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Alpha Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book 4

Page 10

by Janelle Peel

  I cleared my throat, “We had a series of earthquakes spanning from Mexico and up through California.”

  His brow lowered, “Okay?”

  I tipped my chin toward the TV, “They stopped when I left.”

  He shook his head, “It’s probably a coincidence, Nat. You need to rest. Your mind is jumping at shadows.”

  Somehow, I didn’t think he was right.

  Chapter 10


  Stretching in one graceful motion, I immediately heard a loud grunt. Snapping my eyes open, I took in Kane’s shocked expression and laughed. Evidently, I’d kicked him in the face.

  Shaking his head, he chuckled.

  Sometime during our slumber, Bex had abandoned her post beside me and had curled up next to his thigh. His face softened into one of tenderness as she flicked one ear and yawned.

  Slightly shaken by the new development, I averted my eyes and stood. Cracking my back, I mumbled, “I’m going upstairs for a shower.”

  Bex hopped to the floor as Kane rose to stand. The sweats had shifted low on his hips as he slept. It was all I could do not to gawk at the dark hairs trailing from his navel to tent outlining his pants. Blushing furiously at his morning wood, I quickly made my exit.

  He called after me, “Okay. Bex and I will start breakfast.”

  Taking the coldest shower known to man, I had half a mind to slap myself. This was so not happening! How was I attracted to the man who had kidnapped me? Get it together, girl. This couldn’t happen. I didn’t have any idea how the Mate thing worked, even if I did want to test the theory for a quick tussle. My mind flashed back to the hard muscles of his chest…


  Turning off the shower, I stepped out and began toweling off when my phone rang.

  Glancing at the speaker, I answered Daisy’s call and tucked the phone under my chin, “Hey, Daisy. What’s up?”

  “Are they there yet?”

  My brow lowered, “What? The ravens? Not to my knowledge. I just got out of the shower.”

  She snarked, “Well hurry up, woman. I want to see if they made it.”

  Setting the phone on the counter, I pulled my last tank over my head and slipped into a pair of bike shorts. Damn, I mused internally, I was even out of underwear. Finger combing my wet hair, I left it down to cover my ears and picked up the phone, “All right, I’ll head downstairs now.”


  I paused at the door to my room, “Hey, Daisy?”


  I stammered, “Um, do you know anything about Shifter Mates?”

  Her tone softened, “No, sorry. I can look it up, though. Is there anything specific you want me to find?”

  I pulled open the door and headed downstairs, “No, it’s okay.” The scent of bacon and eggs made my mouth water as I hit the entryway. “Hey, Kane? Did the birds get here yet?”

  His head poked around the corner, “Not that I know of.”

  “Okay, I’m going to check.” Grabbing a random jacket by the door, I pulled it on and almost purred. It was his, and it smelled amazing.

  Daisy’s voice took on an interested pitch as I opened the door and stepped outside, “Who was that?”

  Sobering, I snorted, “My kidnapper.”

  She giggled, “And I assume… this is the Shifter you were asking about?”

  My jaw clenched, “No.”

  “Uh, huh. Sure.” She chuckled, “I can hear you grinding your teeth, Nat. Spill.”

  Caught, I blushed and mumbled, “Fine, yes. I don’t know, Daisy.” I lowered my voice, “He’s really fucking hot, but I don’t even like him.”

  She laughed, “Hate sex is the best kind! But, if it’ll make you feel better, I’ll try to find the answer for you, okay?”

  Equal parts relief and irritation flickered through me. Did I really want to know?

  Her smile colored her words as she interpreted my silence, “Trust me, you do.”

  Rolling my eyes, I looked up as a loud screech rent the air, “It looks like it worked. The ravens are here; 8 to be exact. Nice touch with the harnesses.”

  As the books hit the ground with loud thumps, the enhanced birds flapped their long wings and settled. In tandem, their creepy white eyes swung in my direction.

  “Cool, right?”

  “Yeah.” I shivered as they continued to stare, “The other one you enhanced, didn’t it have pink eyes?”

  “It did. Then Sora put the whammy on everything and now my magic is silver.”

