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Sleepless Fate

Page 13

by Janae Keyes

  We were starting something unique and I had no doubt it would be amazing. She was my dream. I wanted something that wasn’t just deep, but forever. Though we’d just begun, I was already thinking of days where I could come home to this remarkable woman, good days and bad. I wanted her through everything. This new thing was the start of something so much bigger.

  Chapter Twelve


  I SAT ALONE in a five-star restaurant. Of course he wasn’t going to show up. He never did. My birth father was a waste of space. I’d tried so many times through my life to have a relationship with this man, only to be stood-up every single time. Tonight was no different.

  This man didn’t seem to know what a father was or how one should be. I swore to myself that I would never be like him. I would hold onto what was mine and I would care for and have a relationship with any child I bore. I knew how to be a man, a real man and I would prove that to him at every chance I got. I never needed him to know how to be a man.

  I took a breath before taking a sip of my wine. I thought of Brielle and how much I missed her. I’d spent most of the week in New York and tonight was my last night here. On purpose I’d made sure my schedule was clear for him. At the thought, I drowned the rest of my glass.

  “Check please,” I grumbled to a passing waiter. I just wanted to be out of here and back in my hotel room. I wanted to call Brielle and hear her sweet voice.

  I paid my bill as quickly as possible and left for my hotel. I wasn’t in New York often and when I was, it was all business. I really wanted to come on a leisure trip, maybe I could bring Brielle, it would be a nice way for us to get away together.

  It still blew my mind that Brielle and I were to the point in our relationship where I was thinking about getting away with her, but a month with a great girl could do that. It had been an entire month since we started this thing and it got better every single day. We talked about almost everything, I loved the openness we shared. Another great part was her family had become my family. The Elliot family was the big family I never had. That first night, her dad gave me a talking to and I promised him I would do everything I could to take care of her and treat her like a queen.

  Once in my hotel room, I kicked off my shoes, today had been a long one with business meetings and my failure of a father-son dinner. I pulled my phone out knowing exactly what I wanted to do, I wanted to call the woman who was holding my heart all the way across the country. Though I would be seeing her tomorrow, I wanted to hear her voice and just feel as if I was with her. We would have to get used to this business trip thing, I wasn’t a fan of being away from her, but at the same time I had my job and she had hers. We balanced it out well, but having to leave her, that tipped the scale a bit.

  Dialing her was natural to me now. We talked on the phone every night that I’d been here. She knew to expect my call and the phone only rang twice before I heard her voice.

  “Paddy!” She exclaimed happily. I loved that she was excited.

  “Hey Baby,” I murmured to my sweet girl. “What are you up to?”

  “Finishing up a few things. The committee had a meeting today and things are on schedule, but a few concerns came up and I thought I’d tackle them now rather than later.” Of course Brielle couldn’t just go home and relax, she had to go home and work. As much drive as I had when it came to business, Brielle had ten times that amount.

  “Are you ever not working?”

  “Sometimes,” she answered coyly. I knew her too well already. Brielle was almost always thinking about work and what she could do better. “I can’t wait to see you tomorrow. I’m coming as soon as I get off.”

  “Mm, I can’t wait to hold you.” Everything about that statement was true. Holding her was my favorite thing. Just knowing she was safe in my arms was everything. I loved the feeling of keeping her close and running my hands along her curves.

  I was dedicated to keeping things slow, how she wanted them. I understood that she’d never been with anyone except Keaton and she was still finding her closure with him, but it was getting difficult to keep my hands to myself. It was crucial to me to have every bit of her. The desire I had to love her piece by piece and bit by bit, haunted me. Brielle was the sexiest woman I’d ever laid eyes on and just the thought of having her drove me crazy with need.

  I felt arousal building up inside of me as I thought of her delectable curves, her pouty lips, and sultry cocoa eyes. She was mine, not fully as of yet, but soon. She knew how I wanted her to scream my name and how I wanted to give her pleasure beyond reason. A hardness presented itself in my pants with these simple, yet complex thoughts.

  “Your mom called me,” she mentioned. That instantly was a buzzkill. I wanted to think about my girl and everything I desired to do to her, but my mother, no.

  “And what did she say?” I asked as I stood from my hotel room bed and made my way to the window where the lights of Time Square were bright and shining. I could only imagine Brielle’s face with this view.

  “She wants to have lunch with us on Sunday if we are available,” Brielle informed me. I spoke to my mom every other day and she was filled with so much joy with the fact of Brielle and I together. She’d told me how impressed she was with Brielle in London and hoped I could be with a girl like her.

  “Sounds okay to me.”

  “I better go. April will be here soon with her girls. I’m babysitting while she and Nate go out to dinner,” she explained. I let out a groan, I didn’t want to hang up with her just yet.

  “You’ll see me tomorrow,” she cooed out. I smiled to myself knowing that she knew my emotions, even over the phone.

  “I better, you know I miss you,” I insisted. She giggled. I loved the sound of her joy and happiness, I could hear nothing better.

