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Page 9

by Sean Michael

"Oh. More." That was fucking hot.

  "This?" A bit of a growl sat at the back of Harrison's throat, so sexy for such a little, nondescript word. Harrison's thumb moved over them again, the nail catching just a bit on his slit.

  "Yes. Yes. More." He nodded. Loved that. Loved slit play.

  This time Harrison pushed his thumb into Giles' slit, the pressure wonderful, and all he could do was cry out, seed spurting from him.

  "I love the way you smell."

  He panted in response, hand still trying to move, and Harrison sped the pace, hips pushing up against him.

  "Good." His head bobbed, and he forced himself to focus.

  "Yes." Harrison nodded, bucking hard as more heat poured out between them His strokes slowed, eased, his head falling to Harrison's shoulder.

  "Mmm..." Harrison's chest rumbled beneath him.

  He blinked, slowly. Sleepy. So sleepy. Harrison's free hand slid along his back, soothing, the sleepy getting stronger.

  Giles sighed and melted; he could think later. Much later.


  Giles' "bed" was the hardest surface Harrison had ever lain on. He swore it was harder than the ground. He put up with it, though, because Giles was sleeping again, and he knew the man needed his rest. He was buying Giles a new bed in here, though. Not just for when he was over, either. No wonder Giles never slept if this was his only option.

  He'd spent all day watching the most fascinating thing he'd ever known. Watching Giles work was like nothing he'd seen in his life. It was pure magic. It was... It was an honor to sit and watch.

  He shifted a tiny bit, happy to be Giles' mattress. Giles moaned for him, fingers on his belly.

  He rubbed his hand up and down Giles' spine. "I've got you, G."

  "Harrison." The sleepy whisper made him smile.

  He kissed Giles' forehead. "Right here."

  "I... we're at the studio."

  "We are. You were painting. Then we ate, made love, and napped." Now that Giles was waking up, he shifted, groaned a little.

  "You okay?" Giles slid off him, yawned. "You want coffee?"

  "Your futon isn't the most comfortable slab of concrete I've ever slept on."

  "That's because it's not for sleeping, just napping."

  "I'm going to get you something more comfortable to nap on, G." There was no need for Giles to use this torture rack of a bed?

  "Why? This one fits in here." Giles padded into the little kitchenette.

  "Because if I'm going to nap with you, I need something less likely to cripple me." His eyes followed the lithe body, admiring Giles.

  Giles' snort was perfectly clear. "It's not that uncomfortable."

  He chuckled, getting up and stretching before smacking Giles' ass. "That's a matter of opinion."

  "Careful." Giles made coffee.

  "Of what?"

  "My butt."

  "Don't worry, I'm very invested in your butt."

  "Butt investments." Giles actually laughed.

  He slid his arms around Giles' waist, leaned against him, and Giles hummed. "Oh. Oh, you're warm."

  "Mmm. Yeah?" He liked that.

  "Yeah. I'm going to get spoiled."

  "That's a good thing."

  "Mmm. Maybe." Giles watched the coffee drip.

  Harrison reached up and tugged on a nipple ring "No maybe." Giles whimpered and twisted, butt rubbing against him. "God, I love these." He twisted the other ring.

  "A...aches." Giles loved it.

  "Yeah, I know." He pressed his hips into Giles, his prick rubbing along the man's ass.

  "I can't fuck again. There's no way." Giles leaned back into him.

  "No? You sure about that?" He slid his hands along Giles' body, starting at Giles' shoulders and working his way slowly down.


  "I'm not so sure." He let his fingers catch on the nipple rings and tug as he went by them.

  "I..." Giles' head fell back against his shoulder.

  "You're intoxicating." He wanted to touch Giles forever. Giles chuckled for him, took a long, deep breath. He slid his fingers over the slender belly, traced the softly defined abs before tickling his fingertips along the edge of Giles' tight little curls. He tugged a bit, then a little harder. "Look at that pretty cock."

  "Pretty..." Giles moaned and arched for him.

  "Uh-huh." He slid his fingers through the curls alongside the filling cock, careful not to touch it. The curls were heavy, dark, slick against his touch. He tugged, twisted them in his fingers.

