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Choosing Eternity (The New Era Saga Book 3)

Page 8

by KT Webb

  “Whitley, I need your help.”

  “Hadley, you look pale. Are you feeling alright?”

  “I’m feeling as well as can be expected, which is what I want to talk to you about.”

  Hadley was wearing a baggy sweatshirt and yoga pants. She had started showing a swollen belly much sooner than she anticipated but was thankful the cold weather provided her with the perfect way to hide it. She stood up and lifted her sweatshirt above her belly. Whitley eyed her suspiciously before squealing loudly.

  “OMG! You’re pregnant! No wonder you’re so mad at me.”

  “Shhhh! I haven’t even told Thatcher yet. This is great and all, but it couldn’t have happened at a more inconvenient time. How am I supposed to help fight if I’m expecting?”

  Whitley rolled her eyes. “Give me a break. You just send an electric current through your body and no one will be able to touch you.”

  “But what if the baby takes after his dad and doesn’t have any resistance to my abilities?”

  It was this thought that kept Hadley from using her ability more than necessary. When she was pushing the electricity away from herself to start generators or restore power, there was little concern for the baby growing inside her. But if she let the current run through her whole body, she feared she could hurt the child.

  “I don’t think that’s how it works, Had. But there’s one person who can help you. I bet Kerr can try to sense the baby.” Whitley jumped up and left the room before Hadley could stop her.

  She hadn’t even told her husband about her pregnancy, and now she was going to have Kerr trying to get a read on the kid. She sighed and waited patiently. Whitley came back through the door grinning like an idiot, followed by a confused Kerr.

  “Kerr, I’m—”

  “Pregnant. I know. I probably knew before you did. C’mon, nothing gets past me, you should know that by now.”

  “Well? Can I hurt the baby if I use my ability?”

  Kerr furrowed his brow for a moment and reached a hand out for Hadley’s slightly rounded belly. He was still standing with his hand over her womb when Thatcher walked in. It was almost like an episode of Friends. Everyone looked at each other with wide eyes and confusion. Then he got it.

  “REALLY?” Thatcher yelled.

  Hadley thought for one terrifying moment that he was angry she’d told two people before him. But his expression was not one of anger. He was ecstatic. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her before placing his hands on her belly.

  “Holy crap, how far along are you?”

  Hadley scowled at him. She was eight weeks along when she saw the doctor, but nearly a month had passed since then. So many things had happened that she hadn’t made the time to see the doctor again. She had to be about twelve weeks pregnant, but that alone didn’t explain the size of her belly. She glanced in earnest at Kerr.

  “Well, you won’t hurt the babies if you use your ability,” Kerr reassured her.

  “Babies? Plural?” Thatcher whispered through his hands as they covered his mouth.

  Hadley couldn’t help but laugh at him. He looked for all the world like a fangirl meeting her favorite boy band. That’s when it set in: twins.

  “They’re boys, aren’t they?” she asked Kerr.

  “Yes. And your womb is like a thick protective shield, which tells me your body is extremely protective of them, and that they’re very powerful.”

  “So I’ll be okay to help in the final battle?”

  “What? No. No way.” Thatcher stepped in.

  Kerr avoided looking at Thatcher and kept his eyes on Hadley. “Yes, you will be fine. I don’t think anything could hurt those boys.”

  Hadley grinned. She wouldn’t have to be a burden or target as they fulfilled the rest of their mission. Kerr and Whitley left them alone to allow them a few moments to process.

  “So, our boys are here.” Thatcher grinned as he put a hand on her belly.

  “Not yet! But, they’ll be here in about six months. We better go tell mom and dad!”

  It felt like a dream when they stood in front of the rest of their family and told them they would be adding two more family members. Her mother cried, and her father shook Thatcher’s hand. Nora and Kerr hugged them both, while Whitley continued to erupt in random squeals. Even for just that moment, everything in her world was perfect.

  Chapter Eighteen:


  “Why didn’t you tell me Hadley was pregnant?”

  He’d heard the question at least a thousand times since Hadley and Thatcher shared their news. He had already tried to explain to her that it wasn’t his news to share, but she wasn’t having any of it.

  “I had to respect her choice to keep it a secret. My ability wasn’t given to me so I could butt into other people’s business.”

  “I know. But I’m your wife. You should be able to tell me anything.”

  “Nope. Not how it works. You wouldn’t have been able to stop yourself from giving her googly eyes every time you saw her.”

  “You’re right. I’m so excited for them. It makes me want another baby.”

  “Oh we’ll have another baby, but let’s hold off until after all this is over.”

  “I’m glad Whitley is alright.” Nora changed the subject.

  “You and me both,” he said as they climbed into bed.

  Kerr thought about his visions and wondered if he should be concerned that they may be taking a toll on his body. Dorian and Romulus had reassured him that it was unlikely because his visions were a result of his abilities. Whitley only had the ability to communicate with the other side because her soul was somehow confused about where it belonged.

  “What time are we leaving in the morning?”

