Book Read Free

Open House

Page 11

by Mickie B. Ashling

  Much later, when Bryce’s curiosity had been satisfied and he’d licked, sucked, and nibbled around Seth to make sure he hadn’t physically changed, they cuddled, at peace with their decision.

  “Tell me a little bit about your friends in the police department.”

  “Two of them grew up in my neighborhood, and we went to school together. The only time we split up was to head off to college. Neither one is gay, but they never gave me a hard time, rather the opposite. They beat up any one who looked at me cross-eyed.”

  “Wow, that’s impressive. Most kids are caught up in peer pressure and wouldn’t think to defend a queer,” Seth remarked.

  “I suppose it had to do with us sharing a playpen, little red wagons, and three-wheelers. They were compelled to watch my back regardless.”

  “And it’s carried over through the years?” Seth asked incredulously.

  “Yeah,” Bryce said. “Go figure. They’re married men with kids and we don’t have much in common anymore, except for this deep friendship that picks up seamlessly whenever we bump into each other. In my line of work, I deal with a lot of different personalities, races, and religions. It’s not uncommon for the guys to have a little too much to drink on payday, and whenever I need someone official to break up a bar fight, I call on Adam and Jack. They usually take care of it without too much red tape. It saves a lot of day-after paperwork and expenses.”

  “You think they’ll help us?”

  “Without a doubt.”

  “Let’s call them and ask them to stop by tonight,” Seth suggested. “That way you’ll have some sort of backup when you talk to Owen.”


  Chapter 14

  ADAM AND Jack showed up at seven that evening, carrying two boxes with extra-large deep-dish pizzas. They explained that they were coming straight off a ten-hour shift and wouldn’t be able to concentrate on much if their stomach acids began melting their guts. After the introductions, Bryce handed out the cold beers, and they all chowed down.

  Seth observed the cops with the eye of a writer, picking up details Bryce had left out of his narrative when describing his childhood friends. For one thing, he’d neglected to mention that Jack was African American, and Adam, an attractive biracial hunk with the most amazing gray eyes. Bryce was obviously color-blind when it came to friends and lovers. This revelation made Seth ponder the mysteries of love and sexual attraction. His bland looks were about as exotic as a pan of bread pudding and just as common. What could Bryce find special about him? With that thought came a rush of love so intense, he had to bite his lip to keep from blurting the words.

  As they swallowed slice after slice of the pizza, consuming what Seth had originally thought of as an excessive amount of food, they teased Bryce about his sudden shift from confirmed bachelor to boyfriend.

  “What kind of love potion did you put in our brother’s food?” Jack asked him suspiciously. “Whatever it is, I’d like to buy some for myself.”

  “Hey,” Bryce admonished. “You’re going to get us in trouble with Yvonne.”

  “Who says he’s taking it?” Adam interjected. “Maybe we’ll put it on eBay and make a handsome profit. Desperate dudes will pay good money for that kind of miracle drug.”

  “You guys,” Bryce said, laughing. “Seth doesn’t have a cure-all for desperados.”

  “How about a magic wand?” Adam said, waggling his eyebrows. “We could sell a few pics.”

  “Like hell you will,” Bryce growled. “Now behave yourselves, or Seth will think you’re as bad as Owen.”

  “Is he the asshole putting the squeeze on you?” Jack inquired.

  “The very one.”

  “Tell us what’s going on, bro.”

  Bryce repeated the same story he’d told Seth, getting a little more graphic about Owen’s threats. He’d watered them down for Seth’s sake, but he figured the cops needed the awful truth to know what kind of mindset they were dealing with.

  “So, let me get this straight,” Adam said thoughtfully. “This has nothing to do with unrequited love.”

  “That’s right,” Bryce said. “He hasn’t given me a second thought in twenty-five years. Apart from the surprise when he saw me walk through the door, there was a cunning glint to his eyes I recognized immediately. That guy is taking advantage of our history and my feelings for Seth.”

  “We need to do a background check,” Adam said. “Find out what kind of trouble he’s in financially and if he’s ever had any altercations with the law. Where did you say he lives?”

