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Power Trilogy: Power Trip, Power Play & Power Shift (Twin Billionaires Series)

Page 11

by M T Stone

  After being ushered to the back of the church immediately following the ceremony, I find myself standing alone. Trey is talking to one of his relatives and Liv is having a conversation with Vanessa. I really want to walk over and listen in on their conversation, but I decide to simply mind my own business and wait for Silvia.

  “Silvia tells me that you are Amanda Grayson,” Trey’s grandmother says coming up from behind me and tapping me on the shoulder.

  “Yes, and Trey told me that you are his grandmother,” I reply, turning and holding out my hand to greet her.

  “I am indeed. Let me give you a hug,” she insists, extending her arms and taking me in her arms. “It’s hard to believe you kids are all grown up. No wonder I feel so damn old.” She pulls back and her expression changes to a sullen half-smile.

  “Well, you seem to be doing pretty good”, I say to cheer her up. “You outlived both of my grandparents.”

  “Yes. I heard about their passing,” she says, nodding her head just slightly. “Howard died about six months after your grandfather,” she adds, referring to her late husband.

  “Trey told me that,” I share with her. “He still calls him Papa.” I smile and feel as if this woman could be my grandmother.

  “I know, both boys do and I’m still their Nana,” she replies with a wink. “I want you to know that Howard was completely heartbroken by what happened,” she continues, her face turning more sorrowful with tears emerging. “He dearly missed Rayfield in those final years and I missed both of them as well.”

  “I’m sure they missed you two just as much,” I tell her, reaching out to give her another hug.

  We both stand there for a few seconds searching for words before she pats me on the arm and says, “I just wanted you to know that we never forgot about them and we were both truly sorry for all that happened back then. It was such a disgrace,” she adds, shaking her head in obvious grief.

  “Everything worked out okay,” I try to reassure her while choking back my own tears. “Dad found a good job and we actually grew to love Tennessee.”

  “Well, I’m glad to hear that,” she replies, letting out a sigh of relief. “You say hello to your folks when you talk to them next. Will you?”

  “Of course I will. Thank you for saying hello,” I tell her, reaching out for her hand again.

  What a gracious woman. I find it odd that two wonderful people could raise a son who turned out to be so ruthless and uncaring. It makes me wonder why some people turn out the way they do.


  T rey

  Liv and Mandy both leave in Mom’s limo following the funeral, so I pull out my phone and use Uber Black to catch a ride over to Dad’s old penthouse. I want to see for myself if there are any remnants of the estate plan that he was working on. Walking through the entryway feels incredibly weird, knowing that Dad is no longer around. I walk back to his old office and find Tyler already sitting at the large mahogany desk that Dad loved so much. It’s where he spent most of his time whenever he was actually home.

  “You got pretty emotional in there. Were you feeling a little guilty?” he asks as I take a seat across the desk from him.

  “Seeing him like that was pretty shocking. Of course I feel a little guilty for not being around much the past few years, but if he hadn’t been such an asshole I would’ve made more of an effort to visit,” I counter, stating a fact that he knows as well as me.

  “You don’t feel the least bit guilty for leaving me to deal with Dad and take care of everything do you?” he asks, once again making it all about him.

  “Seriously? That’s the way you look at it?” I ask, unable to believe that we are having this conversation again.

  “It’s true!” Tyler blurts out with fire in his eyes.

  “That’s bullshit and you know it!” I shout back, returning a steely glare of my own.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah… save your breath. All Dad wanted was for you to make an effort, to show that you cared about this family and the business.” Tyler scoffs and looks down at a stack of papers to avoid further eye contact.

  “I know I should’ve stayed and went to Harvard in order to make Dad happy, but you know why I chose Stanford instead,” I say, looking for even a hint of acknowledgement. “I’m glad I did, because otherwise I never would’ve pursued Biochemistry. I would’ve ended up with a stupid MBA.”

  “Yeah, it would sure suck to have an MBA from the #1 business school in the country,” Tyler hisses. “Especially when your family runs one of the largest media companies in the world.”

