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Dare To Win (Sex, Sin and Secrets Book 1)

Page 9

by Williamson, R. G

  I’m looking at my wardrobe and wondering what I should wear. I grab a white shirt off the hanger and throw it on the bed. I need to shower, shit and shave and I’ve got about an hour until I have to leave to be at the restaurant on time.

  I step into the shower and start lathering myself up and I shave my face. I look down at my bollocks and check that they are ready for a visitor later, not that I think for one minute that Miss West on the end of my knob is a sure thing. But hey a guy can hope.

  Wrapping a towel round my waist, I stroll into the kitchen and pour myself some Dutch courage. I’ve never known myself to be so nervous before a date. And a date that I don’t even know if she will show up. The fact that she texted me a thanks for the shit I sent her was a bit of a bonus but I’ve heard nothing from her since then.

  I’m hoping she has finally got over the absolute whitewash that she got in the court. I’m laughing thinking about the shock on her face when the magistrates declared my client an innocent man! I bet she’s still furious about it. In a way it was her own fault because she didn’t do her homework on me. If the boot was on the other foot, he’d be serving twelve months in prison.

  I get dressed, add a bit of after-shave balm to my face and give my hair a last rub with the towel, it’s damp and I’m going for casual tonight so I just shake my head and let my hair do its own thing. Women seem to go crazy for the mussed-up look and it takes no fucking effort at all, I’d say that was yet another win.

  I put on my shoes, walk down the hall and stop and have a last check in the mirror. I wink, click my tongue and trigger-finger myself. Perfection personified. I pick up my keys, slam the door shut and point my key fob at my car to unlock it and climb in.


  “Good evening Mr Dare, it’s a pleasure to see you tonight. Would you like to have a drink at the bar until your companion arrives?”

  “That would be good thanks Charles. Let me know when she gets here.” If she turns up.

  I walk up to the bar and the barman immediately slides my drink across to me. I haven’t eaten all day and I’m absolutely starving. I fucking hope Miss West turns up because I’m not going to eat here alone and look like a twat. My phone bings with a text and I scramble to get it out of my pocket.

  George - did she turn up or are you drowning your sorrows at the bar!! Offer still stands. I’ve added your name to the guest list in case you strike out lol

  Fucking George. My heart was actually in my mouth until I saw it was him again. I was half hoping it was Miss West to confirm she was on her way. I signal to the barman for another drink and I look around the restaurant to see who’s in tonight. I like people watching. I like to try and work out who is who and what their story is. Everyone has a story. I mean, the guy in his sixties sitting in the corner with a girl in her twenties could be just a Grandfather taking his Granddaughter out for a meal. But when you look at the girl and the way she is dressed, you can easily tell that it’s not just the meal the old guy will be paying for tonight.

  I check my watch to see what the time is and I am starting to think that she isn’t going to turn up. I had said on my card dinner at nine o’clock but it’s already quarter past. I’m going to give her till half past to arrive and if she doesn’t, then fuck it, I’m out of here.

  I don’t know what makes me want to turn around but I do and what my eyes land on takes my breath away.

  She’s here. And she’s walking my way. And fuck me, she’s gorgeous. She’s wearing her hair down loose, like in the pub the other night and a cute little black dress and, fuck me, red stilettos. I rise to greet her, as does my cock.

  “Good evening Mr Dare. You seemed surprised to see me.”

  “Hello Miss West,” I smile, “I’ll be honest, I was looking for a mashed up box,” I jest. I take her hand and lean forward to gently kiss her cheek. I have a subtle sniff and she smells delicious.

  “No honestly I actually wasn’t sure if you were going to being a no show or not.” I’m thinking honesty is the best policy. For now.

  “Oh, now what would make you think that?” she enquires, smiling a little mischievously.

  “Erm how about headless flowers… Exceptionally clean chocolates… and an envelope full of confetti.” Fuck, maybe that was a bit too premature with the truth already. I’m quite surprised when she laughs.

