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Gabe: The Alvarez Security Series

Page 10

by Maryann Jordan

  Gabe watched her face as she talked and he found himself rubbing his chest again. So fuckin’ gorgeous. Outside of his close circle of friends and brothers-in-arms, she was the best person he had ever met.

  “I just hope we can keep going,” she said. Seeing his question, she continued, “The area is slowly being renovated and some of the buildings have been bought. I know they’re cheap…well, cheap if you have several million to buy and renovate. I’ve heard that there’s someone who’s wanting to buy our building, and that would turn all the residents out. But so far, I’m holding on and I’ll fight anyone who tries to take this away from them.”

  Seeing the passion in her eyes, he found himself wanting all that passion turned his way. Buying the building out from under her? I’ll have Lily and BJ check to see what they can find out.

  The meal finished too quickly and he knew he needed to get her back to Ross. Standing, he assisted as she slipped into her coat and with fingers laced they walked outside. The night sky was clear and filled with stars. The wind had died down, leaving the early spring chill not as biting as earlier.

  As they drove to her building, he parked outside. Turning to each other, they both began talking at once. Laughing, he said, “Ladies first.”

  “I just wanted to thank you. Gabe, I haven’t had so much fun in a really long time.”

  Fun. That’s what Jobe said to give her. Smiling, he said, “I’m glad. Babe, I hope it is the first of many, many days and nights of fun.”

  “One day at a time, right?” she said softly.

  “Yeah, baby. One day at a time.”

  He walked her inside and up to her apartment. Slipping inside as Cora hugged them both before going into her apartment, Jennifer walked down the hall to check on Ross. Coming back into the living room, she said, “He’s sleeping.”

  “He’s a great little boy,” Gabe said truthfully.

  “I know. I just hope that…well, that I can do right by him.” Seeing his lifted eyebrow, she continued, “I’m not a man.”

  At that, he chuckled. “I think I got that part figured out, sweetheart.”

  Giggling, she said, “I mean, I worry about when he gets older.”

  “You’re doing great. You’re giving him love and those men downstairs will give him attention and wisdom.” Stepping right up to her, he pulled her in close reveling in the feel of her body next to his. “And now you’ve got me. And with me, comes Vinny and my friends.” Leaning down, he kissed her, sweet and soft. Full of promise. Full of hope. “I’ve got you covered.” With that, he took the kiss deeper before gently pushing her back to arm’s length.

  “I want all of you. But we’re gonna take this at your speed, at your pace. Goodnight, baby. I’ll call you tomorrow,” he promised.

  With that, he walked out after making sure she locked her door.

  She went into the bathroom and pulled off her clothes, taking a quick, warm shower. Drying off, she looked into the mirror and for the first time in a long time saw a woman looking back with a relaxed smile on her face. He put that there. He gave me that. Was it only this morning that he stood in the kitchen making pancakes?

  Crawling into bed, she fell into a peaceful sleep with a smile on her lips.

  Across town, Gabe walked into his large apartment, noting his security system. Hers is shit. Worse than shit, because it’s nonexistent. Vowing to talk to Tony on Monday, he planned on asking if a security system could be placed in her building. Taking a shower, he thought of her sweet body pressed close to his. Soon baby. I hope you’re in my bed soon. But only when you’re ready.


  The next week found Jennifer at work, smiling as she went through her day. Sybil and Roy surrounded her at lunch clambering for information.

  “Give it up, girl,” Sybil said. “You’ve had a goofy grin on your face all week.”

  Roy looked up from texting his wife and said, “Yeah, it’s getting on Sybil’s nerves.”

  Sybil punched him in the arm and said, “Ignore him. I just want to know who he is.”

  “Who?” Jennifer asked.

  “The man who’s the reason you’re grinning like you are,” she retorted.

  “Okay, okay. I have met someone and he’s everything I thought I would never have.”

  “Oh girl. Why did you think you’d never find that someone special?” Sybil asked.

