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Protector (Little Death Bringer, #2)

Page 11

by Banks, Catherine

  Chapter Eight

  “I’m surprised that you are so willing to die for your comrade,” the magic user said from nearby me. “He is pretty useless.”

  I tried to open my mouth, but every part of me hurt. I could smell my burnt skin and hair and even though I was thankful I was alive, I was not thankful for the burns covering my entire body.

  “You’re lucky that I need you alive for this spell, otherwise I would have let you die.”

  I opened my eyes slowly, moaning from the pain that opening my eyelids caused. We were in the middle of the forest, next to a small house made of logs. A large wooden table was to my right and lying face up on it, bound at the wrists and ankles was an older man with a piece of cloth tied around his mouth. His face was turned away from me, but his chest was moving up and down as he breathed which meant he was at least alive. On the porch, hanging by his hands was a little boy. He looked at me with pleading eyes and tears leaking down the sides of his face. His wrists were bleeding from the ropes cutting into his skin.

  I tried to move, to stand, but the burns were too much. I screamed, which stretched my face and mouth and made it hurt even more, making me scream longer and louder.

  The magic user laughed happily. “It’s so wonderful that I can hurt you without even touching you. I should have thought of this myself. Well, you live and learn.” He walked over to the old man and slapped him across the face and then turned the man’s face so that I could see it. “Let her watch as you die.”

  I moved my hand slowly into my pocket, ignoring the pain it was causing me and grasping with my fingers, desperately reaching for the bracelet. I knew he would not be able to rescue me, but I at least wanted to say goodbye to them.

  The magic user began chanting as he held a dagger up over his head with both hands, poised to stab the old man. I reached deeper into my pocket, closing my eyes as I bared with the pain. My burned skin peeled back as I pushed my hand into my pocket and the air felt like a thousand ants biting me. I opened my eyes and took shallow breaths through my nose.

  The magic user’s voice began to slowly increase in volume and then he thrust the dagger straight down into the old man’s heart. I watched with despair as the old man stared at me accusingly.

  My fingers finally grasped the bracelet. I closed my eyes and the minds of Cesar, Amadis, Kato, Sebastian and Favian linked with mine. “I’m sorry. I love you all,” I said to them, hoping they would all understand.

  “Hold on Marin. We’re coming,” Favian said. “Hold on.”

  The magic user slapped me forcing me to open my eyes again and making me drop the bracelet from my fingertips due to the pain. “Don’t die on me yet, girl. I need you to live long enough to drain every last ounce of magic from you. Your kind are hard to find.”

  I wanted to say something sarcastic to him. I wanted to hit him, but I could only lie there like a pathetic wimp. I needed to heal these wounds quickly. I needed to use the trick Favian had taught me to open up my magic and speed the healing process.

  The magic user untied the old man and pushed his dead body off of the table. “I was told that no more of you existed, but I knew it had to be a rumor. Probably a rumor started by your own kind. Of course you still existed! The god and goddess still exist so therefore, your kind must as well. I searched high and low, listening for legends of incredibly strong men and their outlandish stories. Many of the stories were preposterous and outlandish as word of mouth can lead things to be. I had heard your story from one man but thought he was insane. No girl could possibly have killed so many ogres by herself.”

  He grabbed the rope holding the little boy up and cut it with his knife, letting the boy fall to the ground in a small heap. The boy did not even cry out in pain. I focused on my magic, deep inside of me and willed it to speed up the healing of my skin. My fingertips tingled as the old skin began to fall off and new skin began to grow. Every hair follicle tingled as the hair grew again, helping push the dead skin off.

  “I traveled closer and closer to your school and the stories about you became even greater,” he said as he dragged the boy along the ground towards the table. “I knew I had to set a trap and find a way to make you prove your lineage. So, I went to the market and set up a booth as a jewelry salesman. As I predicted, you came to my booth and you were drawn to the amulet. Unfortunately for you, you had no idea that you were drawn to it like a moth to fire. It assisted with your capture by those idiots who were focused on the fact that a girl had become a mercenary.” He laughed. “If only they had known what you are, they would have simply killed you where you stood.”

  He picked the boy up and tossed him on top of the table, untying his wrists from the single rope and retying him by both wrists and ankles. “I knew you would escape them, but I had no idea that you would be saved by that elf. That was when I realized I needed to think out my plan very well. I could not have you rescued by him.”

  The skin from my fingertips to my elbows was healed and I could almost move enough to get my swords and kill him.

  “I knew you would come if I baited you with ogres. The only problem I had was keeping them in line and keeping them from killing and eating these two humans. I could have stolen more of them, but the ogres seemed pleased with eating the two older men I let them capture first.”

  I flexed my fingers and then my wrist to ensure that they were healed enough to handle the sword. Why had the idiot left my swords on me? Did he really think I could not heal myself enough to use them? How arrogant.

  He finished tying the boy and picked up the knife he had just used to kill the old man. “Tomorrow I will be the strongest human alive thanks to your power. I will take over the humans and then, eventually, the world!”

  I stood up, pulling my sword from my sheath and said, “I don’t think so.”

