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Who's Been Sleeping in My Bed?

Page 16

by Jami Davenport

  “Thank you,” she muttered.

  “Thank you. Are you ready to go?”


  Harlee strolled past him, her butt doing that movie siren sway. He swallowed, adjusted his pants, and tagged along after her. She removed a worn leather jacket from the closet.

  “Let me help you.” He took the jacket and helped her into it. She trembled as his hand grazed the bare skin at her neck. He grinned in smug male satisfaction. He wasn’t the only aroused one tonight.

  * * * *

  Jake and Harlee sat at table for two in a dark intimate corner. Candles provided the sole illumination in the bar turned night club. White linen tablecloths covered the cheap café tables. Plastic flowers, colored napkins, and mismatched Fiesta plates lent the room a funky, yet romantic, feel. Even his mother would approve.

  Harlee flirted with Jake throughout dinner, casting coy looks his way and teasing him with her suggestive caresses. Whatever game she was playing, he was all in.

  “Jake, that was excellent,” Harlee said as the busboy cleared the dishes from their table. She sipped on her wine and studied him with her sapphire eyes. Her hand rested on his knee then trailed up the inside of his thigh.

  Jake glanced down at his erection, straining to be set free from his slacks. Oh, hell, give up and quit fighting it. Let’s face it, buddy, you have the hots for your assistant. Let her sue him later for sexual harassment or ruin his business. Right now, he didn’t give a shit. He wanted her. In bed. His bed. All night long. Sizzling, steaming, and burning into every cell in his high octane, sexually charged body. Common sense had won almost every battle when it came to her. No more. Time’s up. She had engraved her name on his heart and his dick.

  He put a hand on her upper thigh and hit the ball back into her court. She drifted closer with heavy-lidded eyes. Her lips parted in expectation.



  “You’re fired.”

  “Fired?” Harlee sat back. Her eyes flew open. Her ruby lips pursed together. Obviously, she hadn’t expected that statement.

  “Yep. I’ll hire you back on Monday.”

  “Monday? But why?”

  “Tonight, it’s just you and me. Two people. Not an employer and employee.”

  She relaxed and rubbed his arm with her fingers. He stared at her scarlet fingernails, mesmerized by her scent and her touch.

  “I don’t think you understand what you’re getting into. I have this thing for bad boys.” One fingernail traced a path up his arm, his neck, and his jaw. She touched his lips then pulled away when he tried to suck her finger into his mouth.

  “Yeah?” He grinned. This was getting better all the time. “I’m a reformed bad boy. Does that count?”

  “Well, you could relapse.”

  “I bet I could.” His grin spread across his face. His hand crept up her thigh. Her lips, plump and moist, held his attention. She parted them in a blatant invitation to be kissed. Her small pink tongue circled her lips until they were moist and ready.

  God, he wanted her. She ignited this burning need he couldn’t extinguish. A fire that never died. A yearning that never stopping wanting. He bent his head to kiss her, but she avoided his mouth. Her lips glided across his cheek, teasing him. Gentle fingers stroked his other cheek. Jake caught her hand and brought her palm to his mouth, planting little kisses on it.

  He wanted to hear her soft playful laughter. To see her naked body bathed in the firelight. To smell the heady scent of her perfume. To taste the salt on her skin. Everything about her touched something inside him, binding him to her.

  Harlee turned her head to whisper to him. Her lips grazed his ear as she did so. “Jake. I have a surprise for you.” The sensuous tone of her voice electrified him. She placed her hand on his shoulder to support herself as she leaned into him.

  “What, baby?” His voice was raw with a need that could only be relieved by the feel of her skin sliding across his.

  “I’m not wearing cotton underwear.” Harlee blinked with feigned innocence and gazed at him through lowered lashes.

  His head snapped around, and his eyes met hers. “What?” His heart raced like a runner on an out-of-control treadmill. His groin throbbed with urgency. Jake tilted his head and brought his face close to hers. Her sweet breath breezed over his check. He sucked her lower lip into his mouth. She rewarded him with a throaty moan. Jake pulled her closer. His free hand touched her bare leg. His fingers massaged her inner thigh, dancing over creamy skin. The linen tablecloth and dimmed lights hid his hand from the nearby diners.

