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Open House

Page 13

by Mickie B. Ashling

  “Later,” Bryce said, then disconnected. He reclined his chair and yielded to the moment, trying to get his shit together before facing his staff, and, when he got home, Seth. He’d never thought of himself as a coward, but that was because life had been smooth sailing for the most part. Even his misguided hookup in London, which had left him robbed and humiliated, was nothing compared to the feelings he was dealing with right then. He was almost tempted to agree with Seth and walk away from the insurance money, but they’d still have to deal with Owen. He wasn’t going to leave them alone now that he was so close to getting his hands on some much-needed cash.

  Bryce tried remembering Owen as a younger, less desperate man. Had he been so caught up in the flush of first love that he’d ignored all the signs of Owen’s abusive personality? Or had Bryce turned a blind eye because of his parents’ assertion that he was a freak of nature who had no right to happiness?

  In hindsight, Bryce could see that the entire dynamic between them had been heavily tipped in Owen’s favor. Before they became roommates, they’d come together whenever Owen could get away without being spotted, and sex was always a little frantic. Bryce remembered being taken a number of times with hardly any preparation, and he’d allowed it because the closeted jock was always afraid of being caught if they lingered too long in one location. It was no justification for his boorish behavior, but Owen usually appeared contrite the next time they hooked up, and Bryce fell for his bullshit excuses every time.

  He’d been flattered by Owen’s attention, and mistakenly viewed the rough and urgent sex as the action of a man who lived in constant fear. Hiding one’s orientation to stay in a sport he loved sucked on a major scale and Bryce had been more understanding than Owen probably deserved. In the end, Owen had taken advantage of Bryce’s good nature. Had the pressure of living a dual life altered Owen’s perception of right and wrong? Did the end justify the means? Had his moral compass taken a nose dive after he’d been outed or had he always been crooked?

  Bryce had sunk into a deep depression after Owen cheated, but he should have been grateful to escape with minimal damage. It was hardly surprising that Owen felt he could manipulate Bryce into giving him money. Bryce had allowed Owen to fall back into the same abusive pattern instead of going straight to the cops.

  His current partnership (and he was starting to think of it as such) was so far removed from anything he’d experienced with Owen, it was like comparing heaven and hell. What he had with Seth was worth protecting, and he was willing to overcome his fear and any misgivings he might have had about turning Owen over to the cops. The man didn’t deserve his pity, and Bryce planned to do everything in his power to put a stop to his nefarious scheming.

  Bryce pushed away from his desk and headed for the restroom to rinse his overheated face and take a piss before heading home. He couldn’t concentrate for shit, and hanging around the office until five was a waste of time. Better to go home and see what Seth had in store for him after the shopping spree at Victoria’s Secret. It would take his mind off Owen temporarily—until the cops arrived—and watching his man parading around their apartment in hot pink was exactly what he needed to put him in a better frame of mind.

  In the car, he dialed home. Seth picked up and Bryce asked, “Shall I stop and get food?”

  “You’re on your way home already?” Seth asked excitedly.


  “I have takeout from Cheesecake Factory so no stopping necessary.”

  “What’ll you be wearing?” Bryce asked, hoping Seth’s answer would get him in the mood.

  “Um, how about a slinky black robe over a delicate pink surprise?”

  Perfect. “I can hardly wait,” Bryce said in a growly voice. “I should be there in twenty minutes.”

  “I’ll be ready,” Seth promised.

  Chapter 17

  SETH DISCONNECTED and headed for the bedroom. He’d showered shortly before Bryce called, so all he had to do was decide which outfit to put on first. He picked up the stockings, then realized they weren’t going to stay up without the garter belt, and that brilliant deduction was followed by another question he couldn’t answer. Did the thong go over or under the garter belt? He rolled his eyes, embarrassed by his own naivety. Suddenly he felt like a foolish imposter. Perhaps it would be better to let Bryce dress him the first time.

  He picked up the leopard-print kimono, slipped it on, and tied the sash loosely. It fell to midthigh, and the silky fabric felt heavenly as it brushed against his bare skin. In the bathroom, he spent a few more minutes primping, doing his best to tame the blond curls with a blow dryer and brush. A dab of clear lip gloss—discovered on the cruise—transformed his unremarkable lips to an enticing pout, sure to garner several kisses and maybe even a soft bite. His cock was already reacting to his daydreams, and hopefully, so would Bryce. He certainly sounded eager on the phone.

