot man kept me up and had me glowing.”

  “Granny!” The young woman shook her head.

  “It’s okay. I didn’t get much sleep last night.” She pressed her lips and suppressed a smile.

  “A guy, right?” Granny asked.

  She nodded.

  “I figured.”

  Haley coughed as she tried to hide her embarrassment.

  “I may be old, but I can tell when a girl has the attentions of a man.” She leaned in close and lowered her voice. “Or should I say male, since we’re not exactly fully human. Are we, dear?”

  Her eyes went wide and she inhaled. The woman was a wolf. How had she not noticed?

  “It’s okay, dear. You are among friends.” She patted Catty on the arm and smiled.

  “I’m Granny and this is Haley.” The old woman nodded toward the pretty blonde who was holding two cups of coffee and a bag of pastries.

  “Nice to meet you. I’m Catty.” She’d been too busy thinking of Lucien and what they’d spent the better part of the night doing to realize the two women were werewolves.

  “We’re visiting New Orleans to get some stuff for my wedding.” Haley’s eyes twinkled when she spoke. The girl was practically glowing.

  “Wedding.” Catty arched her eyebrow. Wolves mated. It was the same thing as a wedding. The mated bond was stronger than any human ceremony.

  “Yes. He said he wanted to be double-bonded.” Haley lowered her voice.

  “Well, congratulations. He’s certainly a lucky guy.” Jealously stung her in the gut, reminding her of her failures. She wouldn’t be mated. The only one she could imagine binding her life to was Lucien. And he was too fine a male for her and completely out of her reach.

  “No.” Haley shook her head. “I’m the lucky one. I gained a family when I found Jayden.”

  “They are both lucky to have found each other.” Granny turned back to Catty. “Like you and your guy.”

  She forced a smile. Her good mood had evaporated.

  “Well, we better get going. Lots to do today.” Granny smiled before heading for the door with Haley.

  She watched after them with a small heaviness in her heart.

  “Ma’am, what will it be?” the barista asked.

  Forcing her thoughts to the back of her mind, she turned back to the counter and quickly ordered a coffee and some croissants for Mrs. Willis. She was going to grab something to eat herself, but she suddenly didn’t have much of an appetite anymore.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “I should have more information by tonight.” Barrett leaned back in his chair and stared at Ryker over his desk. Ryker had been there way before the sun began to peek over the horizon.

  Barrett hadn’t left his office since this whole shit storm had started. Ryker stayed close to the compound in case the situation changed.


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