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Gabe: The Alvarez Security Series

Page 6

by Maryann Jordan

  His eyes scanned the latest report. Her grant had given the group enough money to have a five-year lease on the building. Rubbing his head, he considered the ramifications of taking her on publicly. No, not happening.

  A knock on his door indicated that his appointment was there. Santo Mancello, head of security walked in first. Tall, dark and ruthless, the Mancello family had served Michael’s family since the time of their grandfathers. Following Santo, Michael’s nephew Frederick, his private investigator, walked in and took a seat. Frederick was still learning the job, but being a quick study and eager to please, Michael was satisfied that his nephew would do well in the family business. As the men sat down in the dark leather chairs, they began their meeting.

  By the time they had considered their options, he announced, “I’ve had someone make inquiries to the owner of the building, Mr. Stuart Mason. He’s an old man, lives alone. Seemed as though he would be willing to sell. So, I want Ms. Lambert watched. Discreetly. I want to know who she sees and what she’s doing. If we can provide an incentive to have her bow out of the project, that would be perfect. If not, then perhaps she will open up a door for us to encourage her to abandon. And if not that, then lean on her. But not until I give the order. Someone at The State Capitol is reporting to me and will try to sabotage her efforts there.

  “Sir, we also have someone at her workplace that will be reporting to me as well,” Santo said.

  “Is there any way that they would agree to move? If you had another cheap building that you didn’t want – would they want to move and then you would avoid the hassle,” Frederick said.

  “All the money from their grant has gone into their own renovation and the lease. It also keeps the old geezers in the neighborhood that they were from. Our contact at The State Capitol has indicated that it would still be a public relation nightmare to force the issue. Not to mention that would indicate that I am willing to buy out instead of force-out. And that would be suicide for my reputation as a man who gets what he wants, how he wants it.”

  “So for now, keep our eyes open?” confirmed Santo.

  Nodding, Michael stood indicating that the meeting was over. “Remember, I don’t want her to know she’s being watched. Not until I give the order to move in.”

  As the men left through his office door, his secretary stepped in. “Sir, if there is nothing more, I will say goodnight.”

  Turning, he smiled. “That will be all, Eloise. Please kiss your children for me and tell them that we will have you over for dinner soon.”

  His secretary beamed as she closed the door. Standing in front of his wall of windows, he looked out over the night skyline of the city. A smile crossed his face as he saw many of the buildings that he had made millions from renovating. The smile left his face as his eyes moved to the distance, on the other side of the river, knowing that a huge block of buildings were ripe for the picking if it was not for the old folks and their beautiful, meddling champion.


  The afternoon was cold and Jennifer was about to meet Ross’ bus at the corner. An old man, in a worn coat, stood at the bottom of the stairs. Looking up at her, he asked, “Do you have any food here?”

  Sighing deeply, she answered, “We’re not a homeless shelter. There’s one a few blocks over. I can show you where as soon as I meet the school bus.”

  “Oh, I got a place to stay. I was just hungry, that’s all,” he said, keeping his eyes on her.

  Looking at him with compassion, she added, “Okay. Go straight through the main hall into the kitchen. Tell the woman in there that Jennifer said to give you some food.”

  The old man climbed the stairs as she came down. Stopping her with his hand on her arm, he thanked her.

  Bestowing a smile on him, she nodded and then jogged down the street, trying to stay warm as she hurried to the bus stop. Oh, I hope I’m not late.

  The bus stopped on the corner and out bounded a bundled-up child, jumping the last step onto the sidewalk, looking around.

  “Ross, Ross,” she yelled, waving her arms. “I’m here.”

  “Jennybenny!” the child yelled as he threw himself into her arms. “Sis, the field trip was so cool!”

  Greeting her brother, she pulled the scarf off of her neck and wrapped it around his neck. “Where’s your scarf? And for that matter, where are your gloves?”

  “I don’t know. I may have left them in the museum.”

  “Ross, honey. You have to be more careful. Here put mine on,” she said calmly, pushing his hands into her knit gloves.

  “I’m sorry, sis. I’ll get more with my allowance when we go to the dollar store,” he said.

