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Dare To Win (Sex, Sin and Secrets Book 1)

Page 4

by Williamson, R. G

  I’m going towards the kitchen and I spot June, one of the secretaries, going in there ahead of me.

  As I get to the staff kitchen, I notice there’s a queue to that devil machine. Fuck. I know I’ll look a prat if I turn around now still holding two empty cups so I get in line and stand beside June.

  “Good morning June, how are you today? I saw that you were in very early today, that’s very commendable.” I’m hoping my outward friendliness will invoke her need to Mother me and maybe make my coffee ha ha.

  “I’m very well Mr Dare, and yourself? And yes, I like to start early and beat the traffic into work. I hate the whole morning rush hour,” she explains.

  “Yes I agree, far too many cars on the roads rushing about.” I know I’m waffling.

  “Oh did you want a coffee Mr Dare?” she asks, pointing towards the devil machine.

  Not too obvious considering I’m queuing with her and we’re getting nearer the dreaded machine and I have two empty cups in my hand. “Yes but you carry on, I’m in no rush,” I reply, still hoping she will volunteer to make me one.

  It’s got to her turn quicker than I thought it would, Christ everyone but me knows how to work this machine.

  “I’ll do it for you, black?” she asks.

  I pass her my two mugs and say, “Yes and a white one for Millie.” Kerchang! You can almost hear the clucking as her mother hen mode kicks in.

  I shoot June a devilish smirk and wink as I head out the door armed with two steaming mugs of coffee.

  I don’t get far when I get accosted. “Oh excuse me, I’m new here and that machine in there looks complicated. Do you have a second to show me how it works?” a young, petite, pretty girl walks up to me peering at the mugs I’m holding. She looks like a little pixie. Someone has excellent taste in hiring our staff.

  “Sorry. I’m late for a very important meeting, got to run.” I back off as quickly as I can without spilling my hard won coffees. “Ask one of the secretaries, they all seem to be experts.”

  As I walk out the door, I can’t help smiling. That coffee machine can go fuck itself. I’ve got my coffee and haven’t had to do battle. I’ll take that as a win.


  It was a pleasant hour I spent with Millie this morning. She was a bit quiet at first but soon started to open up about her life. It made a refreshing change to talk to someone who obviously has their head screwed on. It’s amazing what you can learn when you give someone the time of day and get to know them. I can see Millie easily falling into being a friend of mine. She’s that easy to get along with. I’d still fuck her given half the chance but to be honest, right now, I think I value her friendship more than wanting a one-time only event.

  She’s eighteen and at college and her dream is to become a primary school teacher. I think that’s a very noble job because honestly the thought of working with children all day long has me feeling a little queasy. In fact the mere thought of being near a child for any length of time fills me with dread. I’ve always made a conscious effort to avoid women who want to have children and have managed to do so successfully for years. I can’t think of anything worse than a loud annoying rug-rat getting in the way. I’ve seen what happens to people who have started a family and quite frankly, I can’t stand the thought of my house being covered in baby drool and don’t get me started on the stench of poisonous nappies. Someone had the bright idea of having a Bring Your Kid To Work day a while back and that just reinforced my belief that there are some people in life that are not cut out for parenting, I am one of those people. There is nothing cute about a scrunched up, red faced baby projectile vomiting on everything within a fifteen foot radius.

  Millie still lives at home and she does have a casual boyfriend, not that that would bother me. She lit up the room when she talked and I was actually a bit in awe of her enthusiasm for life. I remember when I was her age and all I could think of was getting pissed and where my next shag was coming from… and yeah, not a lot has changed. Yes, young, free and single is definitely what suits me and I don’t see that changing in the foreseeable future.

  She asked about my family and seemed genuinely interested as I told her how I am an only child and had almost been a child prodigy. Everything I touched turned to gold. I never had to try hard at anything as everything seemed to come easy to me and the successes just fell into my lap. I told her I do the obligatory family Sunday dinner once a month, well that’s if I am not too hungover to do the drive over there. They are proud of my achievements but I know my Mother is sad there’s no sign of a Mrs Dare yet, she still lives in hope that one day I will settle down and produce a grandchild for her. Yeah, sorry Mother, that’s never going to happen.

  I explained all about Miss West and how I was planning to ask her out on a date but admitted that I probably would end up being flamed by her. She laughed and said I had to be nice when asking her. I said I always am but her raised eyebrows kind of insinuated that maybe she didn’t believe me or maybe our definitions of nice were different. To be honest I have even shocked myself with my want to date Miss West. I don’t date, fuck me I barely fuck the same girl twice so I’m not even sure where my head’s at with her.

  Her parting comment as she left for the day was to wish me luck. This is me, Connor Dare, luck doesn’t factor into things. All the girls fall for me. I’m irresistible.


  How Hard Can It Be?

  Today is the day I’ve decided to ask Karina West out on a date. I must admit to never having put much thought into this kind of thing before. I usually just send a text message saying Dinner? And the women are usually so excited that I would want to take them out that they fire off a yes reply straight away. I have a feeling it’s not going to be so simple with Miss West.

