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Sight Unseen: The Devils Dawg Pound book 2

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by Annie Buff

  That was all he could see in his dreams; her perfect curves, full supple breasts with rose colored nipples that stood out. He was dying to pull one into his mouth with his teeth, bite and suck on it while hearing her moan. Thoughts like that caused the boner he couldn’t get rid of. He had a meeting with Red this morning, and a shower was in order so he could relieve himself some. Jacking off wasn’t his ideal way to deal with this, but he needed to come and she wasn’t ready for anything. So, masturbation would do.

  Krispy came to relieve Ajax. He wanted to shower before seeing Red, and handle his raging boner. Red didn’t need to know about it, Tara probably had a good idea after sitting on his lap, but she hadn’t said anything.

  “You’re leaving me?” She asked, sounding like a teenage girl. Tara didn’t mean for it to sound so pathetic but it did, and Ajax just chuckled.

  “Got a meeting with Red this morning, and some club business.” He told her. “But make no mistake woman, I am coming back. Krispy is here until I’m done with Red and his shit; you’re safe. Okay?”

  She nodded, but the sad look she had was killing him. He pulled her aside so his words weren’t heard by anyone but her. “Pretty woman, I promise you I’ll be back tonight. Then, you and I are going to walk over to that new Italian place I saw and have dinner and maybe a few drinks. Tara trust me please, I’m coming back and it’s not the job baby, it’s you.” Ajax leaned over and gave her forehead another kiss, this time she didn’t flinch like she had before. It was definitely progress and that was enough for now. Before he walked out he shot Krispy a look, one that said, ‘watch out for my woman’. She was his. One day, Tara would understand just how special she was to him.

  With Ajax gone and Krispy as her security, she was able to get a few things done. But more than anything else, she thought of Ajax. The man with the beautiful features must have a body to match. She could see the outline of him and wondered if everything on him was big.

  Tara knew she shouldn’t wonder, but damn If she wasn’t thinking about how big his dick was. Was he rough in bed, or gentle. She hadn’t had sex since her ex, and even that hadn’t been all that great. Now after the rape, she wasn’t sure if she could. Even though Tara was dealing with it, she still felt haunted by it.

  Remembering the blood and the pain every time she went to therapy made her cringe. A man like Ajax would eventually want a physical relationship. She finally made herself stop and get back to work. She had a special batch of cupcakes to bake, ones with butter rum icing. Tara took Ajax’s idea a step further, doing a mix of mango and coconut. Making two batches of fruity cakes for her clientele. She hoped like mad they were into fruits for the spring season.

  As Ajax made his way to the Dawg Pound compound, he could think of nothing but Tara Jo. It had been years since he’d been in any kind of relationship, but in just two days this woman had become everything right in his world. Red sad stop thinking you’re the one, but he couldn’t because she was. Tara was his one, and he would do anything to keep her safe and make her whole again.

  Pulling in, he noticed Red’s old pickup wasn’t there and Ajax let out a sigh of relief. He would be able to shower and deal with his boner in peace. As it was, he would eventually have to fess up about his feelings. But now wasn’t the time. He snuck in and headed to the shower, locking the door behind him. Ajax stripped down to boxers only standing at the sink. His face had grown stubble and his head was following suit. As he slathered shaving cream over his face and head he happened to look down, he hadn’t shaved his pubic hair in forever. There wasn’t anyone to complain, so he just didn’t bother. Now he was wondering what Tara would think. Not that anything sexual was going to happen any time soon, he just wondered.

  He had always kept his face clean, trying a beard once and not liking that the only place the strawberry color showed up was his face and his dick. The rest of his body hair was dirty blonde like his head, so he shaved it off and kept it smooth for years. It didn’t take long to deal with shaving, he stepped into the warm shower and closed his eyes.

  Ajax let the fantasy come fast, Tara on her knees in front of him trying desperately to take his girth between her lips. He was a big man and that meant everything was big. An old flame once measured him at nine inches and between length and girth he knew some sexual acts were out of the question. Ajax grabbed his cock and started a slow stroke as he imagined her before him.