  “That’s the whole thing though,” I reply, trying to reason with him. “Dad wanted me to get an MBA, after that I was supposed to go work for some other company for ten years and then come back to run his company. I have no interest in cable TV or the media business. Biotech companies are changing the world right now. You have no idea what’s going on. A fucking cable company is never going change the world!”

  “You don’t even work for a biotech company. I’ll bet you’ve blown every nickel that you got from Papa’s trust,” he replies in a smug, condescending tone, narrowing his eyes.

  “I’m sorry but you’re the one who’s been buying beach homes and sports cars. I invested nearly all of it in four biotech companies that I believe are in the process of revolutionizing health care.” I struggle to keep a lid on my temper.

  “You’re fucking crazy! Do you know how many of those companies go under in the first ten years?” he asks, regurgitating some of Dad’s business wisdom. It’s a phrase he had used a couple dozen times in our conversations.

  “Yes, that’s why I’ve been very selective,” I retort. “I know I’m not allowed to make any mistakes, because God knows, Dad never made one.”

  Tyler rolls his eyes, since he doesn’t even understand the concept of taking risk. Then he adds, “It will all blow up on you one day, just wait and see. Meanwhile, Addison Media will still be in business just like we have been for the last one hundred and seventeen years.”

  “I see why you couldn’t get into a decent business school,” I reply unable to do anything other than shake my head in disbelief. “You are a complete idiot!”

  “I’m going to Columbia for my MBA as soon as I’m feeling better, you asshole!” he snaps back defensively while straightening up in the chair.

  “Right, and I’m going to buy a spaceship and fly it to Mars.” I roll my eyes, lean back and stare at the ceiling in disbelief.

  “You’re such a condescending prick! It’s no wonder Dad was about to cut you down to size,” he says, pulling out some documents that Dad had put together and sliding them across the desk toward me.

  Dad had informed me that June 15th was the deadline for me to come to my senses and get on board with his plan. Part of me is shocked to see that he actually went through with it and had the official documents drawn up. Who does that to their own son?

  “Wow, I was kind of hoping it was just another threat,” I gasp as I look through them.

  “No, he was dead serious this time and somehow he ended up being shot down in cold blood just four days before your deadline.” He leans back and stares smugly at me.

  “Are you insinuating that I had something to do with Dad’s death?” My head begins to spin at the thought of my own brother accusing me of something so heinous.

  “I’m not insinuating anything,” he says flippantly. “I just think the timing was pretty favorable for you.”

  “You really are fucked in the head if you think I would kill my own father. Maybe you should go take a few more pills you fucking loser!” I instantly feel my blood pressure going through the roof.

  “You know I need those to deal with my pain,” he squints and puckers his face. “You have no fucking idea.”

  “Believe me, I fucking understand pain!” I counter, slamming my fist on the desktop. “Unfortunately, no pain killer can deaden mine.”

  “Hey, you made your own choices.” His eyes remain narrow and defensive.
“Nobody forced you to do anything!”

  “I did it for you god dammit!” I shout, slamming my fist on the desktop a second time. “You were broken, you were depressed, you were failing in school and I felt sorry for you. I left you with everything because I didn’t want to hurt you. It seemed like you were already in a death spiral. Now you accuse me of killing Dad? That’s totally unforgiveable!” I rise to my feet and step away from the desk, trying to cool my rage.

  “You go ahead and convince yourself that you did me a huge favor by bailing,” he says in a childish tone. “You have such a fucking ego… you probably believe your own bullshit!”

  I raise my hands to my forehead and bite my lip. I know if I stay another minute, I am going to beat the shit out of him. Backing away, I say one final thing. “You know the truth, even if you won’t admit it to yourself. You have until tomorrow night to apologize to me or you are dead to me!”

  Tyler sits silently in Dad’s office chair with his arms crossed, the same way Dad used to after he had finished my weekly lecture. I give up and turn to leave when I see Vanessa standing just inside the door. “How long have you been standing there?” I ask.

  “Just a few minutes, I didn’t want to interrupt,” she mutters softly.

