Book Read Free

Open House

Page 7

by Mickie B. Ashling

  “And you buried your romantic nature to accommodate Mark’s practical side.”

  “I poured it into my writing.”

  Bryce shifted a little, and Seth scooted closer, insinuating a leg in between Bryce’s thighs. Seth’s pulse quickened as he felt Bryce’s cock responding. He reached down and stroked gently.

  In a gravelly voice, Bryce said, “God, what you do to me.”

  “Giving you pleasure is such a turn-on,” Seth said softly.

  Bryce caressed Seth’s face. “Seeing Owen in the flesh reinforced my decision to tell you how much you mean to me. To hell with caution.”

  “Say it again?” Seth asked.

  “I love you, babe.”

  “And I love you so much it scares me,” Seth whispered. He began drawing slow patterns on Bryce’s chest, rubbing his open palm over the furry landscape, lingering on each nipple, and then rolling the soft nubs between his fingers. A soft hiss escaped Bryce’s parted lips.

  “You like this?” Seth asked.


  Their eyes met, and Seth lost himself in Bryce’s deep blue gaze. “I’d like to try something different tonight,” Seth said.

  “Spanking?” Bryce asked, cracking a smile.

  Seth shook his head. “I threw that out there to see if you’d jump on it, but I don’t think I’m hardwired for BDSM.”

  “I’d rather eat out your ass than spank it,” Bryce admitted.

  Seth flushed, aroused by the mere suggestion. From the start, Bryce had been a versatile lover, comfortable giving as well as receiving. It was Seth who was a little squeamish when it came to rimming. The first time Bryce licked his asshole, Seth thought he’d die of embarrassment, until he realized he loved it. Seth was sure Bryce would be thrilled if he chose to swap roles for a change. Now that Bryce had finally said the words, Seth felt more secure. He was eager to prove how much he loved Bryce by leaping into forbidden territory.

  Shyly, Seth said, “I’d like to experience rimming from the other end.”

  Bryce grinned. “You sure?”

  “Would you shower first?” Seth asked, hoping he didn’t sound like a germ-phobic freak. “I know you don’t care whether I’m squeaky clean or not, but since this is my first time, I don’t want to be distracted by… anything.”

  Bryce choked back a laugh. “Don’t move.” He gave Seth a quick kiss. “I’ll be back in five minutes.”

  “Thank you,” Seth said gratefully. He had no idea what he’d promised, but Bryce sure looked happy and he didn’t want to disappoint him.

  Due to Mark’s conservative ways, Seth’s repertoire in bed had been severely limited. Bryce had willingly—joyfully—introduced him to different positions and techniques while on the cruise. It was incongruous, considering Seth was forty-seven years old, but in many aspects of gay sex, he’d been a virgin.

  When he began his writing career, heterosexuals populated his novels. Throwing himself into a steamy scene between a man and woman only required a little research and a few choice words. He had a formula he’d employed for years and didn’t even think twice while working out a love scene in his head.

  However, in the last seven years, Seth had introduced gay characters into his stories because the LGBT romance genre had taken off. One couldn’t write a story and leave out sex, good plots notwithstanding. Readers wanted, expected to be immersed in the lives of their characters, and explicit sex was usually a part of it. Seth found himself in the ridiculous position of drawing a blank when it came to dating in the twenty-first century. He had been happily married for so long he’d forgotten what it was like to experience sex with someone new, especially with a man like Bryce who’d been actively engaged in the pursuit of physical pleasure.

  Now, at last, his writing would be more authentic, since he was actually walking the walk.

  Just then, Bryce appeared. Backlit by the lights he’d forgotten to switch off, he looked like one of Seth’s cover models, brawny and beautiful, exuding a mouthwatering animal magnetism that left Seth bewildered by his good fortune. Bryce glinted as the light reflected on the droplets of water he hadn’t bothered to dry off, and Seth had a hard time tamping down his rising fear. He was about to do something he’d never entertained with Mark. Lapping at the soft creases around Bryce’s asshole was a personal boundary he was willing to overcome to prove his love. He didn’t expect to enjoy the giving as much as he relished receiving, but he was determined to give Bryce a fair amount of pleasure.

