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The Cowboy From Down Under (Cowboys After Dark: Book 2)

Page 4

by Maggie Carpenter

  “I expect you to understand you can’t have it both ways,” he explained patiently, lifting his leg and placing at the back of her knees to control her manic squirming.

  “What’s with you Aussie men?” she howled.

  “I can’t speak for anyone but myself,” he answered, “and now my hand is going to do the talking for me. I’ll stop spanking when you say one of two things. Either you want me to take you back to Sydney, or you agree that I’m in charge.”

  “Noooo!” she wailed.

  “Afraid so, one way or the other this will be settled right now,” he declared, and lifting his hand he began landing a series of hard smacks across her bottom.

  Emma was wearing thin cotton khaki pants that provided little protection from his large, hot, swatting palm, and it wasn’t long before her squirming began in earnest.

  “Dammit, let me go!” she demanded. “You have no right to do this.”

  “Sydney? You want to go back?”

  “NO,” she yelled.

  “Then you agree to do what you’re told?” he pressed, pausing to let her consider the question.

  “But if I’m-”

  Reaching down he retrieved a short, fat stick, and began delivering hard licks in quick succession, the rod landing mercilessly across her backside.

  “Back to Sydney or I’m in charge, what’s it to be?” demanded, continuing to remit the stinging stick.

  “Okay, you’re in charge,” she howled. “Stop!”

  “You’re sure?” he pressed.

  “Yes, yes, I’m sure,” she gasped.

  Letting the stick fall into the thick grass, he lifted her up and stood her in front of him. She was red-faced and panting, and immediately put her hands on her seat cheeks.

  “I’m glad we got that squared away,” he said firmly. “If you fail to obey me, or put either of us in danger, I won’t hesitate to provide you with a reminder of this moment. Got it?”

  “Uh-huh,” she said sheepishly.

  Rising from the boulder he put his arms around her and pulled her against his chest.

  “A post-spanking hug is always required,” he said, hugging her warmly.

  His thick accent made the word required sound strange to her ear, and as she sank against him, her pride not wanting to but heart insisting, she closed her eyes, surrendering to the velvet strength of his arms.

  Who are you, and why aren’t I mad as hell?

  You are mad as hell, but you love this feeling.

  What feeling, his arms? Yeah I do.

  No, the other feeling, that hot wetness between your legs.

  Oh, yes I do, so much.

  I think you’ve just met your match.


  Derrick swallowed hard. When he’d had the inspiration to spank her it wasn’t to uncover who would pull the strings, but to learn if she was as drawn to him as he was to her. It was a huge roll of the dice, but if the spanking didn’t end up with them driving back to Sydney, the answer would be clear.

  You are something special lady, don’t know why, but you are.


  In a Premiere Suite back at the hotel, Fred Freeman, dressed in a three-piece business suit, was removing his jacket and rolling up the sleeves of his shirt. In front of the couch Jennifer was kneeling, patiently waiting, and a hairbrush and two paddles, one leather and one plastic, were sitting on the cushions; it was time for her weekly maintenance spanking.

  “Are you ready, Jennifer?” he asked.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Sitting in front of his wife, he smiled down at her, and stroking her hair, he leaned in and kissed her lightly.

  “I wonder how Derrick is doing with Emma Harrison,” she said thoughtfully.

  “I think we’ll discuss that after I’ve warmed your bottom. You wouldn’t be trying to put it off, would you?”

  “No, Sir,” she replied hastily.

  “Come along then, you know what to do.”

  Sighing, Jennifer stood up, turned around, sat backwards on his lap, and leaning over, swung her legs behind her, placing her hands on the floor. The wheelbarrow was the position she had to assume at such times, and it wasn’t one of her favorites.

  “You do have the most beautiful bottom,” he declared, taking her cheeks in his hands to squeeze and fondle.

  “Thank you, Sir,” she breathed, knowing her skin would soon be turning hot from the slaps of his hand. “Sir, I missed you so much.”