  Just then, he heard the keys in the front door and padded barefoot down the long hallway, holding his breath as Bryce pushed through. The look of appreciation in his beautiful blue eyes more than made up for Seth’s momentary unease.

  “Hey,” Seth said softly. “You like what you see?”

  Bryce had him in a tight embrace within seconds, skimming over the curves of Seth’s buttocks with approving sighs of pleasure. “You look hot,” he murmured, after he kissed him. “What other surprises do you have in store for me?”

  Seth reached for Bryce’s hand and led him to the bedroom, where the intimate garments were laid out for inspection. One by one, he examined each piece, nodding approval and looking at Seth to see which one seemed to be a favorite.

  “I have a confession,” Seth said, flushing with embarrassment. “You’ll have to show me which item goes on first because I don’t have a clue.”

  Bryce grinned, and they collapsed on the bed, making out like teenagers. When they paused to take a breath, Seth picked up the stockings. “Shall we start with these?”

  “Yeah, except Adam and Jack will be over in about twenty minutes, and I’d rather not start something we can’t finish,” Bryce explained.

  Alarmed, Seth dropped the fishnet and sat up. “Did Owen try anything? Is that why you asked them over?” he asked, throwing out one query after another. “Is it the reason you couldn’t call me earlier?”

  “Yes to all your questions,” Bryce said. “I want to give them an update.”

  “I’ll wait to hear the story so you don’t have to tell it twice,” Seth said. “Let me throw on some sweats, and we can have a quick dinner before they stop by.”

  Bryce nodded, looking grateful. “We’ll keep our discovery session under wraps for a few hours, okay, babe?”

  “Not a problem,” Seth said. “We have all night.”

  After a perfunctory kiss on the cheek, Bryce left the room. Despite his enthusiastic response to the cross-dressing, Seth could tell he was preoccupied. Pulling on some cop-friendly attire, he joined Bryce in the kitchen and helped him plate the Thai lettuce wraps. Trying to keep the satay chicken strips, carrots, bean sprouts, and coconut curry noodles contained within a delicate lettuce leaf was a challenge but well worth it. Sweet red chili sauce oozed over Seth’s fingers after taking his first bite, and Bryce wasn’t doing any better. It was a drippy albeit delicious mess, and eating in the privacy of one’s kitchen made it less daunting. Running water was within reach, and there was no chance of offending other diners if etiquette was ignored in favor of hunger. They finished with five minutes to spare, which they used to wash their hands and wipe down the table.

  “Do you want some cheesecake?” Seth asked. “I thought we could share a slice.”

  “Let’s have it after the guys leave,” Bryce suggested. “Dessert in bed sounds much more appealing. I’m going to enjoy licking you clean after I’ve smeared cherry sauce over your abs.”

  “You dog,” Seth scolded although intrigued by his response. No one had ever used him as a dessert plate before, and his imagination kicked into full g
ear, sending signals straight to his groin.

  “Hold that thought,” Bryce teased. “You look particularly hot when you’re sporting wood.”

  The doorbell rang, and Bryce went to let the guys in. By the time they walked into the kitchen, Seth had recovered from the testosterone surge and greeted Adam and Jack pleasantly.

  “Can I get you men a drink since you brought your own dinner?” He was referring to the easily recognizable Subway bag Jack was carrying.

  “A couple of beers if you’ve got ’em?”

  “Of course,” Seth said, pulling two longnecks from the fridge. He uncapped the bottles and placed them on the table. Adam and Jack unwrapped their foot-long subs, tore open individual bags of chips, and began chowing down as Bryce recounted his meeting with Owen in between sips from his own beer.

  Seth watched with growing dismay as he zeroed in on Bryce’s shaky hand when he brought the Samuel Adams to his lips, then picked at the label with his thumbnail until he’d torn it to shreds. His eyes kept darting between the two cops, looking for some sort of reaction or guidance. When nothing was forthcoming, Bryce sputtered to a stop like a car out of gas. He looked exhausted, and Seth ached to take him in his arms and make this horrible situation go away. Bryce had been his rock since Mark’s death, always knowing the right thing to say and do. Tonight, he appeared lost and uncertain.