  Ah, that made sense. My bare feet carried me across the grass. “Do I just unbuckle the straps?”

  “Yup. I’ll text you later with an answer. Don’t worry, they’ll find their way back.”

  “Okay, but Daisy-”

  She laughed at the panic in my voice, “I won’t tell anyone.”

  Disconnecting, I pocketed my phone and looked at the creepy ravens. Biting my lip, I inspected each harness and got down to business.

  The heavy books hit the kitchen table with a loud thunk. Each was secured inside its own leather messenger bag and had then been wrapped in duct tape.

  Kane looked from me to the stack, “A little overkill, right?”

  I shrugged, “Maybe, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

  He nodded, “True. Let’s eat first, then we can go over them.”


  As he watched Nat finish her food, his Wolf grinned like a Cheshire cat. The beast took extreme pleasure that she seemed to enjoy the meal they had provided.

  Pushing her plate away, she glanced at the last strip of bacon on his plate with a forlorn expression. Chuckling internally, he nudged the dish closer to her.

  Blushing, she snatched it up, ripped it in two, and tossed half to Bex. The pup caught the treat in midair. Swallowing it whole, she burped. Nat giggled before sobering, “Bex, go watch TV or something. I don’t want you near these books.”

  Snorting once, Bex bared her teeth in annoyance, and hopped from her chair.

  Standing, he began clearing their dishes, “The gloves are on the counter if you want to get started.”

  Moving around one another in the small space, she plucked a knife from the block and paused, “I think we should do it together, just in case.”

  Nodding his approval, he loaded the dishwasher and joined her back at the table. Her dainty fingers were swallowed by his large work gloves as she slowly worked the knife around the edge of the tape. Once every bag was opened, she unceremoniously dumped the thick tomes onto the table. His first look at the covers was one of awe. Earth, Air, Water, Fire; they all seemed to move while he watched.

  “Don’t touch, okay?” Her green gaze snagged his, “They almost killed my Mage friend. I don’t know what would happen if a Shifter came into contact with them.”

  His fingers itched with the urge to do just that, so he promptly lowered his hands and sat on them.

  Smirking, she nodded. “I think the blue one is Water. Jet described ice and snow, so it makes sense if we start there.”

  “Agreed,” he mumbled as she moved the book toward her. Her fingers trembled for a moment. Taking a deep breath, she opened the tome. Tipping his head, he watched the strange shapes littering the inside of the book shift as if covered by water. He frowned as she slowly turned the page. What the hell were those, he wondered? Wrinkling his nose, he leaned closer, “Can you read any of it?”

  She shook her head once and closed her eyes.

  As he was going to ask what she was doing, a chiming laugh sounded. He looked around, but they were completely alone.

  “Thank you,” Nat whispered to no one.

  Confused, he grouched, “Who are you talking to?”

  Opening her eyes, he watched the rim of her iris’s pulse with a golden ring. Odd. He could have sworn they were silver before…

  “The Goddess,” she murmured reverently. “Didn’t you hear Her?”

  He shrugged off his dismay, “I heard a laugh, but that was it.”

; As if she had expected his answer, she explained, “I asked Her for help.”

  His brow furrowed, “And, She answered?”

  Lifting a shoulder, she replied, “Yes. This book,” she tapped the page with her index finger, “is dedicated to the Elementals who wield Water. I assume the others are the same.”

  Was it really that simple? Ask and answer? The Goddess had never graced him with an appearance, nor any of his Pack. Then again, he’d never once prayed to Her.

  Nat busied herself with page after page while his thoughts rolled like marbles.

  Maybe they weren’t so dammed after all.


  Sitting back, I yawned and cracked my jaw. So much information to digest. The thick tome highlighted a brief past before moving on to every imaginable thing that a Water Elemental could do… which was downright scary. I wasn’t sure if I even wanted to read the other books. Absolute power over water was insane.

  Kane set a glass of tap water on the table in front of me and gave me an inquisitive look, “What did you find?”

  Taking a sip, I sighed. “A lot. It seems the Elementals have been around since the dawn of time. If what I read is true, they originated from somewhere else entirely.”

  His brow furrowed, “Somewhere else?”