  “I missed you too. Next time you must come with me,” he decreed. “I know it was impossible this last trip, with your mare being so sick, but if something like that happens again I’ll postpone, to hell with it. Being with you is more important than attending some meeting halfway across the world.”

  “That would be wonderful,” she replied, then moaned as his fingers touched her sex, teasing her and rubbing her clit.

  “Best get started,” he declared. “The sooner I finish spanking you the sooner I can leave, and get then back here. I can’t wait to get out of this monkey suit.”

  Raising his right hand he began slapping her cheeks, his palm moving from one to the other, settling into his practiced rhythm.

  Maintenance spankings he had made predictable. If he had to punish her he would change the tempo and the force of the smacks, keeping her off balance, making sure she never knew what might come next. There would be six extra swats when he was done. The additional punishment was because she’d pleasured herself during his week-long absence without permission.

  Her legs were starting to move, and she was wriggling as much as her uncomfortable position would allow, telling him it was time to increase his speed for the finale. Accelerating the smacks, he listened to the familiar ouch’s and ow’s until her voice had raised sufficiently in pitch.

  “Ooooh, Sir,” she moaned, when he finally stopped.

  “For your six extra swats you can choose the hair brush, the lucite paddle, or the leather paddle,” he declared, fondling and squeezing her pink cheeks.

  “Lucite, if it pleases you, Sir,” she whimpered.

  It stung more, but the residual effect didn’t last as long as the leather, and she hated the hairbrush.

  Releasing her cheeks he picked up the clear round paddle, and landed the first smack, deciding to deliver the swats slowly, focusing the first six on one cheek. As the punishment played itself out, she squirmed and groaned, feeling not just the heat of the spanking on her backside, but the growing need between her legs.

  “Look how wet you are,” he crooned, dropping the paddle as the discipline came to an end.

  “Ooooh, Sir,” she moaned again, wriggling against his probing fingers.

  “Come here lovely wife,” he purred, withdrawing his hand and helping her on to his lap.

  “Owww, my bum really hurts,” she complained.

  “That’s the point,” he declared. “You know punishment is meant to hurt.”

  “Uh-huh,” she nodded, curling into him.

  “Just to underscore the point, after I leave you’re going to remain naked, lay on the bed and pleasure yourself. No coming of course, and when I return I’ll shag you silly,” he said softly. “If you seem appropriately repentant I just might let you have a lovely orgasm.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she purred.

  “Lips,” he smiled.

  Lifting her head she closed her eyes, waiting for his tender, strong, delicious mouth to devour hers, and as they touched, then pressed, then consumed, she felt her heart spring; no-one had ever kissed her the way he did, and from the first moment their lips had touched, she had been his.

  “Time for me to go,” he whispered, moving his mouth to nuzzle her neck.

  “I know. Please hurry back.”

  “You don’t have to worry about that,” he promised.

  Extricating her from his lap, he stood up and unrolled his sleeves.

  “Fred, getting back to my earlier question. Do you think Derrick has told Emma Harrison he knows that you threatened to sp
ank her?”

  “I have no idea,” he replied, putting on his jacket. “I haven’t asked.”

  “I keep thinking about the dinner we planned. Do you think it’ll be totally weird if he brings her.”

  “Initially, it probably will be, but I’m leaving that decision up to him,” Fred replied. “I still think something might happen between them.”


  “Derrick’s problem has always been that women find him too much, if you know what I mean.”

  “I know exactly,” Jennifer replied, rolling his eyes. “He’s big, I mean, personality and everything.”

  “That’s the perfect word,” Fred nodded, “but so is Emma. They might just hit it off.”

  Jennifer tilted her head.

  “I’d like to see Derrick happy with a woman. I feel sorry for him, he’s been without someone steady for so long,” she sighed.

  “Gotta blast,” Fred announced, and moving quickly back to her, kissed her warmly. “You’ve got your orders.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she grinned, “I’ll be waiting.”