  “I would have loved to have seen your face,” she grinned at me. Oh so Miss West has a quirky side, this date is getting more fun by the minute.

  “If you had told me you were keeping the bath stuff, I would have come round and washed your back for you...and other hard to reach places,” I grin.

  “Well maybe you shouldn’t have told Nicole it was non-shareable, you might have got an invite to help with those hard to reach places.” she laughs.

  “Damn, I told her unless it was me!” I pretend to be annoyed.

  “Ha ha, she didn’t tell me that bit. Do you think she is secretly trying to foil your plans?” she laughs again. “Maybe I’ll share a bomb with you one of these days Mr Dare,” she teases, her eyes sparkle with fun.

  Fuck, all I can see is her naked and fizzing and me checking it all out. “Connor, call me Connor. We can’t be talking about getting up close and naked whilst calling each other Mr and Mrs.”

  “Mr and Mrs? Really Mr Dare, sorry Connor. I didn’t realise the confetti would work that quick.”

  “Ha ha no danger of that, I’m not that kind of guy.” I had to say that to her just to make sure we are both on the same page. I’ve had women in the past that have read a lot more into an invitation to dinner than I ever intended.

  “Don’t worry. I can’t get married until at least the second date so you’re safe,” she winks at me, grinning like a loon.

  “Connor, ermm Mr Dare, lovely to see you. If you would like to follow me, I shall take you to your usual table,” says the hostess.

  “Thanks, Cassie. You’re looking good tonight babes as always.”

  I offer my hand out to Karina and guide her to the table following Cassie. Cassie knows where I like to sit in this place. I’ve tried other tables but this kind of fulfils everything I need whether it is for intimacy or a good viewing area on the rest of the patrons.

  “Your waitress tonight will be Penny and she will be over in just a second and I’m sure will attend to your every whim,” she winks as she walks away clicking her fingers at Penny.

  Penny floats over with all the elegance of a ballerina. Tall and slim with a slender neck that you could spend ages nuzzling on, small tits but a peach of an arse.

  “Good evening Con, usual wine? We have restocked!” She laughs and passes us menus.

  Oh shit, that doesn’t exactly paint me in a good light. Karina will probably think I’m a fucking pisshead although the last night out she had, she had sunk more alcohol than even Homer Simpson could on a night out!

  “So is there anything that takes your fancy, apart from the obvious?” I’m smirking at her but she seems to be looking everywhere else except at me.

  “Erm I’m not sure to be honest,” she says, bringing her attention back. She looks a bit out of her depth, the sparkle fading from her eyes.

  “So are you a vegetarian or do you like a bit of meat?” I start to laugh at my totally innocent question that screams double meaning.

  “I think I’ll stick with Vegetarian tonight. I don’t think I could swallow the meat.” She raises her eyebrows as if she’s challenging sexual innuendos with me. “Do they do a mushroom risotto? You seem to know the menu here better than the menu itself. It will save me looking.” The way she says it certainly indicates she’s slightly pissed off with me. This dinner is not going according to plan.

  I get the feeling that Karina has a problem with the fact I’ve obviously been here before. It doesn’t help my cause either when yet another waitress I know comes gliding past and says a little too loudly, hello Connor. I need to go for damage limitation here.

��Everything on the menu is excellent and if there’s something you want that isn’t on the menu, they will knock it up for you. It’s one of the reasons why I love it here,” I say trying to diffuse things and hopefully put her at ease. Shit, that hasn’t exactly come out how it sounded in my head.

  “Mushroom Risotto it is then please.” She decides, placing her menu down to the side.

  I give a little wave to Penny who comes over to take our order.

  “Mushroom risotto for the lady and I’ll have my usual, Penny.”

  “So I take it this place is a regular haunt of yours?”

  “To be honest, I come here because the food is good and the service is also good. They seem to know when to approach the table and when to keep their distance.”

  “It certainly has a nice ambiance. I can see why you like it here. Don’t worry, I won’t scare you and say I’ll come here all the time now.”

