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Power Trilogy: Power Trip, Power Play & Power Shift (Twin Billionaires Series)

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by M T Stone

  Closing my eyes, I begin thinking about the missed call. I better see what the old man wanted. I click to listen to his message. “I know you probably think I’m being an asshole, but in the long run you will be better off if you have to stand on your own two feet,” he says gruffly. “There are no short cuts, son…” I click the delete button, cutting off the rest of his message and toss the phone back into my bag. It’s a speech that I have heard at least a dozen times. I think I might just surprise him this time.

  My father, Victor Addison, has never accepted the fact that I don’t want to be part of the family business. After all, I am the oldest son, by nearly twenty minutes, so it is my obligation to run the company that my great grandfather founded in the early 1870’s. He and his oldest son, my grandfather, were among the first to bring telephone service to the northeast. When my father graduated from Yale and joined the company in the mid-eighties, he went full steam into the Cable TV business. By leveraging the balance sheet and buying up numerous competitors he built the largest media company in the country.

  He was the third generation of oldest-sons to transform and expand upon the previous generation’s success. After making the cover of Fortune, Forbes and Barron’s on a regular basis, he definitely has the arrogance to go along with his fame and fortune. I honestly can’t stand being in the same room with him anymore.


  Oh, my god! I have never been good in pressure situations, but really? Settling back in my seat I can’t believe what just happened. Not only was it the first time I ever swallowed, but it was also my first time doing anything like that with someone I hardly know. My ex-boyfriend would be so pissed right now. He always wanted me to do that for him, but I never liked the idea of swallowing it.

  My cheeks begin to heat up as I replay the last five minutes in my head. Even though he’s a gorgeous looking man, that’s definitely not the way to start any type of relationship. I catch myself and laugh. As if there is going to be any type of relationship between the two of us. If he knew why I’m really here, I would be scrambling for a parachute.

  I begin thinking about all of the things that have fallen into place for me to end up with this opportunity. And how do I capitalize on it? I panic, drop to my knees and give him a blowjob. A second wave of embarrassment flushes my cheeks. This is exactly why I don’t drink tequila anymore. That blowjob might have saved my ass though. It seems as if he instantly forgot about the fact that he caught me reading his document. If only I would’ve had another minute, I could’ve gotten pictures of the rest of the pages.

  After calming myself down, I recline the seat and casually glance back to see if he is still awake. He really did have a beautiful cock and he doesn’t seem to be the arrogant prick that I have read about in the tabloids. If anything, he seems kind of laid back and reserved. I glance over my shoulder once again, turning my head a bit more to get a better look at him. It looks like he is sleeping again. The only noticeable difference from earlier is the subtle grin. It makes his face even more handsome. As if his thick dark hair, gorgeous brown eyes and masculine jawline weren’t already enough. After one last glimpse I turn forward, sitting back in my seat. The last thing I need is for him to open his eyes and catch me staring at him, like some sort of creeper.


  T rey

  “We are making our final approach to the Geneva Airport and we have been cleared to land,” the Captain’s voice comes over the intercom. “It’s time to wake up kids.” I hear him chuckle before clearing the mic.

  Other than a kink in my neck and tingling fingers on my left hand, I feel pretty good. It’s been a while since I strung together more than a few consecutive hours of sleep. A tall glass of bourbon and a good blowjob must be the key to a good night’s sleep.

  I wonder why she pulled that report out of my briefcase? I know I put it back before I fell asleep. My mind immediately begins to analyze the bewildering events of the previous night. Oh well, at least I woke up before she had a chance to read much of it. Not that she would understand what it is all about anyway.

  “Leave me alone! I feel like total shit!” I hear Liv’s voice coming from the front of the cabin and laugh to myself. I’ll let Mandy deal with her. I grab my briefcase to double-check that my report is still intact and retrieve my phone from my other bag. I haven’t missed any calls. Perfect.

  By the time the plane comes to a complete stop, I am ready to roll. “Come on girls, the limo will be here any minute and I want to stop by the hotel to freshen up before my meeting,” I announce after rising from my seat and heading toward them.

