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Dare To Win (Sex, Sin and Secrets Book 1)

Page 2

by Williamson, R. G

  “Oh good morning Mr Dare,” the owner of the very nice pert arse I’d been admiring greets me. Her skirt is short and obviously has ridden further up while she was on her knees. Oh how I’d like her on her knees sucking my cock like a hoover. “I’m just about finished up in here, I’ll be out of your way in two shakes,” she tells me. The mere mention of the word shakes is obviously of interest to my dick as I can feel my trousers getting tighter and that lucky tingle, as I start to harden. Although I’m not sure exactly which part is tingling, my hard-on or the infection.

  I suddenly realise she has spoken to me again and I have no idea what she’s actually said. It’s that awkward moment when one person is staring at another as if waiting for instruction or an answer and there’s no way you can answer it without possibly letting on you hadn’t heard a fucking thing. I’m standing here with no clue and looking blank at her and sporting a raging boner. I’m actually hoping that I’m not drooling and casually wipe my mouth with the back of my hand to check.

  “Don’t mind me,” I say randomly and sounding like an absolute pillock, as I take my position behind my desk. She’s smiling so I have no idea if I have actually said anything remotely like she was expecting as a reply to whatever the fuck she said.

  As she starts to gather up dusters and shit and the various miscellaneous bottles of cleaning products, which I have no doubt in my mind are industrial strength for my office, I watch her intently and yes, I’m definitely perving at her big style. I’m quite sure she wouldn’t like to know that, at this precise moment in time, I’m thinking about her spread across my desk, legs wide open and me fucking her wet pussy. My dick is on throb overload and either she needs to bring my thoughts to life (which obviously isn’t going to happen...because I am a professional!) or get the hell out of my office so I can relieve the tension in my boxers myself. Although spanking the monkey right now wouldn't be the best idea, fuck knows what infected shite I’d shoot and not something I need to see this early in the day!

  “Have a good morning Mr Dare,” she says as she starts to exit my office. She really is quite pretty yet my lips remain tightly shut. Arranging a date while having the clap is definitely not a good idea. I just nod and smile at her.

  I boot up the computer to check my emails and my schedule for the day. Yep I’m in court with the scrote at ten o’clock. I wonder what poor schmuck prosecutor I’m up against today? Some of them haven’t been able to successfully convict a criminal with no defence and twenty eyewitnesses! Somewhere on my desk should be this information, yet I’ll be fucked if I can find it amongst the many piles of files and folders precariously balanced on every available inch of space.

  I need coffee but since some bright spark decided to get an all-singing, all-dancing coffee machine, I don’t know how to make it. There’s no way I’m going to get caught fiddling with all the knobs and buttons by the secretaries, as it will be totally obvious that I haven’t got any fucking idea how it works. I know I’m a clueless prick when it comes to techy stuff and yes the office girls may think I’m a bit of a twat at times, but I’m not going to give them proof. I guess I’ll just wait for Miss Mouth Almighty, aka Susie, to come in and she can sort me out with coffee. After all that’s part of her job description as my assistant.

  No sooner is the thought about her making me a coffee in my head, I can hear her singing her way out of the lift and making her way down to my office. Sweet timing for a change. One thing about Susie, you can always hear her before you see her.

  “Morning Connor,” she practically shouts at me mid show tune. “Oh boss you look absolutely awful,” she grimaces as she sees me sitting at my desk with my head in my hands. “Rough night?”

  “This is my thinking position, Susie,” I reply sarcastically, thanking God that she’s finally stopped singing show tunes or whatever shit it was that she was singing about.

  “Yes course it is boss,” she deadpans. “You need some pills for your head and a strong black coffee?” She’s laughing at me because she knows when I need to have a caffeine pick-me-up.

  “Yeah I may as well, it will give you something to do.” I’m being an arse I know. “Oh and Susie, who’s prosecuting today?”

