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Chosen by the Wolves [Werewolf Brides 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 6

by Cara Adams

  When Cooper arrived, they finished their coffee then went into the bedroom and undressed. Roderick lifted Siyandra onto the bed, laying her face down and raising her arms up so Nathanael could clasp the handcuffs around her wrists. Justin took the toys and lube out of the bedside drawer. He lubed the vibrator and began teasing around her ass with it, gradually inserting it into her dark channel. Nathanael knew Siyandra had come to very much like being ass fucked. It was a great relief to him because with three of them, if they had to take turns with her cunt, they’d never experience the true unity all of them inside her together gave them.

  Once Justin had the vibrator buried in her ass, Nathanael and Roderick turned her over and handcuffed her again. Roderick sucked her nipples and attached the nipple clips while Nathanael got out a second vibrator and showed it to her before teasing her with it running it over her clit and pussy lips before inserting it deep into her cunt.

  “Tonight we’re going to see how many orgasms you can have in one night. We know you can do two and we’re confident you’ll have three, but our aim is for four.”


  “So why don’t you fill your mouth with Justin’s dick while Cooper and I play with the vibrators?”

  “What if I come so hard with the vibrators none of you gets to fuck me? You’ll be left hard, hot, horny, and unfulfilled.”

  “Nice try, sweetheart, but we’ll think of a solution,” Nathanael promised her, nodding to Justin.

  If her mouth was full of cock it’d give her something to concentrate on while he and Cooper drove her wild with the vibrators. Her first orgasm shouldn’t take long to arrange.

  Nathanael watched her face as she licked and sucked Justin. Because she was flat on her back, Justin had pushed a pillow under her shoulders, letting her tip her head back farther, which meant she could swallow him all the way down. Nathanael was pleased with how fast and how well she’d learned to deep throat them. She had an excellent blow job technique. Right now she was nibbling the flesh up the side of Justin’s dick. They all liked that and his own dick jumped and twitched while he watched her work on Justin.

  It was time to increase the sexual tension. He caught Cooper’s eye and they turned on both vibrators sending a pulse buzzing through her cunt and her ass simultaneously. Her hips writhed as she tried to get more response from the dildos, but they didn’t fuck her with them yet. They just let the buzzing do its work on her. Cream was pouring from her cunt and she was rubbing her ass against the mattress.

  Cooper slid onto the bed and lay flat on top of her, his full weight pressing her into the bed applying pressure to both vibrators and to the nipple clips. Once again she tried to wiggle her hips but Cooper lay still, letting her experience his weight and the pressure on her sensitive skin. Finally he rolled to the side and sucked hard on her nipples, then on her clit.

  Justin was fucking her mouth in earnest now, urging Siyandra to take his full length again and again. Then he pulled out just giving her the head to lick as Nathanael and Cooper turned the dildos on to full power and began fucking her ass and cunt with them.

  Her hips moved rhythmically as she kept up with the toys and tried to concentrate on sucking Justin, but Justin moved away from her. Nathanael grinned as her eyes flew open in surprise.

  “I thought I was supposed to get an orgasm here?” she asked.

  “Oh. Did you want one?”

  “Fuck yes.”

  “Very well.”

  This time it was Justin who sucked her breasts and played with the nipple clips, teasing her and arousing her breasts as he and Cooper fucked her with the vibrators switched on to the highest setting. Justin reached down and pinched her clit and she shattered. Her clit was so sensitive. Pinching it worked every time. “Orgasm one achieved,” he said feeling quite smug at how his plans had worked out.

  * * * *

  They didn’t want to give her any respite between climaxes. Instead they wanted her to rise higher and come harder each time. Cooper and Nathanael removed the handcuffs and flipped her onto her front, and Justin pulled out the vibrator and slammed his dick into her ass. Both his dick and her ass had been well prepared and he knew the extra burn of his fast, powerful entry would excite her even further. If everything went to plan, she wouldn’t come right down from her first orgasm before she was rising again into the second one.