  “And I miss you. Tomorrow evening, I promise… that’s my doorbell. April and Nate are here with the girls. I can’t wait to see you.” I stood with my eyes closed, using my hearing as my only sense, knowing I would be able to see, touch, smell, and taste her in less than 24 hours. Every moment with her, I knew I was falling in love with her.


  THE SUN WAS shining, the air was warm, my sunroof open, my sunglasses on, and the wind flowing through my hair. Today, was the perfect day. I blasted my favorite song of the moment as I zoomed across the Golden Gate Bridge. I’d had a long day at work, but it was worth it because I would be seeing Patrick. I hadn’t seen him in a few days as he had gone to New York on a business trip, and I missed him. I took the freeway exit for Sausalito and zipped through the town.

  Pulling into Patrick’s driveway, I parked my car in its usual spot behind his Porsche. It had been a month since I said yes to trying with him, and everything in that month had been right. I got out of my car and went to the front door where I pulled out my key he’d given me, and unlocked the door. Walking inside I instantly knew he was home as I heard the sounds of his smooth jazz playing through the house.

  “Paddy!” I called out with no answer in return.

  I made my way into the kitchen where I saw a bag of Thai takeout waiting, but no Patrick. I sat my purse on a bar stool before making my way to the stairs and going up. I could hear sounds coming from his bedroom and knew that I’d found him. Going into his room, I realized what I heard was the shower. I heard the water turn off and in moments I was greeted by Patrick, who stood with only his waist wrapped in a towel. I was unprepared for this scene and I nearly drooled as I observed his wet chest. It was almost instantaneous that a warmth spread through my core.

  Patrick gave me a sly grin and came to me. I was weak right away from watching the way the light danced off his wet chest. His hands were on me quickly sliding down my curves and pulling me near. He planted a soft kiss on my lips, followed by another one, and another one. My heart thumped and butterflies danced in my stomach.

  “Mm, Babe, I’ve missed you,” he murmured between soft kisses.

  “I missed you,” I sighed, giving him a small frown
. It was the first time he had to go away since we’d started dating. It was strange to have him gone. I knew that he would have to go away and that I would eventually get used to it, but for the first time I didn’t enjoy it. Patrick tugged me in closer and pulled my body against his wet chest. “Paddy baby, you are getting me wet,” I squealed.

  “I like the sound of that,” he growled. I wiggled out of his arms.

  “Not like that.” I spat playfully before sticking my tongue at him, he gave me a grin. I walked to his bed and sat on the edge as he went inside of his walk-in closet. “How was your flight?”

  “Comfortable, I slept most of the way back. On the way home I ordered some food for us,” he called out from the closet.

  “Yeah, I saw it downstairs,” I commented and I looked out of the window from the bed. I watched a Sailboat pass on the water. The view from his bedroom was everything.

  A moment later he came from the closet in jeans and a T-shirt. He reached his hand out for mine and I took it. He pulled me with him and we went downstairs and into the kitchen.

  I made my way to a cabinet and began to pull out plates for the two of us. After a month, I knew his place inside and out. Our relationship had fallen into a comfortable, but still exciting rhythm. We saw one another a lot at the office and a few days a week, mostly on the weekends, I’d come over or he would come down to my place. It was all about quality time for us and I enjoyed every moment of it.

  “Did you go… yesterday?” Patrick questioned as he pulled two bottles of beer from the fridge. I knew exactly what he was talking about. I still visited Keaton, but I’d dropped my visits from every week to every other week or so. This was my week to go and Patrick knew. I simply gave him a nod. “Things the same?”

  “Yeah, as always.” I mentioned not really wanting to go into too much detail. I knew Patrick wasn’t the most comfortable discussing it, but he was sweet enough to ask me. It was strange in a way. I’d metaphorically broken up with Keaton, but it wasn’t like I did because he wasn’t awake.

  Patrick took a seat across from me at the small kitchen table, that we ate at frequently together. I picked up my fork and the moment I went to scoop up some of the delicious Thai food, I heard my cell phone jingle. I let out a groan and sat my fork down before walking to the bar stool where my purse was.

  “This better not be my sister. She has been driving me insane.” I growled as I dug through my purse to find my cell phone. I finally found my phone and of course I was greeted by a text from my sister. I let out a growl as I began to fiercely type a reply to her.

  “What’s up with Anam?” Patrick questioned. I let out an exasperated sigh.

  “A friend of hers was planning her baby shower and I was to help. Her friend flakes and I’ve been doing a lot of the last minute planning. Well, the venue calls yesterday to say they had some sewage flood the place, they have to cancel all events for the foreseeable future. All other venues I’ve found are booked and my sister is now driving me nuts. We would do it at mom and dad’s, but they are getting some work done on the house. Ugh, I don’t know. I just want her to leave me alone,” I explained it all to him while I continued to go off on my sister through text. I knew she was pregnant and emotional, but she was driving me absolutely insane.

  “Before you reply, take a breath, and then tell her that she can have her shower here,” I yanked my body around and looked at him dumbfounded.


  “Here… Babe, you need a place and I don’t like seeing you stressed. You ladies can have the shower here. I will spend the day out while you all party and have a good time,” he gave me a grin as he stood from the table and came to me. He put his arms around me and held me close.