  I can’t help but be happy she said that! I don’t want to have to boycott my favourite restaurant if this all goes Pete Tong.

  “Do you eat out a lot?” she asks me.

  “I tend to live on takeaways and anything I can nuke in the microwave,” I say it jokingly but it is actually the truth.

  “Me too! Takeaways get really boring after a while though don’t they and one day I might subject you to my microwaving skills. The clue there was in subject,” she laughs. Okay I don’t think her and her microwave get along very well. I actually hate ping meals because they all taste the same but I’d happily sample anything Karina has on offer.

  “It’s the late nights isn’t it. Never really knowing what time you’re going to be home. Living the highlife with an action packed job isn’t all it’s cracked up to be is it?” Karina is being remarkably open, I like this.

  “I try and get finished on time every day but the reality is, I very rarely get home before seven in the evening, and even that’s with a briefcase full of files. I’m swamped at work at the moment and I’m not good at delegating.” I laugh and think of the time I did actually give Susie more responsibility and she totally fucked it up except we didn’t find out about her shortcomings until we were stood in front of the magistrates. She’s the reason I have a hard time delegating.

  “So what made you move down here, the lure of the big city lights?” I snort mockingly but usually the reason is because they think they will get bigger and higher profile cases. But sadly, it takes a few years before they get to that stage.

  “My Mum is ill. So I’ve moved back to my home town to be nearer to her.”

  Oh shit, I wasn’t expecting that.

  “Its way more expensive down here too and I’ve only been away eight or so years. I would be happier up North, everything’s far more manageable.”

  “I don’t really think of money. Wages go in, bills get paid. I probably annoy the hell out of my accountant with my spending habits.”

  “Wow you must earn a lot then! Though to be fair, I’m supporting my Mum too, so it all seems to come in and go straight out. Anyway, this is a little maudlin. Let’s liven it up a little.” Karina grins and waggles her eyebrows at me. She’s a cheeky thing but I’m sure she has no idea how I’m thinking we could liven things up.

  “So have you got any interesting cases coming up on the horizon?” I’m not even sure why I’ve mentioned work, I know she can be a bit touchy about it!

  “Seriously Connor work! You call that livening things up? Tara’s more fun at work!” She reprimands me jokingly. I just grin and shrug my shoulders, so she carries on. “Okay, well I’ve got this case coming up shortly that I’m probably going to lose again. The Defence is a cocky sod and will no doubt preen and rub my nose in it. But hey I will have my day soon enough.”

  Did she just throw down the gauntlet?

  “Ha ha Miss West, I never lose when it’s on my turf. I was born to protect the scumbags of the city. I’m like Batman, protecting the innocent!” I can’t help smirking as the words are coming out my mouth.

  “Ego much Mr Dare. How do you know I was talking about you? And Batman, really!” Karina roars with laughter at that one.

  “Confidence, Miss West. Confidence will see you through to success every single time. So, tell me about the rest of your family, feel free to leave out any gun-toting brothers you have, but definitely mention any hot twin sisters.”

  I can’t believe how easy it is to talk to Karina. She talks animatedly about her family. She goes into serious mode when talking about work. She’s told me all about the places she’s been and I like the fact she is well travelled. Travelling is great for character building and knowledge. I do get the impression that she has been burned a bit in the past but I didn’t want to get onto the subject of past partners. I don’t know how she would take the fact that I’m thirty two years old and never had a serious relationship, like ever. I have always liked to keep my options open and I suppose I have never met any girl who has ticked all the right boxes. In fact, truth be told, I don’t even know what the right boxes are that need ticking.

  “Excuse me Connor. I need to go to the Ladies room.”

  While she’s gone I give Penny a nod and she brings me the bill.

  “You shoot, you score,” Penny says and I give her a wink. She has seen this scenario played out so many times.

  “You ready to go?” I ask Karina when she returns from the bog. “Did you drive or did you taxi here?”