  Watching him stride out the door she sighed heavily, her heart filled with love, then standing up and rubbing her sore backside, she headed into the bedroom.


  Emma stared out the window of her bedroom. Derrick’s house was a large, two story renovated Victorian home, and while it had all the ‘mod cons,’ a phrase she’d just learned that meant, modern conveniences, Derrick had retained the original moldings and ornate detail. The house was romantic and inviting, and she thought it absolutely beautiful. Staring out at the distant rugged terrain, and the manicured meadows surrounding the house, she recalled how he had drunk his tea in the porcelain cup, and once again found herself shaking her head; he was a walking oxymoron.

  The duration of their drive had been uneventful, though she’d found herself shifting more than she would have liked, trying to find a comfortable position. The spanking wasn’t mentioned, and their conversation had centered on what they might do before flying off to the outback. He’d stopped at a small boutique hotel housed in a vineyard for a delicious late lunch, then drove the last forty-five minutes to his home.

  “To your liking?” he asked, standing in the doorway.

  “Your home is stunning,” she smiled. “The view is breathtaking. How many cattle do you have?”

  “Enough,” he grinned.

  “That’s not an answer,” she retorted.

  “It’s one that’ll have to do,” he quipped.

  “Can I ask you a favor?”

  “Sure, whatever you need.”

  “Could you please check the room for spiders? I’m really paranoid.”

  “No problem,” he smiled, walking into the expansive bedroom.

  She watched him stare up at the corners of the room, something she’d already done, then shake the curtains, which she’d been afraid to do, he peered under the bed and behind the dresser, stepped into the bathroom to repeat the inspection, then finally announced there were no spiders to be seen.

  “Thank you,” she sighed. “I was afraid to run the bath.”

  “Turn on the taps and run it all you want, I’m sure you’re looking forward to a soak,” he said warmly. “Is there anything special you want to do this evening?”

  “Yes, rest,” she replied. “I want to be refreshed for the walk up Canobolas.”

  “I think that’s an excellent idea,” he nodded. “You’ve had quite an eventful day.”

  He had a twinkle in his eyes, and she felt her face flush as the stark memory of his no-nonsense spanking flashed into her head.

  “It’s been a long one, that’s for sure, and I still feel a bit jet lagged,” she remarked, looking away.

  His eyes held such a glint, and they could sparkle with mischief, or grow dark when he was serious, and she couldn’t help but wonder how they appeared when he was making love. Shaking the thought from her mind, she turned to her suitcase sitting on the bed.

  “I’ll leave you to it,” he said warmly. “I have to change and go across to the barn, check on some things. If you need anything at all just help yourself. There’s plenty to eat and drink in the kitchen.”

  “Thanks, Derrick,” she smiled, glancing back at him.

  She watched him drop his head in a slight nod, and when his large frame turned and walked away, he reminded her of a western hero from days gone by.

  Damn, he’s getting under my skin.

  Getting? He’s already there.

  Be quiet, I need to unpack and take a bath.

  Pulling out the clothes she’d need for the few days she’d be there, she stripped and donned her comfortable micro-fiber robe, and padded across to the bathroom, filling the tub and throwing in some bath gel she found on the counter. Wandering back in to have another look at the view while she waited for the bath to fill, she spied him lumbering towards the large red barn. Several workers approached and joined him as he entered the picturesque building. The whole scene was like a postcard. Opening the window and leaning out, she found the air was filled with a sweet scent she didn’t recognize, and sighing, happy to be there, she meandered back to the bathroom.

  Above the wide counter that housed the sink was a large mirror, and dropping her robe she turned around and stared over her shoulder at her bottom, gazing at the faint pink marks left by the stick he’d used. Laying over his knee, his hand landing on her upturned backside, she’d felt a hot need shiver down her spine. When he’d wrapped her in his arms, her fury at his audacity had melted away, and she found herself wishing he’d lift her chin and kiss her.