  "Fuck. Stings."

  He tugged harder.

  "Ow!" Giles went up on tiptoe.

  Chuckling, he bit at Giles' earlobe.

  "That's a little better."

  "This?" He bit at Giles' earlobe again. "Is better than this?" He tugged on the short and curlies again.

  "Hey! Stings!"

  "You like the sting. Tell me you don't."

  Giles' face went stubborn. "I don't."

  Little shit. "No? Are you sure about that?"

  "I." Giles groaned. "Coffee?"

  "I'd rather have you."

  "You just did." Giles arched for him as he tugged those dark curls again. "Fuck!"

  "That was ages ago -- you napped." Okay, this was fun.

  "So did you."

  "So I didn't just have you. I had you one nap ago." God, Harrison thought Giles was cute, trying to pretend he wasn't into pain.

  "You did. I. You're warm."

  "Mmm. Feeling incoherent?"

  "Uh-huh. You're distracting."

  "Good. I want your attention right here. On me." He wanted to be the center of that attention, just for a second.

  Giles moaned but nodded, leaning hard against him. He cupped the soft balls as a reward, giving them a little tug, a roll. His pretty baby arched, rolled toward his touch. It made him moan softly and do it again.

  "Damn..." Giles shivered for him. "I should..."

  "You should enjoy every second of it."

  "Oh. Yeah. Yeah, I was thinking about working, but yeah..."

  "No thinking."

  "Right. Okay. Yeah. For now."

  He wrapped his fingers around Giles' cock, dragging slowly along it.

  Giles shook his head. "Not going to, again."

  "I don't believe you."


  "No. I believe your prick, though." He jacked Giles slowly.

  "C...can't believe that." Giles moaned, leaned back against him.

  "I can, too. In fact, I do."

  That long, needy cock was filling for him, weighing heavy in his hand. He rubbed the tip, played with Giles' slit. He loved that little gasp, that jerk, that moan, so he pinched one of Giles' nipples, flicked the ring.

  "Those are sore."

  He didn't think it was a complaint. "I bet." He flicked the right one again, still jacking Giles lazily.

  "H...hey. Stop. Just for a minute."

  He froze, nuzzling Giles' cheek. "You have a minute."

  "What?" Giles took a deep breath, stepped away from him.

  "You said you needed a minute. You have a minute."

  "Okay..." Giles nodded, grabbed an ancient, stained coffee cup. "Do you want a cup of coffee?"

  "You want a minute to make a cup of coffee?" Giles wasn't getting any more minutes.

  He got that stubborn, stubborn look. "I could go lock myself in the bathroom."

  "Why would you do that?"

  Giles' head tilted, those clever eyes dancing. "I have no idea, but it sounds dramatic, doesn't it?"

  He chuckled. "It does. It sounds like high drama. This is more fun." He dragged Giles back into his arms, kissing him.

  Giles' arms wrapped around his shoulders, the man holding him close. He rubbed their bellies together, smiling at the heat from Giles' hard prick. Not going to come again. Right. The man was going to come all over both of them.

  He tangled his fingers in Giles' hair, tilting his lover back. Growling a little, he scraped his teeth along Giles' throat.

  "Oh. I. Is my minute up?" Giles' head fell back.

  "It is. You're mine again. No more minutes."

  "No more minutes..."

  "None." He took Giles' mouth again, grabbing the sweet ass in his palms. He needed to take Giles home, keep him for a few days, keep him for a few thousand days while they explored each other. "You need to come back home with me." He was going to turn Giles inside out and then right side in again.

  "But I was working." And Giles had worked. There were three canvases covered in paint.

  "And now you're taking a break. I'm going to make you come and then drag you out to ravish you all over again."

  "Ravish. That is a fabulous word."

  "It is, isn't it? So is luscious, and that is what you are, G." He grabbed both ass cheeks and squeezed. They made the word luscious come to mind, too.

  "You're a distraction." Giles moaned, rubbed, tongue flicking his lips.

  "No, I'm your focus."

  Giles shook his head but didn't answer, choosing to kiss him instead. Now that was focus. Chuckling, he deepened the kiss, and Giles opened like a dream, spreading for him.

