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The Young Governess

Page 4

by Phoebe Gardener

  “Dashed shame, Miss Spencer. Hoped you might stay with us a bit longer, what?”

  There was a pregnant pause while they waited for Kate to respond. She could think of nothing appropriate to say. Merely by glancing at Alice, her head immediately filled with images of the last night’s unnatural lesbian couplings she had enjoyed with her and her daughter. Sir Bradley smiled at her encouragingly as if urging her to speak, perhaps to reconsider. What a kindly man! A new pang of guilt shot through her very core. And this was how she chose to repay his kindness – by such filthy, lewd, disgusting behaviour – the behaviour of a common street prostitute.

  Just as she was about to deliver her agonised and passionately sincere response, Jenks came in with only the most peremptory of knocks, went straight up to his Mistress and whispered urgently in her ear.

  “I see. Kate, Jenks tells me that a valuable family treasure has gone missing

  – the Fordham Miniature. It was seen in its usual place, my husband’s study, first thing in the morning. Now it is no longer there. None have entered or left the house. I hope you will not take this amiss, but we must search your luggage before you depart – if depart you really must.”

  “Of… of course, Lady Fordham. I would not object in the least,” Kate said, rather primly.

  Kate was dismayed. The Fordham Miniature was the most valuable of this noble old family’s heirlooms. Painted by Nicholas Hilliard in Elizabethan times, it was worth a small fortune. And now she was suspected of being a thief? Perhaps she deserved no better, for if she had acted as if she were a wanton whore, why should they not assume she had the morals of a thief, also?

  The small group moved from the morning room to the hall where Kate’s luggage had been placed in a neat pile by the front door. Mrs Beveridge was already on her knees undoing the straps of Kate’s trunk, while Lady Fordham went through one of the valises she had placed on the hall table. Kate saw her stiffen and she heard her slowly say in an icy voice and without turning around, “Jenks, Mary, you may leave us now. There is no need to search any further.”

  The servants left hurriedly, and when she heard the door close at the end of the hall, Alice turned to face her husband and Kate.

  “Oh Kate. How could you?”

  Kate gasped. Alice held the miniature in her hand.

  “No… I mean… that is impossible… someone must have…”

  Kate blushed. She blushed easily and now she blushed beetroot red, as if she were trying her very hardest to convince the Fordhams of her guilt.

  Sir Bradley’s handsome features, on the other hand, were livid. His lips narrowed in a thin line of anger and his jaw clenched in a most alarming manner. His fists clenched and unclenched spasmodically, and for a moment she thought that he might hit her.

  “In my father’s day, you would have been hung for far less a crime. I’m in half a mind to call the constable. I daresay you’d get a few years for this, my pretty miss!”

  He turned on his heel and entered his study, slamming the door behind him.

  Kate looked at Alice Fordham entreatingly, but the look on the beautiful face of her first lover was hard to gauge. The room seemed to start spinning around her and now she saw Alice Fordham’s inscrutable look change to one of concern as Kate’s vision clouded and darkened. She sank to her knees then fell on her side in a deep faint.

  When she came to, she was lying on a chaise longue in the morning room. Sir Bradley was nowhere to be seen but Alice Fordham was mopping her brow with a dainty embroidered handkerchief dipped in cologne. Kate looked terrified, trapped in a nightmare that was all too real. She rose up, but Alice pushed her gently back and smiled reassuringly.

  “It’s alright, Kate. I know you didn’t steal the miniature. But I have no idea how it ended up in your valise.”

  Oh thank God, thought Kate. Someone believes me. She closed her eyes and let out a little sigh of relief.

  “But although I think I have mostly persuaded him, my husband is not yet as sure as I am. Yet. I shall, before too long, get to the bottom of this mystery. But there must be no more talk of leaving, for that would only convince my husband of your guilt. Now you must go to your room and rest. I will have some luncheon sent up for you, and I have told Ellie that you are feeling below the weather and that she is excused lessons for today.”

  “Oh thank you, thank you, thank you Lady Ford… Alice, thank you from the bottom of my heart…”

  “You poor girl, Sir Bradley, you and I will dine à trois tonight. Ellie will have an early supper. I feel sure that we shall all be looking upon this morning’s events as a storm in a teacup by then. However there are one or two things I would like you to do for me before you go up to your room.”