  Looking at her two co-workers, she shrugged. “I live and work with older people. I don’t go to bars or parties. After work, I’m with Ross. I’m not complaining,” she added quickly, “But let’s face it, there just isn’t a lot of time to meet a man.”

  “Well…,” Sybil prompted.

  “He’s huge. A former Special Forces Sergeant and is now working for a security company.”

  At that, Roy’s attention was sparked. “Security?”

  “Yeah, I think it’s called Alvarez Security Agency.”

  Roy whistled. “I’ve heard of them. High priced but supposedly the best. Impressive, girl.”

  The lunch discussion was tabled as their boss’ secretary popped in to tell them that there was a meeting being called.

  “Jeez, can’t Chip let us know ahead of time he wants to meet?” Jennifer grumbled, packing up her sandwich.

  At the meeting, Chip asked about the possible loss of funding for the elder care building, drawing the ire of Jennifer.

  “This is so ridiculous. We have a five-year lease and are only two years into it. This shouldn’t even be an item for us to be worried about.”

  “Well, it appears that the state is looking at the budget and ways to cut back. And if someone comes along and makes an offer on the building that brings in much-needed cash, they may pull the grant funds.”

  “Well, I’ll just start going back to the State Capitol once again,” she groused. “I can’t do my job properly for having to keep the sharks at bay.”

  “From a practical standpoint, the owner of the building can take it back any time a payment isn’t made, so if your money dries up, be prepared to vacate the building.”

  “What’ll we do if that happens?” she asked, fear in her voice for the first time.

  “That’s your job and your problem,” came the sharp retort. “Now moving on.”

  The meeting droned on for another thirty minutes, but Jennifer did not hear anything that was being said. Her mind raced with ideas to keep the real estate moguls out of her business and out of her building.

  Walking back to her desk, Roy and Sybil noticed her determination. “What are you going to do?” Roy asked.

  Smiling, Jennifer said, “I’ve got a couple of ideas.”

  “Plan on sharing?” he asked.

  She patted his arm. “Not yet. Let me work on them first and see what I can do.”

  That afternoon, she made a call to one of the reporters for the Richland Times that had done an article on the overworked-understaffed Department of Social Services a few years ago. “Frank? Jennifer Lambert here. Got some time for me? Sure, I can meet you. Tomorrow morning sounds good.”

  Smiling, she hung up her phone. “Nothing like a little public support to keep things in line,” she chirped.


  Behind her, someone overheard. And noted. And walked away. And made a call to Santo.

  “Sir, she’s on her way out of the building, probably to The State Capitol again.”

  “Thank you. I’ll notify them that she is coming,” came the sharp reply. “I want intervention.”

  “Yes, sir. I’ll work on it on this end.”

  Santo clicked off his phone. Impatient, he was growing weary of his boss’ reticence to act. Michael had heard from the building’s owner. It seemed the old geezer made an impromptu visit disguised as a homeless man and the intrepid Ms. Lambert welcomed him in. And now…Mr. Mason refused to consider any sale.

  All it would take would be one visit from him to Ms. Lambert and she would not be a problem anymore. No one holds a cause dearer than their own lives or their own famil

  He had been thrilled to have worked up to the honored position with Michael and had been rewarded for his loyalty. But…the older ones began to get soft in their older age. Moving away from the window of their high rise, he placed another call.

  “She’s on her way. Boss wants intervention. You know what to do.”

  Clicking off after his terse instructions, he went back to the window and pondered his options knowing he needed to plan carefully. Deciding that perhaps a small taste of fear might just be what the good Ms. Lambert needed, he made another phone call.


  Grabbing her bag, Jennifer headed out of her building and toward The State Capitol. Upon arriving, she made her way to Senator Reno’s office, hoping that he would be in and Monty would not. No such luck.

  Monty looked up from his desk and stood, moving slightly to stand in front of the Senator’s door. “May I help you?”

  “Yes, I was hoping to speak to Senator—”

  “He’s not in,” came the abrupt reply.