  He turned around, absolute shock on his face and asked, “How?”

  I tried to stab him, but he blocked me with his staff, which he produced from thin air. “Elf tricks,” I said through gritted teeth. I should have made my legs heal as well because they were hurting worse than anything else as I moved.

  He started to cast a spell so I punched him in the mouth as hard as I could, cracking a couple of his teeth. Why hadn’t I thought of that earlier?! He howled in pain and I used the distraction to thrust my blade into his stomach. He yelled in pain and tried to get away, but I stabbed him again. I wanted to talk, to tell him I was killing him for those people. To tell him that he would never have my magic, but all I could do was stab him again and again.

  His lifeless body lay on the ground, but I had to be sure he could not get back up so I cut off his head. I walked to the boy, satisfied that we were safe now and cut the ropes binding him to the table. He pulled the cloth from his mouth and whispered, “Thank you.”

  I would have responded, but my legs chose that moment to give out. I landed on my knees and careened sideways, lying on my side as my head swam with dizziness.

  “I’ll get help,” the boy said, “Please don’t die.”

  Even if I died now, which I would not, it would be worth it. The boy was safe and the magic user was dead, unable to steal my magic from me. I relaxed on the ground, trying to regain my energy and heal. I had come too close to death too many times these past few years. I needed a vacation.

  I heard yelling and felt wind on me, but I stayed where I was. If someone else wanted to kill me, then this was the perfect opportunity.

  “Marin!” Favian yelled.

  I smiled and then regretted it, hissing in pain from the still unhealed, burned skin. I realized that I probably looked like a monster and really did not want Favian to see me like this, but I could do nothing about it at the moment.

  “Is she alive?” Sebastian asked as people moved closer to me.

  “She’s breathing,” Favian said. “That man’s not though.”

  “No, it would be difficult to breathe without your head,” Sebastian said.

  I stifled my laugh, not wantin
g to hurt any more than I already was. “Go away,” I whispered, trying to move my lips as little as possible.

  “She smells terrible,” Sebastian said.

  “No worse than usual,” Favian responded. “You haven’t spent two months in the forest on missions with her.”

  Mother sat down in front of me, her hand over her mouth as she spoke. “Hello, daughter. You are quite the mess.”

  “She isn’t talking,” Favian told her, “We insulted her several times and she is still ignoring us.”

  “Favian!” Mother scolded. “Come look at her and it will explain everything!”

  Favian walked around me and gasped. “Marin! I’m sorry. I could not tell from the back that…” He looked at his mother. “Will she be alright?”

  “Marin, can you talk?” she asked.

  “Hurts,” I whispered, moving my lips slowly.

  “How did this happen?” Sebastian asked.

  “The magic user set her on fire,” Micah said. “He was aiming for me and she leapt in front, saving me.”

  Favian moved to touch me and mother smacked his arm. “Do not touch her. Any movement will jar the dead skin and hurt just as bad as being on fire.”

  She was right about that.

  “How did she kill the magic user?” Sebastian asked.

  “She healed her forearms and attacked him,” the little boy said. “She saved my life.”

  “I’m going to heal you, but it is going to hurt. You understand?” Mother whispered to me. I met her eyes and she smiled. “It will be alright. I will heal you fully, even your hair. You won’t have a burn scar on you when I’m done.”

  I hoped so. I really did not want to walk around with permanent burns on my body. Not that I would not have walked around proudly with them, but if they could be healed, then I wanted them to be.

  “Make sure you don’t heal her other scars,” Favian said, “She is very proud of those ones.”

  He knew me so well.

  “And you might leave one burn mark as a reminder for her,” Micah said.

  “Where is she?” Murdock asked from somewhere behind me. “Is she alive?”

  Favian stepped over me, intercepting him. “She is alive. No thanks to you and your village.”

  “We could not help,” he said with shame in his voice. “The ogres alone were too strong for us.”

  “Pathetic,” Sebastian said, “You are so pathetic that you would not even attempt to assist her.”

  “We summoned mercenaries for a reason,” he said.

  “Boys,” Father chastised. “Leave the human alone.”

  “I’m so sorry this happened, Marin,” Micah whispered. “It is all my fault. I thought I could handle him, but he proved to be too strong. Will you forgive me?”

  I just stared at him. Did he really think I was going to talk to him right now?

  “Heal her mouth last,” Favian suggested, “That way we will continue to have this peace and quiet a bit longer.”

  I closed my eyes and used my own magic to assist mother in healing me. I healed my mouth and said, “You are a spoiled, egotistical, self-righteous, elf. I would expect this if you had saved me, but you did not. I saved myself. So, I would appreciate it if you would shut up and let mother heal me.”

  Favian squatted down in front of me and rested his hand on newly healed skin on my cheek. “There’s my Marin. I thought you were playing dead when you did not automatically respond to the first taunt, but I had no idea how badly injured you were. Are you sure you’re alright?”

  Why was his concern making me tear up? “I am in pain, but mother is healing me rather quickly.”

  “Will her hair grow back?” Sebastian asked.

  Mother nodded her head. “She will have a full head of luscious hair again once I am done.”

