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Seduced by the Heir

Page 14

by Pamela Yaye

  “Just make sure you’re back in Atlanta in time for my anniversary party.”

  “Kennedy, we discussed this already.”

  “I know you have another engagement that night, but I’m hoping you’ll change your mind. It would mean the world to me if you were there to celebrate with us.”

  “I’ll try my best,” Paris said quietly, touched by her sister’s words.

  “That’s all I ask. Oliver is coming, and it would be great to see you both.”

  Paris heard the front door slam and jumped to her feet.

  “Honey, I’m home! Where are you?”

  Her heart melted, and a soft sigh escaped her lips. Rafael’s greeting was spoken in jest to make her laugh, but the longing in his voice made her feel like the most desirable woman in the world. “Kennedy, I have to go.” Paris put on her high-heel shoes, straightened her negligee and fluffed her hair. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Have fun, sis. I love you!”

  Rafael strode into the bedroom, spotted her standing beside the window and frowned. “What’s all this?” he asked, gesturing to the table. “Valentine’s day isn’t for another month.”

  “I know, but you’re always doing sweet, romantic things for me, and I wanted to return the favor.” Paris crossed the room and kissed him softly on the lips. “Do you like?”

  “You have no idea.” He took her hand in his, twirled her around and whistled. “If I knew you were waiting for me in this sexy getup, I would have been home hours ago!”

  “Did everything go okay at the office? Is your security system back up and running?”

  Rafael shook his head. “I don’t want to talk about work. I want to talk about us.”

  “What’s on your mind?”

  He sat at the table, pulled her down on his lap and held her tight. “Coming home and seeing you here like this reminds me of the weekend we spent together in Cape May.”

  “I’m surprised you remember. That was eons ago.”

  “It was, but I never forgot how incredible it felt holding you and kissing you as we made love for the very first time. It is my most cherished memory.”

  His words left her speechless.

  “Paris, I want you in my life, for the rest of my life.” His fingertips caressed her cheek, her neck and her shoulders. “Tell me what I have to do to prove my love, and I’ll do it.”

  “Rafael, what are you saying?” she asked, reuniting with her voice.

  “I want you here with me, permanently, and I’ll do whatever it takes to make you mine.”

  The candlelight cast a faint glow across his face, magnifying the intensity of his gaze. She saw the longing in his eyes, heard the vulnerability in his voice and melted in his arms. Something stirred inside her, but she tempered her enthusiasm. She’d been burned by love before and had promised herself the next time she met someone she would take things slow. So why was she considering his outrageous proposition after dating for only a few short weeks?

  Because you’ve loved him since you were nineteen and nothing’s changed! said her inner voice. You can trust Rafael. He loves you and he’d never do anything to hurt you.

  “We just reconnected, and I live in Atlanta. Don’t you think we’re rushing things?”

  “No, I don’t. I don’t believe in playing games or beating around the bush. I know what I want, Paris, and it’s you.” Excitement twinkled in his eyes, and he broke into a lopsided grin. “I’ll come down to the ATL and help you pack. When’s good for you?”

  “Rafael, I’m serious.”

  “So am I. I mean every word.” He tightened his hold around her waist and brushed his mouth against her neck and the delicate slope of her ear. “I took a risk opening up to you tonight, so promise me you’ll give some thought to what I said.”

  Paris did. His words played in her mind for the rest of the night—during dinner, as they slow danced in the light of the moon and when they made love passionately in the shower—and the more she thought about his heartfelt declaration, the more excited she was about their future. Rafael was, and always would be, her first and only love, and she wasn’t going to let fear control her life anymore—or her father.

  Chapter 14

  I haven’t been this tired since my college days. Rafael swallowed a yawn and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Waiting for the light to change at the busy downtown intersection, he took his cell phone out of his jacket pocket. He then reread the latest sexy, salacious text message he’d received from Paris. He’d dropped her off just moments ago at Excel Construction.

  I’m feeling adventurous, so bring whipping cream, a blindfold and handcuffs when you come over tonight. I want to experiment in the bedroom. Are you up for a little role-playing?