  What Seth didn’t take into consideration was how much he would love hearing the sounds of unadulterated appreciation escaping from Bryce as he began to tongue him. He started at his neck and took his time, traversing the beautiful planes of Bryce’s back, stopping to swirl around in the small divot right above his ass crack. When Bryce lifted up imperceptibly, Seth took the plunge, using his thumbs to separate the warm globes covered with a light layer of dark hair and dip into Bryce’s core.

  The soft thud of Bryce’s hand slapping on the carpet and the growly moan breaking the silence sent signals straight to Seth’s cock, and he was so hard he was afraid he’d come before he got a chance to finish the job. Applying himself with resolve, he flattened his tongue and bathed the area with long, drawn-out laps all the while marveling at the unique taste that was far from unpleasant. He poked and dipped in and out of the wrinkly furl, squeezing his own erection into submission while he laid waste to the man who was shuddering and begging to be cleaved.

  “Babe, please…,” Bryce asked breathlessly. “Fuck me.”

  When he finally got his fill and was sure Bryce couldn’t take any more, Seth rolled on the condom with trembling fingers, lubed them both and, lifting his man onto his knees, sank into him with one swift shove.

  “Fuck!” Bryce exclaimed hoarsely.

  Seth froze, worried he’d done something wrong. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes… move… sweet Jesus… fuck me.”

  Seth positioned a hand on Bryce’s shoulder, sliding the other toward his bobbing cock leaking droplets of precum, and began a slow pump in sync with the rocking of his own hips. He looked down and savored the vision of a man in the throes of ecstasy, thrilled that he’d carried off this first with aplomb. A second before Seth released, he whispered “I love you” and shut his eyes as he felt the warm gush of cum oozing through his fingers as Bryce joined him.

  Bryce’s knees buckled, and they sank to the floor with Seth draped over his back like a warm blanket. He kissed Bryce’s neck, sweaty with the effort of getting off.

  “God, that was amazing,” Bryce breathed, reaching back and rubbing Seth’s thigh. “You’re such a good pupil.”

  “I had the best teacher.”

  “Did you enjoy rimming?” Bryce asked.

  “More than I expected,” Seth admitted.

  Bryce rolled over, carrying Seth along. When they were facing each other, he ventured, “Do you think you’ll be doing it again?”


  Bryce smiled. “Good.”

  Much later, after they’d shared a quick shower and a late-night snack of Frosted Flakes, Bryce remarked, “It would be in your best interests to ask the insurance company for a different inspector.”


  Bryce nodded. “I have a bad feeling about this, Seth. Owen won’t be impartial and might actually do everything in his power to screw this up.”

  “If I do that, I’ll have to tell them why, and that will generate more questions, which might get him fired. I’d rather not have that on my conscience.”

  “Yeah, I didn’t think of that. We’ll have to be vigilant and make sure he’s not sending bogus information.”

  “I’m going to ask for copies of everything he transmits,” Seth said. “There’s no way he can spin our relationship into a Machiavellian plot without my knowing. The insurance company has to disclose all paperwork if my attorney asks for it, right?”

  “I believe so,” Bryce said, “but you might want to run
it by Osler first.”

  “I will,” Seth agreed. “Nonetheless, I want to be clear about one thing. The money from the insurance policy can never make up for a life without you around. If I have to choose, there’s no contest; they can have it all.”

  “You know I feel the same way, but I also believe in justice. By rights, those benefits are yours. Mark was a planner, and if he had been in his right mind, he would have known that suicide would erase your chances of ever receiving the money. I firmly believe the mold clouded his judgment and he would be so pissed if you walked away from a policy he’s paid into for years.”

  “You’re right; he’d be furious.”

  “So let’s hunker down and make sure Owen doesn’t screw this up.”