  He found the sweet nipples again, like his fingers were drawn to them, and Giles pulled away from him, or tried to. Sweet boy. He twisted the rings, knowing Giles' nipples were already tender.

  "Don't." Giles panted, stepping back again, the coffee cup landing hard on the counter.

  "Oh, I think yes." He tweaked the nipple itself this time instead of the ring.

  "I. I fuck. Don't." Giles was panting for him.

  He didn't bother answering this time, just tweaked the other nipple, and Giles' hands wrapped around his wrists, tugging at him. He didn't let that stop him, though, and he grabbed hold of Giles' left nipple, tugging on it.

  "Sh...shit. Shit. Stop. Oh, fuck."

  "It's good, hmm?" He tugged again, then grabbed the other nipple.

  "Yeah..." Giles' lips opened, moan filling the air.

  "That's right." He took one of the rings and twisted it.

  "Fuck me. That hurts. Fuck me." Giles' fingers squeezed his wrists.

  "You need it." It wasn't a question -- he knew.

  "No. No, I. Fuck..."

  "You need it." He repeated the words, twisting the other nipple ring. He'd seen the cuts, the scars. He knew Giles craved the pain, needed it on a deep level.

  "NO!" Giles threw his head back, screamed.

  He dug his nail into the hard little nub of flesh. He could smell the spunk in the air. "God, I love that."

  Giles slumped in his arms, blinked at him.

  "Love that look, too. Right there." Totally melted and spaced out. Because of him.

  He gathered Giles up, headed toward the little sleeping area. Curling up on Giles' small futon again, he tucked his lover's head beneath his chin. Long arms wrapped around him, holding on to him.

  "I'm not going anywhere." He knew Giles needed to hear that and at his words Giles squeezed him, held on tight. "I'm not going anywhere at all."


  "I promise." It was the easiest promise Harrison had ever made.

  Chapter Seven

  "I don't know if this is a great idea. I didn't stay at the studio last night, and I've napped a long time." It couldn't be healthy.

  Harrison opened the door in the garage, a bag of clothes in one hand, and pointed up the stairs.

  "I think that I have to work. I could come tomorrow and see you. You said I could draw you."

  "You can draw me here. I have a sketch pad and charcoals, pencils. Go on. You like my house, remember?"

  "I do. You have an amazing bathroom..." Giles headed upstairs, chewing his bottom lip on the way. "And I like you, but I have to work a lot."

  "Why's that?"

  "Because." That's what he did. It kept him sane.

  "Well, now you work a lot and you play a lot with me."

  He snorted, came into the big kitchen, hands on the counter. It felt amazing, the cold on his hands.

  "We're going to eat, sleep, play. You can sketch a little. And next week we can talk about whether you're ready to go back to work."

  He stopped, hands stuttering. " What? No. No, I can't. I have to. No. That won't." Panic hit him square in the belly.

  "Shh." Harrison grabbed his arms, fingers digging in.

  "I. I have to..." That solid silence hit him again and his knees went weak.

  Magic. Harrison was magic.

  Harrison pressed up against his back, so hot and solid. "Hungry, G?"

  He shook his head. "We ate today. I remember."

  "You do know that most people have breakfast, lunch, and dinner, not to mention snacks in between, right?"

  He shrugged. He wasn't most people. "Did you know there are people who live off the air alone?"

  Harrison snorted. "I don't think so."

  "It's true!" He'd read about it on his laptop.

  "I would be very surprised to find out that it's true." Harrison nuzzled his neck.

  He went to Harrison's laptop at the end of the counter and started typing. "Look. Airitarians. I'm not making it up."

  One of Harrison's eyebrows went up. "This has to be a joke."

  "It's not. It's right there." He tapped on the screen, rolling his eyes as the sensations Harrison were making got bigger.

  "Just because it's on the Internet doesn't mean it's real. Think about it, G."

  "It's real. I'm not one, but if you do it right, you never have to eat again."

  "That's bullshit."

  He pulled away, stung. "Says who?" Asshole.

  "Come on, G. Think about it. What would happen if people never ate? Ever?"

  He considered that. "You'd have lots of time to paint."