  ‘Baby yes. That’s right sweetheart, take what you can and suck on it. You look so beautiful with my cock in your mouth. Mmm yeah rub my balls, not too hard baby; just a light massage. Fuck, that feels so good. Do you like my cock baby? Just imagine what that big boy will feel like when it stretches your perfect little pink pussy.’

  He kept his eyes shut as the stroking motion rose to a vigorous pace. It didn’t take but mere minutes before he lost his load. His cock pulsed until he expected no more but it continued to pulse, spitting out his seed. He thought he would have been empty by now, but it just kept coming. It coated his hand in the warm, sticky substance. It took all the strength he could muster to keep himself upright. It had to be the thoughts of Tara, because he’d never had an orgasm this intense.

  Several minutes later he caught his breath and washed himself off, watching his essence go down the drain, he wondered if she had ever wanted children. Ajax himself never had, bringing a child into this world wasn’t something he thought was wise; considering his line of work. He was now reconsidering that vasectomy he’d done years beforehand.


  Showered and sitting in Red’s kitchen, he waited while he sipped on a mug of coffee and thought things over. Ajax decided to take the patch Old Red kept at him about. It was time, just like Red said. He was tired of moving, and tired of running. Eventually your past catches up with you, and Ajax had a past nobody knew about. If he wanted a life with Tara he would have to fess up and tell her everything about that night. The night everything had changed.

  That night had haunted him for years. He was twenty-two at the time and now pushing forty, you’d think he could let it go; but somehow it crept into his dreams. The child he never wanted had been killed because of him, because he refused to ever work again for Brazen Bastards MC. She was just over two years old then, and knowing that she’d died because of him ate at what was left of his soul. He never really loved her Mother, Ajax didn’t think he loved the child. But when the Bastards came and took them both, he knew too late that he had.

  The body of his Daughter was never found, her Mother Lisa had been returned in pieces. That was his breaking point, he left and didn’t look back. Ajax couldn’t look back. The way his family looked at him was worse than dying itself. The blame and guilt was so unbearable that he just ran, becoming what he was now; a rogue Cleaner available to the highest bidder. He hated that Red was right, he’d run too long. It was time to face the music, tell Tara about his past and hope she would give him the chance that he continued to deny himself.

  “You’re lost in thought Baldy. What’s on your mind?” Damn Old Man was like a ninja, sneaking in and Ajax hadn’t even noticed.

  Tara consumed so many of his thoughts he wasn’t alert like he should be, and that had to change. “I wanna take that patch you’ve been bugging me about. It’s time to settle down. I know I’m gonna hate the fuck out of myself for saying this but… you’re right Red.” Ajax watched the old President grin, he knew he would never live this day down.

  Red knew he was right, but having Ajax confirm it was priceless. “Well, son of a bitch! It’s about time you wised up and hung with the cool kids. What swayed the decision? Or should I not even ask?”

  Ajax stayed mute and let Red figure it out, he had no plans to say the words out loud. He needed that patch, the stability of the club and the loyalty of the brotherhood. Then he could make himself and Tara public knowledge. He couldn’t bear if any harm came to her because of him. Red would have his back and so would the rest of the Pound, the Devils too. Peyton liked him and that meant
he had the support of her Husband and his club.

  Red leveled his gaze at the younger Brother. “I see the Gauntlet in your future, and Smoke has a couple of Prospects that are close to patching. Damn I love running the Gauntlet.” He chuckled as he made a call to the Coalition for a patch and their approval. He knew it would come easy, but he played by the rules. Even if he hated the political bullshit that surrounded them.

  Ajax listened while Red went through the politics of a phone call to the Coalition, waiting to see if the older Brother had anything else for him before he ran a few errands of his own. If this was going to be their first date. He needed flowers, even if she couldn’t see them. Tara could smell them. He sat patiently as the Old Man finished up.

  “Need me for anything else today?” Ajax inquired after Red had hung up his end of the line. “I got a few things I need to do and Slinger is gonna touch up the eagle on my back. He needs five hours for that.”