  I nodded, “A different plane. Their world was filled with war between their different factions. Instead of getting along, they constantly fought each other for territory. The infighting disrupted the magic of their world. It was dying. Knowing if the magic vanished completely, they would also die, the Earth and Water Elementals joined together to create a Rune Gate. With the last of their power, they escaped here.”

  He interrupted, “Are you sure this is even real, Nat? It sounds a little far-fetched.”

  Throwing him a glare, I continued, “Drained from the amount of magic its creation had taken, they were unable to close the Gate. Fire and Air followed shortly thereafter. Our plane was filled with magic; to the point where each Elemental was nearly a God. They were worshipped by many and damned near drained our worlds magic as well. Fearing it would be the end, Water’s leader, Amadahy, called for a meeting. With much debate, each group decided on a brief ceasefire. The remaining Elementals used their power to put themselves into a stasis; in hopes that this plane would regenerate itself.”

  Looking at me like I’d lost my mind, he shook his head.

  I threw my arms wide, “Do you have a better explanation? We had earthquakes back in California, now they’re here. With Jet’s account and the abnormally cold weather, I think it’s plausible.”

  Exasperated, he rumbled, “Fine, say we go with this. What are you thinking?”

  I hesitated, “I think Water and Earth awoke first, then your uncle took the land they had settled on.”

  “And the quakes?”


  His brows lowered, “Then why aren’t they fighting again? When did they,” he snapped his fingers, “wake up?”

  “How the hell should I know, Kane? You dropped me into this mess, I’m only trying to find a way to navigate it.”

  He was silent for a moment. Jerking a nod, he asked, “Did it mention the Merge?”

  “Nope, but I haven’t finished reading.”

  Lifting one meaty hand, he scratched at the stubble on his chin and stood, “Better get to it then.”

  Squeezing my eyes closed, I mentally counted to ten. It was that, or I was going to smack the stupid right off of his handsome face. None of this shit was my fault, but now it was most definitely my problem. Pulling up my big girl panties; oh, right. I didn’t even have any fucking underwear!

  Sighing in frustration, I snapped open my lids and pulled out my phone to dial Viv.


  Checking the display, I answered on the second ring, “Hey! Long time no speak, Bitch!”

  Nat’s abashed voice filled my ear, “I know, sorry. Things are hectic over here.”

  I sobered, “I know. Daisy filled me in on the books. Find anything yet?”

  “Just some crap about the Fae moving here because they killed their own world.” Sarcastically, she added, “Like my life didn’t already have enough excitement.”

  As she filled me in, I watched Jackson spar with Mel. Mel had been insanely agitated of late, and with good reason, so we rented a gym to vent some of his frustrations. Rowe and Sasha had their own match going on the opposite side of the room.

  “What do you think of all of this?” Nat queried.

  I snarked, “Sucks to be you.”

  “Hardy fucking har, Viv,” she mocked. “Seriously, I’m drowning over here.”

  I sighed, “I know.” Like lightening, my mind latched on to something she’d said, “Hey, the Merge bit. Do you think it might be referring to the rest of the Fae waking up?”

  She sucked in an audible breath, “I hadn’t about it. Maybe. There are a few other things we need to discuss…”

  Uh oh, that didn’t sound good. Standing, I padded to the locker room for some privacy.

  Sitting on a metal bench, I quipped, “Out with it.”

  Twenty minutes later I was pacing my fifteenth lap of the small space when I interrupted her, “What! You think you are part-”

  “SHHHHH! Not so loud! I don’t want to worry the others. But yes, my ears are now pointy. They match the description of one of the Pack Members who was present when they were cursed.”

  Lowering my voice, I whisper yelled, “What the hell are we going to do?”

  “I don’t know, but that isn’t why I called. I, uh, need a favor.”

  My brow furrowed. What could I possibly help her with? “Yeah?”

  “I’m out of clothes…”

  Ah, that made sense. We were only supposed to be here for a short visit. “Okay. What do you want me to get?”

  A few hours later, Rowe was peppering me with questions as we drove down the bumpy road to meet Nat. She’d specifically asked for Mel to stay behind, and honestly, I was regretting her decision. At least he was quiet.