  For some unexplained reason, I feel the urge to treat her differently to my usual conquests. In fact, I really don’t see her as a conquest as such, I want to get to know her. We may click and fuck me that is a scary thought because then what? I don’t want a relationship with her, or with anyone, but I feel the need to explore the concept of dating. Going home to an empty house every night and eating takeaway on my own gets boring after a while and maybe having her on speed dial would relieve the boredom I feel at times. Someone to go with me to functions that I know would fit into the kind of social setting I belong to without the worry of her embarrassing me. Obviously the sex on tap would be a big bonus.

  So I’m on the phone ordering a fuck off big bunch of flowers. Not just any kind of random flowers. I’m giving them strict instructions that they haven’t just got to be a large bunch, but also a classy bunch. I know nothing about flowers. To me, flowers are flowers but I do know that sometimes when you look at a bunch, they are all bright and colourful that kind of screams happy. I want something more muted, more conservative and definitely more sophisticated.

  The girl on the phone has just asked me what I want put on the card and this is where it gets a little tricky. Do I go direct and say would you like to do dinner? Which may or may not have the undertone of do dinner and me?

  In the end I decide on something flirty and funny.

  I sit back on my large leather chair, with my hands behind my head and start to laugh. My sense of humour never fails to amuse me and women like a man with a sense of humour. That’s been proven time and time again. I am looking forward to my date.


  I’m just about to set up for a client meeting when my phone starts ringing on the desk.

  “Miss West, hi, it’s Nicole from reception. I have a delivery man here for you with a rather large delivery. Can I send him straight to your office?”

  “Hmm, I’m not expecting any deliveries and I’m on a tight schedule, so no, keep him there and I’ll come down. I’m leaving right now.” It’s only a little detour between here and the meeting so it shouldn’t take me long at all but I shout to Tara to hold the fort for me and make sure the room is all set up for when the clients arri
ve. As I make my way, I wonder what it is that can be waiting for me?

  I swing round the corner and come to an abrupt halt. There in front of me is the most enormous bunch of flowers I think I have ever seen. They can’t be for me surely... Can they?

  Nicole, the receptionist hears my arrival and she has the biggest smile on her face and I swear a glassy look as she stares lovingly at the spectacular array in front of her. “Look at these flowers for you Miss West. They are like, WOW. You are sooo lucky!” she swoons.

  It’s not as if I can miss the massive bouquet swamping the reception desk. I can’t help feeling chuffed that they are for me.

  Yes. For. Me.

  In my head I’m dancing a little fandango. I don’t often get flowers and I don’t think I’ve ever received a bouquet quite as exquisite as what I am staring at. I stand still, my eyes drinking in the elegant display in shades of soft pink, fresh white and cool lilac. I spy, pink alstroemeria, white Oriental lily, large headed pink roses, white spray chrysanthemums, lilac statice and pink germini. I know my flowers and these before me remind me of a beautiful summer country garden, oh wow they are gorgeous. I don’t recall anyone showing me any romantic interest lately, so these flowers and their sender are a total mystery which has me wondering who they could be from. Standing here though, I’m never going to find out so I force myself to walk towards them.

  The delivery man starts heading out the door and looks back with a smile and I don’t miss him giving me the once over. As the doors start sliding shut, he shoots a wink and nods towards the bouquet and tells me to enjoy.

  Oh boy of course I’m going to enjoy! Somehow I manage to lift the bouquet off the front desk and start heading back to my office. The hurried click of my heels echoes throughout the building as I quicken my step on my way through the lobby. I am dying to see who they are from and I don’t have the patience to wait until after my meeting. I can’t believe how much they weigh either!

  I almost make it to my office when Tara comes rushing up and skids to a halt.

  “Wow, are those for me?”

  I lean around and give her an eyebrow lift, “You wish.”

  “I can wish as good as the next person, one day it’ll come true.” She starts pulling the cellophane down and tries to peek in then wolf whistles, “Wowsers Karina do you know who they are from? Do you have a secret admirer? Hey maybe it’s Keith in accounts!” she says with a wink. I’m really hoping it isn’t because that man, well, he is more than a little creepy and a bit too touchy feely and what I commonly call a letch. I can’t stop the shudder rolling through me.

  “No I don’t know who they’re from, but I would like to find out before my meeting.”

  “Well take your time, your two o’clock appointment just rang and said they are running about half an hour late. So let’s find out who’s got great taste in flowers.” She ushers me into my office just as excited as me, if not more, if that’s possible.

  I’m in a quandary, part of me is desperate to know who sent them and part of me wants to string it out. I love the mystery but in two seconds this little mystery will be over. Either I will be smiling for the rest of the day or be working out how to get myself out of the attentions of some unwanted suitor, God I hope it’s not Keith! I grip the envelope in my hand and sod it, I go for it, and I rip it open like a prisoner receiving a pardon.

  To my very fine adversary, let’s celebrate my win over dinner

  ~ Connor Dare.

  Oh. My. God! Seriously!

  The cheek of the man! Okay I know I quite fancy him but please - let’s celebrate his win… I am honestly a bit flabbergasted by his crass audacity. If that was meant to be a joke, it was ill served and badly delivered.