  “Oh that won’t be necessary. Just try to keep up with the next ones, okay buddy?” she smiled, kissing the top of his head. “Come on, tell me about the museum.”

  The two walked back to their building, chatting and laughing, oblivious to anyone watching.

  Sitting in one of Alvarez’s SUV with darkened windows, Gabe smiled as he watched the scene in front of him unfolded. Jesus, I’m such a stalker, but I just had to know. Gabe knew he had a reputation as a player, but he had never been with a married woman or a woman with a significant other. It just was not his play. But Ross? Her brother. Continuing to smile, he started the vehicle pulled into traffic. Beautiful. Jesus, she’s so beautiful. As he replayed the scenario in his mind, his smile lessened as he thought about her giving up her scarf and gloves and the child’s comment about the dollar store. Glancing down at his expensive, leather gloves and feeling the heat pouring out of the vent of his new Jeep, he vowed to not waste any more time getting to know her.


  Driving to the restaurant, Jennifer wondered if he would be there. Her giant. That’s such a childish way to think of him. Gabe. His name is Gabe. Stop making him more than he is. Just a man. A player. An over-confident player. As she pulled the old truck to the dumpster, she saw him step from the shadows, a smile on his face. Okay, an incredibly gorgeous, well-built hunk of a player. Licking her lips nervously, she looked up in his face as he stepped up to open her door. Wincing at the screech she noticed that he did not seem to pay attention to the old jalopy.

  “Hello, Jennifer,” he greeted as he assisted her down from the truck.

  She couldn’t help but smile. He helped her down from her rusty, old junker as though she were alighting from the carriage to the ball. “Hi, Gabe.”

  “I’ve already been inside and gathered everything that Carlos had for you.”

  Looking over, there were several cardboard boxes filled with bags neatly stacked by the kitchen door. Before she could comment, he turned and lifted them easily, walking to the back of the truck.

  “That looks like more than I usually get,” she said. “Are you sure that’s all for me?”

  Gabe smiled down at her as he set the boxes carefully in the bed of the truck. “Well, didn’t know how far you had to carry them, so I put less in each box to make them lighter.”

  Turning her stunned look up to his face, she said, “Wow, thank you. That’s really…thoughtful. I just…well, I…Gabe, why are you doing this?”

  Looking down at his boots for a moment, he rubbed the back of his neck trying to figure out what to say. “I just want to get to know you, Jennifer. It seemed like helping you was the best way.”

  She searched his face, trying to determine his motives, but found nothing but sincerity. Shaking her head slowly, she confessed, “I don’t know what you think to gain. I’m…nobody.”

  His head lifted, cocked to the side, confusion in his eyes. “Nobody?”

  Her eyes snapped and she placed her hands on her hips. “Gabe. Seriously. Look at me. Do I look like some movie star? I’m just me. Just the real me.”

  “I don’t want a movie star. I want to know you. Just you. Just the real you,” he countered quickly.

  “This makes no sense,” she said, her hand moving back and forth between them.

  “I’m a man who finds someone that sp
arks something deep inside, something that hasn’t been sparked in a long time, and I want to explore it. And I know you felt it too if that kiss was any indication. That makes sense to me,” he said softly, stepping closer.

  She stood there with her head leaned back to peer into his eyes and her heart racing, pondering his words. What am I doing? This is crazy.

  He saw her eyes dart between his as though trying to see inside of him, looking for a lie. Or something to believe in. Come on, baby. Give me a chance.

  Not used to having to work so hard, he found himself holding his breath, hoping she would give them a chance. He saw her eyes drop to his lips and her breathing increase.

  Absently pushing her wind-blown curls out of her face, she sucked in her lips before looking down at the ground. Sighing deeply, she looked back up, resignation on her face.

  “Gabe, I…I’m a social worker for DSS. A low-level city employee working my butt off to get by. My life isn’t really…um…conducive to dating.”

  “Then let’s just take time to get to know each other. Let’s just see where it goes.” He took one more step closer, reaching out to gently place his hands on her shoulders, noting that she did not pull away.

