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Sight Unseen: The Devils Dawg Pound book 2

Page 6

by Annie Buff

  “Oh, Christ woman,” he choked out as he struggled to breathe. Touch was her way of visualization but if she kept doing that he was going to blow it in his jeans. His eyes didn’t just close, they rolled back in his head as Ajax took in the sensation that was his woman’s touch.

  When she popped the button on his jeans and freed his cock, Ajax was certain he came in her hand. The way her fingers glided down his shaft, her soft, petite hands cupped him and his sac. How her lips felt on his bare tip was about to be his undoing.

  “Is this okay? I’m not sure I’m doing this right.”

  Oh, she was doing it right, the only thing missing were her lips wrapped around the head of his cock. It didn’t take much of a wait for that, and he thought he’d died and gone to heaven. That’s when she discovered the piercing.

  “You really did fall into a tackle box.” Tara joked with him and the mood lightened, they both relaxed enough to thoroughly enjoy this moment. Her mouth returned to his cock, sucking him in as far as she could and licking up the shaft where she couldn’t.

  “Do you like it? The barbell?” Ajax asked her, panting.

  Tara had heard about these types of piercings but had never actually had one in her mouth. Her ex certainly hadn’t been brave enough to get one. “So far yes, but I’ll give you a better answer later.”

  That was fair enough, he thought. She seemed to enjoy it from the way she was nipping and pulling on it. Ajax definitely did. So much so he had to have her slow down or stop altogether. His release was too close, and she had no idea it felt like heaven. It had to be her, he’d had many blow jobs but none that felt this way.

  “Stop please.” He managed to spit out as he was catching his breath. “Beauty I am way too close and there’s no way I’m coming like that. Not this time anyway, I wanna make this right.” Ajax said as he gently pushed her backwards on the bed so he could hover over her.

  “You okay Tara?”

  “Very much okay.”

  He didn’t ask anything else as he kicked out of his jeans and began to undress her. Tara was slightly embarrassed when he had her completely undressed. She wasn’t skin and bones like most women these days. She had hips and curves, but Ajax seemed to like what he saw because as she tried to cover herself he stopped her.

  “Fuck woman, you’re beautiful. Don’t hide from me, show me everything. Christ! You had my cock in your hand baby, don’t feel self-conscious with me.” His lips met hers as he trailed his fingers down her body, feeling his way to a soft patch of light brown curls. She hadn’t shaved, probably due to her sight issue, Ajax didn’t give two shits though. The lower he went the wetter his hand became and the more Tara whimpered in his ear.

  “I can’t see to shave there, I’m sorry.” Tara apologized.

  “Don’t be, you’re perfect to me. If you want, I’ll shave you. Just ask me, my Beauty and I’ll do anything for you.” Ajax whispered in her ear before sliding down her body and settling himself between her legs. Tara was perfect, she didn’t seem to grow much pubic hair, but again he just didn’t care. Tasting his woman was what Ajax cared about. Listening to her moan was what he wanted.

  Ajax spread her open and dove in, feasting on her clit and licking her from her opening to that perfect little hardened nub. Tara was trembling in his hands and this wasn’t from fear. It was pure, unadulterated pleasure, something he guessed she’d never had before. All he cared about was making her come. Listening to his woman scream as she hit her peak and feeling the blood run down his back where her nails had dug into his flesh.

  Tara could barely breathe, nothing she’d ever experienced came close to comparing to this moment. Ajax kept sucking on her clit and the sounds she was making was something that had never happened. She was moaning so loud she thought her customers might hear, although she really didn’t care. She was on the verge of the best orgasm she’d had in her life, nothing was going to interfere with that.

  Ajax felt her teetering right there on the edge of oblivion; all he had to do was slide one finger in her wetness and she would lose it. As he did, she sailed over the edge and screamed to the heavens.

  “Oh God! Oh God!” Tara screamed as the orgasm crashed through in wave after wave of sheer bliss.

  Ajax held her, his mouth never leaving her pussy until she had given him all she had. He climbed back up her body, hooking her legs with his arms and kissing her face. The head of his cock was right there, all he had to do was push and he’d be inside her. But he stopped short. Ajax wanted to hear her ask for it. Hell, he needed her to ask. This was her first time since her rape and he needed to make sure. He was certain she felt him brushing against her.

