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Lightning Lost

Page 11

by Miranda Hardy

  “Hedji and Tamas may not have been willing to help had I not made this choice. Now, they feel like I’m one of them. It’s a bond that’s hard to understand. Tamas made me. Hedji’s my sister. It’s the most I’ve ever felt belonging to something real. This is what I was meant to be.” He starts walking again with me. “I never felt a part of my family. This is different. I finally feel free.”

  I take his hand in mine. It feels like a block of ice. “I’m happy for you.”

  “What happened to you when you were gone?” he asks. “And kissing Kyle like that. You really hate Colin for what he did, even knowing he had no choice?”

  “Do you remember when Aunt Mirela said that lady went crazy because she was mixing her lives up?” I ask.

  He nods.

  “I’m having a bit of the same problem.” I trip on a root. Emilian catches me before I hit the dirt. “Thanks. Great reflexes.”

  “Do you know how to break the curse?” He stops in front of the cabin door.

  I shake my head. “But, I do know how it started.”


  Vadoma opens the cabin door. “We need to make a plan before you two leave.” She looks first at Emilian and then at Hedji, who stands next to the couch. “I’m thinking we figure out where they are and attack them.”

  Emilian’s question hangs in the air and relief rushes through me. As if sensing my uneasiness, Emilian doesn’t mention one thing about the curse or me knowing how it started.

  Entering the cabin, Kyle sits on the couch staring at me. I’m still not ready to talk about what happened between us in our past life. I’m not sure any of them would understand what I experienced. I also don’t want to tell them it’s all my fault we’re in this predicament. For the first time since this ordeal began, I understand why Kyle’s drawn to me. He may not know why, but I do.

  “If they’re keeping the boy away from them, you will be powerless against them. If they attack during the day, we won’t be with you to help. It’ll be a slaughter,” Hedji says.

  “We wait to attack them tomorrow night,” Vadoma says. “We will take turns keeping watch for them during the day, sleeping while we can. Regroup tonight and go back into the city to find them. We set up a trap and wait. Tamas, Emilian, and Hedji will be there, with one of them taking out the boy.”

  I tremble thinking about it. “We can’t do that. Dad, Aunt Simza, and Fonso are being kept elsewhere, away from Nadya, right? Then, if the boy is kept at a different location, how are we going to find them all? If we save one, the others may be slaughtered before we get to them.”

  “We need to go.” Hedji looks out the window. “It’s almost sunrise.”

  Emilian and Hedji stand next to the front door.

  “Damn it,” Vadoma says. “What if we need to move?”

  “Kyle knows which path to take and we will find you once the sun goes down.” Hedji points to a map on the coffee table. They disappear out the front door before we have a chance to say another word.

  Silence fills the cabin. Kyle focuses on me, a contemplative look on his face. He obviously has questions, but he’s either afraid to ask or doesn’t want to in front of Vadoma.

  “I’ll take first watch,” I say. “I don’t need to sleep now.”

  “I’m starving.” Vadoma complains, “If I don’t get something to eat soon, I’ll explode.”

  “Is it wise to leave the cabin?” Kyle asks.

  “We need to eat.” Vadoma grabs the keys off the countertop. “But, I need some money.” She holds her hand out in front of Kyle. He slaps some cash in her palm.

  “We should probably stay together.” I glare at her without meaning to.

  “It’s ten minutes to that dingy gas station. I think it’ll be okay considering we are out of the danger zone. At least for now.” She scratches her head. “It’s giving me a headache thinking about it, logistically. I’ll pick up some aspirin. Any requests for food?”

  “Any soda. Something with caffeine.” Kyle leans back, resting his head on the back of the couch.

  “Sister?” She matches my glare.

  I close my eyes and relax my face. She’s not Bastin. She’s not Bastin. “I’m fine.” I lie.

  “You haven’t eaten in two days and you’re fine?” She asks. “I doubt that.”

  “Get me whatever you get,” I say.

  She studies Kyle and then me. “Walk me out.”

  Vadoma closes the door behind us.

  “What?” I ask.

