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Gabe: The Alvarez Security Series

Page 25

by Maryann Jordan

  “Oh, darling girl, you’ve worked so hard for this,” Cora cried.

  “I know. This is going to make life so much easier. I’m going to have to find a lawyer who can help me figure out how to make this all work, but for now, we don’t have to worry about the roof over your heads.”

  “You’re a good girl, Jennifer Lambert,” Henry said as his arms held her tight.

  Wiping away the tears, she wanted to get a group celebration picture of all of them. They decided to stand on the front steps but the spring sunshine was passing beyond the skyline. It took a while to get the thirty or so residents all on the steps and in position so that she could see all of them.

  Finally finished, she led the group back inside. “I’m going to get Ross,” she called out. “He’s got a swim date to keep.”

  Jennifer moved through the dining room toward the kitchen when she heard a loud noise from the back kitchen door. Seeing the door standing open, she jogged over to see the painters loading their van. As she continued to watch, her world seemed to alter in slow motion.

  As the side panel was closing, she caught sight of Ross being held by one of the painters. Her name, torn from Ross’ lips, pierced her heart; his eyes wide as the man’s large hand clamped over his mouth.

  “Ross!” she screamed as her frozen legs suddenly lurched into action, hurling her down the steps toward her brother as the door closed. Oh Jesus, I can get him, I can get him. Just as she was almost to the van another man, deftly leaped out and met her a few feet from the vehicle.

  Opening her mouth to scream, she felt a cloth pressed over her nose and mouth as his arms encircled her in a vise grip. A sickly-sweet odor overtook her as she felt her legs slide out from under her. Then black.


  Sherrie’s heels clicked on the marble floors of the Senate building. She was beginning to feel as though she worked here, as much as her boss had her delivering files to the various Senators. For the umpteenth time she wondered why Senator Reno did not just have the documents sent through currier, but according to Mr. Marks, Monty always said that the Senator did not want his personal correspondences to be carried by just anyone. So, Sherrie made the weekly trip over.

  When she arrived at Monty’s desk he was not there, so she put the files in the box that he used for incoming packets. She could not help but notice that his desk was neat and orderly—not an attribute that she was able to attain.

  Turning, she slung her oversized purse back onto her shoulder, grimacing as it knocked the files off of his desk, scattering them onto the floor. Panicked, she immediately dropped to her knees and began trying to arrange them once again.

  As she separated the papers on the floor, she visually scanned them to see what went in her folders. Looking at the notes, she pulled her employer’s papers and put them in the appropriate files. As she perused the next paper in the pile, her gaze noted the name Jennifer Lambert. Her attention caught, she could not help but read the other words written on the page. Elder Center Intercept correspondence between Senator and Lambert. There were some phone numbers underneath, but her eyes focused on her friend’s name. A sick feeling of dread crawled over her, seeping into the suspicious corners of her mind.

  She pulled out her cell phone to take a quick picture of the note. She startled when she heard a voice on the phone. Glancing down, she realized that she called the first number on her list with shaky fingers instead of tapping on the camera icon. And she knew who was the first number…Tony. She had never called him but when he rescued her last year he had given her his number and she made it the number one contact.


  “Tony? I didn’t mean to call, but now I’m glad you picked up,” she said, peeking behind her to see the hallway still clear.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked sharply, hearing her whisper as though not wanting anyone to hear.

  “I’m at the Senator’s office and I found something strange on Monty’s desk. He’s the—”

  “I know who he is,” came the short response. “Do you need help? Can you get out?”

  “I’m fine but I was going to take a picture of the note but hit my contact list instead. It lists Jennifer’s name and some phone numbers and the instructions to intercept her correspondence.”

  “Sherrie, get out of there immediately. I’m on my way. Get to the front steps of the building where you’re in plain sight and stay there until I come.”

  “But what about the papers?” she asked, suddenly nervous.

  “Leave them and get out now,” Tony ordered.