  "You wouldn't have the energy to lift the paintbrush."

  Okay, now the argument was getting fun. "You wouldn't have to poop anymore."

  Harrison chuckled and tugged him close. "It's got to have more going for it than that."

  "You're laughing at me."

  "No, I am laughing at the Airitarians."

  "What if they're real? What if you're missing out?" He wondered about things like that a lot.

  "As long as I'm not missing out on you, I'll live."


  "No, it's just the truth."

  Giles blushed for Harrison, head ducking. Harrison put a finger under his chin and raised his head, bringing their mouths together. The kisses were easier than talking. Better. Hot. Harrison groaned, filling his mouth with heat and tongue, and Giles relaxed into it, lips opening.

  Hands grabbing his ass, Harrison dragged them even closer together, hot even through the layers of their clothing. He tried to chuckle. Harrison was the horniest man he'd ever met. Ever.

  The kisses continued. So did the heat and the sexiness and that blessed silence. Giles found himself swaying, melted, caught.

  "I'm going to take you to my playroom. I've got these great chains attached to the ceiling. You'll look incredible hanging from them."

  "Your what?"

  "Playroom. Dungeon. Call it what you'd like."

  He frowned. Dungeon. That sounded... distressing.

  Harrison chuckled. "Come and see -- it isn't what you're thinking."

  "Okay." He'd at least go see.

  They went to the back of the house into a bright room, the light coming in through huge, frosted glass windows.

  "I love the light in here." He lifted his face to the sun.

  "You see? It's nice."

  There were several padded tables and a padded bench, a large bed in one corner with a wide armchair next to it. There were drawers and a wardrobe, all in light colors. It didn't seem like a dungeon at all. Giles relaxed. This place wasn't scary. He thought, maybe, Harrison was still exaggerating the whole weird-sex thing. "It is."

  "Bright and clean. The only thing dungeon-like are the chains." Harrison pointed up, and, oh my God, there were actually chains hanging there.

  Giles looked, fascinated.
"What do you do with them?"

  "I'm going to hang you from them. It'll stretch you nice and tall, expose every inch of you to my will."

  "Aren't they dangerous?" They looked a little dangerous.

  "No. I can adjust the height so you're not literally hanging from them."

  "Oh." He didn't think so. "Can you show me how they work?"

  "Yeah, of course." Harrison went to the wall and undid a rope that was tied to a hook in the wall, lowering the chains. Then he came over and took Giles' hand, put one of the cuffs attached to the chains around it. The cuff was soft, supple, very comfortable where it cradled his wrist.

  "Not so bad, huh?" Harrison put his other wrist in the second cuff.

  "I. No. No, they're soft." He tugged a little. "You fastened them."

  "I did." Harrison smiled at him, kissed him, and then went to the wall and started pulling the chains up again.

  Wait. "I. I don't think this is a good idea."

  "I think it's a great idea."

  The chains drew his hands up over his head. "I don't know..." That was a touch terrifying.

  Harrison kept pulling on the chains until he was stretched up, feet barely on the ground.

  "I do, though. You're stunning." Harrison came back over to him and a warm hand dragged over his belly.

  "Let me go, huh?"

  "No." Harrison kept touching him, hands sliding along his skin.

  "I don't--" This was intense.

  Harrison bent and licked his collarbone, then his right nipple. Giles stepped back, but couldn't go anywhere. Harrison took the nipple ring between his teeth and tugged.

  "Oh." Giles rocked back and forth on his toes.

  Harrison didn't let go of his nipple ring, and it tugged hard as he moved. He bit his bottom lip, tried to stay still. Fuck, that burned.

  "You're wearing too many clothes for the chains," Harrison told him.

  "The chains care?"

  His lover chuckled. "No, I imagine that's me."

  Giles tugged at the cuffs. "Let me go and I'll undress."

  "No, I can undress you like this." Harrison began to undo his jeans.

  He sucked in, eyes on the strong fingers touching his belly. Harrison had to be doing it on purpose, the way those fingers were touching him all over. "Your fingers are warm."

  "All the better to touch you with." The tips of Harrison's fingers slid over his cock.

  "You're not the big, bad wolf."


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