  “Sun up. We’re meeting Imaan at his office. He has spoken with members of his mosque. They want to know more about us because they trust him and fear the jinn.”

  Thanks to Dorian reaching out to Imaan, they had finally arranged to meet with a group of delegates from the Muslim community. Imaan had promised the assistance of the Evolved if the delegates would hear what they had to say.

  “Have you decided what you’re going to say?”

  “No. I think I’m mostly going to get a read on everyone and go from there. The tone of the conversation is going to depend on whether or not they are open to joining our cause.”

  Kerr was worried that if the people of Islam got wind of Absalom being reborn as Iblis, they would do everything they could to avoid joining the conflict at all. He wished he knew what kind of army Absalom had amassed. The only information they had was based on their assumptions after Thatcher, Joe, and Callie had seen the mindless followers with the Maladies.

  He had a feeling they would soon find out more. The prophecies were falling into place, and it would only be a matter of time before the bloodshed began.

  Kerr pulled Nora into his side until there was no space between them. She sighed deeply as he ran his fingers through her long dark hair. They drifted off to sleep in a matter of minutes.

  The next morning, Kerr, Romulus, Thatcher, Nora, and Hadley gathered together to head to the University of Michigan. They planned to meet with Imaan before the delegates arrived so he could update them on his attempts to reach further into the world of Islam. The group gathered around Nora and were instantly transported to their destination.

  Imaan stood before them with a smile on his lips. The group exchanged greetings and introductions before getting right to business.

  “This ice is ridiculous. Does this have to do with the enemy we face?” He shivered in his heavy coat.

  “Yes and no. There are other things at play here. Things the Creator put in place long ago,” Nora reassured him.

  “We should go to the lecture. They will be here soon. Some are skeptical, but many are just hoping you can show them something that will give them some hope.”

  Kerr and Nora locked eyes at the mention of hope. Despite the absence of their daughter, they had been do
ing everything they could to try to keep even a tiny flicker of hope alive in the world. It was why they continued to secretly help people around the world to maintain power and warmth in their shelters. The people knew their generators should have run out of juice weeks ago, but the electricity stayed on. They felt as though the warmth in their shelters was coming directly from the walls, but they knew that couldn’t be true. Those tiny things had kept them from giving up, and every day that humankind didn’t give up was another day that hope stayed alive in their hearts.

  “We will do anything we can to help the people of the world. We don’t know what’s coming next, but we’re ready to take it on,” Romulus said warmly.

  Kerr appreciated the support Romulus offered at every step of their mission.

  “It appears as though the deaths have slowed in all parts of the world. I know this is because you have been helping. I’ve shared this information with many Muslims. That is why many are willing to hear what you have to say.”

  “Thank you, Imaan. It means a lot to have your support in creating an alliance with Islam,” Kerr said.

  The delegates began to trickle in, and soon they were flooding the room in swelling currents. Kerr could tell from the look of pride and surprise on Imaan’s face that there were more people than he expected. When it appeared as though the room had reached capacity, Kerr called out for quiet and took the floor.

  “Thank you all for coming here this morning. I know it was not easy for some of you to give us a chance, so we truly appreciate it. We are here because we want to help you, and because we need your help in return.”

  Some of the attendees shifted uncomfortably at the indication that he wanted something from them. But Kerr could tell the overall feeling in the room was neutral at that point, so he forged on.

  “It’s important for you to know that we are not like other people. My family and I are special because our Creator, your Allah, has given us certain abilities. We are his warriors here on Earth. We are here to save the world from the darkest enemy. We come from a long line of protectors and helpers. It is not in our nature to bring harm to mankind, it is our mission to save it.”

  The silence in the room was thick with anticipation. Kerr felt the room and discovered there were only a few who were struggling to respect his possession of the floor at that moment.

  “Our world is facing some terrifying times. We are preparing for war. This is not a war any of us asked for, and it is a war many of us will not survive. But if we don’t fight for humanity, who will? Soon, the most feared evil being of all time, in any tradition, will show his ugly face. An enemy that will stop at nothing to destroy everyone standing between him and destroying what the Creator loves most: humanity.”

  A low murmur carried through the room as the people discussed the implications of what Kerr suggested. He knew he had many of them enthralled by his speech.

  “This being has gone by many names. Lucifer, Absalom, Satan, Hades, and Iblis.”

  The sound level increased exponentially as fear billowed through the room like a gust of wind. Kerr saw and felt fear in every individual in the room.

  “Iblis has risen from smokeless fire. He is the reincarnation of an enemy that has been defeated before, but he is more determined than ever to reach his goals. I won’t lie to you. Many of us will die when we face Iblis and his jinn, but we will have the Creator on our side. They will have hatred and revenge. We will have faith, hope, and love; and those virtues are worth fighting for.”

  Kerr paused and took in the silent reactions around him. Not a single person looked angry or belligerent. A few had tears running down their faces. In the silence, a single sound began; someone started clapping. Kerr couldn’t pinpoint the origin, but others seemed confused by the noise and stepped apart to clear the way for the person responsible.