  Hell yeah! Reading the message made Rafael hot under the collar. Sweat clung to his Kenneth Cole suit and his heart pounded in his ears. He was desperate for her, desired her more than ever before. Paris was a woman of incredible beauty, intelligence and passion, and it didn’t matter whether they were having drinks or making love, she always left him wanting more.

  His thoughts returned to last night, and he replayed every minute of their impassioned encounter in her hotel suite. She’d whispered naughty words in his ear, moaned in pleasure with every grind, every urgent thrust. Paris made him feel whole, complete. They couldn’t be more in sync, and although they’d been dating only a few weeks, Rafael was ready to make the ultimate commitment to her. His feelings for Paris were stronger than ever. They had a rock-solid relationship, and he loved the idea of her becoming his lawfully wedded wife.

  He’d planned to be at Morretti Inc. bright and early that morning, but when Paris suggested they meet at the U Street Café, he’d readily agreed. They’d spent two hours talking and laughing over a luxurious breakfast. Thinking back on their time together made him grin from ear to ear. Every day with Paris was an adventure, an exciting new experience, and seeing her was the highlight of his day. They had dinner at noteworthy restaurants, danced for hours at trendy nightclubs, played miniature golf and had even recently ventured into paintballing. Paris got a kick out of shooting at him and cracked up every time he fell to the ground. Rafael had so many bumps and bruises it hurt to move, and as he crossed the street he felt sharp pains stab the back of his legs. My dad was right, he thought, trying not to limp, a man in love will do anything for his woman, including make a complete and utter fool of himself.

  Rafael heard his cell phone chime and glanced at the screen to read his newest text. It was from Cicely. I need to see you. It’s important. Without a second thought, he deleted the message and her phone number from his contact list. Rafael wanted nothing to do with her, and although he’d made it perfectly clear the last time they spoke, she continued calling and harassing him. He didn’t want to have to get a restraining order against her, but if Cicely didn’t stop blowing up his phone 24/7, that’s exactly what he’d have to do.

  Pulling up his jacket collar, he strode down the block toward his uncle Mario’s jewelry store. Morretti Jewelers, a by-appointment-only boutique with a star-studded clientele, was located in a neighborhood overrun with cafés, art galleries and expensive restaurants. Shoppers crowded the streets, which were filled with laughter and animated conversation.

  A bearded man wearing sunglasses and dark clothes bumped into Rafael and kept right on moving. No apology, no nothing. Rafael caught a glimpse of the stranger as he sped past, and a cold chill snaked down his spine. The guy looked like a heavier, darker version of Nicco’s ex-best friend and former business partner, Tye Caldwell.

  Rafael gave his head a hard shake, deleting the thought from his mind. He was seeing things. Had to be. No one had seen or heard from the shady businessman in months, and according to his family, he was backpacking through Eastern Europe.

  Rafael stared through the crowd, hoping t
o get another look at the man, but he was long gone. As he continued up the block, Rafael made a mental note to call Gerald when he was finished shopping. I’m probably being paranoid, he thought, glancing over his shoulder once more, but it wouldn’t hurt to have Gerald do another background check on Tye.

  Rafael stopped in front of Morretti Jewelers and knocked on the glass. The door buzzed open. Lowering his head, he ducked inside the sleek, stylish store. Blinding white lights hung from the ceiling, glass cases filled with gems and jewels shimmered and sparkled and a mouthwatering aroma was heavy in the air. Rafael immediately spotted Demetri sitting in the waiting area and broke into a grin. His brother looked sharp in his white sweater and black dress pants, much older than his twenty-eight years, and debonair.

  “Hey, bro, what’s up?” Rafael bumped fists with him. “Where’s Uncle Mario?”

  “In the back on the phone. What took you so long? I’ve been waiting for almost an hour.”

  Noticing the empty plate on the round mahogany table, Rafael couldn’t resist poking fun at his kid brother. “That’s because you’re greedy. You got here early to sample Aunt Rosetta’s cooking, and from the looks of things you’ve been more than adequately fed!”