  Once his cock was buried to the hilt inside her rear channel, Justin rolled them both over so he was on his back. He held her thighs wide apart with both hands and Cooper kneeled over them thrusting his cock into her cunt. Cooper remained kneeling and now Justin moved Siyandra’s upper body so her neck was supported by his shoulder and her head could tip way back so she could suck Nathanael properly.

  He loved the softness of her ass cheeks on his pelvis and her back resting on his chest. Her softness against his hardness. Her rich curves against his more linear and angular plains. Damn but she was fucking amazing. One hundred percent pure woman. Her ass was the hottest tightest home ever for his dick. He loved fucking her cunt, so tight and silky and wet, but her ass was wonderful as well, so damn hot and tight. His eyes were almost crossing with the intensity of his need to pound into her and spurt his cum deep inside her.

  Justin wondered if she’d noticed the difference tonight. They weren’t wearing condoms anymore. They were together. A foursome, a partnership. They needed to bathe her in their essence to truly claim her. Besides, none of them had any diseases and none of them had been with any other women for a long time. They were hers and she was theirs and bareback sex tonight was the proof of their need to brand her as theirs forever.

  This time they all moved together, fucking her deep, hard, and in unison. Nathanael had said the three of them keeping in time as they drove into her should bring her to her climax more powerfully and he believed it. It made them genuinely connected. A family united in Siyandra’s lush and welcoming body.

  He held tightly to her hips as he thrust up and into her, slamming his dick home with every stroke. He watched Cooper, whose eyes were closed and whose hands were on Siyandra’s breasts, tugging on the nipple jewelry, petting and stroking her glorious mounds.

  Siyandra was a true gift to them. Her clit was a touch point. Pinching it was guaranteed to make her explode in release. But her breasts were also very responsive. Justin knew her cream would be bathing Cooper’s dick every time the Alpha pinched and stroked her nipples.

  Her breathing was becoming ragged. He could feel her back move as she drew air into her lungs. Nathanael was driving his dick in and out of her mouth but she wasn’t inactive. She had a hand on Nathanael’s balls doing her own work to send him wild as well. She also had a neat trick with her toes, stroking them on his legs when she got the opportunity. All in all, she was amazingly responsive for a woman so close to orgasm. She always participated, always kept them guessing what she’d do next.

  Oh, God, he loved her so much, needed her so much, wanted to mate her so badly right now.

  But it wasn’t time. They needed to talk to Cooper and get a proper plan going before they mated her. And Cooper had to loosen up and agree to the mating as well. It was up to him and Nathanael to straighten the Alpha out. They all knew how much Cooper wanted Siyandra and it was time to move this party forward.

  Siyandra groaned and gargled as her inner muscled gripped his dick so tightly it was painful. Then he exploded inside her. Justin saw her mouth fill with Nathanael’s seed and Nathanael pull his dick out until only the head remained in her mouth and she could swallow the semen. Meanwhile his own dick was pumping again and again as his cum poured out of him filling her ass. Cooper had come as well. On the other side of the thin sheet of tissue separating them he could feel Cooper’s dick spurting into her pussy. They’d all climaxed together. That was true unity. They belonged together. Nothing could change that. All they had to do was get Cooper to agree and plan a really romantic mating night with Siyandra.

  “That was orgasm number two. Now let’s move to t
he shower,” said Nathanael.

  * * * *

  Siyandra would have been happy to snuggle down into the bed and sleep with her men, but she wasn’t too tired and it wasn’t late yet so she climbed off the bed and followed Nathanael and Justin into the bathroom. The men were always so thoughtful. The pink stool lived in the bathroom now, and there were always a couple of clean fluffy towels sitting on it ready for her. They must do a hell of a lot of laundry. Four of us using towels all the time. I should probably help with those kinds of chores. I’ll ask them in the morning.

  Nate had his back to the tiles and pulled her against his body letting his cock rest in her butt crack. Damn, that felt good and he was still half-hard. He held her elbows back against himself so she couldn’t touch anyone or do anything.