  “Ah well it’s a new prosecutor. She was working up North somewhere and has only been down here for a few months. If you give me a couple of minutes, I’ll get you my file on her,” she gushes with the enthusiasm of a toddler on a Smarties overload.

  “You have a file on a prosecutor? Why the fuck would you bother to have that?” I’m still being an arse and I can’t seem to stop myself, in fact I can feel myself upgrading from an arse to a wanker. I stare at Susie and she looks at me as if I had thrown a bag of puppies into the canal.

  Obviously my comments haven’t gone down well with her because when she comes back with my coffee and pills, I can tell she wants to see me wearing it. She launches a brown manila envelope at me from half way across the room and turns sharply and marches out. Thank God her aim’s crap and she missed knocking my coffee flying.

  I open the envelope and pull out the information inside about the new prosecutor. Miss Karina West aged twenty nine, from Leeds and then a whole load of guff about what she’s been doing since the day dot. I’ll say one thing for Susie, she’s very thorough and I’m actually quite impressed. The only thing that I see of any interest is the fact she is a Miss. So there’s no Mr West then. Hang on, what the fuck am I thinking? This isn’t a dating profile, this is my adversary. She’s probably a poker faced ball-breaker anyway!

  I load all my files into my briefcase, grab my keys, exit my office and make my way down towards the lift, calling for my delightful assistant on the way. I hear her grumbling as she rushes to catch up with me.

  Susie is still obviously sulking as she hasn’t uttered a word on the drive to the Court. Thank fuck for that because my head is still playing host to fucking midgets practising the drums. I’m waiting for the downgrade to a residual drone when the pills finally kick the fuck in. I’ve already suffered enough this morning.

  I pull into the car park and manage to find a space straight away. Throwing the car into the gap, I turn off the engine and jump out and I’m just about to lock the car when I see that Susie is still sitting there in the front seat shuffling papers for no apparent fucking reason. It’s as though she knows we’re actually running short of time and is doing this with the sole purpose of pissing me off as some kind of female revenge. Not happening babe. I throw the car keys down on her pile of papers and stride off towards the entrance.

  As I make my way through the court corridor towards court three, I make the usual passing pleasantries with the other solicitors. I spot my client sitting outside the courtroom. Jesus fucking Christ he looks worse than I feel!

  “You ready?” I ask him as if he would even dare to answer no. He staggers to get up and walks towards me and then it dawns on me, he’s fucking stoned! Great…

  “Hi Mr errr bud,” he stutters pathetically.

  Fuck sake, I’m going to struggle to persuade the magistrates that this slouching, stoned moron is an upstanding member of the community.

  Straightening to my full height of six foot four inches, I lean towards him and let rip with a few home truths.

  “Firstly, I am Mr Dare, certainly not your bud. Secondly, I have better things to do than waste my time with shits like you when you can’t even be bothered to stay clean for an hour to keep yourself out of prison. Go get your face washed and get some fucking coffee down your neck before we are called in. Got it...bud?” I’m fucking fuming with him and he knows it. He doesn’t even utter a squeak, he just stands there looking shell-shocked. It’s just as well really because there’s nothing he could possibly say to make me feel less irritated right now. He looks around all lost and I gesticulate towards the gent’s toilet and then walk off leaving him to sort himself out. Fucking prick.

  I enter the courtroom and make my way down to the front row of seats. Susie is alrea
dy there. I didn’t even see her pass me but I expect I was in the throes of blitzing out my client. She lays her hand on my arm in an almost comforting gesture. She probably spotted the little twat in the waiting room and saw me copping a strop at the state of him and that I was fucking furious. It is small touches like this from her that can make me feel calmer and jolt me out of my frustration.

  “Good morning, Mr Dare I presume?” I hear a very feminine voice address me to my left.

  Susie leans in and whispers, “That’s Miss West.”

