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Sweet as Sin

Page 22

by Felix Baron

  One finger of her left hand followed the strap inside her, holding it in place. Two fingers of her right hand pressed down on the leather, exactly where it ran across her clit. She pulled back an inch, then pressed down an inch. ‘I love the feel of leather moving inside me.’ Penny pushed harder, and faster, rubbing the coarse side of the calf hide on the sensitive head of her clitoris.

  She bit her lower lip. Rolf’s hand dropped to his throbbing cock. He was determined not to jerk off but his straining member was desperate for some sort of contact. He stroked himself, but with a gentle, restrained touch.

  Penny was rubbing furiously. Her juices frothed on the lips of her pussy. Her knees strained wide apart. She was panting, either from the belt’s restriction or from the throes of lust. Penny’s face contorted. With a wild yelp, she snatched the belt from inside her, slipped her feet from the arms of Rolf’s chair and slithered down into his lap, impaling herself on his cock.

  He sat, half in shock, as her sheath convulsed on his shaft, pumping out her essences. As he recovered his senses, he wrapped his arms around her and began to thrust upwards.

  A bell on the oven chimed.

  ‘Supper’s ready,’ Penny told him. She untangled her limbs from his and climbed off his lap.

  Rolf didn’t know whether to just take her, or to protest, or . . . He decided to do nothing. He was the man. He was in charge, of himself as much as of her. Rolf Carmichael could make himself wait. When he did fuck her, it’d be the fuck of her life, and of his, he promised himself.


  Penny’s mitted hands took a casserole from the oven and set it down in front of Rolf. ‘Just a minute. Don’t touch it yet. It’s too hot.’

  She disappeared and reappeared shortly after, with two more belts and a plump cushion. The cushion went on the floor, beside Rolf’s chair. She handed him one strap and put the other one around her own neck. When she’d buckled it, she put two fingers between the leather and her throat. ‘It isn’t tight, you see? It can’t get tight, because it’s buckled. It’s safe, I promise.’ Penny worked the belt around so that its loose end dangled down her back.

  Rolf nodded, reassured. He didn’t mind playing her kinky games, just so they didn’t get too serious or too dangerous.

  Penny turned her back to him with her wrists crossed over her tailbone. Rolf understood but the belt she’d given him had no extra holes. How was he supposed to restrain her wrists with it? Of course! He found the middle of the belt and put that behind her wrists, then crossed it in front, and went behind again, working criss-cross up her arms. By the time he got to her elbows there wasn’t quite enough slack to buckle.

  ‘Tighter?’ Penny suggested.

  He pulled, drawing her elbows closer and closer until they touched, and he had just enough leather to buckle the belt up.

  Penny turned to face him. Her arms were drawn so far back that they’d disappeared. The same strain lifted and presented her breasts. She was transformed into some sort of mythical erotic sylph, a naiad, perhaps, a wooden one, carved to serve as the figurehead on the prow of a galleon.

  ‘How are you going to eat like that?’ Rolf asked.

  ‘I won’t be able to, unless your fingers feed me. I couldn’t be much more helpless, could I?’

  ‘With your legs strapped together, you would be.’

  She smiled. ‘Maybe next time. The paella will be cool enough by now.’ She sank gracefully onto her knees, on the cushion beside Rolf’s chair.

  He took the lid off the casserole. A cloud of saffron-flavoured steam rose. He waved it away and selected a choice piece of lobster from the rice bed. Like a fledgling chick, Penny looked up and parted her lips. He fed her the morsel and took a shrimp for himself. As they both chewed, he toyed with her nipple. She arched and almost purred.

  ‘This is a pleasant way to eat a meal,’ he commented.

  ‘Thank you. We can eat this way more often, if you wish.’

  ‘I wish.’ He found her a tender nugget of pork.

  Before long, his fingers were greasy and grains of rice adhered to them. Penny dutifully licked and sucked them clean, then feigned fellatio on two. Rolf’s cock responded. Well, he had total control over her, so he could indulge his member. Holding her by her improvised collar, he drew Penny’s face down into his lap. While she sucked his cock, he sorted through the rice for slivers of chicken. When his cock became demanding, he pulled Penny’s mouth off it and rewarded her efforts with another piece of lobster, which he knew was her favourite.