  “What? What?” Her eyes look like they’ll pop out of her head. “You’re weeping for hours, not talking to anyone, and then practically attack Kyle in front of all of us. A few days ago you’re in love with Colin. I warned you not to toy with Kyle.”

  She opens the car door. I say nothing.

  “I don’t give a shit what happened to you while you were out, but what you’re doing now is wrong.” She hoists up into the driver’s seat. “Kyle doesn’t deserve to be hurt by you, or anyone else for that matter.”

  “Including you?” My eyes narrow.

  Stay in reality Elysia. Even though I know she’s not the evil brother in my past, she still hurt Kyle in this lifetime, too. I shouldn’t have said anything.

  “Even me,” she whispers. Her eyes gloss over.

  “Do you still care about him?” I ask.

  She places her head on the steering wheel and looks at me. “Elysia, if I could take it all back, I would. It never should have happened. He didn’t deserve what I did to him, or what you did to him. We placed him in further danger by involving him now. I regret that, too.” Her eyes blaze with sincerity.

  “Vadoma.” I take her hand in mine. “I’m sorry if I hurt you. I’m sorry about a lot of things right now, but we,” I point to her and then me, “need to trust each other more than anyone else. I’ll fix this.”

  She smiles. “Okay.”

  She drives away. I know what I need to do now. Vadoma told me without even realizing it. I’ll take it all back.

  Kyle’s eyes open when I enter the cabin. “Call a cab. We’re leaving.”

  Chapter 17

  “Flying into Santorini, Greece now?” Kyle lifts an eyebrow. “Considering you aren’t in possession of a passport, this isn’t going to be an easy task.”

  “This is where I need to go and I want you to come with me.” Guilt builds inside of me as I think about how selfish I’m being right now, but honestly I’m not sure how else to accomplish what I need to do without Kyle’s help.

  He searches in his phone for a number. “I’ll do what I can, but you owe me some explanations.”

  “As soon as we’re on the plane, I’ll tell you everything.” My heartbeat quickens. “I need to do something to help the others though, so I’ll be right back in.”

  I leave the cabin as he gets on his phone. A cab won’t make it out here before Vadoma returns, so we’ll have to leave once she’s asleep, but I plan to give her some better information about our pursuers if I can. They need to be safe.

  Lying against the nearest tree trunk, I dig my hands into the soil. A rush of energy flows through me as I connect deeper with the earth. My emotions calm as they mix with the unbridled awareness of the vitality encompassing me.

  Find them. I picture Nadya, Dad, Fonso, Aunt Simza, and the little Rom boy in my mind’s eye, sending them out into the vast expanse encompassing the flow of energy in which we connect. Allowing myself to merge with the energy, the scene changes from the surrounding woods and cabin to a trail of mystical lights. It slows to a stop and we peer at Fonso, Dad, and Aunt Simza from above. They’re in the same cells we saw in the vision from the crystal ball. I’m acutely aware of exactly where they’re located in Florida.

  Pulling away from the scene, we barrel through another lighted tunnel, slowing down to view Nadya sitting in a hotel room in Atlanta, Georgia. It’s the same hotel we stayed in the first night we arrived. Her tied hands appear raw. Riley sits next to her and Colin across from them. His father sits in a
chair next to another werewolf.

  “Her power doesn’t work like that,” Riley says. “If they’re traveling, she doesn’t see their destination.”

  “You know they were here; we can smell them.” Colin glowers at his father. His face appears older now, as if we’ve been apart for years and not days. My feelings for him have altered. He’s not the same man who expressed his love for me in the cove. He’s changed. His energy’s angry and cold. It differs from Riley’s sorrowful soul.

  Once more, we’re traveling through the energy field around earth. Three hours south of Atlanta, the young Rom boy naps next to the female werewolf with dreads. Again, I know exactly where they’re located.

  Tires screech over the dirt in front of me, bringing me back to my present location.

  Thank you. I silently communicate with the energy encircling me. Vadoma will be safe here once we’re gone. The next time Nadya finds me, I’ll be far away, hopefully in midair so they won’t have an exact location for another couple of days.