  “Well, then perhaps I can wai—”

  “That won’t be convenient for the Senator. He won’t be back this afternoon.”

  Monty had shifted slightly closer until he was standing right in front of her. Stepping back a few feet, she realized that he was maneuvering her away. Sucking in a calming breath, she looked up into his face. “Well, then I will make an appointment.”

  “His calendar is very busy this week. I can fit you in next week. Tuesday? At ten o’clock.”

  “Fine, that’ll be fine.” Damn, over a week away. Plastering a false smile on her face, she purposely stuck out her hand as she said, “Thank you so much for all of your…help.”

  Monty looked down at her hand for a moment before taking it in his own. Pulling her in ever so slightly, he said, “The Senator is very busy you know. You really should not just drop in. If you can’t stay away, call before you come next time.” His voice carried a tone of warning as his hand gave hers a slight squeeze.

  Pursing her lips, she jerked her hand away before turning on her heels and walking off. Halfway down the stairs she heard her name called. Turning she saw Sherrie. Trying to smile, she walked over to her.

  “I would ask how you’re doing, but you seem fit to be tied,” Sherrie said. “Are you all right?”

  Jennifer glanced up the stairs and saw Monty standing there staring down at her. Turning quickly, she grabbed Sherrie and said, “Oooh, that man makes me so angry.” Seeing her friend’s quizzical look, she explained her encounter with Monty.

  “That’s funny, he’s always so polite when I drop papers off for my law firm.”

  Jennifer said, “He never gives you a hard time?”

  “No, but then I’m just dropping things off. Perhaps it’s because you actually need to see the Senator.” Seeing Jennifer’s angry face, she asked, “Come on, let’s grab that cup of coffee you promised me last time.”

  That earned a smile from Jennifer and the two women headed to the coffee shop down the street.


  Someone was still watching. And continued to follow. And made a phone call.

  “She’s going to make things difficult which may need to be dealt with sooner rather than later. Keep me abreast of what she’s doing. And for fuck’s sake, stay off of her radar,” Santo ordered.

  Santo then walked to Michael’s office, nodding to Eloise at her desk. “Can you ring me in?” he asked politely.

  Smiling, she checked with her boss before indicating that he could go in. Michael was coming out of his private bathroom and Santo knew that Theresa had just visited. He had a bad feeling about that one, wondering how long she would be satisfied to stay out of the light. That was another poor decision Michael had made, letting her lead him by his dick.

  He almost commented on his fears but held himself in check. If Michael made a mistake and had to step down from the head of the family, Santo knew he could be next in line.

  “She went out with some big security guy the other night.”

  Michael looked at Santo, anger replacing the satisfaction of fucking Theresa from behind as she was bent over his desk just a few minutes earlier. Taking a deep breath, he asked, “Is there a way to give her a warning, without fucking ourselves over?”

  “I’m working on it.”

  Michael smiled, his good humor back. “I knew I could count on you.”

  Santo moved out of the exclusive office, thinking of the time when it might be his.


  At the end of the week, Jennifer arrived home to a hive of activity. Several large, black SUVs were parked in front of the building and the residents were buzzing around. Stepping off of the bus, she made her way to the door seeing Gabe installing a camera near the door.

  “Hey honey, what are you doing?” she said running up and grabbing him around the waist.

  “Huh,” came the surprised reply. “Well, hello beautiful.” Gabe turned around and locked his arms around her.

  He leaned down to kiss the top of her head and she looked up wanting his lips on her own. He looked like Gabe but wasn’t. Gasping, she suddenly stiffened as she jerked back, but his arms held her tight. “You…you’re…”

  He threw his head back and laughed, but before she could react they heard, “Get your fuckin’ hands off my woman.”

  Both turned and looked at an angry Gabe coming around the corner. She threw up her hands and pushed on Ga…someone’s chest. Vinny! Oh my God. This is Gabe’s twin. And he was going to kiss her!

  Gabe arrived at the top of the stoop and gently pulled her into his embrace. Vinny was still laughing and said, “It’s nice to see you again, Jennifer. I’m sorry darling, but when a beautiful woman comes up and grabs me for a kiss, I just can’t help myself.”