  Demetri chuckled. “Guilty as charged. Aunt Rosetta can really throw down in the kitchen, and after my meeting at Washington Hospital, I was starving!”

  “How did your appointment go?” Rafael peeled off his Burberry scarf and leather gloves. “What did Dr. Tanaka and his team say about your shoulder? Is it fully healed?”

  His smile was proud. “Yup, I’m as good as new.”

  “That’s great news. Congratulations. I know how hard you’ve worked in physical therapy to regain your strength, and I’m glad it paid off.”

  “Thanks, bro, and now that I have a clean bill of health from my surgeon I can finally return to the Cubs.” His eyes were bright, filled with excitement. “Coach will probably limit my minutes the first few games, but I’m cool with that. As long as I can play, I’ll be happy.”

  “I’m proud of you, Demetri. I hope you bat a thousand this season.”

  His brother gave a hearty laugh. “I have a better chance of meeting the president!”

  “If you play hard the rest of the season you could definitely win another Sportsman of the Year award,” Rafael said, unbuttoning his wool coat. “You can do it, bro. I have all faith in you. You’re a Morretti and one of the best players in the league.”

  “I appreciate the vote of confidence.” Demetri leaned forward in his chair and rested his arms comfortably on his legs. “I’m suiting up tomorrow against Washington, and I’m pretty stoked. You and Paris should come. I bet she’d love watching the game from the luxury box.”

  “We’ll be there.”

  Demetri picked up his wineglass and took a drink.

  “It’s only eleven o’clock,” Rafael said, pointing at the half-empty bottle of merlot. “Exactly how many glasses have you had?”

  “Only three. I’m pacing myself!”

  Rafael laughed and dumped his coat and scarf on a tan couch. He admired one of the cases filled with engagement rings, took his time studying and appraising each large, glittery diamond. As he made his way around the store his thoughts drifted back nine months. One afternoon, while shopping together at the mall, Cicely had dragged him into a ritzy jewelry store. In less than ten minutes she’d selected a diamond ring and somehow persuaded him to put down the 15 percent deposit. He’d never proposed, or ever given serious thought to popping the question. And as time went by Rafael realized that Cicely loved the Harry Winston diamond more than she loved him. He’d cared about her, but they weren’t soul mates destined to be together. Their relationship had lacked fire and passion, but with Paris, he had it all. She was a spirited, vivacious beauty who loved life, her family and her community. If she accepted his marriage proposal next month he’d be the happiest man alive.

  “Getting married is a big step.”

  “I know,” Rafael conceded, nodding his head. “And I don’t take it lightly. Mom and Dad have been married for thirty years, and I want to follow in their footsteps.”

  “You and Paris have only been dating for a few weeks—”

  “But we’ve known each other for years. In fact, much, much longer than you’ve known Angela.”

  “I just don’t want you to rush into anything.”

  Annoyed, Rafael shrugged off his brother’s concerns. “I’m thirty-six, Demetri, not sixteen. This isn’t puppy love. This is the real thing.”

  “Relationships are hard work, and you’ve never dated anyone longer than a few months,” he pointed out. “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” Rafael faced his kid brother, looking him straight in the eye. “There’s no doubt in my mind that Paris is the one for me. I felt it the first time I saw her, and even after fifteen years apart, nothing’s changed. If anything, I love and respect her even more because I know she’s a rare and precious find.”

  “That’s beautiful, man.” Demetri lowered his head and pretended to wipe a tear from his eye. “You really have a way with words, bro. Ever consider writing greeting cards?”

  Rafael gave him a punch in the arm. “Knock it off or I’ll tell Angela you dressed up as Miss Piggy in the tenth grade!”

  “What? It was Halloween, and so did you!”

  The men cracked up.

  “I’m glad you and Paris reunited in Venice,” Demetri said, his tone free of humor or amusement. “After all the stress and drama Cicely put you through, you deserve to be happy. I’m glad you found out the truth about her before it was too late.”