  At that moment Kate would have attempted to swim the Channel naked for Alice, had she asked her to.

  “Certainly, Alice, what would you have me do?”

  “Here is a contract of employment. It is really a document of no consequence, however it helps me to keep my affairs in order.”

  Kate signed the document in her neat hand.

  “And this…” Alice gave a small deprecatory laugh, handing her another sheet, “…oh this is just one of Bradley’s pet schemes… a sort of society that looks after fallen women, well… girls really. It’s called the ‘The Lord’s Handmaidens’; it’s run by a kindly local pastor, the Reverend Pike, who devotes his time to ameliorating the lot of these miserable girls, training them to take their place in society and even finding new positions for them when they leave. Its supporters, mainly local ladies from the parish’s gentry, are called the ‘Followers’. I would very much appreciate it if you became a ‘Follower’.”

  Kate signed the second piece of paper and handed both documents back to Alice. She felt sure that this would help to give her a fresh start with the Fordhams.

  And with this, Alice bent forward and gave Kate a chaste little kiss on her forehead.

  * * * * *

  That evening at dinner, her employers acted as if nothing had ever happened, but Kate felt that she was still on probation as far as Sir Bradley was concerned. He was charming as ever, but perhaps a little cooler towards her than the evening before. He told her a little about the home for destitute girls he ran on the estate with the help of a kindly pastor, the Reverend Pike.

  The food was spicy and, being thirsty, Kate drank more wine than she was used to. Especially a very sweet sauterne that Sir Bradley insisted that she try with her desert. By the time they got up to go into the drawing room, she realised that she was somewhat unsteady on her feet. Sir Bradley offered her his arm, which she gratefully took.

  Once more the fire had been lit, and Kate thought this strange, as tonight it was not particularly chilly. Once more, Lady Fordham sat and dispensed drinks from the tray that Jenks had set down before her. This time, her husband remained.

  “That will be all, Jenks, you and the others may retire now.”

  When the butler had left the room, Alice bade Kate come and sit beside her on the floor.

  “We shall be cosier thus, shan’t we? And now the pasha can survey his harem of two.”

  They all laughed and any tenseness that Kate might have felt before evaporated completely. Alice pulled her gently down so that her head lay in the older woman’s lap. She stroked Kate’s hair and forehead, soothing her. It was all done in such a natural, almost sisterly, way that Kate thought little of it. Her mistress took a sip of cognac from the glass she was holding and bent down to kiss Kate’s lips. She dribbled a little of the spirit inside her mouth. By now Kate was in such a warm, comfortable state that she felt this to be quite proper. Her limbs felt heavy, and she giggled foolishly as she took another mouthful of cognac from Alice’s voluptuous lips.

  She looked up and her eyes met Sir Bradley’s. He was smiling indulgently, as if watching children play. He really was a fine figure of a man, thought Kate to herself and her eyess wandered to the area of his groin, where to her surprise and amusement she could see the outli
ne of his John Thomas. It was enormous. What had Alice said to her? “Sometimes I bring my women friends home and we have some truly interesting variations…” In the soft glow of the candelabra and lamps she thought her employers had never looked so attractive.

  So close to the fire, Kate felt hot. And when Alice started to remove her clothes, she found it was not only a relief, but a reassuring sign that she had been accepted back into the bosom of the Fordham family.

  The voices of the others became distant, almost fading away entirely, returning occasionally loud and fragmented. Alice had freed her large breasts from the confines of her dress and the mere sight of them aroused feelings of lust. Kate’s cunt started to lubricate.

  “Look, dearest, see how wet her sex becomes!”

  As Alice’s fingers busily parted the folds of her sex, and rubbed either side of her clitoris, Kate dimly realised through the warm haze of lassitude that she was going to be fucked. She sincerely hoped so. Then she would become the second Lady Fordham. Part of the Fordham harem. She giggled inanely.

  “Lick her cunt, Bradley. She tastes divine. Here let me hold her legs open for you… But not for too long. The poor little thing so desperately needs to be fucked! Yes, Kate,” laughed her employer humiliatingly, “sweet little Kate, now you will be deflowered… for our pleasure!”