  “Good, she looks like a boy bald,” Favian said.

  I reached forward and pinched his leg, startling him because he did not know that I could move. “I know where you sleep,” I reminded him.

  He smiled at me and then stepped over me to talk to Father.

  “He was very worried about you,” Queen Silvermist said as she dropped her head down enough for me to see her nose.

  “Why are you here?” I asked in shock.

  “We provide the quickest transportation so we were the best option to bring your family to you.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  Sebastian sat down next to me and laced his fingers through mine. “Is the pain bearable?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I said, feeling tingly from him holding my hand.

  “You should have asked for assistance. What if we had not been able to get to you in time?” he chastised me.

  “Don’t reprimand me, please. I get that enough from Favian.”

  “Apparently not since you continue to put yourself in terrible situations,” Favian said, glaring at Sebastian and my joined hands.

  “I could not let that little boy die because of me,” I said defensively.

  “What do you mean because of you?” Father asked.

  I could not see him. “Can you let Father sit here, Sebastian? I can’t see him.”

  He nodded his head, standing up and letting Father sit in front of me where I could see him. I told him word for word what the magic user had said. He listened intently, his eyes widening incredibly. He glanced behind me and asked, “Do you think he was right?”

  “It would make sense,” Kato said.

  “Care to enlighten the rest of us?” I asked them.

  “There have been people, humans, with extraordinary powers. Most believed they were magic users or shape shifters or even humans with something in their lineage that contributed to it, but some claimed that they were the offspring of the God or Goddess themselves.”

  “That’s ridiculous!” Sebastian said.

  I closed my eyes and thought about it. Was it possible? Could my father be the God of everything? Could I be a half-god? I laughed and said, “I highly doubt that I am a half god or goddess or whatever. I am hardly godly.”

  No one answered me.

  It took Mother two more hours to finish healing me and then she and I both had to rest for the night to regain all of the magic we had used. Favian and I were lying on the grass looking up at the stars while the others were preparing dinner. It was the first time we had been alone since our last mission.

  “I’m mad at you for leaving me behind while you went on a mission,” Favian said softly, anger clearly evident in his tone.

  “I won’t apologize,” I said, “I have to learn to do missions on my own. Soon you will be running the Kingdom and won’t have time for missions with me.”

  “What are you talking about?” he asked, sitting up and looking down at me.

  I sat up and said, “You are supposed to start courting females and running the Kingdom alongside Father so that you can learn to do it. Then you will be married and your wife will not want you out running around in the forest killing ogres with me.”

  “My wife?!” Favian asked in shock, “What?”

  I stood up and clenched my fists angrily. “I think it’s time that we separate ourselves.”

  “What are you saying?” Favin asked, standing up and meeting my eyes.

  “Dinner is ready!” Mother called.

  “We will talk more later,” I said, “But you know what I am saying.”

  I started to walk away, but Favian grabbed my arm, making me look back at him. “Is this because of Sebastian? Are you breaking our partnership for him?”

  “Of course not,” I said angrily, “This has nothing to do with him. He isn’t even a mercenary so why would I break our partnership because of him?”

  “Then why are you doing this? Why are you trying to leave me?” He asked.

  The way he said it sounded very much like he thought we were breaking up. Or was that just how I wanted to hear it? “I already told you. You are not going to have time for me once you start courting the females.”

nbsp; “I will always make time for you,” he said, “You’re my best friend.”

  “Marin. Favian. Come eat,” Father called.

  “We’re busy,” Favian called back angrily.

  I had never heard him speak to Father so disrespectfully before. Apparently Father was just as shocked because he just stared at us. “Favian, apologize to Father,” I whispered.

  “You and I are perfect partners. Why do you want to find another partner?” he asked me.

  “I don’t want another partner,” I said honestly. “I won’t find another.”

  “So you want to be solo?” he asked.

  I jerked my arm away from him and yelled, “I don’t want any of it! I want to live in the fantasyland where I get everything that I want, but that won’t ever happen!”

  “Tell me what you want,” he whispered as he moved closer to me, “And I will give it to you.”

  I blinked in shock and disbelief. He had no idea what he was saying. “You can’t give me what I want,” I whispered back.

  “Who do you want?” he asked, anger building in his eyes. He stood upright, his spine tight and his fists clenched. “Who is it?”

  “There is no one,” I said through clenched teeth. “I swear on Fire that what I have told you already is true.”

  “We can work something out,” he said.

  I laughed and shook my head. “You have always been the optimist.”

  “Favian, we need to talk,” Father said from beside us. I hadn’t noticed his approach.

  “Please Father. We are in the middle of an important discussion,” he said.

  I shook my head and walked away. “No, we are done.” I would die for Favian and I would die seeing him with another female, but I could not do nothing about that.

  “Don’t walk away from me,” Favian called, “We are not through talking.”

  I ignored him and continued walking towards the bar where we were going to eat with everyone else.

  “I command you as Prince to stop walking and talk to me!” he yelled.

  “Favian,” Father chastised.

  I stopped walking and stood in shock. Had he really used his title on me? Did he really think that I would listen to him if he threw that at me? What had gotten in to him?


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