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Secrets in the Lowcountry--The River

Page 18

by Janet Cooper

  “That’s not enough to live on for the rest of his life,” Martin said.

  “No, but it’s sufficient for him to start again. Plus, as narcissistic as he is, the embarrassment of losing would have been impossible for him. He lost, so he disappeared. And don’t forget he still collected his parents’ social security checks.”

  “He did what?” Mary asked in a shocked voice.

  Quickly, Jeff explained what Rod had told them.

  “Well, I never …” She shook her head. “Unbelievable!”

  “Back to the scheme,” Martin said, “Will people be able to get their money back?”

  “I’ve checked his bank account in Bayou and I have a record of the investors and the property owners.” He shook his head. “The money doesn’t add up to allow each person a full refund. The courts will step in and unravel the mess.”

  “Oh, our poor neighbors,” Mary chimed in.

  “Talking about neighbors, I need to tell my dad. I called him and briefly explained the situation. Taylor, would you like to come with me?

  She nodded.

  After deciding to walk the twenty minutes it would take to reach Trey’s home, they headed out. At first neither spoke. Then Taylor stopped, turned and stared at Jeff. “I’ve been a fool.”

  He reached for her, but she held him off.

  “I lived next to the kindest, gentlest, sweetest man possible, and I chose a cruel, cold, actor. How could I?”

  “We’ve known each other since infancy. I became your brother, the guy you talked to about problems, the one that listened when your mother disappointed you, the friend always available. None of those is a lover.” Jeff wrapped his arms around her and kissed her lightly then allowed his tongue to touch hers. Instantly, she opened her mouth and caressed his lips. His hands moved to her sides and he touched her breast with one. She moaned with pleasure. He eased back and glanced around. “I don’t plan on having our first love making on a dirt path.”

  She laughed. “I agree. After we see your dad, let’s check out our guest cottage. I’m sure one of the rooms has a king-size bed.”

  “Great idea!” He kissed her hard and she returned his passion with her own.


  One month later

  Taylor stood by the rail with Mr. Lee. They focused their attention on the mounting block and a petite teen preparing to climb on Pedro for the first time. After walking and grooming him at least twice a week for almost two months, she and he were well enough to take the next step. The two watchers held their breath, as Hannah lifted her right leg and placed it over the small Mustang’s back. The horse stood perfectly still; his ears sticking straight toward the sky looked content. The teen eased her weight down on the gelding and settled in. Both adults sighed quietly.

  Jean adjusted the girth, next step the stirrups. She took her time, measuring to make sure each of Hannah’s legs was securely set and that everything was perfectly balanced. Satisfied at last, Jean smiled at the young girl. “Ready for the ring?”

  A firm voice responded, “Yes!”

  Jean led the duo through the open gate and proceeded to walk around the ring keeping the lead short. They stayed close to the wooden fence thereby maximizing the length of the ride and maintaining control.

  Mr. Lee touched Taylor’s hand. His eyes focused on his daughter, but Taylor could see the moisture in his tears. “She did it,” he said in a soft, gentle tone.

  Taylor squeezed his before releasing it. “See how she and Pedro are almost one?”

  “I guess so.” He smiled. “However, I know nothing about riding. All I see is a girl and a horse being guided around a ring. I do like the huge smile on my darling daughter’s face.”

  Taylor smiled back. “We talked to Hannah about what we would do today. Everything is going according to our schedule. Wait a few more minutes.”

  They remained still and silent. Then Jean allowed the led line to lengthen, so that she was separated from the horse and rider.

  Mr. Lee’s eyes opened wider.

  Taylor sensed his concern.

  “She’s fine. Watch.”

  For the next half-hour, Jean continued lengthening the line. Finally, she walked back to Hannah and Pedro. “Ready?”


  Pedro appeared to agree.

  Jean unhooked the line and walked to the center of the ring, never taking her eyes off the twosome.

  “Let’s see what you can do, Hannah and Pedro,” Jean called out in her deep, velvety voice.

  The two began walking around the ring; Hannah’s body straight and Pedro’s leg strong.

  Joy filled Taylor as she stayed focused on the duo in the ring. They would both heal and would continue to succeed. This is why I loved riding and helping others.


