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Billionaire Bear Brotherhood Box Set

Page 1

by Lily Cahill


  Title Page


  Bonus Offer

  Part One - Secretly Craved

  Secretly Craved

  Chapter One


  Chapter Two


  Chapter Three


  Chapter Four


  Chapter Five


  Chapter Six


  Chapter Seven


  Chapter Eight


  Chapter Nine


  Chapter Ten


  Chapter Eleven


  Chapter Twelve


  Chapter Thirteen


  Chapter Fourteen


  Chapter Fifteen


  Chapter Sixteen


  Chapter Seventeen


  Chapter Eighteen


  Chapter Nineteen


  Chapter Twenty


  Part Two - Secretly Desired

  Secretly Desired

  Chapter One


  Chapter Two


  Chapter Three


  Chapter Four


  Chapter Five


  Chapter Six


  Chapter Seven


  Chapter Eight


  Chapter Nine


  Chapter Ten


  Chapter Eleven


  Chapter Twelve


  Chapter Thirteen


  Chapter Fourteen


  Chapter Fifteen


  Chapter Sixteen


  Chapter Seventeen


  Chapter Eighteen


  Chapter Nineteen


  Chapter Twenty


  Part Three - Secretly Mated

  Chapter One


  Chapter Two


  Chapter Three


  Chapter Four


  Chapter Five


  Chapter Six


  Chapter Seven


  Chapter Eight


  Chapter Nine


  Chapter Ten


  Chapter Eleven


  Chapter Twelve


  Chapter Thirteen


  Chapter Fourteen


  Chapter Fifteen


  Chapter Sixteen


  Chapter Seventeen


  Chapter Eighteen


  Chapter Nineteen


  Chapter Twenty


  Chapter Twenty-One


  Part Four - Secretly Needed

  Secretly Needed

  Chapter One


  Chapter Two


  Chapter Three


  Chapter Four


  Chapter Five


  Chapter Six


  Chapter Seven


  Chapter Eight


  Chapter Nine


  Chapter Ten


  Chapter Eleven


  Chapter Twelve


  Chapter Thirteen


  Chapter Fourteen


  Chapter Fifteen


  Chapter Sixteen


  Chapter Seventeen


  Chapter Eighteen


  Part Five - Bonus Content

  Bonus Offer

  Part Six - Sneak Peak

  Sneak Peak

  Chapter One


  Chapter Two



  Lily Cahill

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales, are entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2016 Nameless Shameless Women, LLC.

  All rights reserved.

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  Part One: Secretly Craved

  Chapter One


  "That guy is staring at you."

  "Hmm?" Skye Sylvester looked up from the menu to her best friend, Maddy, who was sitting across the table from her at O'Malley's Pub.

  "That guy at the bar is totally checking you out. No, don't look," Maddy hissed when Skye started to turn. "He'll know we're talking about him."


  Maddy rolled her eyes dramatically. "Have I taught you nothing?"

  "You've been out of the dating market for ten years. I think your tactics might be out of date."

  "Some things never change." Maddy patted her pregnant belly. Her husband was home caring for their young boys so she could have a night out. "Guys will always love beer, football, and a woman who plays hard to get."

  Skye snorted. "Not in my experience."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Every time I play hard to get, the guy never bothers to chase me."

  "Well, this guy looks like he would chase you. Yum yum."

  "How come you get to look and I don't?"

  "Because he's only got eyes for you, sweetie," Maddy said, waggling her eyebrows suggestively.

  Skye sighed. She and Maddy had been friends since their foster home days, despite Maddy's relentlessly cheerful attitude. She was grateful when the waiter approached. "I'll have the Tuscan salad."

  "I'll have the bacon cheeseburger with fries. And, like, two or three sides of ranch."

  "That cannot be healthy," Skye said.

  "What can I say, the baby loves saturated fat," Maddy replied.

  "It's so unfair," Skye grumbled. "I get fat just looking at a cheeseburger. Look at you, you're six months pregnant, and you still weigh less than I do."

  "That's because I'm built like a preteen boy," Maddy said. "Half the reason I keep getting pregnant is so I have boobs worth mentioning. I'd kill for your curves."

  It was the same argument they'd been having since puberty, when Skye's figure suddenly became lush while Maddy's remained slim. "Let's not get into this again."

  "Fine. But I'm pretty sure the guy at the bar likes what he sees."

  "Shut up," Skye said. She could feel the heat of a blush creeping up the car
amel skin of her face. Maddy meant well, but she had no idea what it was like to be single. She had married her high school sweetheart, with whom she had an annoyingly healthy relationship. Skye, on the other hand, had always been single. Mostly, that was the way she liked it.