  “What do you suggest?” she whispered, her eyes on his lips.

  Gabe leaned down, his lips a breath away from hers, and said, “I’d like to kiss you.”

  Unable to form any words, she found herself rising on her tip-toes to capture his lips with hers. She heard moaning as he deepened the kiss, then realized the sounds came from her. Opening her mouth to his, she reveled in the feel of his tongue plunging inside. She drank him in. His taste, distinctly him, filled her senses. Winding her arms around his neck, she was barely aware of being lifted as the kiss took on a life-force of its own.

  One hand on her ass and the other arm wrapped around her cupping the back of her head, he held her easily. Amazed at how perfectly she fit in his arms, he groaned as his cock swelled, pressing in his jeans painfully. Always thought a man my size needed a big woman, but this. Is. Perfect. Her breasts pressed into his chest and her ass fit perfectly.

  The kitchen door opened, shedding a bright light into the dark alley, as Carlos looked out at the lip-locked couple again. “Damn you two. What do y’all do, just come to this alley to make out like teenagers?”

  They broke the kiss and Jennifer began to squirm to be let down.

  “Not letting go yet, babe. Just hang on,” Gabe rumbled. Turning with her in his arms, he nodded to Carlos. “That it?” he asked, indicating the boxes still by the door?

  Laughing, Carlos nodded. “Yeah, man. That’s it.” He paused for a second before calling out, “Ms. Jennifer? You okay?”

  She smiled his way and said, “I’m fine, Carlos. Thanks for the food.” She watched him wave and then head back into the kitchen, closing the door behind him, once again casting them in shadows.

  “Oh my God,” she said. “That was so embarrassing.”

  “Nothing wrong with a man kissing a beautiful woman in the moonlight, although I’d prefer it not be in an alley with the smell of garbage floating through the air.”

  At that, she giggled and he gently let her down, keeping his hands on her shoulders until she was firm on her feet. Blushing she looked at the ground, not willing to look up at him.

  Gabe tilted her head up with his fingers on her chin. “Let’s get this food in the truck and then I’m going to follow you home.” Seeing the question in her eyes, he quickly continued, “I don’t want you out at night by yourself and yes, I know you’ve been doing it for a long time.” Kissing her forehead, he made short work of the boxes, loading them efficiently.

  Assisting her into her truck, he waited patiently as she worked to get it started. She needs a new set of wheels, he thought, frightened at the thought of her breaking down on the side of the road late at night. She finally moved out of the alley and he pulled in behind her, driving to her building.

  He noted with irritation that she pulled into the alley behind a four-story brick building, in an older section of town, a block from where she had met with her brother. She hopped out of the truck before he was able to get out to assist, a habit of hers that he wanted to change.

  A back door flung open and an older man was calling out a greeting by the time Gabe made it to her side. The man hustled over ready to protect her. Gabe was impressed with the man’s loyalty but unhappy that he was the only line of defense that she had if there was a problem. Something that he wanted to rectify as soon as he could.

  “Hey Henry, it’s okay. This is a…friend of mine, Gabe Malloy. Gabe, this is Henry. He runs the center here.”

  Gabe stepped up and shook Henry’s hand. “Good to meet you, sir. Why don’t you and Jennifer go inside where it’s warm and I’ll bring the boxes in.” He noticed Henry glanced to Jennifer, then watched approvingly as Henry hustled her in out of the cold.

  Stacking the boxes, he brought them into a warm if old, well-lit industrial kitchen. Seeing Henry pat the counter, he set the boxes down, watching Jennifer immediately dig in. Unsure what to do next, he stepped back and watched her in action, admiring the look of joy on her face as she opened the bags. She had thrown off her old jacket and for the first time was able to admire her body. Her sweatpants were worn but cupped a delicious ass, every bit as marvelous as he remembered the one time he was able to ogle her in the alley. As she turned away from the industrial-sized freezer, he saw that her figure was indeed stunning. Tiny, but curvy. And in all the right places. Suddenly the idea of a tall, scrawny model with fake tits seemed unappealing. But the vision in front of him—blonde curls framing a fairy face with a petite body to die for—was perfection.