  “You’re too nice,” I commented. It was the truth. Patrick was selfless. Though he had more money than he knew what to do with. It didn’t make him any less of a human. He was the most human person I knew. We’d go on date nights in the city and he would spot a homeless person; he would run into a store and buy them food if they were hungry, shoes if they needed shoes, a coat if they needed a coat. Patrick was completely selfless and that was one of the reasons I was falling for him more and more every single day.

  “Text her back and tell her the party can be here,” he murmured into my hair. I smiled and began to text my sister. Sending it off I turned to face Patrick and placed my arms around his neck. I stood on the tips of my toes and pressed my lips to his. I jolted as my phone started to ring. Looking at the screen I saw it was my sister calling.

  “Yes, Anam,” I said as I answered her call. I was greeted with screams in my ear. I instantly placed the phone on speaker.

  “Is he really going to let us use his house?” My older sister screeched out.

  “Yes, I am,” Patrick answered and my sister screamed again.

  “Chill out, we don’t need you going into labor just yet. Those twins need to bake a little more,” I shouted over her screams. Patrick burst into laughter. I couldn’t help, but to join him.

  “Thank you so much Patrick. From the bottom of my heart, thank you,” Anam asserted over and over again.

  “It is no problem. My girl’s family is my family,” he said before placing a kiss on my cheek. I grinned in his direction. None of this could be real. It was all too perfect, he was perfect, we were perfect.

  SUNDAY MORNING WAS spent being lazy. Patrick and I relaxed in his bed just chatting and snacking on pastries. Being together was so easy. As the afternoon arose the two of us rode through the streets of San Francisco. We were heading to the Cliff House along Ocean Beach to have lunch with his mother, Patricia.

  Arriving at the restaurant, Patrick opened the door for me and allowed me inside. I took off my sunglasses and saw Patricia right away. Her long dark hair was curled and she seemed to sparkle, but that could be all the diamonds that she was draped in. She gave us a wave and we weaved through the tables to make it to her. As we reached her, she stood and gave me a kiss on both cheeks before taking Patrick into a hug and planting the biggest kiss on his cheek as well. Patrick looked bashful at having his mom kiss him, I thought it was adorable.

  “I am so happy we could do lunch today,” she squealed with delight as we all took our seats. “And Brielle, looking beautiful as always, we need to go shopping together one day. You are the fashionista of my dreams,” I blushed at her words. I didn’t think I looked terribly remarkable in jeans, a black and white crop top, yellow pumps, a big black floppy hat, and my favorite yellow Michael Kors bag.

  Fashion was a weakness of mine. I loved dressing up and dressing down. I felt like I could express myself through my clothes. I had a particular weakness for shoes. Keaton hated my obsession with shoes. I could remember the day I bought my first pair of Manolo Blahniks, Keaton had a cow saying I shouldn’t be spending hundreds of dollars on a pair of shoes when we’d just bought a house. The funny thing was I was spending my own hard earned money on my shoes and I put up all the money for the house as well. What would piss me off is he would complain about my purchases and turn around to buy himself new surfing gear, using our shared account.

  “We should for sure. I know my mom would love to join us, too,” I responded, if shopping was in the plans my mom was always down, plus she had been eager to meet Patricia.

  “Yes, yes, yes. I want to meet your mother,” Patricia beamed. Patrick took my hand and laced his fingers with mine. “I just love the two of you together. My Patrick needed a girl like you in his life and you make the most beautiful couple.”

  “May I get drinks started?” Questioned the small voice of a waitress.

  “Sparking water, please.” Patricia said to the young blonde.

  “Same here,” I piped in.

  “And flat water for me, please,” Patrick said sweetly to the young girl whose eyes seemed to stay completely on him. Finally, after what seemed much longer than it probably was, she jumped out of her trance and scurried away without another word.

  “Patricia, I was wonderin
g. How exactly did you and Gerald meet?” I asked. Patricia’s face seemed to light up with pure joy at my question. It was obvious that she was in love with Gerald from the moment I first met her in London.

  “Patrick was in his first semester at Stanford and I came to visit. While here, I was going to have lunch with a girlfriend down in South Beach. I got lost and I saw this handsome man walking and asked him for directions. Turns out he was heading to the same restaurant. He and I chatted the entire way. I mostly talked about how proud I was of my son who was at Stanford in business school. He told me that he visited Seattle a lot on business. By the time we reached the place he asked for my number. I was only home in Seattle for about a week when he called to ask me to dinner. That started it all.” It was obvious that she’d told this story a million times, but it was also obvious that she didn’t care how many times she told it because that day was like yesterday to her. “He has been so good to my Patrick. I am grateful every day that I met such a great man, though it was late in life for me. I’m just happy that Patrick has found someone as wonderful as you early and he won’t have to wait until he is older to find true love.” My heart was pounding with her words.

  True love, for the longest time I felt I had that with Keaton. I just knew I had it, but now with Patrick I doubted what I had with Keaton was true love. I knew I loved Keaton and I knew at points he loved me, but was it exactly the true love I thought it was, definitely not.


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