  “Did you tape the conversation like we told you?” Jack asked.

  “Yeah,” Bryce said, glancing at Seth.

  “Let’s hear it,” Jack ordered.

  “I don’t think Seth should—”

  “You think wrong,” Seth burst out. “I want to hear everything.”

  “Are you sure?” Bryce looked grim. “Some of the stuff he says….”

  “I can handle it,” Seth maintained.

  Bryce shrugged and turned on the recording. As the conversation between Owen and Bryce progressed, Seth felt a surge of anger so powerful he could barely contain himself. Owen would have never surfaced if not for him, and it looked like the creep was convinced he could walk right in, take the money, and insinuate himself back into Bryce’s bed by sheer force if necessary.

  Seth had never thought himself capable of the volatile emotions that drove people to commit murder, but for the first time in his life, he understood. As frightened as he was by Owen’s threats, he was certain that he was capable of doing anything necessary to protect Bryce. The first step would be to withdraw his lawsuit and forgo the insurance claim. With that out of the way, Owen had nothing to use against them and Bryce could keep his fifty grand.

  “That’s it,” Seth said when the recording stopped. “I’m walking away from this claim.”

  “That won’t solve shit,” Jack pointed out. “Owen is desperate, and he’ll continue to use Bryce like a cash cow until the law intervenes. What we need to do is pretend you’re walking away.”

  “I don’t understand,” Seth said.

  “Okay,” Adam said. “Here’s the deal. Proceed as planned. Get those reports from the mold remediation people as soon as possible. Meantime, you tell Owen you’ve decided not to lend him the money.”

  “How’s that going to help?” Seth asked, voice rising. “He’ll go nuts.”

  “No, what he’ll do is return to the original plan—twenty-five percent of the payout or he’ll think of something illegal to shift the focus of the law in your direction. Owen is probably pissed that Bryce didn’t fall for his charms, and rather than facing the truth—he didn’t stand a chance in hell—he’s more inclined to believe that you, Seth, are ruining his opportunity to have a grand reunion with Bryce.”

  “I’d rather be castrated than get in Owen’s bed again.” Bryce looked disgusted.

  “God forbid,” Seth whispered.

  Adam snorted. “We’re getting off topic, guys. Tell Owen you’ll give him a percentage but make him spell it out again and be sure you record the entire conversation. Meanwhile, your lawyer contacts the insurance company to set up a confidential meeting. One of us will accompany him, so the company will realize this is a legitimate case of extortion. We’ll tell them what Owen’s been up to, let them hear the recording, and show them the two reports you already have. The figures should match up. Owen will write a bogus report and jack up his numbers to make sure they end up paying on the claim. As soon as they see the discrepancy in figures, they’ll know we’re telling the truth. Owen will be arrested, and you’ll get your money. Done deal.”

  “Dude,” Bryce frowned. “If it doesn’t work out exactly as planned and Owen discovers we’ve ratted him out to the insurance company, there’s no telling what he’ll do.”

  “You’ll both have twenty-four-hour surveillance,” Jack promised.

  Bryce kept shaking his head, looking unconvinced.

  Seth wrestled with his decision, but he decided he’d rather go out as a warrior than a wimp. They’d never be free of Owen unless he was locked up behind bars, and the only way to do that would be to endorse the plan.

  “I’m willing to take a chance,” Seth said, reaching for Bryce’s hand. “It’s the only permanent solution, sweetheart. Do you want to spend the rest of your life dealing with a possible repeat? Now that he knows how successful you are, he’ll use you like his personal piggy bank.”

  “Cash cow sounds better,” Adam joked.

  “I’ll never forgive myself if anything happens to you,” Bryce said. “You heard the recording, but you weren’t there to see the look in his eyes, babe. The guy has no conscience and doesn’t play by the rules.”

  “People like that are called sociopaths,” Seth said. “All the more reason to lock him up.”

  “I’d feel much better if you went away until this was over,” Bryce said. “Isn’t there anyone you can visit?”