  “For the third time, Rowe. I don’t know! Nat is still trying to figure out the barrier thing. No, I don’t know how long it will take. And for the love of God, I am sure Bex is fine.”

  Giving me the stank eye, she sat back and crossed her arms. “I’m just worried.”

  Taking a calming breath, I pulled the rental van to the side of the road and mumbled, “I know. Me, too.”

  Bex’s entire body wiggled in excitement as we exited the van and grabbed Nat’s new wardrobe.

  Rowe stepped onto the road and immediately froze, “Um, Nat? Can I cross?”

  Nat’s brow furrowed before meeting her hairline, “Oh, shit! Sorry!” Her jade eyes took on a glow, “Rowe, please come to the barrier but do not cross it.”

  Letting out a giggle, Rowe walked across the road with her bags swinging.

  Shrugging away the Alpha nonsense, I followed with a smile when an insanely attractive man stepped out from the tree line.

  At least a foot taller than I, he towered over Nat and scanned the surrounding forest for any threats. My eyes widened as I took in his thick frame. Sweet Jesus! No wonder Nat didn’t want Mel to come.

  Nat met my gaze with a smirk, “Kane, this is Viv and Rowe. Guys, meet Kane.”

  Rowe’s mouth opened and closed as she practically undressed the massive Shifter with her eyes. After a moment, her cheeks heated, “Hi.”

  Kane glanced at Rowe and inhaled, “A Fox?”

  He grinned and I thought my own panties were going to melt.

  Mutely, Rowe nodded.

  Bumping her with my shoulder, I nodded to Nat and tossed my bags to the other side of the barrier, “Special delivery.”

  Nat’s eyes flashed as she watched Rowe stare at Kane. Hmm, I thought, interesting… It seemed our little Natalie might have a thing for her big bad captor. If I was honest with myself, I didn’t blame her one bit. His painted on black tee highlighted every muscle of his thick chest and accentuated the perfect v of his
hips. Crossing his arms, the muscles flexed in the most mesmerizing display of masculinity. Clearing his throat, he rumbled, “Viv, well met. Thank you for taking care of my M-.” He cleared his throat, “Er, of Nat’s things.”

  My thoughts came to a screeching halt. He was so going to say MATE! I looked at Nat and her beat red face confirmed it.

  Rowe’s eyes bugged, “Mate?”

  Dropping her head, Nat slumped her shoulders.

  Kane took in her stance with a tightening of his eyes. Snapping his gaze to Rowe, he growled, “Apologize.”

  Nat’s entire body went straight as a board. Turning on her heel, she shouted, “Shut up, Kane! Better yet, go back to the fucking house.”

  Clenching his sculpted jaw, he retreated back inside the forest without a word.

  Rowe fanned herself, “Holy shit! Now he is one fine specimen of a Shifter!”

  Bex stood with a chuff and took off after Kane.

  Confused, I asked, “Where’s she going?”

  Nat watched the pup with a strange expression, “She’s quite taken with him.”

  “Hmm, okay. Well, I can see why. He’s like sex on a stick, girlfriend!” I raised my hand to slap her playfully in the shoulder and promptly hit the barrier with a thwack.

  Instantly, our jovial mood was cut short. Sobering, I flexed my fingers into a fist. This really sucked.

  With a grim expression, Nat gestured to the bags, “Did you get everything?”

  “Yup,” I frowned, “But now I’m rethinking my selections.”

  Rowe nodded, “Yeah, we totally should have hit the lingerie section.”

  Nat blushed and shook her head, “Nope, so not going to happen. He is not my Mate.”

  “Buuut,” Rowe drew out, “he could be. Did you see the way he looked at you? You should totally do him!”

  Biting her lip, Nat’s voice lowered to a whisper, “How does the Mate thing even work, Rowe?”

  She stepped closer to the barrier and dropped her own voice, “You Mate under a full Moon, Nat. As long as you’re not tapping that ass,” she thrust her hips provocatively, “during that time, you’re fine.” Tipping her head back with a sly expression, she looked up to the sky, “By the way, the full Moon is two days away. You know, in case you were wondering.”


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