  “You’re still playing with the handcuffs? Only this time it’s your hands instead of real ones.”

  “I’m just giving you a little taste of BDSM. Doesn’t it feel exciting to know how helpless you are in our power? To know we’ll take care of you. We’ll give you everything you need for your pleasure. You don’t have to do anything.”

  Cream dripped from her pussy. Hell yes, it was exciting to feel completely powerless. To know her body was open and defenseless before her men. And to know they were about to arouse her again.

  Rick forced her legs wide apart and crouched on the floor of the shower between her legs. Justin handed him the shower gel and soon he had some fingers in her ass and fingers from the other hand in her cunt. Oh hell, her body was melting in his hands. It felt so good. She’d just come harder than hell and already a new orgasm was starting to coil in her belly. Climax number three was a very real possibility.

  Justin straddled Rick and sucked her breast concentrating on teasing the nipple. He undid one of the nipple clips and sucked her tortured bud. She couldn’t help but groan as it filled with blood and became even more swollen. Then he did the same thing to the other side. Now cream was pouring from her pussy and she knew she was going to come soon. The orgasm inside her was close. So hard and real, rising up from her womb and about to explode. Frantically she thrust her hips up and pushed down on Rick’s fingers driving them deeper inside her.

  Rick seemed to have a dozen hands. Now he was rubbing her clit as well. Or maybe it was one of the other men. She couldn’t open her eyes to look. She was so close. So very close. Justin bit her nipple and she screamed as the orgasm raced through her body, leaving her weak and shaking. If Nate hadn’t been holding her she was sure she’d have dissolved into a puddle on the base of the shower.

  “Orgasm three successfully achieved.” She heard Nate’s smug voice but wasn’t going to complain. Three men. Three orgasms. Fucking hell, she might never be able to walk straight again.

  * * * *

  By the time Roderick emerged from the bathroom, Siyandra was asleep. Even though Nathanael had planned four orgasms for her and he’d been looking forward to her sucking his dick, Roderick was content to let her sleep. After all she was human, not wolf, and likely needed more rest than he did.

  Nathanael gestured to him and he followed the man out of the bedroom, down the hallway, and into the kitchen. Did they want coffee or something? He could always drink another cup of coffee, but he wasn’t really thirsty right now.

  But Nathanael leaned his back on the kitchen counter, crossed his arms in a businesslike way, and said, “At this moment, we are partners in loving Siyandra. You aren’t our Alpha and we aren’t your men. Understood?”

  “Yes, sure, okay.” Roderick was worried. Had he been bullying them? Not sharing Siyandra equally with them? Was he unconsciously monopolizing her time, energy, or body, and not behaving appropriately? Sometimes it was hard for him to distance himself from his role as the Alpha of the Cooper’s Farm Wolf Pack, and just be Roderick. Or Rick, as Siyandra called him. He liked that she did that. No one had ever shortened his name since he’d broken the nose of the boy at school who’d taunted him by calling him Dickie the dickhead. His mother had taken away his allowance for three months because of that punch, but it’d been more than worth it in his mind to gain the respect of the boys at school.

  He stopped in the doorway and looked at the other two men. Justin was standing midway between him and Nathanael. Did that mean he was being neutral in whatever was about to be said? Or was it happenstance?

  “It’s time for us to mate Siyandra. I’m sure she’ll agree because on the way home from Katungi and Rafiki’s mating she asked Justin and me who would conduct the ceremony since you obviously couldn’t do it. We need to set the date and plan a truly romantic night for Siyandra. And before that, you need to move most of your possessions into the spare room here.”

  “Me mate Siyandra with you?”

  “Of course. Get with the program.”

  Roderick shook his head and began pacing as he always did to think. How could he mate a woman when so many of his men still didn’t have a bride yet? What would happen when something went wrong and he needed to be in his office twenty-four seven to deal with a crisis? How could he expect the others to wait for him? If they didn’t he’d begin to feel like not a true part of the ménage. Yet it would be cruel to expect them to forgo sex, maybe for days or even weeks, while he sorted out some mess or other involving the pack. And what if there was danger because of taking over the BDSM club? If he was mated it might put his precious Siyandra at risk.