  Chapter 9

  THE NEXT morning, Bryce was surprised to wake up in an empty bed. He reached for the white cotton robe he’d draped over a chair and shuffled off in search of Seth. His first stop was the kitchen, and he sighed in relief when he spied the pot of coffee already brewed and waiting to be poured. It was low a few cups, and he assumed Seth had filled his mug before wandering off. After taking a few sips, Bryce continued down the hallway and was pleased to find Seth bent over his laptop, busily typing. He didn’t say anything to avoid interrupting Seth’s creative process; instead, he leaned against the doorjamb and continued to sip his drink, never taking his eyes off his lover who was wearing the matching white robe they’d purchased on the cruise. Seth hadn’t put his contacts in yet and was wearing a pair of horn-rimmed glasses that made him look scholarly and, for some odd reason, hot as fuck. He must have sensed Bryce’s presence because he stopped clicking the keys and looked up.

  “Hey, gorgeous,” Seth exclaimed. “How long have you been standing there?”

  Bryce smiled. “Not very long. You look inspired this morning.”

  Seth nodded. “Who wouldn’t be after last night?”

  “Does good sex always guarantee a productive day?” Bryce asked. “If that’s the case, we’ll have to make sure you go to bed each night with a smile on your face.”

  “Promises, promises….” Seth flushed, seemingly embarrassed.

  “Don’t worry, babe. It’s a win-win for me as well.”

  “I hope so.”

  “Changing subject here before I drag you back to bed. Are you going to call Osler today and get an update?”

  “Isn’t it too soon? He won’t have any results yet.”

  “True that, but… I’d ask him to keep you abreast of any new development. This way he’ll know you’re taking an active interest in the investigation, plus we can put out any fires before they turn into five-alarm disasters.”

  “You think Owen is that vindictive?”

  Bryce shrugged. “I’m jaded and suspicious on any given day, and Owen has a terrible track record. I doubt he’s reformed, judging by his behavior last night, but I’m hoping he’ll be more cautious with his job at stake.”

  Seth removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes. “I wish this would all go away.”

  “Me too,” Bryce agreed. “By the way, I bumped into Grier at a job site yesterday morning, and he invited us to lunch on Sunday.”


  “The interior designer.”

  “Oh, right. Do you want to go?”

  “It’ll give you a chance to throw some ideas around as well as take your mind off the investigation.”

  “Where does he live?” Seth asked.

  “He and his partner have a gorgeous home out in Barrington.”

  “That’s way out there.”

  “It’s not that far. Besides, I’m driving and there’s no traffic on Sunday. We’ll be there in forty minutes, tops.”

  “You like these guys, right?”

  “Yes, and I’m sure you will too. They’re good people.”

  “Okay, let’s do it.”

  “Want to join me in the shower?” Bryce asked, waggling his eyebrows.

  “If I do that, I’ll never get back to my writing.”

  “Trust me, babe,” Bryce said, grinning. “This won’t take that long.”

  Seth shook his head but smiled as he shut his laptop and followed Bryce out of the room.

  Half an hour later, Seth was back at his desk, and Bryce was stepping out of the elevator in the underground parking. It was cold this morning, and he knew it would get much worse in the next few months as winter hit the Midwest in its usual brutal manner, but for now, it was tolerable. A leather jacket and his waffle-knit Henley were all he needed to fend off the early-morning chill. His ass throbbed a little, a pleasant reminder of Seth he’d carry around all day. Thinking of his lover taking the lead this morning made him reach down and adjust his cock. Unbelievably, it was reacting again, growing plump with visions of Seth pressing him up against the tiles and pounding into him forcefully. God, who knew he’d unleashed such a tiger? His initial impression of timid Seth had completely changed as, little by little, the guy evolved into an assertive lover who could rise to the occasion whenever and wherever. If Bryce didn’t get his thoughts out of the gutter, he’d be hightailing it back upstairs for round two.

  His truck was several aisles over but close enough to respond to the convenient app he’d downloaded on his phone. With a few strokes, he could start, stop, lock, unlock, heat up, or cool down his vehicle before he even buckled up. He sent the start and heating signal while he was walking, but didn’t notice Owen, who’d stepped out of the shadows and now stood in his path.

  “Hey,” he said, blocking Bryce.