  Kate felt a firm grip on her ankles as Alice Fordham lifted them up and over her head. For the very first time in her life, Kate Spencer’s sex was entirely exposed to a man’s gaze: he could see her dark brown pubic bush, the delicate, seeping, pink folds of her exquisite, virginal cunt – even the tight, wrinkled little pucker of her nut-brown anus.

  Bradley Fordham needed none of his wife’s encouragement. He quickly knelt and his fingers started to explore Kate’s wet, pulsing sex.

  She groaned and writhed deliriously beneath this determined attack on her genitals. She felt his fingers rubbing, sliding at the tender lips of her vagina, and slowly spreading them apart between her widely spread legs. Then a sudden pain as his middle finger probed her hymen too hard. In a sudden rush of irrational, girlish terror, she tried to clamp her thighs together but he was too quick, and besides, his wife was keeping a firm grip on her widespread ankles. His head dropped and the sudden wetness of his slavering lips locking onto her throbbing and exposed clitoris froze her body as it was. She felt the brush of his moustache, the tickle of his side-whiskers. A sharp new sensation rippled through her and she felt all the tingling carnal passions that she had built up over all the years before suddenly and without warning, rushing up from her legs and belly and gurgling from her mouth in an uncontrollable torrent of pleading cries.

  “Lord! Oh Lord!” she groaned over and over without ceasing as the firm bud of her clitoris sprang into a life that she never knew it possessed as he nibbled and sucked mercilessly at it in the sudden crazed passion that now overtook him. Her head rolled from side to side on a strategically placed pillow, her hair coming loose from the carefully tied chignon, but it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered now but the delicious rape of Bradley Fordham’s mouth that was making those wet, sucking sounds down between her open and defenceless legs. Strange, muted and hazy thoughts of that summer day long ago with Rosie and Joss drifted across her mind and she wanted to open her eyes and see if there were lazy fleecy clouds above, but she couldn’t – only the pale, looming orbs of Alice’s breasts as they hung down, swaying slightly with the exertion of holding Kate’s legs open. There was nothing she could do but buck and churn beneath that probing tongue that was burning fire into her young and unplundered vagina.

  And then, when she thought it would never end, he twisted around again, dropping heavily between her legs. He paused to unbutton his trousers and allow his enormous cock to spring free.

  Kate was beside herself, she had never felt so open and ready in her life. Her pelvis rotated in small hungry circles as he knelt between her open thighs, holding her legs in the air. He smiled down at her.

  “You’re a pretty, sporting, young girl, Miss Spencer. I think you will enjoy this as much as I will,” said Sir Bradley in a voice tight with lust.

  “Oh, Sir Bradley!” she gasped urgently, her pelvis making larger circles now. “Please put your cock in my cunt. Fuck me! Fuck me now or I shall surely die!”

  The master of Walthrop gave a surprised little laugh at his innocent young governess’s sudden descent into gutter-language. Without hesitation he pulled her under him, the softness of her buttocks sliding along the roughness of the carpet, and fell heavily down between her legs. His hand directed his huge throbbing cock to the wet, quivering lips of her cunt, pausing briefly to part the thick, chestnut pubic hair; gently he manoeuvred the glans until it slid down her labial groove and came to rest at the little mouth of her cringing vagina. Kate could feel Alice’s hands squeezing her breasts, lightly pinching her nipples so that they became extremely stiff and erect. The sensation of this double stimulation was extraordinary and she wallowed in the luxury of its blissful effect.

  Then she felt him push forward until his glans rested against the thin veil of virgin’s flesh… her hymen, her maidenhead. There was a tightness of the sort that she herself had caused when exploring that mysterious part of her anatomy. But even in a condition of arousal or erotic excitement, even when she had been dripping wet, she had never even come close to the delicious feelings of utter surrender and submission that she was now experiencing. Sir Bradley was about to cull her virginity! The moment had arrived: she was on the threshold of womanhood!