  A few days later

  “Miss Mary, Miss Mary!” Taylor called as she raced into the kitchen, followed by Jeff.

  “Hold on child.” Mary wiped her hands on the tea towel she usually kept on her shoulder.

  “We’re getting married.” Taylor hugged her.

  “That’s not a surprise.” She chuckled. “When?”

  “We’ve decided on a fall wedding.” Taylor moved back and hugged Jeff.

  “Instead of a formal affair, we’ll do Lowcountry dressy, have a pig roast and country music,” he added.

  “What a great idea! Everyone loves a pig roast and doing informal allows the guests to relax and ‘let their hair down’. Will you have a tent?”

  Taylor could tell Miss Mary had already begun planning the event. “Why don’t the three of us sit down and decide exactly what we want.”

  “Grab a chair and let’s start.” Mary’s face beamed with pleasure.

  With plans established, Taylor said, “Jeff and I have one other request.”

  When they asked her, her eyes filled with tears. “I’m sure Martin will love that too.”

  “One other question,” Taylor said. “Remember when I asked you if Rod were dead and you said you didn’t sense he was?”

  Mary nodded.

  “I guess your psychic powers or intuition worked. Did you ever believe him gone?”

  “No. I searched several times, but couldn’t connect. When everyone assumed him gone, something told me he lived.”

  “Wow!” Taylor and Jeff said simultaneously.

  She wagged her finger at them. “My message isn’t always correct, so don’t count on me to tell you how many children you’ll have.”

  All three burst out laughing.


  Two months later

  Mary rapped on the door frame. “You look beautiful! The chiffon with the drape over your shoulder is perfect for your skin tones and for the temperature.” She sighed. “I do love white on a bride. Spin around.” The short dress that stopped slightly above her knees flew out in a circle and showed her gorgeous legs. “Jeff’s going to have his hands full protecting his gal from all the men.” She laughed.

  “And Miss Mary, you’re looking might pretty, too. That shell-pink color perfect for you.” Taylor gestured with her hand. “Your turn, whirl around. Oh, the flare at the bottom of your skirt is great. When you and Dad dance to some of the Rock and Roll we’ve asked the band to play, every eye will be on you.”

  “Enough!” Mary chuckled. “I believe we have two men waiting for us.”

  They walked down the stairs side-by-side. At the bottom of the steps, each picked up a bouquet, and then continued strolling through the open door. Jeff took Mary’s arm and Martin tucked Taylor’s under his left arm.

  Aunt Bertha began playing the ‘Wedding March’, and both couples promenaded toward the tent. As they did, all the guests rose and applauded. The foursome looked at one another and smiled. When they crossed to the far section of the open-sided tent, they stopped and gave their attention to Father Mike.

  The ceremony followed the traditional Episcopal service until the priest asked Martin, “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?�

  “I do.”

  Then he said to Jeff, “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?”

  “I do.”

  “Mary and Taylor, would you please switch positions?”

  The crowd laughed and clapped. Few had known that they were coming to a double wedding.

  I hope you enjoyed my tale. The series will continue with Martin and Mary in the key roles. Mystery and romance will be a constant in the stories since life is impossible without both.

  Until the next one comes out, please check my historical MOONCUSSERS, which takes place in the 1790’s in Cape May and stars a shipwrecked naval officer and a widow who hates anything connected with the sea.

  This fall, I hope to publish two additional historical romances:

  INDEPENDENCE, circa 1787 in England and America. A young woman searches for independence and find that plus love and mystery in the newly forming United States.

  DREAMS, which occurs in 1778. After falling asleep one evening, a Revolutionary War interpreter awakens in an old tavern in Chadds Ford to discover a war going on and a Lenape Indian skeptical of anyone white.

  Thank you to:

  Rainy Kirkland, whose help is always welcome, and Annette Blair, who aided with the twists and turns, and Donna Fasano, who made critiquing fun

  Former State Trooper, JC Rhodes for information on police procedure, especially the Louisiana Police

  Annette Mueller, who faithfully read and corrected the manuscript

  Dr. Dennis Wood, pathologist, who described the remains of long dead individuals.

  Please remember that all the mistakes in the story are mine.

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