  “I think she’s going to be sick.” Mandy groans as she tries to help Liv.

  “She’ll be fine. Just give her a couple of these.” I pull a bottle of Zantac from my bag and hand it to her.

  “He doesn’t even care that I’m dying over here!” she protests, as Mandy attempts to give her a couple of the pills.

  “Of course I care Liv but this is self-inflicted, just like every other time we have traveled anywhere together. You know there is nothing worse than waking up with jet lag and a hangover, but you insist on doing it every time.” I pull the latch to release the door, instead of waiting for the ground crew. I can’t get out of here fast enough.

  “Are you going to jump or what?” Liv seethes. “Keep your fucking pants on!”

  Keep my pants on? That’s hilarious. Mandy turns and gives me a sheepish, sideways glance. Judging by the look on her face, she is experiencing a few regrets this morning as well. It’s definitely one of those walk-of-shame type looks.

  “Well, that was a pretty smooth ride,” Captain McClellan groans as he emerges from the cockpit and stretches. “I’m getting too old for these eight hour gigs, though.”

  “You should get up and stretch your legs every couple hours,” I reply, stating the obvious.

  “Oh, I didn’t want to bother anyone… or walk in on anything.” He rolls his eyes and tips his head toward Mandy, who pretends not to hear his remark. She bites down on her lower lip, indicating that she heard him loud and clear.

  “Alright, we’ll just leave it at that,” I tell him, punctuating it with a look of disgust. “I don’t feel sorry for you anymore.”

  I’m going to figure out how to disable those goddamn cameras next time. He has always had the hots for Liv and I know he scans the cabin in hopes of catching her in a compromising position. That’s why I normally keep things PG on these flights. Last night was a rare exception. I remember hearing there is an app for my iPhone that will let me control everything in the cabin. I need to check into that.

  “I think I’m going to puke,” Liv blurts out, pushing past Mandy and racing toward the lavatory.

  “Seriously? My meeting starts in just over an hour,” I glance down at the limo, which is now waiting on the tarmac. I don’t have time for this shit today.

  “You can go ahead and I’ll get us a cab,” Mandy suggests.

  “I’ve already called for a ride, so you and Liv can join us,” the captain immediately offers with a big grin crossing his face.

  “It would be perfect if you guys could work it out,” I reply, more than happy to ditch the situation. “I have adjoining suites at the Four Seasons. You and Liv just pick whichever room you want.”

  “Liv and me?” the captain asks with a chuckle.

  “No, that would be Mandy and Liv. If you and Connor want a room there, just tell them to set one up for you,” I offer with a sigh.

  “Nah, we have friends who are staying at Hotel Auteuil. So we’ll hang out there, while you guys enjoy the fancy stuff,” he replies with a boyish grin.

  “Friends huh? Good enough.” I give Captain a knowing wink.

  “Tell Liv that I hope she feels better and I’ll see the two of you back at the hotel about four o’clock this afternoon,” I tell Mandy while grabbing my briefcase and a suit bag. Hopefully I will have enough time for a quick shower and a change of clothes.


; Following Trey’s hasty exit, I share an extremely awkward moment of silence with the captain. He just stands there with his arms crossed looking me up and down as if he is evaluating me. I really don’t like being judged.

  “Was this the first time you met Trey?” he asks, sensing my discomfort.

  “Yes, captain.” I tell him, avoiding eye contact.

  “Call me Curt and don’t worry about last night.” He lets out a belly laugh. “Trey tends to have that effect on women.”

  “I’ve never done anything like that… you have no idea.” I shake my head, still in disbelief.

  “Like I said, it’s all good. Trey needs to loosen up anyway,” he adds. “He’s awfully uptight for a young guy who should have the world by the balls.”

  “I’m sure he has his reasons.” People who trade a briefcase full of money for a file folder are generally headed for trouble. “I better go check on Liv and make sure she’s still alive.”