  “Hartford, Connecticut.”

  “And his full name?” Adam asked, typing the info into his phone.

  “Owen Garth Lightfoot.”

  “Dude sounds like a stoner.”

  “He’s got rocks in his head,” Bryce said darkly. “Does that count?”

  “I’m afraid not,” Jack replied. “Do you have any sort of game plan?”

  “We were hoping you did,” Seth said, finally speaking up. “I’m tempted to tell the insurance company to take their money and shove it, but I don’t think that’ll stop Owen. He’s threatened to turn Mark’s death into a murder, pointing the finger at me. Now that he’s got us squirming on a hook, he’ll never give up.”

  “Seth’s right,” Bryce agreed.

  “Then we’ll have to put our heads together and figure this out,” Adam said. “How much time do we have?”

  “He wants an answer by tomorrow.”

  “Dude,” Adam said, frowning. “That’s not enough.”

  “I can try and stall him. Tell him they’re processing my loan to drag it out for as long as possible.”

  “Better,” both cops said at the same time.

  “You think he’ll go through with the inspection?” Seth asked.

  “He’ll have to if he wants to keep his job,” Bryce said.

  “You already had one of your own, right?” Jack asked.


  “Get one more for good measure,” he suggested. “You never know when you might need it.”

  “I’m not sure I can get an inspector on such short notice,” Bryce said. “He’d have to go out there early in the morning because, sure as shit, Owen will want to get a jump on the inspection in case Seth and I balk. Even if I can stall him for a few days, he’ll want this inspection out of the way and ready to go at a moment’s notice.”

  “Maybe Lil or Grier can help,” Seth suggested. “They might know someone who’d be willing to show up at the crack of dawn. We can meet him and let him in.”

  Bryce’s face lit up with surprise. “Good thinking, babe. I’ll give Lil a call.”

  When Bryce left the room to talk to Lil in private, Jack and Adam looked at Seth expectantly.

  “So? When’s the wedding?” Adam questioned.

  “Do you guys plan on having kids?” Jack followed it up with one of his own.

  “Um… no wedding, no kids,” Seth said. “We’re still getting to know each other.”

  “I can’t believe we’re talking about the same guy,” Jack said. “Do you have any idea what you’re in for? Not that Bryce is a serial killer or anything bad like that. He’s just….”

  “A serial dater,” Seth prompted.

  “Yeah,” Jack acknowledged, looking a little embarrassed for ratting out his friend. “But he’s a great guy.”

  “You don’t need to sell me, Jack. I already love him, and yes, I know all about his bed-hopping past, but that’s history,” Seth reminded them. “We’re working on the here and now.”

  “Good for you,” Jack said. “He deserves to be happy as I’m sure you do.”

  “I think we’ve both paid our dues,” Seth said softly.

  “Too bad this Owen guy is messing with your honeymoon,” Adam commented.

  “Actually, we’ve already had it,” Seth said. “We just got back from a three-week trip to the United Kingdom.”

  “Wow, that sounds good,” Adam said wistfully. “I can’t even get away for thr
ee days.”

  “Try and make the time,” Seth said. “The older I get, the more I realize how quickly life can change.”

  “Especially in our line of work,” Adam agreed.

  Bryce walked in just then and held up the phone triumphantly. “Lil came through.”

  Seth nodded. “I had a feeling he would. What’s the plan?”

  “We have to be at your house at six in the morning. That’ll give the inspector two solid hours in case Owen starts work at eight, which I doubt. I can’t see him rolling out of bed until he’s talked to me.”

  “Do you want me to put a tail on Owen?” Adam asked.

  “Hold off until I talk to him again.”

  “Okay,” Adam said. “One more thing, bro. Isn’t this supposed to be a secure building?”

  “Yeah,” Bryce answered warily. “Why?”

  “How did Lightfoot get in the garage that morning without you letting him in?” Adam asked.

  “Good point.”

  “You need to have a conversation with your doorman or whoever is in charge. Tell them to keep an eye out for the guy and to make sure they keep him out of the building, no matter what excuse he comes up with. Give him my cell number in case he can’t reach you.”