  “Tonight I’m a saucy wench.”

  “Saucy wench?”

  “Well, yeah. I read a lot of historical romance novels, and I’ve always wanted to be called that.”

  “Then you can be my saucy wench.”

  “Whatever you say, My Lord.”

  “Now I like the sounds of that.”

  “Don’t let it go to your head.”

  “It already has.” Jake’s mouth covered hers, hungry and insistent. She tangled her fingers in his hair to pull him closer. With the tip of his tongue, Jake outlined her lips. She opened her mouth to him, inviting him inside. His tongue slipped into her mouth, joining hers in a sensuous tango. He planned to devour her, consume her, and take her sweet body for his private pleasure, and have it do his bidding all night long.

  Oh, yeah baby, just spread those gorgeous thighs of yours for me. His fingers crept higher as he kept her preoccupied with wet, steamy kisses. Eventually, he dragged his mouth from hers and licked and kissed his way down her jaw to her neck.

  “Are you wet for me, baby?” He paused long enough to whisper to her.

  His question seemed to bring back a portion of her sanity. “Jake, we’re in a bar.” She clamped her legs tightly together, pinning his errant hand between them.

  He glanced around. “Yep, that’s where we are.” He nipped the sensitive skin at her collarbone. “Let me feel how wet you are, Goldie. No one can see. The tablecloth is in the way. Open up for me, sweetheart.”

  “Jake…” Harlee stammered in midsentence as his fingers reached their goal. She parted her legs to grant him easier access. Some sane part of him questioned what he was doing, but the rest didn’t listen. She’d asked for a bad boy. He aimed to please.

  “Is this bad enough for you?” Jake stroked the crotch of her G-string, just as Eva came by to see if they wanted another drink. She was dressed in a flowing rainbow dress with twenty pounds of jewelry decorating every arm, leg, and her neck.

  Her probing gaze didn’t seem to miss a thing. “Your needs are being fulfilled?”

  Jake affected a look of supreme innocence considering what his fingers were doing under the table. Harlee wasn’t that good of an actress. She buried her head in Jake’s shoulder, trying to muffle the uncontrollable moans that spilled from her mouth.

  “Oh, yes, they are. Thank you, Eva,” Jake murmured as he pressed his finger against a special spot. Eva nodded with a small knowing smile and sauntered away.

  “Jake, stop it.” By the look of sheer pleasure on Harlee’s face, Jake doubted her words represented her desires.

  “Stop it?” He grinned from ear to ear. “I’m just getting warmed up.”

  “You’ve been warming up all night, big guy.” Harlee gasped as his thumb brought her to a near frenzy. “Not here, please. I…need…you. I need to feel you inside me, a part…of me…Just… not…here…Oh, God…Stop…People…are…staring…I want you…inside…me.”

  “I will be.” Jake stated the obvious. He studied her. Her eyes were heavy with desire. He could bring her to a climax in this restaurant quite easily. She was powerless to stop him. As much of a turn-on as it was to him, he knew he wouldn’t, he couldn’t. She was right. People were staring at them. He didn’t like that, not one bit.

  “Let’s get out of here, Goldie.”

  She stifled a whimper. Jake threw a couple large bills on the table and helped her stand on h
er unsteady feet. He wrapped his arm around her curvy waist and hustled her from the restaurant.

  Unlocking the Chevy, he opened the passenger door. When she climbed into the tall vehicle, her dress rode up high and treated him to a view of her sweet bottom. He fought the urge to be crass and cop a feel. Jake slammed the door and clambered into the driver’s seat. The engine roared to life. Tires squealing, he shot out of the parking space. Harlee giggled and leaned against him as the truck darted down the damp streets.

  “You’re going to pay for tormenting me like that,” she threatened.

  “I’m counting on it.”

  Harlee rubbed the thick bulge in his pants and smiled with satisfaction when she heard his sharp intake of breath. Jake kept his eyes on the road and tried to ignore her. Keep driving, he muttered to himself. She unbuttoned the top button of his pants then pulled down the zipper with one smooth deliberate action. Oh, shit. She paused to glance up at him. He stared straight ahead and hoped his face looked like it was carved in granite. A muscle twitched in his jaw and betrayed how much she affected him.