  “Take your time. We have to finish up our checklist anyway.” He turns back toward the cockpit, so I make my exit for the bathroom.

  “Are you okay in there?” I ask, hearing faint moans coming from the other side of the door.

  “Ugh, I just want to die.” The echo of her voice makes me believe that she has her head in the toilet. Gross. She probably won’t be touching margaritas for a while. I stand there for another minute or so before the lock slides and the lavatory door opens. She is actually a mild shade of green.

  “Are you okay?” I reach for her arm and help her out of the bathroom.

  “No, I’m not okay. I need to get to the hotel and lie down.” She takes off stumbling down the aisle.

  I finesse Liv outside into the fresh air and sunlight, while the limo driver retrieves the rest of the luggage and chats with the flight crew. The air is cool and fresh smelling compared to the hot, muggy conditions we left behind in New York. I think I’m going to like this place.

  I get Liv settled into the back seat of the limo and then stand next to it with my face toward the sun. There is nothing sweeter than a calm, sunny day with temperatures in the low seventies. You get all the warmth and benefits of sunshine, without any of the sweat. I absolutely love it.

  Curt and Conner come walking over to the car and the driver throws their bags into the trunk. They both look at me as if they are wondering where I am going to sit. I open the door where Liv is sitting and ask her to slide to the middle. Both guys quickly jump in from the other side.

  “Anyone like a Bloody Mary to get the party started?” Curt picks up a bottle of mix and tips it toward Liv. She simply groans and buries her face in her hands.

  “I’m good, but you two go ahead,” I tell them.

  They both have a laugh at Liv’s expense before leaning back and closing their eyes. The car suddenly falls silent, so I turn toward the window to take in the scenery as we leave the airport. We make our way through a large grove of trees and then emerge into a residential neighborhood. The houses are large and well kept, but many of them appear to be centuries old. It’s hard to imagine all the changes that must have occurred since this city was founded nearly thirty centuries ago. The United States is so young by comparison. I wonder if it will even survive to be this old?

  The driver makes a turn and takes us right along the shoreline of Lake Geneva. The beautiful blue water with the Swiss Alps in the background provide breathtaking views, making me glad that I chose the seat with the best vantage point. I glance at Liv and the two men; they all have their eyes closed. I can’t believe they are missing this. It’s absolutely gorgeous.

  Pulling up to a majestic looking hotel, I give Liv a nudge. “It’s time to wake up sweetie.” She groans and gives me a look that is anything but sweet. I have a feeling she’s not going to be much fun today.


  Making it to my meeting with a few minutes to spare, I sit down and begin thinking about Mandy and Liv. Part of me feels a bit guilty for abandoning them, but another part of me is glad that I had a good excuse to do so. Liv can be a handful on a normal day, but she is especially challenging when she has a brutal hangover. Poor Mandy. Hopefully Liv will just go to bed once they get checked into the hotel.

  Who is Mandy? The question pops into my head again, as I pull the clinical trial data from my briefcase. I should be going over the data, preparing for my meeting, but my mind is stubbornly fixed on the gorgeous brunette who blew my mind the night before. I try to remember how her and Liv might know one another. I don’t recall her name ever being mentioned until we started planning this trip. I glance through the first few pages of the report still pondering Mandy’s actions. I guess if I saw someone trading a briefcase for a manila envelope, I would be curious too.

  Another thing that strikes me as odd is the fact that she seemed so unnerved this morning. The woman who pulled off that bold maneuver last night, seemed much more timid in the light of day. I suppose I could blame it on the alcohol, but she didn’t seem wasted by any means. While blankly staring at the pages in my hand, my mind continues to try to solve a puzzle that contains very few recognizable pieces.

  “Trey! Good to see you my friend,” Jürgen Gessner gushes as he enters the waiting area. Jürgen is the CEO of Switzerland’s fastest growing Biotech Company. The man is absolutely brilliant. After hearing him speak during my junior year of college, I knew exactly what I wanted to do with my life. The biotech field is changing the world, so since then I have tried to make as many high level connections as possible throughout the industry. Jürgen is one of the best and brightest.