  “You’re overthinking the issue. It’s not hard. We all want Siyandra. We all love her. Therefore we will share her. A mating merely formalizes our decision.”

  Roderick shook his head at Justin. “It’s not that simple. Sometimes I have to make decisions which other people might not like. Decisions that are for the good of the pack as a whole. I can’t risk exposing Siyandra to danger. What if someone tried to get back at me for something I’d done by hurting her?”

  “We’ll then, it’s just as well Nathanael and I are here as well. We can protect her for you when you’re busy.”

  “You need to loosen up a bit, Roderick. You’re what, forty-three? Forty-four? You’re acting like you’re sixty something. Everyone expected you to mate either April, May, or June. I know Jeb held back from asking June to mate him for at least six months because he felt he should give you plenty of opportunity to ask her first. Now you’ve decided to let everyone else choose a human bride first. You’ve finally found a woman you care about so there’s no reason not to mate her. Justin and I will be around to protect her and support her if you’re tied up with genuine work. But you also need to delegate more. You don’t have to micromanage Okapi. He’s a hell of a smart man and could take more responsibility than you give him, especially now he’s gotten Keisha to do the formula paperwork for him.”

  Roderick was about to argue that he already delegated heaps of things to Okapi. Then he bit his lip. Yes, he did have a tendency to micromanage but it was because he was the leader. “The buck stops with me. I’m responsible for this pack. It’s fair to say I should delegate more to Okapi and I’m starting to do that. What you men don’t know is that there are some serious issues going on. It’s not just the regular wrangling of buyers, suppliers, and logistics contractors. Okapi and Keisha can handle all that. But there’s someone behind what’s happening at the BDSM club. We’ve bought out Tom Moore’s majority share but we need to find out who the minority partner is and buy him out as well. I’ve gotten people working on it. But there’s the risk they’re criminals or a gang and I can’t expose the pack to that danger. I can’t expose Siyandra to that.”

  “Can we afford to buy the whole club?” asked Justin.

  Roderick grinned. “That was my first question, too, but the accountants say yes. We’ll need a pretty big bank loan but the club already brings in plenty of income. I’ve asked Heath and Purvis to look at the club to find legitimate ways of making a profit. Not by turning it into a brothel or skirting the fringes of crime either. But the accountants have checked the books and it’s a good business that will easil
y repay the loan we’ll need to take out to buy it.”

  “So when can we hold the mating?”

  Roderick felt frustration rise up inside him and he tugged on his hair to prevent himself from saying something he ought not. “You aren’t listening, Nathanael. I can’t mate Siyandra while the issue is unresolved.”

  “No, Cooper. It’s you who isn’t listening. Once the BDSM club is sorted there’ll be another issue and another issue and another one. This is a busy pack and a complicated business in a twenty-first century world. We aren’t half a dozen wolves living on our little farm in the middle of nowhere and not interacting with the world anymore. We are deeply connected with Coopersville and the human world, and there’ll always be stresses and problems. Suck it up, trust Justin and me to look after Siyandra when you can’t, and set the fucking date now.”

  Roderick smothered the retort he was about to give, turned and began pacing up and down the hallway, tugging his hair as we went. Can I trust Heath and Purvis to research the club properly? Can I leave Justin and Nathanael to care for Siyandra when I’m busy? Can I give Okapi even more work to do?

  As always, pacing helped him calm down and get his thoughts in a logical order. Besides, this hallway was much longer than his office and he could get a nice steady marching step going on which helped him think. He turned back to the kitchen doorway. “Give me two weeks. I want to see what Heath and Purvis can discover, and I’m waiting for a report from an attorney about who the minority partner in the club is. Or, more accurately I guess, who is really behind the minority partner because it sure as shit isn’t the man who’s working in the club right now.”


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