  That had to be the worst worded dinner invite I have ever received. Was dinner really an option or were the flowers to just celebrate his win? I cannot believe the arrogance of him and I’m almost wishing it was Keith who sent them!

  I’m going a little crazy here, all manner of things are firing through my head, obnoxious sod being the foremost, did he really think I would be all over him and these flowers after the way he behaved in court with his inflated ego? Well ok I know I said to Tara I would maybe ask him out on a date, but after reading his card, there’s no way I will. I don’t hesitate, I’m flying on autopilot and within seconds I have a pair of super sharp scissors in my hand. Then, with a speed that is scarily impressive, I decapitate every single flower head. I leave the stems in their lovely fresh arrangement and I gather up all the loose heads and greenery and stuff them haphazardly back in the cellophane. I look at the floral mess in front of me and realise it wasn’t as satisfying as I thought it would be. Far from it, I want to cry for killing the flowers but wanting to murder him more wins out.

  “Tara, please get me some brown wrapping paper.”


  She’s just staring at me all boggle eyed and I think she’s wondering if I’m mental.

  “Why did you go and do that? They were beautiful.” She honestly can’t believe what I’ve just done.

  I flick the card over to her.

  She grabs it and reads it. “Oh.”

  “Yes oh. Do you think that’s a nice way to ask me out on a date?”

  “Er well I can sort off see the funny side.”

  “Funny side? What funny side?”

  “Geez Kari, I really think you ought to go on this date, you obviously need to get laid.” She then looks up at me amazed at what she’d said. Yes Tara that was way beyond the invisible line.

  “Wrapping paper now Tara.”

  “Oops okay. I’m on it. Drink some coffee while I’m gone, I think you need it,” she says as she scurries out my office. That may be the fastest I’ve ever seen her move.

  I fall back into my chair breathing heavily as though I’ve just run a marathon. I can feel myself shaking and for the first time ever I start nibbling on a nail too. Have I over reacted? In my gut I don’t think so because arghhh good God that man is so smug.

  I don’t know what makes me think to do this, but I get my phone out and take a picture of the headless flowers and while I’m at it I snap a picture of his dinner invitation too.

  I grab my office pad and scribble him a quick note. He won’t miss the fact I’ve used legal paper. I don’t bother to sign it, I don’t want to waste the ink. I shove it in an envelope and wait for Tara.

  Ten minutes later, which is nine minutes longer that I wanted to spend, I have them parcelled up. It’s as much of a mess on the outside as the contents are on the inside, which to me is just perfect. I’ve phoned a courier and they are on their way to collect Mr Dare’s gift, with the assurance he’ll have it first thing in the morning.

  Job done.

  “Tara, remind me at six, I could do with a drink.”

  “Ooh Happy Hour, I like that idea. You’re on.”

  My phone comes alive in my bag and alerts me to a text message, this had better not be him because I will seriously struggle to be civil to him. Though how would he have my number? Why am I paranoid all of a sudden?

  Emily - Hey hun, u busy?

  Okay I can relax, it’s my best friend.

  Me - Not at the mo, what's up?

  Emily - Just wanted to touch base, it’s about time we went out for a girls night out.

  Me - Ooooh you don’t know how good that sounds.

  Emily - Bad Day?

  Me - No not really, more like weird I would say.

  Emily - Oooh do spill.

  Me - Well I just got a beautiful bunch of flowers.

  Emily - U lucky bitch! Picture now!

  Me – Erm

  Emily - Now Kari.

  Me - OK, here u go.

  Emily - U r kidding me right? What the fuck happened 2 the flowers?

  Me - Long story.

  Emily - Some bastard doing a number on u?

  Me - No.

  Emily - Drinks are a must. I will round up
the girls. I want to know more!

  Me - Ok, let me know when and where.

  Emily - Deal. Love u. I still can’t believe those flowers!

  Me - LOL nor can I. BFN x

  Well I wasn’t expecting my day to turn out quite like this one.

  Happy hour can’t come soon enough.


  Another day and here I am in my office once more. Millie was just leaving as I arrived and I am slightly disappointed not to be able to sit and share time over a coffee with her. I enjoy our early morning chats and I’m sure she does too. Plus she always makes the coffee!

  “Hey Connor,” she greets, “I can’t stop today, I have an exam. Wish me luck!”

  “Good luck. Although I’m sure you will ace it.”

  My first client is due to arrive at nine o’clock and I’m just having a look over the file that Susie has left on my desk. She’s off to do battle with the coffee maker although I’m sure she has insider knowledge as she’s back in the office in a flash with fresh coffee.

  “Did you ask Miss West out on a date in the end?” she asks, while sitting herself down opposite me and making herself comfortable.

  “I did yes, although I haven’t heard anything back yet.”

  “Tell me you asked her nicely or did you send her a caveman grunt text?” She starts laughing because she knows me so well.

  “Actually I thought I would say it with flowers.”

  “Ooh you must like this one,” she baits and then starts making stupid kissing noises.


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