  “May I help you?” came a smooth voice coming up from behind her.

  Gasping, she twisted around and looked at the man standing close to her. Monty had walked up, admiring the view of the beautiful woman’s ass as she was kneeling on the floor by his desk.

  She stood quickly, a blush crossing her face, sliding the cell phone down to her side and into her purse without disconnecting the call. Eying him suspiciously, she held out the paper. “I knocked over some papers and was trying to straighten them. What’s the meaning of this, Monty?” she asked, accusation dripping off of each word.

  His eyes glanced downward and then flew back up to her face, the smile replaced by a grim expression. Stepping closer he took the paper from her hand, folded it and placed it in his pocket. “You shouldn’t snoop into things that don’t involve you, Ms. Mullins.”

  “I would disagree. Anything that involves my friends interests me,” she retorted.

  Glancing around, seeing people at the other end of the hall, he leaned forward again. “I can explain, but not here. Take a little walk with me and I’ll give you the answers you need.”

  She eyed him suspiciously, biting her lip, the indecision visible on her face.

  Monty said, “Look, we’re surrounded by people here. Let’s go somewhere less crowded and I promise you, you’ll understand.”

  She nodded and tossed the rest of the papers on his desk, taking a childish pleasure in knowing it was no longer neat. She moved next to him as they walked to the elevators. Getting off in the underground parking garage, she halted. “The parking garage? That’s where you’re taking me?” she asked, eyes narrowing.

  He took her by the arm, his grip tight but not painful. “For your own safety, you need to come with me. Please.”

  It was the last word uttered that had her following although the doubt of what she was doing plagued her. Sliding her hand into her purse, her fingers felt her cell phone, knowing the one person she trusted with her life, was listening.


  Tony left his agency with his trusted men in tow; he, Jobe, and BJ in one vehicle and the twins in another. As he explained the phone call from Sherrie to the men in his SUV, he was on speaker with the others. They would have followed him anywhere without explanations, but Tony was meticulous in mission planning.

  As the vehicles approached the Senate building, they made their way through traffic toward the parking garage. Gabe’s phone rang and he almost shut it off when he saw Henry on the ID.

  “Henry? I can’t talk now. I’m—”

  “We’ve called the police. Some painters were here and they grabbed Ross and Jennifer!” he said, the words rushing out of him.

  Gabe’s heart stopped as his brain processed what Henry had said. “Wh…what the fuck? Oh, Jesus.”

  Turning to his brother behind the wheel, he ordered, “Turn around. Go to the Center. Jennifer and Ross have just been kidnaped.”

  Vinny, face grim, spoke into the speaker, “Did you copy that?”

  Jobe answered in the affirmative. Tony’s voice rang clear, “Agreed. Go to the Center. We’ve got Sherrie covered and then we’ll join you there.”


  Tony pulled into the parking garage slowly, not wanting to alert Monty of their presence. BJ had Sherrie’s cell pulled up on his computer giving them directions.

  “Fourth floor, east side,” he called out from the back seat.

  Pulling into
a parking place on the third floor, they quietly exited the vehicle, stealthily maneuvering through the cars to the next level. Hearing voices, they crept closer.

  “Are you going to tell me anything or are you just going to keep talking in riddles?” Sherrie was asking. Tony moved to the left of a vehicle so that he had a visual of Sherrie and Monty. Jobe and BJ slide around to the right. Jobe’s weapon was drawn, ready if needed.

  “There are things going on that you don’t need to know about and if you want to help your friend, you will convince her to stay away,” Monty bit out.

  “Is that a threat?” she asked.

  “No, but a promise that you won’t like the consequences if you get in my way.” He reached out and took her arm again, firm but not painful, as he gently pulled her closer to her car. “You need to get in and drive away, now.”

  “How do you know that’s my car?” she asked, surprise showing on her face.

  In a flash, Tony launched himself from behind her car and landed on Monty, jerking his hand away from Sherrie’s arm. Jobe rushed over to pull her from the brawl as Tony and Monty rolled around, fists flying.