  Being a fair man, as she chewed, he dropped a hand to fondle her sex. Two fingers slid into her so easily that she had to be wet and ready.

  ‘That’s so good,’ she told him. ‘Your fingers drive me crazy, Rolf. So does your tongue.’ She paused and eyed his shaft. ‘And your cock, of course.’

  Rolf ate faster and fed Penny faster.

  When the dish was about half gone, she looked up at him and purred, ‘Lover, I can’t eat any more. All I can think about is what you are going to do to me this evening. I’ve never needed sex so badly as I do right now. If you don’t do the things you said you’d do to me, right now, I think I’ll scream.’

  He looked at her as sternly as he could. ‘You need me to crop your poor little bottom until you beg for mercy and then fuck you hard and long, do you?’


  He pushed back from the table and stood up. She crooked her neck, offering the belt around her throat. ‘My leash?’

  He lifted her by the belt and by her hair. She marched ahead of him and he followed her lead, assuming that she’d ‘set the scene’ somewhere. The ‘somewhere’ proved to be his den. Both crops were on the side table, beside his chair. The leather footstool was in front of it, with a cushion on the floor as it had been the first time he’d buggered her. Without prompting, she knelt on the cushion and leaned forward, forcing Rolf to support her weight by the belt around her throat.

  ‘Are you OK? You can breathe all right?’

  Her voice was a bit strained when she replied, ‘I’m fine, honest.’

  He picked up the longer crop. ‘Penny, are you absolutely sure that this is what you want?’

  Her voice still thin, she replied, ‘Absolutely. More than you could imagine, Rolf. It’s like – like my entire future depends on it.’

  ‘You remember “Red Light”.’

  ‘Of course. If it’s more than I can bear or even if I just find I don’t enjoy it, I won’t hesitate to use that, but Rolf?’


  ‘You remember to ignore anything else but “Red Light”? If I scream or curse you or beg, you’ll take no notice?’

  ‘I remember. I’ll ignore anything but “Red Light”. Penny, I’m going to give you twenty.’

  ‘Thank you. I’m ready, Rolf. I’ve longed for this, for years. Please don’t make me wait any longer.’

  ‘Very well.’ He brought the crop down hard across the backs of her thighs.

  Penny squealed and writhed, twisting and swaying, for she was suspended in mid-air, supported only by her knees and by the belt around her throat. Rolf paused for long enough that she could evoke “Red Light” if she wished but although her breath rasped, she didn’t use those words.

  He slashed again, and again, trying not to let the vivid lines his crop drew cross. When a blow landed too far over for the loop of the crop to strike her bottom, it ‘cracked’ around like a whip and left an instant mulberry stain on her hip. That one made her wail but she still didn’t use her words.

  She did begin to curse him, calling him, ‘Fucking sadist’ and ‘Monster’. At about the tenth stroke, she switched to begging, telling him, ‘Enough, please. I can’t stand it. You’re killing me!’ After the fifteenth, she babbled incoherently, like someone on a drug-induced trip to an erotic paradise. ‘I love you, Rolf. You are my God! Oh, fuck, but I’m flying and there is nothing but the pleasure and the pain and I am nothing but you are everything and . . .’ And the rest of her words were
totally incoherent.

  At twenty he threw his crop aside. Unlike the results of the beating he’d given her with his belt, the livid lines were quite distinct, raised and white but edged with purple. Even as he watched, the white lines were suffused with pink and then crimson. What he’d inflicted on this girl – it was horrifying. It was thrilling.

  Maintaining his role as sadist, Rolf pulled Penny upright by her hair and her leash. He held her close, as her comforter. His hand dropped to her tortured bottom and squeezed each cheek viciously, in turn, as her tormentor again.

  She sobbed against his chest, murmuring, ‘I love you, Rolf. I love the sweet pain that you’ve given me. Let me please you, please? Anything, anything at all.’

  The sadistic role was too intoxicating for him to abandon. Rolf dropped into his big chair, dragging Penny after him by her belt-leash. She toppled, helpless, but managed to fall with her cheek on his thigh. Taking her by her hair and the belt, he heaved her up to get her mouth to his cock.