  I look up and I am almost lost for words. She’s quite tall, I’d say around five foot seven with her heels on, and all her curves are perfectly in proportion, just the way I like them. She has a nice rack and legs that seem to go on forever. In fact I would describe her as beautiful, totally gorgeous and she has just taken my breath away. Her brown hair would look good released from its braid and wrapped around my hand. Her eyes are the lightest of blue but seem to have a ring of indigo around the edge as they pierce right into mine. Her lips are not the typical feminine rosebud shape but they have enough fullness to provide quite a seal around my cock. My brain might be processing the vision before me but the only word it is thinking is phoarrr.

  Thankfully the magistrates walk in and save me from trying to reply without repeating phoarrr out loud. It’s time to defend and get this little prick off, which usually I would have no doubts that I could, but then it’s rare they turn up stoned out of their fucking minds.


  As I watch the magistrates leave the court, I actually can’t believe I’d got the toe-rag completely exonerated despite him looking like he had been chasing the dragon literally half an hour ago.

  “Well done Mr Dare, congratulations on getting your client back on the streets to inflict more misery on his community,” I hear Miss West reprimand me.

  I turn towards her, then take a few steps so I’m at the end of my desk. I lean back against the edge and cross one leg in front of the other.

  “Ha ha Miss West, my client is, and actually always was, an innocent man, as proven by the verdict. Better luck next time,” I counter confidently. As the words are falling from my mouth I wish I could stop myself and switch to something a bit more like care to have dinner and then suck my cock?

  “Well whatever helps you sleep at night, keep telling yourself that,” she glares at me while she gathers the paperwork up from her desk.

  “Aww come now Miss West, surely you believe in the British Justice System?” I goad. She is looking at me as if she wants to tear my bollocks off and stamp on them. I find it quite funny but I can tell she is anything but amused. Got to hand it to her, even angry, she's one sexy fucking piece of ass.

  “I hope you always lock your car Mr Dare, because think of the irony if it got stolen,” she spits out at me, angrily.

  I can see her assistant grinning behind her and that just makes me want to chuck her a wink but I don’t think that would go down at all well at this moment in time. It’s not the first time she’s spared a look towards the defence team, well me to be precise. She’s a nice looking girl too and I’d lay money on it that’s awe I see on her face now. I don’t blame her, right at this moment I’m in awe of my talents too.

  “I think we may have got off on the wrong foot,” I say, bringing my attention back to Miss West. I extend my hand towards her and give her my best Connor Dare smile. “I’m Connor, pleased to meet you.”

  Miss West is just staring at my hand as if it is covered in something nasty. Finally she takes it gently and then quickly pulls away as though I’ve burned her.

  “Karina West,” she replies, showing no emotion at all.

  “Well Karina, my assistant and I are going to grab some coffee, perhaps you and your assistant would like to join us? Maybe I could give you a few tips on how to offer a counter argument for the next time we meet.” I’m trying to be nice but the vocal tut from Susie behind me gives me the impression I have failed miserably.

  “No thank you, Mr Dare, we are far too busy to stop for coffee,” she immediately declines.

  “That’s a shame.”

  “Good bye Mr Dare,” she withdraws politely, as she turns around and picks up her briefcase from the floor. Her assistant is still grinning away but soon returns her face to a more neutral expression when her boss rises and looks at her. I felt myself starting to get hard as I stared at her very shapely arse when she was bending down. Oh my fucking God I’d like to bend her over and fuck the shit out of her, right here, right now. I wouldn’t care if the assistants watched or fucking joined in!

  “I look forward to the next time we are up against each other,” I tell her with a cheeky grin. I would love to be up against Karina West, literally. I bet she is a bit of a tiger in bed with that temper of hers and a body built for sin.

  I wonder if my facial expression is displaying my seedy thoughts or Miss West is truly just pissed off about losing, because as I watch her flounce out of the courtroom I don't fail to miss her eye roll.


  A Smug Impression.

  I walk out of the courthouse reeling a bit from losing what should have been a cut and dried case. Any idiot could see that kid, that drain on society, should have been found guilty, but that annoyingly suave Mr Dare must have Irish blood flowing through his very masculine body or has the luck of the Irish on his side. How else could he have won that case? That kid couldn’t even focus on a stationary target one foot away he was so high! So it’s one nil to Mr Smug, not that I’m going to keep score or anything. Hmm, scratch that because hell yes I know I’m going to keep score! I’m as competitive as the next person, especially in the legal world.