  "Ooh, he's talking to the bartender. Here's your chance, sneak a peek."

  Curious despite herself, Skye looked over her shoulder around the crowded bar. "Where?"

  "Dark hair, golden skin. Shoulders to die for. He's under the TV."

  "There's, like, fifteen TVs in this place," Skye complained, trying to keep her scan of the bar subtle.

  "You can't miss him. Would you look at his hands? They're so big and tough. He looks like he could just toss you around and have his way with you." Maddy shivered with pleasure.

  "Sounds like you want him for yourself," Skye said, arching an eyebrow.

  "Nah, pregnancy just makes me really horny. That's the other half of why I keep getting knocked up."

  Skye started to grin, but then she saw the man Maddy had been talking about. Oh, yes. He was ridiculously handsome, with strong, slightly exotic features. His thick, dark hair curled around the collar of his black leather jacket.

  Skye had enough fashion sense to know that coat cost more than her monthly rent. So he was rich, too. Didn't that figure? As Skye stared, he flashed a grin at the bartender, revealing straight, white teeth behind sultry lips. A guy like that, she knew, would never be in to her. Maddy must have been exaggerating.

  Then he turned and met Skye's gaze.

  When their gazes locked, Skye felt a pull toward him that was unlike anything she had ever felt before. Like something in her recognized something in him, as if she had been waiting for him her whole life and hadn't even known it. His eyes were a deep, liquid blue, and for a dizzying moment she felt as if she was tumbling into his fathomless depths. She wanted to rise from the table, cross the room, and press her mouth to his without even saying a word.

  Then he looked away.

  Skye sucked in a deep breath. She felt like the world had rocked beneath her.

  "I told you he was hot," Maddy said smugly.

  "Hot" didn't even begin to cover it. "Scorching," maybe, or "volcanic." Skye pressed her legs together, trying to ease the sudden ache between her thighs. She was absurdly turned on.

  "He's not bad."

  "Not bad? Honey, you've gone way too long without sex if you are calling that guy 'not bad.'"

  "It's not like I have a lot of opportunity," Skye said defensively. "My work takes up a lot of my time."

  Maddy scoffed. "You're always working. How long did it take to set up this dinner? You kept saying you were busy."

  "I was busy, I wasn't just saying that," Skye said, exasperated. "My editor has me working around the clock. If I'm going to get the good assignments, I have to be willing to hustle."

  "I know how much it means to you to be a journalist, Skye. But that doesn't mean you can't have anything else in your life."

  "I couldn't have that guy regardless. He's way too hot for me."

  Maddy was about to argue back when her eyes went wide. "Oh my God," she hissed. "He's coming over here!"

  "What?" Skye squeaked, nearly spilling the water she was bringing to her mouth.

  "I told you he was looking at you," Maddy said, now staring at him avidly.

  "He can't," Skye said, panic spurting inside her.

  "He is," Maddy said. "Quick, laugh like I said something funny or he'll know we were talking about him."

  "Stop staring at him," Skye said. "Act normal. How's my hair?"

  "You act normal," Maddy said, squirming with excitement. "Your hair is fine."

  "Fine-fine or fine-terrible?" She couldn't stop touching it. Though her back was to him, Skye could feel the stranger approaching, as if the magnetic pull she felt toward him was amplified by proximity.

  "Fine, just stop fussing. Here he comes," Maddy said, her voice lilting into a sing-song cadence.

  Skye's heart was pounding in her chest. It wasn't often that she met a guy who had set her system humming with no more than a look.

  The stranger's hip came level with the table. Skye stared obstinately at her water glass, afraid that if she looked up into that gorgeous face, she might just burst into flames.

  He hesitated for a half-second, his body angling toward their table. Skye had a moment to appreciate the way his gray T-shirt clung to his flat stomach where it tucked into his dark jeans.

  A wild, lustful thought occurred to her. His cock lay just behind that thin wall of denim. If she looked closely, she could trace the weight of it, straining against the fabric. Desire pooled inside her, though her mouth was suddenly dry.

  What was this man doing to her? Was it even possible he was having the same reaction to her?

  Apparently not. Before he finished turning toward her, he paused, straightened, then walked out the door.

  Skye and Maddy exhaled a sigh in unison, then Maddy thumped her little fist on the table. "I could have sworn he was coming to talk to you."

  Skye's heart was still pounding, but now she felt a little sick. She forced herself to shrug casually. "He was probably less interested once he saw me up close."

  "Don't say that," Maddy said fiercely, her brow furrowing. "You're gorgeous."