  “Who the fuck are you working for?” Tony growled, jerking Monty to his feet.

  Monty shoved Tony backward and reached into his pocket. The click of pistols at the ready halted him, then he slowly withdrew his hand from his pocket revealing a…badge. “FBI, fuckers,” Monty growled back.

  Tony stared at the badge momentarily and then raised his gaze to Monty’s. “Jesus, fuck. You’re undercover.”

  “I was until sunshine here,” he said pointing to Sherrie, “got so nosey I was trying to scare her off. There’s a lot going on here that’s bigger than her friend or she understands.”

  “You…you were trying to help?” Sherrie asked. She had unconsciously moved closer to Tony as she focused on Monty.

  “The details of my investigation are not going to be fuckin’ discussed in the middle of a goddamn parking garage, but yes…I was trying to keep you and Ms. Lambert from stumbling onto something that was going to get both of you in the line of fire.”

  Tony rubbed his hand over his face in frustration. He noticed Sherrie’s close presence and wanted to pull her closer, but forced himself to keep his mind on the mission. “She’s already in the line of fire. Just before we came here, we heard she and her brother were kidnaped.”

  “No!” Sherrie gasped, grabbing Tony’s arms as she whirled around to face him.

  Tony and Monty squared off, sizing each other up. “Not asking you to divulge your mission,” Tony bit out, but I gotta friend whose woman and brother was just taken and I’m going to do everything I can to help. Now you can either tell us what you know or I’ll make sure your cover is blown to hell.”

  “FBI got a tip over a year ago that Michael Gibbons, the well-known and well-respected real estate mogul, is the grandson of Joseph Gambelini, a local mob boss in the area. Michael Gibbons’ reputation and legit business is beyond reproach, but underneath all that refinement is another mob boss who runs an empire based on extortion, murder of those in his way, and he’s got politicians as well as police in his pocket.”

  Sherrie watched the scene unfold in front of her, realization dawning. “The Senator. Oh my God, that’s why you’re here.”


  Vinny drove as quickly as he could to the Center, often glancing at a visibly shaken Gabe in the passenger side.

  Vinny’s voice was low and steady. “Bro, clear your mind. It’s a mission. We gotta get the intel and then plan.”

  Gabe did not reply, but Vinny could feel the anger begin to pour off of his twin. “That’s fine, bro. Be pissed enough to get your head in the game. ’Cause she’s gonna need you to have a clear head.”

  Gabe started to retort, then his brother’s reasoning slowly crept in. He’s right. I gotta keep my head in this for her. All for her. He looked down at his hands that had been shaking, forcing his breathing to slow and watched as his hands became steadier. The fear that had been choking him was being replaced with anger. Cold. Deadly. Anger.

  Pulling up to the Center they could see the elderly residents, most visibly shaken, milling around talking to the police. Spotting Matt and Shane, Gabe jumped out as Vinny parked, then ran over to them.

  They filled him in on the eyewitness reports of the abductions. Henry made a bee-line to Gabe, grasping him by the arm.

  “Gabriel, you have to find them,” his voice shook, tears in his eyes.

  Gabe stared into the weathered face of the man who had been like a father to Jennifer and held tightly to his shoulders. “I will. Promise,” his voice bit out.

  He and Vinny met with Matt and Shane to find out what the police had discovered. The detectives had little to go on at the moment, other than what the residents had told them. “No one got the license number of the van, but several noted that it appeared that white paint covered some former writing on the side. Three men were seen; all with painter uniforms on.”

  Gabe’s heart was pounding as his mind raced. Where the fuck are you, baby? You gotta hang on until I can get you. He looked over as Vinny’s phone rang and watched his brother take the call. Vinny’s eyes came to his as he just said, “Roger, out.”

  “Tony’s got Sherrie. Monty, the Senator’s aide, is FBI. They’re heading here.”