  I want to get back to the office as quick as possible. Often we would go for a victory coffee or a celebratory drink depending on the time of day and it would seem Mr Dare does the same too. Wow, that man might have the gift of the gab in court, but what a pompous ass he was about giving out tips! I do however feel the need to take stock of Jackson’s case, not that I would ever let on to Mr Dare about that. I want to go over where exactly it went south for the prosecution but I certainly don’t feel I need or that I would get that sat in a coffee shop, especially sat with Mr Dare and his assistant! I want to pick apart and examine my prosecution skills and see if I can see where and why the magistrates took little heed of my counter arguments and ok maybe I need to lick my wounds. The defence’s argument to Jackson’s plight and usual good standing in the community was a shot in the dark at best and, to be honest, I need to pause for a breather.

  I also want to do some homework on my new nemesis Mr Dare. Because oh I do dare indeed Mister and you’ll find it won’t be such an easy victory next time. Round One to you, I’ll give you that. I was ill prepared on what I thought was and should have been an easy case and lesson learned.

  I think it was because he caught me off guard and I completely lost my train of thought. I couldn’t think straight and I couldn’t come up with any decent counter arguments to his defence statements quick enough. He was a looker for sure and I felt the heat colour my cheeks as his blue eyes stared into mine. It was as if they were looking deep into my soul. He obviously keeps himself fit as there wasn’t a bit of fat on his taller than average frame. He was immaculately turned out in a very expensive suit. His dark brown hair was longer than I would expect on a fellow legal professional. I could imagine it all mussed up on his days off. But it was his face that held me captive. He really was a beautiful manicured, chiselled man. His conduct was of a consummate professional, even with his constant smirk and that just made me want to swoon. I felt drawn to him and I had to fight the urge to lip lock him against the bench. I’ve never before felt the compulsion to want to kiss someone’s face off whilst in court! And that, dear ovaries, is down to you, I blame my body.

  But first and foremost, this morning he was the enemy and I have to try and stay focused on that. In fact all I have to do is keep thinking of his coffee invite and his
condescending comment offering me tips that he brazenly just had to add and that should work easily to keep him public enemy number one, well my enemy number one at least. It was a struggle though, his aftershave was like a drug, his presence foreboding and I’m sure he wasn’t even on top form. I got the feeling he was a bit agitated by the looks he was throwing to both his client and his assistant and that just made me even more cross that I’d lost this case if he wasn’t even firing on all cylinders.

  I notice that Tara, my assistant, is awfully quiet. I catch her eye and shoot her a weak smile. I love it that she feels as passionate about cases as I do, we are a team and it hurts us both when the verdict doesn’t go the way it should. So I know she feels as miffed as I do. I treasure Tara’s dedication and I’m also beginning to treasure her friendship.

  “He was a dish wasn’t he…” I say out loud.

  “That he was Miss West.”

  “Come on Tara you know the drill. We’re not in court now, it’s Kari.”

  “Okay. I’m just a tad scared of the look on your face at the moment. I think you could tame a lion in less than ten seconds with that scowl,” Tara shrugs with a wry grin, “I thought it was best to stay in; You Boss, Me Assistant mode till you’ve calmed down a bit.”

  “I’m annoyed, yes. But oddly enough I’m not one hundred percent sure at what I’m annoyed about the most. Losing to Mr Smug or fancying Mr Smug. See my dilemma?” I can’t help it after all that, I laugh out loud. “Gah, just listen to me, I never thought I’d ever hear myself saying something like that about a prosecutor!”

  “Well I’d do him if that’s any consolation and I bat for the other side. I think most women with a sex drive would do him too, heck even without a sex drive they’d do him. He’s got that whole smexy vibe thing going on.”


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