  “Noah, please!”

  “Please what my Beauty? You want my cock inside you? Is that what you’re asking me for?” Her head nodded but he wanted the words, so he didn’t move.

  “Yes! God yes Noah!” With the affirmation he gave one big push and became one with her. Tara gasped at his size and how it stretched her in a way she didn’t think possible. Ajax was huge but the burn he caused wasn’t painful. It was the good burn and with each driving thrust she widened to accommodate him.

  He watched her face as he pulled back and slammed back in. She loved the feeling of his cock inside her. He wanted to turn her, take her from behind and maybe touch her ass but Ajax wasn’t sure if she’d freak or not. He had to know. He pulled out and turned her himself. “You okay like this? Remember just tell me.”

  Tara was okay, and that surprised her. Maybe it was just that it was Ajax and she was already falling hard for this man.

  With one hand on each of her hips he drove himself back in, setting a deep thrusting pace. He knew the bar would be hitting that spot every woman hopes for. He knew he found it when the whimpers became all out moaning. She had a handful of sheets trying desperately to hold off but the ecstasy overran her and she hit her peak hard, and Ajax was right behind her. He only needed two more pounding thrusts to find his own release. “Oh FUCK!” He spouted as his seed jetted out of him deep, inside the woman he loved.

  Ajax pulled her close as he lay himself down, feeling something he’d never felt before from sex; happiness. “Woman you are incredible and that, well that was the best I’ve ever experienced. I know it’s just you, because of how I feel for you it was earth shattering. Trust me Tara, I won’t let anyone hurt you on my watch. You’re mine, you know. I protect what’s mine.” He held for a long time, letting her sleep in his arms and feeling utter contentment. Maybe it was time to go home, to face the past and take his woman and Daughter with him.


  Morning came and Tara went about her normal routines. She kissed Ajax goodbye as he headed for the compound, for some of what he called ‘club business’. Tara was certain she didn’t want to know what that entailed. She had work of her own, so she buckled down and got to it.

  Ajax pulled up in front of Red’s farmhouse at the compound and cut the engine in the old Ford. Red had heard more yesterday than he would have, but it was time it came out. He hadn’t abandon his child, he just couldn’t marry her Mother if he didn’t love her. Now Tara was a different story, Ajax was head over heels for her and was going to make it permanent as soon as he took care of some business. He had to find out who had shot at them. Red was looking into it and Jace from the Devils’ was helping with research. He had connections in the local Sheriff’s department. Jace had been head of Vice until a bullet had put him on medical leave, and then medical retirement. He was still respected by his peers and was able to access the data base.

  Old Red was sitting on the porch, drinking coffee and chain smoking. He gave Ajax a nod and motioned for him to take a seat. “How’s Tara? That was quite a bomb yesterday, and I saw the girl. You wasn’t lying, she’s identical to Lisa. How you holding up?”

  “I’m fine now. As long as Tara’s okay, then I’m okay. Red there ain’t nothing that matters more to me than that woman. Am I crazy? She’s so good and I ain’t even close. She wants
me despite all the stuff I’ve told her.”

  That was obvious just from the short time Red had seen the two together, Ajax and his past didn’t matter to Tara. She wanted him anyway. “Nah you’re not nuts, just scared that a woman that good might change her mind. Trust me Baldy, she loves you even if she hasn’t said it yet. I saw her and the way she was with you. Stop worrying and start working.

  “I need you to lead a pick up. It’s just an hour or two south and we need the firepower. You need to meet up with Slinger and Renegade at the Devils’ clubhouse. It’s a fifty-fifty split. Krispy is gonna head over to the bakery and start installing cameras. Kid likes Tara’s cupcakes. I asked how much he wanted to help and he just said, ‘cupcakes’. Haa haaa.”

  Krispy did have a sweet tooth, and he was good at wiring. Even better at hiding cameras, he did all the cameras at Smoke’s cabin. He did a damn good job at disguising them as foliage.