  The baronet looked up and caught the eye of his wife, and saw that her tongue was caressing the underside of her upper lip, something that she did only when acutely aroused. His cockhead was maddeningly, unsatisfyingly contained by the very light grasp of Kate’s labial folds. He needed to feel the tightness of this prim young governess’s cunt. He needed to, no, he had to fuck her.

  With this irresistible imperative, Bradley thrust his hips forward, his impossibly large and stiff cock ripping the tender flesh of her hymen irreparably and bursting into the wonderfully enveloping tightness of her vaginal passage. At the same time, Alice squeezed both Kate’s nipples as hard as she could, knowing that the two distinctive pains would help to cancel each other out.

  “Aaaagggghhhbh!” Kate screamed, the hot, blinding pain seared deep in her belly. “Oooooh, God – stop! Sir, you are killing me. Oh… please… please...!” Her eyes flew open and she looked, panic-stricken, from one lust-warped face to the other.

  Her arms jerked up involuntarily and she clung to Bradley with all her strength as though it might drive the pain away. Her face was contorted and eyes screwed tightly shut. She struggled once, but then her body stilled to ease the pain. She could feel the full length of the huge penis throbbing deep inside her vagina, imbedded to the hilt. Tiny whimpers escaped her tightly closed lips as she lay quietly, adjusting to the new and strange invasion of her tight virginal cunt.

  Sir Bradley did not move at first, but lay rigid on top of her. He had half-doubted his wife’s testimony of her virginity from the fervour with which she had entered into the act, but now he was reassured. She was a virgin all right and he knew it would take her a moment for the pain to subside. Then, then by God he would throw it to her as though she’d never get it again. He hadn’t had a virgin for many months, and he wasn’t going to let this one off easy.

  In a moment, Kate made her first tentative movement. She rolled her buttocks slightly under him and a small surprised gasp of pleasure escaped from between her teeth.

  It no longer hurt!

  She had thought the pain would last much longer and she had been afraid of it, but suddenly there was none, a slight discomfort, yes, but coupled with the strange sensations coursing through her body it all merged into one great mass of indescribable pleasure.

  Sir Bradley flexed his cock inside her.

  “Oooooooh, yessss, do it,” she whimpered softly up into his ear.

  He did it again.

Oh God, yessss! yessss!” she hissed, her hips suddenly and slowly beginning to rotate beneath him. The tight, wet walls of her cunt contracted possessively around the hardness of his cock as though it were frightened of losing it. He groaned as he felt the muscles deep inside her belly answering the pulsating throbs of his steel-hard shaft. He could hold himself back no longer and began a slow teasing grinding in and out between her wide spread thighs. He could feel the tightness of her clasping around him like soft warm India rubber, the walls of her cunt holding to him with an almost animal desperation as he withdrew slowly and then thrust forward again to sink his massive cock deep back down inside the young governess.

  Her pelvis beneath him began a faster rotation now, her buttocks grinding and writhing down into the hardness of the ground with a sudden abandon that took him by surprise. Mewling sounds of passion and lust escaped her lips in waves of sound that he could not understand but that his body reacted to in the instinctive rhythm of intercourse that was as old as the hills. He levered up on his toes and dropped his hands down under them to cup the full quavering mounds of her buttocks so that he could fuck deeper down into her.

  “Aaahhhhhg! Ooooooooh!” She groaned and twisted her body like a wild animal under him. Thrusting her loins up at him as he ground down into her to take the whole of his expanding cook far down inside the warm hot sheath of her vagina.

  Kate rocked in a dream world of obscene and uncontrolled lust under his pounding body. She had never in all her life, not even with Alice, felt the way she did now with his huge male hardness buried to the hilt inside her. She could feel the soft slap of his balls against the tightly clenched cheeks of her buttocks and the strength of his hands as they kneaded and tore at her tender flesh as a baker’s hands roughly knead dough. She struggled to open her thighs wider, to take him deeper, but she could not. He was sunk as far into her as he could go but she wanted more.

  “Fuck harder… oh, Sir Bradley, please fuck me harder,” she gasped as she felt him begin to thrust his massive hardness into her, now with longer and longer strokes. A strange dancing delight of fire was building far down in her quivering belly that drove her churning body on and on in it’s wild quest for the delicious sensation building and building in every pore of her sweating body.


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