  She gasped, ‘Thank you,’ before taking his cock’s bulbous crown into her mouth.

  Rolf shifted an inch on his seat, lining his shaft up with Penny’s restrained throat. When it was aligned, without warning, he thrust. His cock slithered through her mouth and lodged in the opening to her throat. She looked up at him with both tears and gratitude in her eyes.

  He asked, ‘Red Light?’

  She shook her head, almost imperceptibly. He pushed back with her hair and the belt, then slammed her face forward, burying his cock all the way into her throat once more. For the next few minutes Rolf fucked Penny’s face, showing no mercy, just doing it! His cock had been ready since that morning, since he’d watched her swim. Much as he tried to prolong his furious glee, his cock couldn’t wait. His final thrust was deep and hard but it ended with an incredible boiling explosion that filled Penny’s throat and mouth and finally spilled from her lips to drool down her chin.

  With his climax complete, remorse flooded though Rolf. ‘Are you OK?’ he asked, cradling her head.

  ‘I’ve never felt better,’ she told him, her words bubbling through white froth.


  Penny, dressed in just an old thin shirt and a pair of uncharacteristically modest white cotton panties, went into the kitchen. She took a plate of pig’s liver from the fridge and set it on the counter. Her hooked fingers ripped the breast pocket of her shirt half off. She shucked out of the shirt and tore at the seam of one sleeve until it hung by threads. Her panties came off and were ripped. She dipped their crotch into blood from the liver and arranged them carefully on the floor, making sure that the blood didn’t touch the tile. The liver went into the garburator. She washed the plate thoroughly and then added it to the other clean plates in the dishwasher.

  Satisfied that the scene was properly set, she went upstairs to fuck her stepfather for the very last time.

  Rolf was snoring softly, a tribute to the pair of Trixie’s sleeping pills that Penny had ground up and added to his late-night after-sex snack. There was a tall chest of drawers just inside the door. Penny eased the top drawer open. Inside, under some of Trixie’s underthings, was a drawstring chamois bag that contained Rolf’s .38 calibre Ruger revolver. She set the bag on top of the chest and carefully manipulated the weapon through the thin leather – moving the safety to ‘off’ and cocking the hammer. Very gently, she tilted the bag and let the gun slide out, close to the bronze statuette of David. With leather covering her fingertip, she nudged the revolver until its grip was handily angled towards the doorway. She sniffed at the leather, noted a slight oil stain, smiled, and returned the bag to the drawer.

  There were two belts hanging behind the bedroom door. One was the one she’d punched extra holes in. The other was the one Rolf had used to secure her arms. Penny took them both down and to Rolf’s bed with her.

  Rolf was lying on his right side. Penny slid under the covers, facing him, and rolled onto her back, thighs spread. Taking great care not to wake Rolf, she lifted his left hand and guided it to rest on her sex. Two of her fingers curled behind two of Rolf’s and eased them up between her pussy’s lips. Holding his hand in place with her right hand, she reached over with her left and took a gentle grip on the shaft of his cock.

  By the bedside clock, it was eleven-fourteen. Penny waited until eleven-twenty before tightening her hold on Rolf’s cock and working it lightly. Rolf blinked awake and grinned at her.

  Penny moaned, ‘I’m so horny, Lover. Please do me?’

  His fingers moved inside her. ‘Were you? Were you using my fingers to diddle yourself?’

  She nodded sheepishly. ‘I thought maybe I could get off without waking you but then your lovely cock was so close . . . I couldn’t resist touching it, Rolf, I love it so. Do you forgive me?’ Her stroking fingers made her plea irresistible.

  Rolf groaned. He drew his right arm up from under the bedclothes and set his hand on the top of Penny’s head. ‘If you love my cock that much, show me.’ He pressed down.

  Penny’s mobile lips parted to take the head of his cock into the wet heat of her mouth. She paused with it resting on the flat of her tongue, waiting for his need to drive him. It took six seconds. His hand forced her head halfway down the length of his shaft. Rolf’s fist knotted in Penny’s hair. He dragged her face up, almost off, before pushing slowly down again. She gave him credit. He didn’t lose control. It seemed that Rolf had learned to savour his pleasures and not to rush them. Where another man might have let loose and simply fucked between her lips until he climaxed, Rolf moved her mouth on his cock slowly and deliberately, obviously enjoying the process without allowing the intensity of his pleasure to overcome his willpower.