  Derrick was unlike any man she’d ever met, and not because he was Australian. He wasn’t afraid of her, she couldn’t intimidate him, and he’d spanked her because he’d decided it was the only to get a decision out of her. That had taken guts.

  Just pondering the event sent a fresh wave of thrills through her stomach, and moving to the tub, turning off the ‘taps,’ as he’d called them, she sank into the foam, wincing as her spanked behind hit the water.

  As Emma relaxed in her bubble bath, Derrick had talked with his farm workers, issued directives, then hurried back to the house and into his study. A short distance away was the Hostage Arms, a small, upscale hotel he’d built to accommodate the visitors that came through the tourist office in Sydney. It was where he’d originally planned to house the illustrious Miss Emma Harrison, but after he’d spanked her, then held her, he’d had an immediate change of mind.

  When he was in his second year at University, Derrick had fallen in love. The girl, Suzy Parker, had been local, sweet as an angel, and as his father used to say, pretty as a picture. When Derrick would return home for the holidays they were inseparable, and Derrick had convinced himself they would marry and live happily ever after, but the looks with which nature had blessed her, had been the undoing of his plans.

  A modeling agent passing through the small town had spotted her working behind the counter in the family’s cafe. Within weeks she’d been transported to Sydney, then sent off to Japan on a two year modeling contract. Though Derrick had done his best to stay in touch it was virtually impossible; she traveled constantly, and he attended school in Boston, then at Oxford. For a short while they were in Britain at the same time, but on the few occasions he’d hoped to see her, she’d had an excuse. It had always bothered him, and he wasn’t surprised that a few years later she’d married a British investment banker.

  Derrick had been popular with the ladies wherever he attended school, and was one of the most eligible young men in his sphere when his studies were completed and he was back in Australia. Though he’d dated constantly, discovered his love for the dark side, had spanked and made love to many young women, he’d not experienced the intense rolling in his gut that he’d felt when he’d held Suzy…until he’d brought Emma into his arms after he’d spanked her.

  It had stunned him.

  Working in his office, the moment continued to haunt him. She�
�d made him feel warm and tender, and fiercely protective. Of all the women he’d met over the years, none had needed less protection than Emma, but there it was; he’d felt it and he couldn’t shake it.

  Glancing at the clock he saw an hour had flown by. Wandering out into the living area he was surprised to see there was no sign of her, and deciding she was probably taking a nap he started back to his desk, but an odd feeling settled around him.

  Better just check on her, make sure she’s okay.

  Smiling, he shook his head; no question she was under his skin.

  Trotting up the stairs, he wandered down the hallway, and as he approached her room he saw her door was slightly ajar.

  “Emma?” he called quietly.

  “Derrick, oh th-thank G-God,” she stammered, her voice barely a whisper.

  With a quickening pulse he gently pushed open the door. Emma, the fearless, tough, edgy professional was gone, and dressed in a robe with her back to the wall, her face white, was a terrified woman in desperate need.

  “What is it?” he asked urgently.

  “Th-th-there,” she muttered, shifting her eyes to the bed.

  Following her gaze he looked across; a large brown spider was on the wall above the headboard.

  “It’s okay,” he assured her, moving forward, “that’s a Huntsman. They’re big and ugly but they don’t bite.”

  “P-please…” she whimpered.

  She was paralyzed with fear, and stepping in front of her to block her view, he brought her gently into him.

  “My God, you’re trembling,” he frowned, his heart breaking for her. “You poor thing. How long have you been standing there?”

  “A-ages, d-don’t know. C-couldn’t m-move.”

  He managed to maneuver her into the hallway, and closing the door behind them, he continued to hug her, stroking her back.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll get rid of it. Did you leave your window open?”

  “Uh-huh,” she muttered

  “Ah, that’s how it got in. They’re great climbers and they literally fly between trees.”

  “Last t-time I open a window around here,” she managed.


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