  Startled, Bryce took a step back and frowned. “What the fuck are you doing here, Owen?”

  “I wanted to talk before you left for work.”

  “Haven’t you heard of phones?”

  “I don’t have your number,” Owen argued. “Besides, this conversation needs to take place in person.”

  “We’ve got nothing to say to each other.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, Bryce. I owe you an apology.”

  Bryce snorted. “Now? I couldn’t care less.”

  He tried to shoulder past, but Owen held him by the arm. “Hear me out, buddy.”

  “You can talk while I head toward my truck,” Bryce said, shaking free. He wanted to punch the guy but wasn’t sure he’d come out on top. Owen might be flabby and out of shape, but he was still a head taller and had shoulders like an ox. Bryce knew what the guy could do when facing an obstacle, and right then, he didn’t feel like being used as a tackle sled, so he let him have his say.

  “For years I’ve regretted that dumb move, which ended up hurting me in the end. You walked out, and Bill, my agent, used it against me when the higher-ups heard rumors about my orientation. Back in the day, the NFL wanted nothing to do with queers.”

  “Not much has changed,” Bryce commented. “We’re still not their first-round draft pick.”

  “Maybe not, but when I was in the game, it was way worse.”

  “What happened?”

  “Someone saw me at a gay bar and rumors began to circulate. I did my best to ward off the haters by dating a bunch of women and managed to knock one up in the process.”

  “So your story about wanting kids was bullshit? You married her to protect your career.”

  “Yes and no. At first I was freaked out by the idea of becoming a dad and living a dual life, but Bill convinced me it was the right thing to do. I was excited and happy when my son was born. All the lies seemed worth it as I looked down at his tiny face. Unfortunately, Bill couldn’t keep his dick away from me, and we were spotted by a teammate. He told the organization that I forced him and he feared for his life.”

  “Lying sack of shit,” Bryce said in a deadly voice. “I hope you set the record straight.”

  “It was my word against his, and he had a lot more clout. They let me go, word got out, and no one would touch me.”

  “I’m sorry, Owen, but what’s this got to do with me?”

  “Seeing you again made me realize… a lot of stuff,
” Owen confessed. “We were great together.”

  “Jesus, Owen. We’re not talking about something that happened yesterday,” Bryce exclaimed. “It’s been twenty-five fucking years.”

  They’d arrived at his truck, and Bryce yanked the door open. Warm air wafted out, and he wanted to climb in and get the hell away, but Owen put his hand on the door hinge, preventing Bryce from escaping.

  “I’ve got to go,” Bryce said. “Get away from my truck.”

  “You would have the biggest and baddest truck money can buy,” Owen observed. “Must be doing real well for yourself. Your apartment is high-class, Bryce. You’ve got a lot going for you. What are you doing with that writer dude? He’s not your type.”

  “You don’t know anything about me, Owen. My private life is none of your concern.”

  “This investigation could go real easy if you and I worked something out.” Owen leaned in closer. “I’m pretty sure you could use a little dark meat after all that white bread upstairs.”

  “Fuck. You.”

  Owen reached out and thumbed Bryce’s lips. “Still as feisty as ever; I like that.”

  “Take your hands off me, or I’ll drive off with you hanging on the door.”

  Owen sneered. “Think about what I’m offering. Your boyfriend could have a check in a span of weeks if I write up a good report.”


  “There’s no telling what I’ll find in that house. You can’t imagine what we inspectors can dig up when we set our minds to it.”

  “Get out of my way. Now!”

  Bryce tried to get into his truck, but it was impossible while the man had his arm stretched across the doorway like a human barricade. Frustrated, Bryce snarled. “Move.”

  “I’ll let you go in a minute, buddy, but not before I make something clear. Keep Wilder in line. If he calls my company to request someone else, this could get ugly. I’ve been with them for over ten years, and I won’t have him jeopardizing my job.”

  “You should have thought of that before you threatened me.”

  “I haven’t threatened you,” Owen said. “I’m only making a suggestion. Play ball, and we’ll have this wrapped up before you know it.”


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