  “Are you back, girl?” a female voice called from the doorway. “Do you need something warm to drink?” An older woman headed into the kitchen, bustling with energy, stopping quickly when she saw Gabe.

  “Cora, this is a friend of mine who helped me tonight. This is Gabe. And this wonder-woman is Henry’s wife, Cora.

  “Pleasure to meet you Cora,” he said smoothly, offering his hand.

  She shook his hand, her eyes moving quickly between his and Jennifer’s. “I didn’t know you had anyone helping you dear, but I’m so glad you do.” Turning back to Gabe, she said, “I’ll make some hot chocolate.”

  He looked over at Jennifer, seeing her smile light up the room.

  “You’ve never tasted anything like Cora’s hot chocolate,” she effused.

  Cora blushed and patted her hand. “I’ll take some up to Ross.”

  Jennifer’s smile dropped and a look of panic crossed her face. Ross? Oh my God, I can’t introduce him to Gabe. Not now.

  Gabe saw the expression change and knew what was going through her mind. As much as he wanted to stay, he moved over and said, “Hey, I know it’s late. I’d better be going.”

  “No,” she said quickly. “I mean, not if you don’t want to. Ross is my brother and he’s…”

  “Upstairs and almost ready for bed. We’ll just go check on him,” Cora finished, pulling Henry out of the kitchen with her.

  Gabe looked down, seeing the look of uncertainty in Jennifer’s eyes. “You can go to him if you need,” he said softly as he walked over to her. Cupping her tiny face in his large hands, he tilted it upwards so he could see her eyes. Crystalline blue eyes framed by blonde curls, peering at him. He saw them dilate with desire and that was all he needed. Bending down he placed a soft kiss on her lips. Chaste. Not hungry. Just a gentle touch.

  She felt the slight pressure on her lips and before she could stop, a moan came from deep inside of her. All of her being was tied up in that moment just at the touch of their lips and the feel of his hands around her face. Suddenly the idea of him leaving was unbearable and she reached up to grasp his arms, her fingers wrapping around his sleeves feeling the muscles below. Opening her mouth, she licked his lips, eliciting another moan, this time coming from him.

  Losing all sense of control, Gabe growled into her
mouth as his tongue plunged into the sweetness, exploring deeply. Meeting her tongue, they began a duel deep inside of her warm mouth. He picked her up as though she weighed nothing and set her on the kitchen counter without breaking the kiss. One large hand continued to hold her face while the other one crept around her back pulling her close.

  With her legs spread apart at the edge of the counter and his massive body between them, she was at the right height to feel his erection pressing against her core. She began to rub herself on him, desperate for the friction that was sending electricity throughout her body. Feeling herself become wet, she increased her undulations while his hand slowly slid from her back around toward her breasts.

  Gabe’s hand stopped directly underneath her breasts, waiting for permission to continue their exploration. He felt her moan again as she continued to rub herself on his swollen dick. Jesus, she’s going to undo me, he thought as he tried to maintain composure. But his cock had other ideas. For a military man trained to have his body under complete control, he felt all semblance of control slipping.

  Moving his hand upwards to cup her breast, he felt its heaviness as he palmed it, feeling the nipple harden. He rolled the nipple through her shirt and bra, desperate to have her naked and underneath him. Soon, very soon.

  Jennifer began to feel the tension building deep inside radiating from her pussy outwards. More, I need more. Her hands had moved from his huge arms to his neck and then higher to cup his stubble covered jaw. His lips, soft and yet unyielding continued to kiss her senseless until her only thought was to reach the pinnacle.

  She felt his hands move from her breasts down to her pants, sliding them under the waistband. He hesitated, giving her control. She had no control. All she wanted was to feel. For just a little while to feel. No responsibilities. Nothing but pleasure. Grasping his head, she pulled him back for another kiss.

  He slid his hand down the front cupping her mound, loving the gasp that escaped her lips. Moving the wispy material of her panties to the side, he found her wet as he slid his fingers through her lips and circled her clit. Her gasp became a desperate plea for more. Moving a thick finger inside, he plunged it into her waiting pussy.


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