  Red shook his head, he’d taken care of the Coalition and had the patch on its way. He did need to have a sit down with Smoke to iron out the details of this Gauntlet, but it would wait a few hours. “Nope Baldy, you go get your ink fixed and say hello to Tara for me.” Red was pushing the limits with the ‘Baldy’ comments but Ajax let it go.

  Skin Deep wasn’t far from the Dawg Pound complex but Ajax took the long way, thinking about a great many things; including the Snowman. He seemed to show up at the most inopportune times and if he caught wind of Tara, things would be very bad… for him. Snowman had beef with Pretty Boy and his Wife Poppy, probably Red too but he didn’t know Ajax. Not that it meant anything. They just hadn’t crossed paths yet. Ajax was certain it would happen eventually, he just had hope it would be later rather than sooner.

  He pulled his bike up in front of the tattoo shop, noticing Slinger’s bike wasn’t out front but his Wife’s truck was. The Ink Man was either running behind or came to work in the ‘Daddy Mobile’ as he called it. They had a baby just about to be a year and his Wife had a four-year-old from a previous relationship. Slinger had adopted the young man and made him his. Ajax watched them together and nobody would ever know there was no biology between them.

  Ajax opened the door to find Slinger adding to his Wife’s ink. She had a Phoenix on her shoulder and wanted flames surrounding it.

  “I saw the Daddy Mobile, thought maybe Rylee was inking me today.” Ajax snorted a laugh thinking about being tatted by Slinger’s Wife. She ran a boutique at the end of the plaza; gently used items for kids and it was a gold mine. Rylee had amazing business sense, Slinger had the finances and they made a perfect team.

  “Nope, it’s me. Baby girl just wanted some more orange in her fire.” Slinger spoke as he was finishing up.

  “Good to see you again Ajax. You need to come over for dinner soon. Okay I have to run, gotta go be the boss lady.” Rylee kissed her Husband and headed to work as Slinger set up for Ajax.

  Ajax sat as Slinger got to work, the buzz of the machine was somehow soothing. Even with the slight sting, he began to relax. The eagle had been on his skin for years and was in desperate need of an overhaul, so he closed his eyes and let the Ink Man work.

  Ajax made small talk as they discussed adding more colors and revamping the bird. “Red says to ink you with the club colors, so where we putting Cerberus?”

  That was a good question because he didn’t have a lot of free skin available and colors had to show. “Left side of my neck will work, I think. We got enough room to do the hound there right?”

  There was plenty of room, and once the bird was done they got to work on the three-headed dog with the bloody bone hanging from the center head’s mouth. Ajax sat for four hours while Slinger added new color to his skin and the club’s brand permanently added to his body. When the ink was finished, Ajax dropped five crisp hundreds ln the counter.

  “Nah man, club privilege.” Slinger explained. “We don’t charge brothers for club colors, so keep your money.”

  That didn’t sit well with the Cleaner, Slinger did work and work got paid for it. “Bullshit, your time and your supplies. Keep it and put it in my fund, I have a few more that need some overhauling.”

  The ink man nodded as Ajax walked out the door. He had somewhere important to be, he had a date with his Beauty.


  Tara showered and changed three times before she finally settled on jeans and ballet flats. They were walking and she wasn’t sure just how far the restaurant was from her place, only that she smelled the garlic when she and her handler ran errands. Tara had what they call a handler, someone that helped her with things she couldn’t do for herself. Smoke was adamant about paying for it when he found out she needed one and what they charge. Tara’s handler was Isadora, one of her bakery employees and an awesome young woman. She called her Izzy and she adored her. Tara said she was her lifeline.

  She patiently waited for Ajax to return, he told her he was coming back because of her and not the job. Tara couldn’t help but think maybe, just maybe she was going to find what she longed for in Ajax. A good man who didn’t care about her disability, one who loved her despite her challenges and one who would do anything to keep her safe. She just hoped she wasn’t reading too much into his actions. He had told her how attracted he was to her but that might just be lust talking. Men said almost anything to get laid.