  “You’re not getting rid of me,” Seth said indignantly. “We do this together or not at all.”

  “Bryce,” Adam interrupted. “He’s got to stick around or this won’t work.”

  “Physically, he’s not equipped to deal with Owen,” Bryce said angrily.

  “Thank you for quantifying that,” Seth said. “Whatever I lack in brawn, I’ll make up in brains. Owen falls so short in that department. I’m even amazed he has a job.”

  Bryce’s eyes sparkled with mirth. “When did you turn into Jason Bourne?”

  “When that asshole started messing with my man.”

  Bryce smiled. “Your man, huh?”

  Seth leaned over and planted a soft kiss on Bryce’s open mouth. It quickly morphed into something more heated until they were interrupted by the sound of chairs being pushed back, bottles dumped in the recycle bin, and two cops muttering, “We’re outta here.”

  Bryce raised his hand, and the next sound he heard was the quiet thud of the front door as Adam and Jack let themselves out.

  “Alone at last,” Seth said breathlessly. “How about some cheesecake?”

  “Lead the way,” Bryce said, stopping to grab the slice out of the fridge. It was in a clear container so they could admire the delectable concoction dripping with caramel sauce.

  “Hey, where are the cherries?” Bryce asked when he got to the bedroom.

  “I got caramel instead.”

  “Strip,” Bryce said. “Please?”

  “You had me at strip,” Seth teased.

  “We’ll see how this tastes with a blowjob on the side.”

  “What?” Seth squeaked.

  “Come on, babe. We’re doing the Fellini thing.”

  “Food orgy?”

  “Something like that.” Bryce nodded. He tore his clothes off, took out the piece of cake, and held it aloft. “Ready?”

  “We need towels,” Seth said practically. “Lots and lots of them.”

  “Babe, I’m not fisting you.”

  “Eww… do you mind?”

  “Sorry.” Bryce chuckled. “I can tell you’re not a fan of that particular kink.”

  “Most certainly not,” Seth said primly. “Stop talking dirty or I�
�ll lose my appetite.”

  “Get the towels, babe.”

  Seth hurried toward the bathroom and walked out with two large beach towels, which he draped across the king-sized bed to protect it from what was sure to be a royal mess. A part of him was a little unsettled by the sheer filthiness of what they were about to do, but his cock had plumped up as soon as Bryce ordered him to undress, so half his brain had to be on board. He decided to embrace the earthier persona lying underneath his squeamish veneer. It would make Bryce happy, and he might actually have fun.

  Bryce was watching expectantly, and Seth was almost tempted to pinch his nostrils and scream “bombs away” before throwing himself on the mattress. How childhood shenanigans at the local pool could possibly compare to this decadent first was a mystery he’d have to interpret some other time, and on that confusing note, he got on the bed. Bryce continued to eat him up with his eyes, and for a split second, Seth felt completely exposed, like a vestal virgin about to be sacrificed to the gods. All he needed was the sound of beating drums and howling cannibals in the background. God, he really needed to shut off his imagination when he was nervous and let the hormones take over.

  Fortunately, Bryce was oblivious to his inner turmoil, and he placed the cake on top of Seth’s belly button and slid down on the bed beside him. He swirled his forefinger into the creamy concoction, then offered it to Seth, who opened his mouth willingly. Soon they were taking turns dipping and tasting. Seth wasn’t sure when the kissing started or how pieces of cake and caramel traveled to his nipples and made their crumbly way down his love trail to his cock, but he was covered in the stuff, and Bryce was alternately nuzzling and nibbling, driving Seth wild. He was on the brink of exploding, but he wasn’t going to allow Bryce to walk away unscathed. He rolled over and smashed the remainder of the cake between their bellies, and after some wiggling, finger painting, and lots of giggling, Bryce was just as messy.

  “Make me come, you filthy beast,” Seth said when he couldn’t stand it anymore.

  “With pleasure,” Bryce growled, flipping them over again and joining their slippery cocks in his large hand, tugging and twisting expertly until one after the other came in warm spurts, generating more mess. When they were done, Bryce collapsed on Seth and asked, “Care for seconds?”


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