  “I got a taxi, in our line of work it wouldn’t go down well driving over the limit.”

  “That’s very noble of you. Come on and I’ll drop you off at home. I am a gentleman after all,” I say grinning and add a cheeky wink.

  “Okay thanks, I appreciate it. Thank you for a lovely dinner. You know what, when or should I say if, people can get past your ingrained, suggestive, carnal proclivities you’re quite a decent fellow,” she remarks flippantly as she wraps her scarf round her neck.

  I smile at her back-handed compliment. I’m pleased this evening has been a success and it’s not over yet. Putting my hand on the small of her back, I escort her to my car. I swear I felt her gasp as I touched her.

  My trouser pocket is vibrating like mad and I know its George ringing me. He’s texted me at least half a dozen times but I am having too nice a time to bother checking them all. I know what he wants. I know where he is. I have a feeling I’m not going to need to take him up on his offer tonight.


  As we leave the Bistro I realise what a fun time I’ve had tonight. It was nice to not be worried about winning or losing a court case, and well I’m thankful he didn’t rub in his win, because to be honest, I was expecting him to at some point. Careful Mr Dare is a pleasant Mr Dare, I smile. I think we get along really well and have a natural flow with conversation too, so the time just flew by. I even managed to forget about Union-gate and live for the now and not for what might be.

  I had felt slightly out of place a couple of times when he seemed to know everyone, and of course when I say everyone, I mean every female! I suppose I should be comforted by the fact I honestly don’t think he noticed just how many women looked his way. By the looks of some of them I would say they were past conquests too. That left a bitter taste. But I’m a confident woman, I get that he’s had girlfriends and probably acquaintances before. I’m absolutely not the bunny boiler type, so as much as the attention was annoying, I can get past it.

  Connor Dare is not like a person I would normally consider dating, heck I might not ever see him again after tonight. As I think of that I also think of what happened earlier today. This has me smiling, and Christ I truly can’t believe that I am smiling over what came off earlier and came off are the key words here. But what happened at the Spa, was, well, a first and something that will never happen again!

  I confirmed my reservation via telephone, as instructed, for an afternoon of intense massage, facial and a sauna, but I got far more than I bargained for after I arrived. As I signed in, I was given a run
through of what my schedule was for the afternoon. I found out he had booked me in secretively for an extra session as well as the ones I had confirmed. I was surprised, horrified and definitely panicking. I was also unable to cause a scene because I’m not that type of person that would do so. I just nodded dumbfounded and then suffered in silence for the next three hours solid before that extra event was due. So the lovely intense massage that I should have been left feeling so relaxed after… Well, it was a complete waste of time. I think I left with more knots than I went in with! All the while the time loomed ever nearer for my last treatment, the one I was completely running scared about.

  They say we all have an Achilles heel, and today I learned what was most definitely mine.

  He had booked me in for a Brazilian!

  Yes a Brazilian!

  Who the hell books their first date in for a rip it all completely off wax!

  So after the initial mantra of bastard going on in my head, I was as far from relaxed as I could possibly get.

  This was going to hurt.

  And it did. Oh my God it did!

  Tranquil Spa was definitely not so tranquil when she pulled that first layer off! I think they may have heard me in the next County! For the first time in my life, my vagina and face matched, they were beet red and as I left the Spa, both were glowing and absolutely not from happiness!

  I will never ever have another Brazilian in my life and I do mean ever! I did ask the woman if she could kindly wax leaving the imprint of F.O. behind. All she did was look at me like I was mad and shake her head.

  Connor doesn’t know how lucky he is that I even turned up for this date, because during my half hour in hell and after my three hours of worrying about said hell, this date was most definitely a hell no! He is lucky I thawed and after the meal I’m glad I did get past his mightily inappropriate gift, I’m amazed he hasn’t brought it up, I wonder if he thinks he’s about to see the end result and I wonder if he’s spent the past couple of hours wondering how smooth I may or may not be.


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