  My confidence builds knowing they’ll be following me and it won’t be easy. How will they get a small boy on an international flight when they kidnapped him?

  “What are you smiling about?” Vadoma blocks the rays of the sun, shielding me.

  “I don’t think they’ll find us here,” I lie.

  “Let’s hope not during the day.” She holds up several bags. “I’ve got food. It’s mostly junk food, but it’ll have to do. Better than the sardines belonging to the hunting fanatic.”

  While gorging ourselves on junk food that includes chocolate donuts and various chips, Kyle steps outside to answer his phone.

  “Who’s he talking to?” Vadoma asks.

  I shrug.

  “I’m going to sleep if you’re sure you can take first watch. Tell Kyle to get some rest, too. He’s been up for as long as I have and I know he needs it. I’m surprised he didn’t conk out when I was gone.”

  “I will.” I shove another miniature donut into my mouth, studying her closely. She’s beautiful. It’s a natural beauty. Her dark sepia eyes allude to her mysterious nature. She’s allowed her bangs to grow out, making her black, straight hair shape her oval face perfectly.

  “You sure you’ll be okay?” she asks. “You’ve got a weird expression on your face.”

  “Yes. I was admiring how pretty you are.” I smile. “I wish you knew that.”

  “Maybe you should connect with nature more often. I think it drugs you.” She laughs. “I hope this guy’s sheets don’t stink.” She walks down the hall and shuts the door behind her.

  Once her footfalls end, I hurry to the map and locate where our family is, as well as the Rom boy. I circle their names and add in the exact room numbers and addresses. I write a note on the edge of the map.

  I’m sorry to run out like this, but I need to end the curse or at least try to. Find and save our family and the boy. I love you Vadoma. I mean it from the bottom of my heart.

  Rummaging through some plastic bags, I take out a few clothes and shove them into Kyle’s duffel bag.

  Quietly, I close the door behind me. Kyle sees me as he continues talking to someone on his phone. “We’ll be there in a few hours.” He hangs up. “I couldn’t get a anyone to come right now, but I am having a rental brought later tonight. We’ll have to take my SUV.”

  I nod and hop into the passenger seat, throwing the duffel bag into the back. He gets into the driver’s seat and faces me. “Are you sure you want to do this?”


  “What if they come and she’s sleeping?” He peers in the rearview mirror at the cabin. “She’s by herself.”

  “They won’t come.”

  “How can you be sure?”

  “I know exactly where they are.” My eyes meet his.

  Red rims the topaz irises. The creases in his face soften. He lets out a long breath and starts the engine, pulling away quickly.

  I watch the cabin disappear when we pull out onto the road and wonder if I’ll ever see my sister again.

  My gift continues to stay active when we reach Atlanta. I know they relocated the boy in order for Nadya’s gift to work, and I wonder if she is tracking us now.

  “We’re using your grandfather’s jet.” Kyle’s eyes stay on the road as he looks for signs. “When I told them who was a passenger, they told me we had clearance. Well, you had clearance to use it. They will make sure our passports aren’t a problem.”

  “Thank you.” It never occurred to me grandfather had a jet.

  “We used it before, so they know who I am.” He doesn’t glance at me. He’s probably thinking about his dad. They had worked with my grandfather for years. “They flew it up from south Florida, so it should be ready to go when we arrive.”

  Butterflies fill my stomach. I’ve never flown before. Dad was always afraid of getting me up in the air and having me freak out, causing a massive storm.

  Kyle drives us to the south side of Atlanta, and that’s when I lose touch with nature. It snaps me like a rubber band breaking against my entire body. An overwhelming emptiness sets in.

  I say nothing about losing my gift as he continues down some backroads, following the directions of his navigation system. We reach a giant airfield and pass through a security gate. Kyle hands a chubby man his ID and he waves us in.

  “Is that his jet?”

  Kyle slows to a stop by a large hanger with a huge jet nearby. He reaches into the glove box and grabs an envelope. He opens it and pulls out his passport and places it in his pocket with his wallet. “Yes. That’s it. Over the top, if you ask me.” Kyle grins. “I think it cost close to $100 million. Wait until you see the inside.”