  Her hand slipped down his pants and under his boxers. She peeled the material out of the way in order to see. Harlee stroked him, running a fingernail down his rigid erection and back up again. She touched the bead of moisture on the tip. Primitive emotions coursed through him. Her hand slipped down farther. She cupped his balls and fondled them gently.

  “Oh, God, Harlee.” His voice strangled into a croak as he laid his head on top of hers and inhaled her sweet scent. “Stop, please, I can’t drive.” Now he was doing the begging. It was amazing how she’d turned the tables.

  She glanced up, her sapphire eyes dancing. “Then pull over.”

  Jake gasped and almost ran off the road when he felt her silky hair brush across his bare belly, followed by her breath on his cock. Her moist tongue flicked in and out, tickling the tip. She wrapped her tongue around his girth then took him in her mouth and sucked and sucked and…Oh, man, he was a goner. Big time. This woman knew what she was doing, and she did it very well. He lost concentration and searched frantically for a place to pull over.

  Jake swerved off the country road down a bumpy logging road. Every pothole emphasized his dire straits. He slammed on the brakes. The Chevy’s tires slid in the mud before jerking to a halt. By pure luck, this particular road ended a few hundred feet ahead on a bluff overlooking the Islands. The light of the full moon reflected on the water. Not a bad choice for an impromptu location. Not that they’d be looking at the view.

  Jake turned to her. “Now you can take me to heaven, baby.” He used his soft, sexy voice that melted women’s hearts.

  Harlee’s head shot up when she realized he’d called her bluff. “Here?” The way she looked at him and licked her lips told him that she found the prospect more than interesting.

  “The windows are tinted. No one can see in. Besides, there’s nobody around.”

  She didn’t resist when Jake slid the stretchy dress off her shoulders. Her breasts spilled out of the low-cut bodice, bare and beautiful. He smiled in satisfaction at the aroused state of her nipples. This woman was made for him. Every square inch of her. Already his friend and right hand, she was about to be his lover.

  “Besides, a woman who wears a G-string in public under a short dress like that shouldn’t concern herself with making out in a pickup.”

  “Making out? Is that all you’re planning on doing?” She sounded disappointed.

  “No, that’s just phase one.” He gently pinched her nipples, and she arched her back to encourage him.

  “How many phases are there?” Harlee held her breath as his mouth moved closer to her breast. He flicked it with his tongue, licking and teasing her. She buried her fingers in his hair and pulled him closer. He attached his mouth to her soft breast, sucking as much of it into his mouth as he could manage. She tasted sweet and aroused. Her moans encouraged his ministrations. His tongue drew lazy circles around her hard nipple. He kneaded her other breast with his hand.

  “As many as you want,” he gasped.

  Harlee wrapped her fingers around his cock and massaged him. Using her hand, she ran it up and down his length, alternating between firm and gentle.

  The console stabbed Jake in the side, and he couldn’t ignore it anymore. He dragged his mouth from her breast, despite her whimpered protests. Crawling between the seats into the back, he pulled her with him. Despite her heightened state of desire, she started giggling as he positioned her on the back seat. He bumped his elbow on the door handle causing it to go numb, then he hit his head on the ceiling. His pants fell down around his knees and cut off his circulation. Jake kicked off his shoes and then his pants, banging his knee on the back of the driver’s seat. Harlee laughed all the more. He cussed in frustration.

  Her skirt rode up her hips to reveal her creamy thighs, flat belly, and slim waist. A red scrap of lace barely concealed the heaven between her legs. Finally, Jake collapsed on top of her, joining her in laughter at their ridiculous situation.

  “What are we doing? I have a perfectly comfortable bed that doesn’t bite back or cramp my muscles like this thing does.” He lifted his upper body from Harlee’s and gazed down at her. “Have you ever done this before?”

  “I refuse to answer that question. And you?”

  “Oh, yeah. But not like this. You’re my fantasy.”

  “And you’re mine.” Her voice sounded silky and soft in response to his flattery. Well, there was more where that came from. Flattery would get him everywhere.

  “So we’re living out our teenage fantasies.”

  “Was this a teenage fantasy of yours?”