  The rapid fire news was more than Gabe’s brain could process and he found himself staring dumbly at the others. Matt moved to the side as he took a call. “Got it, babe.” Disconnecting, he said, “We may just have a break. That was Lily. She’s got a bead on the van from the alley video cameras.”

  “Does she know where they are?”

  “Not yet, but she’s working it—”

  The squeal of tires sounded as Tony rushed to the scene. The brothers-in-arms met on the sidewalk, eyes staring unabashedly at Monty, who joined them.

  Gabe took an angry step towards him but was held back by Vinny. “What the fuck do you know about this?”

  “I’ve been trying to keep her safe,” Monty bit back. “She’s been getting too close to our investigation, but she’s like a dog with a bone when she’s got a crusade to fight for,” Monty bit out.

  “What investigation?” Vinny asked, still pulling his brother back.

  Monty stood silent, staring at the men in front of him.

  Gabe jerked out of Vinny’s grasp and descended on Monty. The two men were close in build, but Gabe had a couple of inches and at least twenty pounds of pure muscle on him. Leaning into Monty’s space, he repeated, “Not asking again. What investigation?”

  “Since this one,” he said, jerking his head toward Sherrie standing to the side listening avidly, “my cover’s been blown to hell. Jesus fuck.” He shook his head for a moment then lifted it, taking a deep breath, he continued. “Michael Gambelini. Mob boss. Head of a gang of ruthless extortionists. Has his illegitimate gains so buried in legitimate companies that he’s been impossible to trace. And known to most as the real-estate mogul, Michael Gibbons.”

  “Goddamn it,” Shane cursed. “I knew that motherfucker was too slick to not have his hand in something.”

  Matt looked at Monty saying, “We’ve been looking into the extortion claims of the buying of some of the properties around here.”

  “I don’t give a fuck who you all are investigating unless they can lead us to Jennifer and Ross,” Gabe growled, holding on to his temper by a thread.

  A firm grip on his shoulder had him turning around and staring into Henry’s eyes. “Former Air Cav, Vietnam, Sergeant Henry Coghill. Reporting for duty.”

  Another man stepped up next to Henry. “Infantry, Vietnam, Private Clarence Hardison. Reporting for duty.”

  Two more, older men joined them, followed by more and more. Each identifying their former military units and all volunteering.

  The air whooshed out of Gabe as he battled back the tears. He realized at that moment that his group of brothers-in-arms just expanded. He felt the presence of his friends at his
back and knew without turning around that they were just as moved as he.

  Tony, knowing Gabe was unable to speak at the moment, stepped forward. “Proud to know you. We’ve got to plan, but we won’t leave you out. Got a room we can use?”

  Cora slid next to Henry, tears still streaming down her face as she looked up at Gabe. “I never served in the military, but try to keep me the hell out of this! Follow me gentlemen,” she said as she turned and led the group inside to the large dining hall.

  Monty followed, already on his phone to his superiors. Tony knew he was letting them know the investigation had taken a turn and his cover was blown. He almost felt sorry for him…almost.

  As the police detectives and Tony’s men circled one of the large tables, they listened to what Matt and Shane could tell them about their investigation. BJ worked furiously on his laptop while Matt coordinated on the phone with Lily. Matt looked up, distress on his face.

  “The police just found the van about fifteen blocks from here. Empty.”

  “Goddamn it,” Gabe cursed.

  Shane looked at Monty as he got off the phone. “You gonna tell us what you know or is the Bureau gonna make us beat the shit outta you?”

  Rubbing his bruised chin, Monty replied, “Your friend over there already tried that.” Sighing, he said, “I just got verbal confirmation to work with you on this kidnapping.

  “Michael Gibbons runs a legitimate real estate company that brings in millions for him alone. Goes to all the right functions. Wife, kids, charity events. The whole package. Several years ago an informant that had just started working with the Bureau turned up dead. Beaten, tortured, and his body found in pieces at the river’s edge.”

  “What had he given you?” Tony asked.


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