  “Okay Old Man, I just need to be back by five. Tara and I are going to talk to Izzy today. I’m scared shitless but I gotta tell her, even if she hates me. She needs to know. I need to have a talk with Bones anyway so this works out good.” Ajax went in and got himself a cup of coffee and sat back with Red bumming a cigarette. The night before was still playing on his mind.

  “You’re lost in thought Ajax, and I know that look. Did you wrap it or is she yours now, official?” Red asked him with a sly smile.

  He knew Red would figure it out, the old President had been in the life too long to not see it. No condom meant they were a couple, you didn’t have sex without one unless the woman was yours. It wasn’t disease that they worried about, nor pregnancy. Skin on skin was the ultimate commitment and that’s what they had done, they had cemented their relationship.

  He just smiled, Ajax couldn’t help it. “She’s mine, wait no that ain’t right. I’m hers, for as long as she wants me. Trust me, I hope that’s ‘till the day I die.” He finished his coffee and headed over to the Devils’ clubhouse using Reds Bobber for the ride. He still needed to buy a new bike so until then, he commandeered Reds.

  Tara went about her day. Working in the kitchen alongside Izzy. “Okay Tara I saw you kiss Mister Security System, and dang woman! That man is hot, for an older guy. Sooo, spill it! Are you guys like a thing now? I mean he’s a good one, right? He seems nice.”

  Tara had to smile, she and Ajax were a thing. And Izzy was right, he was nice. But Tara had a feeling her man could be lethal if provoked. She heard him threaten the intruder the first night they met and that gave Tara enough insight to know just how ruthless Ajax could be.

  “Yes we’re a thing now. And he wants you to show him the checks and all the financial stuff just in case he ever needs to handle that. Now don’t worry, your job is perfectly safe. Plus shopping with you is a blast. Can you imagine him in the bra and panty section?” Tara started laughing at the thought of her man underwear shopping. He might actually surprise her though, Ajax had already done so on a number of occasions.

  It was just a few miles from the compound to the Devils’ property but Ajax took the long way. He’d only been without his bike for a couple of days but he missed the iron horse. He rode in every kind of weather, none of it ever bothering him. But for the first time in years he was thinking about four wheels. Tara loved the bike, but she wouldn’t be able to handle the heat and the rain like he did.

  Ajax pulled down the gravel drive that lead to Smoke’s house and the Devils’ clubhouse, feeling like he was being watched. There wasn’t anyone behind him on the road, but he felt it just the same. Stopping next to the fire pit, he cut the engine and listened. There was nothing out of the ordinary, so he let it go. Bones and Wisha had their girls out in the grass, the twins were laughing and playing.

  “Bones, just the man I need to see. I got a question for you.” Ajax greeted as he approached.

  Bones nodded while he extended his hand, greeting his brother. Wisha came to hug Ajax, she was like Peyton in a way. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, and accepting him into the fold.

  “What’s the question about? Gotta be medical, right?” It was definitely medical, otherwise he would have asked the women.

  “How hard is it to reverse a vasectomy? Does it work?”

  Bones just grinned, he didn’t need to ask why. The reason was blatant, Ajax had gone and fallen in love. “The procedure is quick and easy. Problem is, it doesn’t always work. How long since you did it? Usually if it’s been a while your swimmers don’t wanna swim anymore. The odds of it being successful go down with time.”

  Ajax had a feeling this might be the answer, but for Tara he wanted to try. “Can you do it? If my junk gotta be in some dude’s hand I’d much rather it be you than some random stranger. Does that make sense?”

  “Yeah I can do it and it makes perfect sense. You’re gonna need about a week to sit and ice your balls though. That sounds awful, but trust me it’s fuckin bliss after something like that. They’re gonna be swollen and sore as shit. You remember how is was the first time?”

  Ajax and Bones finished their chat and he set up a time to have Bones unsnip him. Renegade came strolling out with one he’ll of a grin. Ajax knew that grin meant Ren had just got laid.

  “Hey man, how’s Reagan? She getting round yet?”

  “Damn she’s fuckin sexy, all round and crabby.” Ren chuckled out loud. She was sexy, even cranky with swollen ankles, his woman was gorgeous.