  “It would have been if I’d known you then.” She placed her hands on his butt and pulled his hips to hers.

  “Oh, yeah…” He bent down and captured her mouth, enslaving her lips. Their kiss started out tender and gentle, but the intensity built as the passion, hot and pure, raged within them.

  Breathless, Jake finally drew his mouth away. He sat up, pulling her with him. “Spread your wings for me, baby. I’ll teach you to fly.”

  “Show me what you got, big guy, and you’d better have a condom ready.”

  “Pants,” he choked. She fished one out of the pocket and took her time rolling it down his dick.

  Jake pulled her onto his lap, facing him, and spread her knees on either side of his thighs. Holding her hips, he guided her downward, so his erection grazed her opening. Back and forth, he tantalized and teased, rubbing the tip across her wetness but never giving her what she was desperate to have. She squirmed and writhed to get closer. He wouldn’t let her. He’d make her wait.

  “I want to feel you fill me inside. Please…” she begged. “Love me, Jake,”

  “When I’m ready.”

  “You look ready to me.” She stared down at the size of him in obvious approval. He held her hips in a vise grip and loved the way she wiggled and begged. Her need for him did great things to a guy’s ego.

  Harlee unbuttoned the rest of his shirt and rubbed her plump breasts against his hair-roughened chest. Her perfume intoxicated his senses. He didn’t know if he was up or down or coming or going. But he did know they’d both be coming in the near future.

  Jake closed his eyes and pressed his check to her shoulder. He groaned roughly with unfulfilled need. She teased without mercy as if it was a game to see who cracked first.

  Finally, he couldn’t take anymore, or he’d pass out from needing her. She appeared to reach the same conclusion at the same time.

  “Oh, please. Give me what I need, please,” she begged him, hugging him to her.

  “Okay, baby, yeah. So how good of a bronco rider are you?”

  “The best.”

  “Make me buck, baby.” Her eyes burned into him. He stroked her bare back with his strong fingers. She felt so soft and warm and so very woman.

  “I always did want to be in a rodeo.” Harlee reached between her legs and stroked him. “You’re so big.”r />
  “The better to please you, my dear.”

  “You really have a thing for fairy tales, don’t you?”

  “You bet, Goldie.” He grabbed the g-string, ripping it easily.

  Harlee laid her palms flat on his chest as Jake lowered her down to heaven. Slowly, he impaled her on his thick cock. He held his breath as he slid inside until he was buried to the hilt. Her body fit snugly around his erection, unusually snug. Damn, she felt mind-blowingly fantastic. He tried to catch his breath, maintain some control so it wouldn’t be over too soon, like in two seconds.

  They stared into each other’s eyes. The only noise was the sound of their breathing, ragged and labored, and the rain pattering on the metallic roof. Her arms snaked around his neck. He held a two handfuls of her ass. She began to wiggle back and forth, experimenting with the different feels of him depending on how she tilted her hips.

  “Harlee…Oh, damn…” He nuzzled her neck, gulping air into his lungs. Her body tightened and surrounded him with her wet core. They began to move together in an instinctual rhythm that superseded time.

  Harlee pleaded with him to take her to completion, and he loved it. She cried out his name, and he loved that, too. Another emotion, stronger than the physical, lingered in shadows, an emotion he’d never felt, one that scared him with its ability to render him helpless. He resisted it, but it sucked him in.

  He’d lived for the night when she’d scream his name in passion, beg for his body in hers. Now, his dreams metamorphosed into a reality which proved to be a hell of a lot better than any fiction conjured by his perverted imagination.

  He was so close. So very close. She leaned back to drive him deeper, and it sent him over the edge. He took her with him as he came inside her. His body released his seed in wave after wave. He clasped her to his chest. Her body convulsed around his cock as she reached her own climax. They flew together, unencumbered from worldly constraints, one body, one mind, one soul. She was his and he was hers. Forever in eternity, separate in reality.

  Jake collapsed against the seat and pulled her on top of him, spent but satisfied. Her head lay on his chest as he stroked her hair. He closed his eyes and pressed his lips to her bare shoulder to taste the salt on her skin. He let her scent surround him. She wrapped him in bliss and contentment like he’d never known.


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