  A well-dressed man dashes from the plane, his shoes clicking on the steel flight staircase. “Ms. Lovell and Mr. Moore. I’m Dan. We spoke on the phone.” He holds out his hand. “We are fueled and ready to depart. Let me take your bag.”

  Kyle gives him our duffel bag and we follow him up the stairs. Two flight attendants greet us. Their nametags read Ashley and Melissa. They are immaculately dressed, making me feel like an utter slob.

  My breath catches when we walk onto the plane.

  “Our flight time will be approximately fourteen hours, but we will be refueling in London. Ashley will take your lunch and dinner selections when you’re ready. Please give them enough time to prepare your meals. We ask that you sit during take-off and landing, but you’re free to roam any other time unless the pilots ask otherwise. If you need anything at all, Ashley and Melissa will be happy to assist you.” He places Kyle’s duffel bag onto a huge couch. “Mr. Moore, you know your way around the cabin.”

  “Close your mouth,” Kyle whispers in my ear.

  The fancy flower-pattern beige plush carpet appears as if no one has ever stepped foot onto it. A white couch faces a large television in the front of the cabin, complete with cup holders and matching decorative pillows. Chocolate-covered strawberries and macaroons sit on two plates atop a table in front of a cushiony chair. Fresh flowers are placed all over the plane, providing the aroma of roses with the beauty of white lilies.

  Kyle leads me to a seat on the other side of the couch. He buckles me in before I have a chance to explore the rear of the plane. Taking the chair next to me, I see the two attendants secure the treats and disappear behind a curtain that now separates the front of the plane from us.

  “What’s in the back?” I ask.

  “More chairs, the dining area, a bedroom and a bathroom,” Kyle says. “Once we’re off I plan on taking advantage of the shower.”

  “It has a freaking shower?”

  The plane moves on the runway and I clutch the sides of my chair. Kyle notices my nervousness. “Are you okay?”

  “I’ve never flown before,” I say.

  He takes my hand and squeezes. A warmth builds between us. “I didn’t know.”

  I close my eyes as the plane accelerates and climbs higher.

  Once we soar, the attendants appear with lu
nch and dinner menus, along with the trays of sweets.

  I chose the chicken caesar salad for lunch and sirloin steak with Maine lobster tail for dinner. Kyle grabs his duffel bag and leads me to the back of the plane.

  “We are going to rest and don’t want to be disturbed until lunch,” he says to the girls.

  “Yes sir,” they say in unison and return to the front of the plane.

  We pass through a dining room with a fancy silk tablecloth draped over it. Another TV is anchored on a wall across from the table. We continue through a hall lined with several shut cabinets until we reach the bedroom. Kyle rolls the door of the bedroom shut and locks it once we’re in.

  “This isn’t real,” I say. A massive king size bed takes up most of the space. Closed circular plane windows line the wall above the bed. A large bathroom with dual sinks and a walk in shower complete the room.

  “It’s real and I think we both need a shower.” His eyes flash with a bewildering gaze.

  Did he say we, as in together?

  Chapter 18

  My connection to the earth returns. Staring at the clouds through the small circular windows beneath us gives me peace.

  “Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” Kyle inches up behind me and places his hands on my shoulders. His warmth encompasses me.

  When I turn to meet his topaz eyes, I see Kai and all the nights we’d spent stargazing. “It’s you.” My eyes tear up with happiness. He bends down to kiss me. I push him against the bathroom door and raise his shirt over his head.

  My thoughts drift to a more carnal nature. His upper chest muscles tighten under my touch. His lips part, and our kiss deepens. A fire ignites within me, and my need for him grows. He unclasps my bra with ease and slips it off, along with my shirt. His touch sends a heated thrill through me.

  His hands clutch my waist, and he pulls my jeans down. His lips touch my stomach, his soft, sensual kisses moving up my body, lingering on my breasts. One hand slides away from me, and the water in the shower beats down against the tile. Cold drops hit my back and I arch away, bringing my naked body closer to his.


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