  The muscles of his thighs tensed under her palms. Perhaps she’d misjudged him? There was no way she was going to let him climax so soon. That’d spoil everything. She’d just cupped her hand around his balls, meaning to handle them too roughly, ‘by accident’, when he justified her faith in him by pulling her up the bed for a long deep kiss.

  ‘Rolf?’ she wheedled, ‘it’s been three long days since you’ve buggered me. Have you grown bored with my bum-hole? Don’t you like it any more?’

  He hugged her close. ‘I adore your bottom, Penny. It’s the loveliest little bum in the whole wide world.’

  ‘Does it feel good for you when you fuck it?’

  ‘It feels incredible.’

  ‘Tight enough?’


  ‘Not too tight?’

  With the tiniest edge creeping into his voice, he said, ‘Penny, I told you, your bum is absolutely perfect.’


  ‘Penny, I’m going to make wild love to your bottom, right now.’

  She snuggled closer and whispered into his chest. ‘When I was playing just now, your fingers, my pussy? I was thinking about you taking me against my will, raping my poor bottom, and I was screaming for mercy and struggling but I couldn’t do much because you had my arms strapped the way I like and I had my leash on.’

  ‘Is that what you’d like, right now?’

  ‘Mm – well – after.’

  ‘After what?’

  For an answer, she squirmed out from under the bedclothes and knelt with her arms and legs spread and her bottom presented to his face. That he had to understand.

  He did. His palms parted her cheeks. His face burrowed into her bottom’s valley. Penny felt that delicious wet squirmy sensation of his tongue trying to work its way into her bottom-hole. Rolf was really getting quite good at it. It wasn’t the best anilingus she’d ever enjoyed but it ran a close second.

  She let herself pant a little, to encourage him, and then asked, ‘Fingers, please? Open me up, Rolf. Stretch my hole so it can take that monstrous great cock of yours.’

  She felt one finger press and relaxed her sphincter to welcome it. Rolf probed deeply and moved his finger around, pressing to either side and up and down. The finger withdrew and returned, joined by another.

sp; ‘I can take three fingers,’ she encouraged.

  Three thick fingers really did things for her. The distended feeling started her pussy weeping. It almost distracted her but she remembered to glance at the clock and it was eleven forty-two.

  ‘I can’t wait any more,’ she said. Penny took up the belt with the extra holes and buckled it around her throat. As soon as it was in place, she passed the other belt back to Rolf and joined her wrists behind her. Now that he’d had practice, his fingers were swift and deft as he restrained her arms from her wrists to her elbows.

  ‘Keep me horizontal, please, Rolf. I like that best. Just hold onto the belt and let me strain against it, OK?’

  She felt him take the slack. Now that he was adept, he only needed one hand to present his cock’s head to her partly-open wet pucker. Penny concentrated on letting her ring relax. There was pressure. She took a deep breath and pushed back.

  He was in!

  She writhed a little, making it good for both of them but especially for Rolf. That was only fair. Penny let her full weight press against the strap around her throat. Her face began to feel hot and swollen. She moaned, ‘Noooo!’ That was simple and Rolf was used to it. Sometimes, if she cried out something he hadn’t heard from her before, he stopped and asked her if she wanted ‘Red Light’. It’d never do for him to pause now. His cock pistoned into her bum. Under his breath, he panted, ‘Slut, bitch, whore,’ just as she had taught him to do.

  There was a sound on the stairs. Penny gurgled out another long ululating cry.

  The door crashed open. Andrew stood there, stunned. Rolf’s thighs vibrated against the backs of hers. Mentally, Penny screamed, ‘The gun, Andrew! It’s right there!’

  He picked it up in a trembling hand.

  She silently screamed again, ‘The trigger!’

  The way she’d adjusted it, an ounce of pressure would fire it. As if she was watching through a telescope, Penny saw Andrew’s finger hook around the trigger, and . . .


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