  “Dude, you’re freaking us out,” Bryce said.

  “You need to take his threats seriously,” Adam said.

  “I’m in better shape than he is,” Bryce said defiantly. “If he gets physical, I can take him down.”

  “Unless he has a weapon,” Jack pointed out. “And what about Seth? He might end up collateral damage if Owen doesn’t get his way.”

  “You’re right,” Bryce said, reaching for Seth’s hand. “I’ll be more vigilant.”

  Seth turned to Bryce. “You’ve done everything by the book since you received the first threat. Don’t beat yourself up.”

  “They aren’t wrong, though.” Bryce put his arm over Seth’s shoulders. “You can never be too cautious.”

  “And we will be from here on out,” Seth said, snaking an arm around Bryce’s waist.

  They stood united in front of Adam and Jack, who couldn’t stop staring at the pair.

  Finally, Bryce asked, “What?”

  “Seeing you so domesticated is weird,” Adam said.

  “Ditto that,” Jack seconded, “and Sherrie will flip out when I tell her what’s going on with you and Seth.”

  “Don’t turn this into one of her soap operas,” Bryce scolded.

  “She’s going to want details, dude, and pictures. Can I take one of you guys?” Jack asked.

  “No,” Bryce said vehemently.

  “Let him take one, sweetheart. What harm can it do?”

  “Come on, sweetheart,” Jack teased. “Pretty please?”

  “I will fuck you up,” Bryce growled menacingly.

  They burst into laughter and left the apartment. Their loud hoots and backslaps could be heard long after the door shut.

  “Clowns,” Bryce muttered.

  “They’re nice,” Seth said. “I feel safer already.”

  “I would trust them with my life.”

  “Let’s hope it’s not necessary,” Seth said. “Shall we clean up now or tomorrow?”

  “There’s not much to do except throw the empty boxes in the garbage and the glasses in the dishwasher.”

  “You do the boxes, and I’ll take care of the glasses.”

  Afterward, as they lay in each other’s arms, Seth asked, “Was Lil surprised by your request?”

  “He was a little concerned when I gave him a short version of what was going on.”

  “But helpful nonetheless.”

  “Oh yeah.”

  “I’ve been meaning to ask, but it slipped my mind with everything going on. Who’s the cross-dresser in that union?”


  “I saw a very feminine robe hanging on a hook in their master bathroom.”

  “Hmm… that’s interesting,” Bryce said noncommittally.

  “Come on,” Seth pressed. “You must know.”

  “I never got a memo, but I’m pretty sure it’s Grier.”

  “Are you serious?”

  Bryce chuckled softly. “We were doing a project together, and he bent down to take some measurements, so his jeans slipped past his waist. I saw red lace underwear, and my brain shorted out. It was surprisingly hot.”

  “Did you ask him about it?”

  “Have you seen his muscles? I’d rather not get my head knocked off.”

  “The idea is turning me on instead of off,” Seth mused, inching closer to Bryce. They were nude, and it was obvious the entire conversation was affecting both of them.

  “Would you be willing to experiment?” Bryce asked.

  “Do you want me to?”

  He rolled onto Seth and cradled his face in his hands. “I think you’d look hot in silk underwear.”

  “Oh my God,” Seth moaned. “It sounds absolutely wicked.”

  “Sinful,” Bryce agreed with a low growl.

  “Bryce….” Seth arched, grabbing hold of his firm asscheeks with shaky hands.

  “Maybe some black fishnet stockings and a hot pink garter belt,” Bryce whispered, pressing down hard. “You’d look good in pink.”

  “Where do I go for that sort of getup?”

  “Any lingerie store,” Bryce said, picking up the tempo. “You’re feeling this, aren’t you, babe?”

  “Yes,” Seth said eagerly as he pictured himself in pink with Bryce on his knees in front of him. “I’m going to Victoria’s Secret tomorrow.”

  “Good idea.”