  Slinger and his son Micah came down the path. When little Micah saw Ajax he pulled away and ran towards the big man, jumping into his arms.

  “Damn man they all love you, when you gonna have some?” Ren said with a chuckle.

  Ajax didn’t mention Izzy. It wasn’t the time, but soon. Before he ran the Gauntlet, he would tell them all about her and the Bastards. They would all need to know.

  The ride for the job was nice, aside from the light rain that had started as the three left. This was just a look-see at the merchandise and a partial payment. The goods would be delivered later that night. Normally things didn’t work this way, but Red was different and Smoke was slightly paranoid as of late so they just went to see. Red knew the seller and wasn’t concerned with giving half up front. Once they finished their business, the men stopped at Handlebars for a beer.

  They all noticed the ‘For Sale’ sign out front. The three didn’t quite understand why their favorite bar was being sold. Ren didn’t like what he saw at all. He marched in with the sign in his hand and headed straight to the bar, where Johnny Kazmerick stood drying beer glasses.

  “Johnny what the fuck is this?” Renegade asked waving the sign. The look on the old Bartender’s face said he knew this was inevitable.

  “Have a seat Wyatt. I guess I should have known it’d be you I had to tell.”

  Ren pulled up a bar stool while Slinger and Ajax took one at either side of him. The old man filled three pints from the tap and wiped his brow with the back of his hand. You could see he was looking for the words. “I’m dying Wyatt, taking care of this place is just too much anymore.”

  “What the fuck you mean dying?” Ren asked him, incredulous. “Old Man we’re all dying, just some of us slower than others.”

  Johnny knew that was true, but his condition wasn’t taking it’s time. The reaper was coming much sooner than he liked, but he was coming, nevertheless. “I got the big ‘C’ and it’s in my pancreas. Doc says if I take it easy I might have two years. He said six months if I keep up with this pace. My Daughter is having a baby soon, and I really want to be here to meet my Grandson. So, I gotta sell and take what time I got left and live.”

  Ajax listened as the man spoke, and he had ideas. Red missed his bar since they had moved and the old President had enough money to buy this place three times over. Ajax opened his wallet and pulled out a wad of hundreds, tossing them on the counter, he took the sign from Ren.

  “Consider this a down payment on the place. There’s a grand there, and I’ll get Red to cut a check for the rest of it. This
is our place, and we’re damn sure gonna keep it. Have your life, and make what’s left of it a good one. Go make memories with your Daughter. Your bar will be well cared for.” He sent Red a text explaining it all, and his answer back was unexpected.

  ‘You’ll owe me the other half. We now own Handlebars. And yep Baldy, we’re partners.’

  Ajax wasn’t looking to be a business owner, just wanted to keep the bar. But he and Red now owned their favorite hangout. The old Bartender asked for a week to get things in order, and that was more than acceptable for Red. Ajax had bigger fish to fry. He had a Daughter he needed to officially introduce himself to, and the panic was setting in.


  Ajax left the two men at Handlebars and headed back to Sweet Surrender, and his woman. He stopped at the liquor store and grabbed a fifth of Patron. Tara had limes and he had a nagging feeling he would need the liquid courage. Talking to Izzy wasn’t bad, but telling her the entire story was going to be excruciating and he knew it. He parked the Bobber on the sidewalk in front of the bakery door and pulled the bottle from his bag. He took a long pull. It was show time.

  “Hello, my Beauty,” he said as he kissed Tara’s forehead. “Bake me any masterpieces today?”

  She had baked a few samples for ideas on what to do as a cake of the month. Weekly flavors were killing her, so she decided to do a new one monthly. “Yes quite a few new things, but don’t we have something to do? She’s in the kitchen Noah.”

  He just nodded and headed for the kitchen. Ajax had no idea where to even start this talk. Thankfully Tara was right behind him.

  “Oh, hey Mister Security System, Tara said you wanted to talk about the money and stuff.” Tara went to Izzy and took her hand. The young woman knew something wasn’t right. “Oh my gawd am I getting fired? I mean I can work more, if that’s it. Please don’t fire me!”


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