  “Hello Jürgen. I’m a bit jet lagged, but I think you will definitely like what I have for you.” I stand and hand him the report. “It looks like Restolza has missed the patient outcome goal for their first stage clinical trial.”

  “That’s exactly what I wanted to hear. Let’s go talk in private.” He takes off down the hallway with the excitability of a young child. “You and I are going to take the Anti-Aging field by storm!”

  “Yes, we will…”

  After spending the day with Jürgen, I arrive back at the hotel a few minutes after four. The door between the suites is open, so I wander through both rooms looking for the girls. Liv is crashed on one of the beds and Mandy is apparently in the shower. I walk over to the vanity where her purse and phone are both open to prying eyes. I have been wondering all day who she is and why she is really here. Maybe this is my chance. I pick up her phone and click the button. It’s locked. I glance inside her purse and see what is obviously a wallet, but I don’t want to do it this way. I set the phone down and step away.

  “Get up Liv. You can shower in the other suite. I have a five-thirty dinner reservation for us up on the rooftop terrace and it’s gorgeous outside.”

  “Oh my god, I can’t believe how shitty I’ve felt all day.” She sits up in bed, her hair frayed every which way. Somehow she still looks beautiful, even with messed up hair and smudged eye makeup. She’s lucky she has that going for her.

  “Hopefully you’ll learn one day.” I reach out with one arm, giving her a playful hug.

  “Sorry I got so drunk. I really get anxious when I have to fly over the ocean. I thought a few cocktails would help.” She blinks her eyes several times trying to wake up.

  “I agree that a cocktail or two would take the edge off, but getting totally shitfaced is a different story.” I give her a smirk and a gentle nudge to get her moving. “Go get ready. I have a meeting down in the bar and then I’ll meet the two of you at the restaurant in a little over an hour.”

  I freshen up with a couple sprays of Sure Fuck before heading downstairs to the bar. Le Bar des Bergues, is the name of the place and it is one of the premier meeting spots in all of Switzerland. The place just oozes with CEO’s, Entrepreneurs and Financiers, all looking for the next big deal. My intention is to show a couple of them the future of anti-aging technology.


  Stepping out of the shower, I do a quick double take after catching a whiff
of Trey’s cologne. Snugging the towel around me, I creep over to close the door to the adjoining suite. Liv has clothes strewn out on the other bed and the shower is running. Either she is showering or the two of them are. I don’t really care to find out, which it is, so I simply close the door.

  Friends with benefits, that’s something I often hear about but have never understood. There is no way I can have a sexual relationship with someone without becoming attracted to him in a more meaningful way. And if I were not attracted to him, then why would I want to have sex with him in the first place? It makes no sense. I think that’s why Liv is so messed up. I don’t think most women are capable of having such a shallow relationship, but then again, Liv is definitely shallower than most women I’ve known.

  I slip into an ultra-plush robe and wander over to the window overlooking Lake Geneva. It’s absolutely blissful. I have to wonder why a few people have so much wealth while the majority, have so little. I guess that’s why I chose my current career path instead of corporate law. It seems as if the pendulum has swung too far in favor of the fat cats. The world needs more people who are willing to take a stand and put them in their place. I’ve always wanted to bring a little more justice to the world, starting with a little revenge on behalf of my father and the rest of my family.


  T rey

  During my brief time in the bar, I quickly determine that the CEO of Schafer Pharmaceuticals is an arrogant prick and the infamous financier William Hurstfield is also a waste of my time. I should have taken Jürgen at his word, because I have always had a hard time fitting in with the established, old guard. They can keep their aristocracy and inbred culture. The next time I meet with them, we will be talking billions instead of a few hundred million. They need us more than we need them.

  Stepping off the elevator in front of the rooftop restaurant, I ask the maître d' if our table is ready. It is, so he immediately escorts me out onto the terrace. “Will you be dining alone?” he asks in a rather pompous tone, despite the fact that I have a reservation for three.


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