  Tara heard the low grumble of a Harley and knew he was coming up the street, so she made her way downstairs to meet him at the door. She had locked up early so she could fix herself up, this was kind of a date. Okay, in her mind this was definitely a date, and she was certainly going to look the best she could.

  Ajax pulled the hog up on the walk in front of Sweet Surrender, popped the kickstand down and headed to the door to pick up Tara. He hadn’t been on a date in years and he was terrified he would screw it up somehow. He did remember the flowers he’d been told to pick up, stored neatly in the side bag of his bike. With bouquet in hand he reached for the door, heart slamming in his chest.

  Tara was waiting at the counter where she had left two cupcakes out for him. Ajax said mango-pineapple sounded delicious, so she hoped he would want one now.

  When he opened the door and saw her, his jaw hit the floor. “Damn! You look fucking incredible! We’re like Beauty and the Beast, you and me.”

  Tara didn’t think so, but if Ajax wanted to be the beast that was fine with her. He spotted the cakes immediately. “Is that what I think it is? Can I?” He asked so politely he didn’t sound like a ruthless biker, but she knew he was when he had to be. Tara couldn’t help but smile as Ajax devoured both cakes in two bites.

  “Woman those are fucking delicious, and the coconut was a helluva pick. I love both, I’ll take a dozen of each when you have time. You ready for dinner?”

  Tara was ready, she ate a very early lunch so when they went to dinner she’d be hungry. She wasn’t one of those women who picked at her plate, Tara liked food.

  Ajax gently took her hand and led her out the door and down the road towards Vito’s. It wasn’t far, just about three blocks and the night was nice. Cool for spring and he was glad she’d brought a sweater. Weather didn’t bother him but women were different, delicate. Tara knew he’d been to the tattoo shop, she could smell the green, antiseptic soap every artist she ever knew used. She made a mental note to ask him what he’d had done later.

  Ajax had already stopped in, asking for a corner booth so they could have some privacy. He wanted to be able to talk; to learn as much as he could about this incredible woman. Once they were in and seated, drinks were ordered.

  “What do you drink Tara?” Ajax asked simply.

  She hadn’t had a drink in ages. Not that she didn’t enjoy one here and there, she just didn’t keep alcohol on hand. “Sheesh it’s been forever, but I used to drink Manhattan’s so maybe one of those would be good.”

  Ajax let her order her cocktail and asked for a double Patron on ice. He wanted to ask her more questions about her sight, and abou
t the rape. He just wasn’t sure if he should here at dinner. He was thankful when she started first.

  “After the rape I really didn’t think this would ever happen, going out with a man. I still think he’s coming back, even after moving out of my house. I know it’s dumb but I can’t help it sometimes, and I swear I smell him periodically.”

  Ajax knew he had to find this guy, dig a deep hole and put a bullet in his brain. Tara needed to know he was gone and that she was safe. “What do you mean smell him?”

  “I mean he had a distinct smell, like cheap booze and really bad breath. Like he smoked way too many cigarettes and hadn’t brushed his teeth in years. Sometimes during the day, I catch that smell. It’s probably just my imagination running wild.” Maybe, but maybe it wasn’t. Why would she smell something that wasn’t there.

  The answer was that she wouldn’t, Ajax would lay money on this scum being a patron of the bakery. He needed to pay attention to every man that came in, and keep an eye on Tara. “If you smell that again can you tell me right away? It might be nothing, so don’t panic. I just wanna know okay?” Tara agreed and they moved on to how she opened the bakery and had met Peyton.

  “She waddled in there and my girls said: ‘Hey Tara! Here comes a pregnant lady, bet she buys everything!’ She pretty much did. She asked for one of everything I had in the case which made me ask her if she was feeding an army. Her response was ‘nope just a bunch of idiots’. From then on, when she came in we’d talk. One day she came and sat with me while I was having coffee, trying to figure out how I was going to keep the bakery open. That day was the day she and I became true friends. Smoke was with her and the rest is pretty much history, as they say. What about you? What exactly is a Cleaner? I heard you say it the night we met.”


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