  Rafael nodded, thanked his lucky stars he’d called it quits just in the nick of time.

  “Do Mom and Dad know about Paris?”

  “No, not yet.” Rafael wore a wry smile. “I can’t wait to tell Mom I’m officially off the market. I love her dearly, but she’s a terrible matchmaker, and bossy, too!”

  Demetri laughed. “When are you going to pop the question?”

  “Next month, on her thirty-sixth birthday. I already have everything planned. It’s going to be a huge surprise, and I can’t wait to see the look on Paris’s face when I—”

  “I thought you’d never get here!” Mario Morretti burst into the store and strode toward Rafael with his hands outstretched in greeting. “It’s good to see you, son....”

  Their uncle was a colorful character, with a booming voice and an energetic personality. Their dad had five younger brothers, but Mario had always been Rafael’s favorite uncle. The loquacious jeweler was like a second father to him, and he often sought his advice when faced with tough decisions.

  The men hugged, and Mario gestured to the back of the store with a flick of his head. “Are you hungry? I just finished having lunch with your aunt Rosetta, but there’s plenty more food if you’re interested.”

  “Thanks, Uncle, but I’m good.”

  “I want to hear all about your new girlfriend.” He fervently nodded his head and rubbed his hands together. “The more I know about your fiancée-to-be, and you guys as a couple, the easier it will be for me to find the ring of her dreams.”

  Rafael didn’t think long. “She’s perfection,” he said, as an image of Paris filled his mind. “Not only is she ridiculously beautiful, she’s also passionate, down-to-earth and incredibly loyal. Her eyes are brighter than a million stars, her smile is infectious and her laugh is unlike anything I’ve ever heard. It’s almost musical, and—” Rafael broke off speaking when he saw his uncle’s jaw drop and his eyes triple in size. “What’s the matter? What’s wrong?”

  Mario bumped elbows with Demetri. “You weren’t kidding when you said Rafael was a goner! I’ve been in business for five decades and helped hundreds—” he frowned, gave his head
a hard shake “—no, thousands of fellas buy engagement rings, but this is the first time I’ve ever seen a man gush!”

  His uncle and brother erupted in laughter, and Rafael chuckled, too. He didn’t mind his uncle poking fun at him. He was in love, had finally found the woman of his dreams after all these years of being deceived, and he wanted the world to know how much he loved his old college sweetheart. Paris was his everything, his destiny, and he couldn’t be any happier.

  Rap music exploded across the quiet boutique.

  “That’s my cell.” Demetri fished his iPhone out of the back pocket of his blue jeans and checked the number on the screen. “I have to take this. It’s Coach. I’ll be right back.”

  Rafael took out his cell phone to check his email, but his uncle plucked it out of his hands and tossed it on the couch.

  “Selecting an engagement ring takes both time and concentration, so we better get down to work.” Mario clapped a hand on Rafael’s shoulder and steered him toward the rear of the store. He joked, “If you can’t find a ring in my boutique that your girlfriend will love, then it doesn’t exist!”

  Rafael took a seat across from his uncle at a round glass table. The sign hanging from the ceiling said The Platinum Collection, and as he peered inside the case he noticed every ring had a six-figure price tag.

  “Do you already have something in mind?” Mario asked, setting a box of diamonds on the table. “A style or design she prefers, maybe?”

  “No, but the bigger, the better.”

  “I know that,” Mario drawled, wagging a plump finger in his nephew’s face. “But I’m going to need a little more to go on. Does she like white gold, silver or yellow gold? What style does she prefer? Do you want a two-tone diamond or a single color? What shape and size?”

  Rafael scratched his head. Who knew buying an engagement ring could be so stressful? Wasn’t it supposed to be the easy part? His shoulders drooped and cold beads of sweat gathered on his forehead. He didn’t want to buy the wrong ring, or worse, screw up the Valentine’s Day proposal. He’d never popped the question before, and the thought of getting down on one knee and asking Paris for her hand in marriage made him feel nervous and excited at the same time. What if she turned him down? Or laughed in his face? What would he do if she rejected him?


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