  “You kissed her?” Gabe growled, taking a step toward his brother.

  She quickly stepped between the two giants and said, “No, he didn’t. Well, the top of my head.”

  Vinny smiled his panty-dropping smile and said, “Well hell, little one. That was the only thing I could reach.”

  She giggled, knowing it was true.

  “Gabe! Jennybenny!” came a yell from down the street and as they looked up, Ross came jumping off of the school bus. Running full speed he did not stop until he took a flying leap in the air toward Gabe, who caught him easily.

  “Hey, big man. How’s school today?”

  Ross’ face scrunched as he answered, “Same old thing every day. Except for…” he looked around cautiously, “Chrissy sat next to me in art class.”

  “Good man, you’re making progress!”

  “Gabe, stop encouraging him. And Ross, where are your manners, jumping up like that?” she gently reminded.

  Just then, Ross looked over and saw Vinny. His eyes grew wide as he looked back and forth between the two men.

  “You…you look just like Gabe,” he exclaimed. “How’d that happen?”

  Gabe set Ross down on the ground and said, “Ross, this is my identical twin brother, Vinny.”

  Vinny knelt down and shook Ross’ hand. “Good to meet you. I see you’ve been hanging out with Gabe here.”

  “Yes, sir. We’re buds. When the weather gets warmer, he’s gonna show me how to play football. I kinda know, but I’m not very good.” Leaning in closer, he whispered loudly, “Sis tries to show me but she’s not very good either.”

  The two brothers laughed as Jennifer shooed Ross inside to the kitchen to find a treat. She then looked around and asked, “What are you all doing?”

  “Installing a few cameras and basic alarm system. You’ve got a great thing going here, babe, but there’s no security.”

  Her eyes grew wide and she sucked in her lips. “Gabe, honey, I’ve got no money for this. I’m working as hard as I can to keep it running.”

  Vinny’s mirth disappeared as he looked at the woman that had stolen his brother’s heart and smiled in approval.

  “It’s on us, darlin’. Tony does a few charity cases each
year. Don’t worry about it. He can take it as a tax write-off.”

  Gabe wanted to kiss the worried look off of her face but planned on that later. In fact, if she was willing, he had a lot planned out later. When he had come into the center earlier to talk to Henry about the installation, Cora had cornered him. A direct-speaker, she got right to the point.

  “I’m thinking that you’d like to have more time alone with Jennifer. Henry and I had already planned on taking Ross out to visit our daughter this weekend. She’s got a couple of kids his age and he really likes to visit. Now…you could come over here and have a nice date, but I gotta warn you…there’s lots of old biddies around who’d love to get in your business. So I’m thinking that you might want to take her out and well…it was easy pack a small bag for her.”

  He raised his eyebrow and rubbed his hand over his face. “Ms. Cora, I appreciate that more than you can know because that tells me that you trust me. But, this has got to be at her pace. Her time.”

  Cora stared at him long and hard, then nodded. “Knew I had you pegged right from the start. A good man. But let me tell you, she needs a little push. That girl’s got a heart as big as they come and if she shines that light on you, then you’ll think you’ve been burned it shines so bright. But she needs someone to care for her too, and I don’t mean just us in this building. I think you’re that man. So I trust that you won’t take advantage of her, but will take care of her needs…and I mean all of her needs.” With that, she handed him a small bag and turned with a wink.

  Now he stood on the stoop with her in his arms. “We’re almost finished here. You head on in and say goodbye to Ross. I understand he has a little trip this weekend and I’ve got plans for us.”

  She turned her head up sharply to see him smiling down at her. Licking her lips, she asked, “What have you got in mind?”

  Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her in tightly so that she was completely engulfed in his embrace. Dropping his head down to a whisper’s breath away he said, “Nothin’ you don’t want. But everything that you do.” With that, he kissed her, then gave her a squeeze before walking back down to Vinny to complete the job.


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