  The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. Flecks of fire began to swirl in the center of the room. People shielded their eyes and shrank away from the source of the fire. As the flurry of flames disappeared, Kerr got his first glimpse of what Absalom had become.

  “What a rousing speech,” Absalom drawled.

  Thatcher took a step forward, but Absalom held up a finger and waved it back and forth as though scolding a child.

  “Wouldn’t do that if I were you, son.”

  Thatcher growled and flames appeared in his hands. Kerr shot Nora a warning look. They may need to get Thatcher out of here if he was going to put the people around them in unnecessary danger.

  “What are you doing here, Absalom?” Romulus asked.

  “I just came to check out the competition. Doesn’t look like much if you ask me.”

  “We’re not really in the mood for your crap, Abe,” Thatcher snarled.

  “Oh, you’re not still upset about Malcolm, are you? I mean, you don’t see me throwing a hissy fit about you killing me, do you?”

  “You wanted to be killed, you pile of ash.”

  “So I did. I guess I should be thanking you then? That’s not really my thing.”

  Hadley was concentrating on holding a force field around them and Absalom to keep the delegates out of harm’s way for as long as possible. Kerr nodded his approval, and she gave him a tight smile.

  “Well, I can’t stay long, I’m still planning my big ‘welcome back’ party. It’s going to be a doozy. People will just die. I actually came to give you all one chance to join me instead of that poor excuse for a father you’re all so fond of.”


  “Not a chance.”


  “Looks like you have our answers, Abe.”

  “Well, I’ll be going then. Sorry about your invites, they probably got lost in the mail. Looks like you’ll have to hear all about it from the news.”

  And with that, he was gone. The Evolved knew he was telling them he was about to make his first big move. People were going to die, and they had no idea how or where. They were helpless to stop him. It was all part of the plan the Creator had devised. They couldn’t just let people get slaughtered for Absalom’s amusement, could they? Kerr didn’t have to ask to know the others were just as desperate to find and stop Absalom before it was too late.

  Chapter Nineteen:


  After Absalom left, Nora scanned the faces in the room. There was a mixture of terror and disbelief. Hadley released the shield between them, and the delegates made their way back into the center of the room, avoiding the burned circle where Absalom had stood.

  A hush covered the room as the delegates waited for guidance. Absalom had unknowingly helped their cause by choosing to appear in that moment. Support would spread like wildfire through the Islamic people as the story of those present today was shared.

  “How can we be of service?” asked a man in the front.

  “First, let us help you. Out of respect for your people, I have not used my ability to transport us directly into Mecca.” Nora paused. “We need to start small, and we need your help getting into the Islamic communities that need us. We want to earn the trust of Islam and work our way up to helping the more protected locations.”

  “We can help get your generators working again and run a current of heat through the building,” Kerr told them.

  “We can heal anyone who may be wounded as a result of the cold, but they must be conscious,” Hadley added with a smile for Kerr.

  Nora was surprised when the man only hesitated a moment before acquiescing. Their people were tired and desperate for help. Nora could only begin to guess how terrifying it was for those before her to witness the appearance of one of their worst nightmares. The Evolved had grown accustomed to witnessing such horrors years ago.

  The delegates wanted to return to their friends and family to tell them about what they witnessed and spread the news that help is available.

  “I suppose we should just head home and meet you back here tomorrow?” Kerr said as the room emptied.

  Imaan nodded. “I think that would b
e best.”

  “Hey, are you alright?” Nora touched the professor’s arm.

  “No. It is very different to read about him and study the folklore than it is to have him appear before me. The number of deaths he will bring is overwhelming.”

  “We know. We’re going to do everything we can to save as many people as possible. Too many have died already,” Nora whispered.

  “Go and be well. I shall meet you here in the morning.”

  When they returned home, they filled everyone in on their meeting and prepared for what the next day held. Nora was exhausted, but they needed to talk about what Absalom had told them. Something big was coming, and they needed to be prepared.

  “He told you he was going to have a party? What a sick freak!” Whitley said in disgust.

  “Yeah, we’re not entirely sure what he has planned, but we should be ready for a major body count. I wish we knew where.” Kerr had not gotten a vision and was clearly frustrated.

  Nora sat on the couch next to him. She needed him to understand that no one blamed him for not knowing what was coming.

  “Maybe this has to happen. Maybe you haven’t gotten a vision because we aren’t meant to stop it,” Nora said softly.

  “That terrifies me,” Hadley whispered.

  Nora looked at her family. She knew it would be a long night if they all sat around trying to take random guesses at Absalom’s plans.

  “I’m ready for bed. We’ve got to be up and at ‘em in the morning.” Nora stretched.

  She was met with surprised and blank stares.

  “How can you possibly think about going to sleep now?” Hadley interjected.

  “Staying up all night is only going to leave us all depleted for what we have to accomplish tomorrow. If the Creator wants us to stop Absalom, he’ll let us know. I have to trust that He has a plan. If I don’t, this whole thing seems pointless and impossible.”


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