  Skye wanted to roll her eyes. Maddy suffered from a best friend's blindness. Skye was painfully aware of her curvy hips and soft belly, her too-big breasts that never seemed to fit in shirts. She could dress well when she put her mind to it, but more often than not she didn't bother. Her hair was a wild riot of dark brown curls, the same shade as her eyes and a few shades darker than her skin. A man like that--a tall, insanely handsome stud with a charmer's smile--would never be interested in a girl like her.

  But she didn't want to burden Maddy with her self-pity. Maddy would only try to cheer her up, and worry that it hadn't worked. Maddy, whose husband adored her, had never had to doubt her attractiveness. Whereas Skye and self-doubt were old, close friends.

  Luckily, the food arrived and distracted Maddy. Her fat burger looked greasy and delicious--much more interesting than Skye's salad. Skye was tempted to steal one of Maddy's fries, but then she remembered how the guy had turned away from her. One more rejection, she thought with a pang, in a long line of disappointments.

  Instead of snagging one the golden fried potatoes on Maddy's plate, she filled her mouth with lettuce. It was as bitter as her thoughts.

  Chapter Two


  "Are you sure you don't want a ride?" Maddy said, yawning as she lowered herself into her car.

  "Go home. You're falling asleep already," Skye said. "The El station is just a couple of blocks away. I'll just stop at the office and grab a few things before I get the train."

  "Don't work anymore tonight," Maddy admonished. "You've put in a full day already. The Daily Gazette can afford to give you a night off. You work too hard."

  Skye shrugged. "I haven't gotten my own byline yet. I haven't gotten a feature piece. That means I'm not working hard enough."

  Maddy scoffed. "You sound like old Mrs. Haggarty from the foster home. 'Your best is only the beginning,'" she said nasally before returning to her normal voice. "You need sleep, just like the rest of us. Some time away to recharge your mind. Promise you'll go home, instead of up to your desk."

  Skye squirmed. "I will. I'll head home right after I run upstairs and grab a few things."

  Maddy eyed her. "I'm going to call your home number in an hour, and if you aren't there I'm taking away your babysitting privileges."

  Skye pretended to be hurt. "You mean you won't let me take care of your kids for free every Sunday morning so you and Frank can keep reproducing like rabbits?"

  "You look forward to it as much as the kids do."

  It was true. Maddy's boisterous sons were Skye's simplest joy. Playing with the two kids was the highlight of her week. "I'll be home in an hour. Now stop hassling me."

  "Never. Love
you," Maddy said, grinning as she turned on her car.

  Skye waved as she pulled away, then crossed the street away from O'Malley's Pub. It was on a trendy street just off Michigan Avenue--in other words, not the sort of neighborhood where she usually hung out. The buildings around here were all hip condos, luxury lofts, and specialty restaurants. With her meager salary, she couldn't afford more than working-class bars and cheap take-out.

  Night had fallen, but the street was well-lit and busy. Skye walked down the sidewalk, dodging other Chicagoans out for a stroll. Almost unbidden, her thoughts returned to the guy at the bar. She tried to imagine how he would look in her apartment. More precisely, in her bed.

  Their moment of eye contact hadn't lasted more than a few seconds, but she could still feel the electric thrill of his gaze. Those deep blue eyes, that thick dark hair ... not to mention the broad shoulders and solid chest she had spied under his jacket. She licked her lips, thinking about the way those ridged muscles would feel under her hands.

  In her imagination, he was a take-charge, no-holds-barred lover. He would earn her complete surrender through the skill of his mouth and the strength of his touch. Her skin tingled as she imagined that hard mouth running over her soft flesh. His eyes would be hot, utterly focused on her, as he used those long, blunt fingers to push aside her panties and part her wet folds.

  Skye shuddered, surprised by the vividness of her thoughts. Maddy was right--it had clearly been too long since she'd got laid, if she was having those kind of fantasies about a man she hadn't even met.

  And, who clearly didn't have any interest in meeting her.

  Skye shook the fantasy from her mind as she turned onto a quieter side street. Guys like that didn't go for her. He probably went for leggy model types, not curvy dark-skinned girls who were all boobs and hips.

  Thinking about it was depressing. By default, she thought about work instead. For the past six months, since she started at The Daily Gazette, Skye had been killing herself trying to prove her value. She volunteered for every grunt job and project A.J., the editor, could throw at her. But it was starting to get old. Today, for example, A.J. had sent her on a wild goose chase into western Michigan to take pictures of a lakeshore property that was up for sale. Hardly the powerful journalism she wanted to share with her city.

  But, she reminded herself, this was all part of the process. She had wanted to be a journalist her whole life, and she wasn't going to let a little hard work stop her.

  Impatient to get back to the office, she turned down an alley that was a shortcut back to her office. She hoped that, with time, A.J. would reward her with something better than pointless research. Maybe if she brought in her own story ... something juicy, something big ....


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