  They stopped talking when Bryce began nibbling on Seth’s ear, making him squirm and lift his hips, instinctively seeking more friction. Seth slid a hand into the wiry hair under Bryce’s penis and began massaging his swollen balls, loving Bryce’s low grunts of appreciation. In a very un-Seth-like move, he wrapped his arms and legs around Bryce like a vise and rolled them over so he was now on top. Trapping their oozing cocks, Seth rocked frantically while Bryce bucked up to meet him, and they kissed hard, crushing their lips together, teeth clicking, and tongues probing possessively. They were on the brink within seconds, and Seth could hear their ragged breaths and feel the pounding of joined hearts racing toward the peak until a warm gush of semen accompanied by loud exclamations broke the silence in the room. He collapsed on Bryce’s chest, and little by little, the drumming against his ear grew fainter. Soon there was nothing left but the contented sigh of lovers in complete harmony.

  Chapter 15

  THEY WERE exhausted from too much sex and not enough sleep when they unlocked the front door of Seth’s house. Fortunately, they’d made a Dunkin’ Donuts pit stop on the way, which would provide the caffeine and sugar to get them through the next two hours. The house was dark and had an unpleasant odor, making Seth recoil as he stepped over the threshold.

  “What is that awful stink?” he asked, turning to Bryce.

  “Your house has been closed up for weeks, babe. Lack of ventilation compounded by the moldy conditions make a bad combination.”

  “Can we open some windows?” Seth asked, desperate to get some fresh air circulating.

  “Go for it,” Bryce said, “but don’t expect the smell to vanish until they’ve repaired the leaks, sterilized with whatever noxious chemicals they use to kill the mold, power-washed, and repainted the entire house.”

  Acknowledging Bryce with a nod, Seth held his breath and walked through the living room with a large latte in one hand and a maple donut in the other. As soon as he got to the kitchen, he placed his coffee on the table but hung on to his donut after seeing the fine film of dust on the oak surface that hadn’t been wiped down in forever. Flinging open the back door with his free hand, he inhaled a lungful of fresh air. After taking another deep breath, Seth stepped back inside and cranked open the window over the sink, letting in more ventilation. Although frosty, it was a badly needed cleansing blast.

  The doorbell rang, and he could h
ear Bryce talking to someone in a low voice. He assumed it was the mold expert, and it was confirmed after Bryce called out to tell him they were about to begin the inspection.

  “I’ll wait in the kitchen if you don’t mind,” Seth said loudly.

  “No problem,” Bryce bellowed.

  Standing there for a few minutes, enjoying his coffee and sugary treat, Seth considered the radical twists and turns life had thrown in his path, starting with Mark’s death. Legalities and crazy ex-lovers notwithstanding, he was grateful to be alive and embarking on what he hoped would be a long and fulfilling life with Bryce by his side. The possibility of losing his claim didn’t bother him as much as it should. He compared the life insurance benefits to a winning lottery ticket. A pipe dream that, at the moment, was more trouble than it was worth. They didn’t need that kind of money, but he could understand Bryce’s logic in wanting to butt heads with an organization who, more often than not, got away with too much. They hadn’t even talked about what they’d do with the funds if he actually won his case.

  He would have liked to sit down to finish his breakfast but didn’t, considering the chairs were also in need of a good scrubbing. Bryce popped in to check on him and sneak a kiss, but hurried back to join the inspector in case he needed his help. They were done at half past eight, and after shaking hands and promising a written report within twenty-four hours, the man departed without another word.

  “So?” Seth asked. “Did he agree with the first assessment?”

  “Yeah, and he found one more area we missed.”


  “You don’t want to know.”

  “Yes, I do,” Seth insisted. “Tell me.”

  “You know those cardboard boxes in the basement Mark used to store bank statements and old checkbooks?”

  Seth grimaced. “What about them?”

  “Chock full of the black stuff,” Bryce said.

  “Eww… for real?”

  “There must have been a minor flood down there and he didn’t realize the boxes on the bottom of the stack were damp. Mold will grow on anything moist.”

  “Can we go?” Seth asked, unwilling to hang around for one more second. “I feel like I’m in the middle of Chernobyl or somewhere equally toxic.”


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