  I stop just long enough to put my arm around her and give her a kiss on the forehead. Part of me wants to tell her that she is the actual cause of this fight. I’m already emotional and the thought of her being engaged to my piece of shit brother drives me absolutely insane. That is exactly why I had to move away after high school. “Your fiancé is losing it,” I grumble, before brushing past her. “I need to get out of here.”

  “You’re accusing him of having something to do with your dad’s death?” she practically screams at Tyler after my departure, causing me to pause for a moment just outside the door. “What’s wrong with you?”

  “There are things you don’t understand,” he mumbles, trying to justify his accusation.

  “Well, I’ve known Trey long enough to know damn well that he would never kill anyone,” she counters with complete exasperation in her voice. “And what did he mean by letting you win?”

  Tyler lets out a groan and an audible sigh. “He thinks that somehow he was doing me a favor when he bailed and moved to California.”

  “But what did you win?” she presses.

  “The right to work with Dad I guess… as if that’s been a joy,” he replies flatly. “He’s just a self-centered asshole.”

  If I were a self-centered asshole, I wouldn’t have swallowed my feelings, walked away and let him have Vanessa, was what I wanted to yell back at him. Instead, I hold my tongue and stand here in silence.

  “Why do you act like you hate your only brother?” Vanessa asks in a softer tone, mirroring my own thoughts.

  “Did you see how he walked in today? With a girl on each arm… schmoozing everyone. Who does that at a funeral?” he replies, with a distinct note of jealousy in his voice.

  “He was excited to see everyone… it’s been forever,” Vanessa counters. “Besides, those girls are just friends of his.”

  “Yeah, whatever… the blonde one looks just like you,” he gasps. “It’s almost creepy.”

  “She doesn’t look that much like me,” Vanessa replies in my defense. “You’re just imagining things.”

  I have to give that one to Tyler; Liv does look an awful lot like Vanessa. Seeing the two of them together nearly blew my mind. It’s no wonder I was attracted to her like a moth to a light bulb. I quietly creep down the hall making my way to the elevator. As the elevator begins descent I send a text to find out where Liv, Mandy and Mom ended up. I could use a little fun right now.

  Mandy: We’re at The Penrose.

  Me: I’m on my way.

  Liv: You’re in trouble…

  Me: I know.

  So much for having some fun.


  By the time Trey arrives, I’m sitting alone at the bar. Silvia had dinner plans with some of her relatives and Liv went to the restroom and never returned. After a stressful afternoon, I’m content to sit here and enjoy another pint of Guinness in peace. I catch a glimpse of a tall, dark and handsome man coming through the doorway and know right away… it’s Trey. He definitely lights the place up.

  “Hi sweetie… where is everyone?” He pulls up a barstool next to me.

  “Your Mom went to dinner and Liv never returned from the restroom.”

  “Really? Did you check on her?” His eyes instantly reflect a hint of worry.

  “I did and she is nowhere to be found. She obviously slipped out the back door,” I reply, trying to hide my delight.

  “Why?” His eyes widen and a look of concern spreads across his face.

  “Because, Silvia basically validated her worst fears. She told her that you have been in love with Vanessa for years and that was obviously the reason why you were attracted to her.”

  “She said that?” Trey cringes.

  “Pretty much word for word. Liv had mentioned that she was having a hard time getting you to commit, so your mom gave her the unvarnished truth,” I confirm. “It was brutal to watch.”

  “Poor Liv. I know how direct Mom can be. I wish she would’ve just stayed out of it.” Trey tilts his head back and runs his fingers through his hair. “How about you?” he asks cocking his head and giving me a sideways look.

  “Oh… she basically interrogated me, then apologized before threatening me. Then after Liv disappeared, she offered me a bribe.” I calmly lift the glass to my lips and take another sip.

  “A bribe?” he asks, seeming genuinely surprised.

  “Yeah, she’s willing to pay me to leave you alone,” I tell him. “You apparently told her that I work for Harris and she’s not too happy about that.”

  “I told her not to worry about it!” Trey covers his eyes with his hands and shakes his head from side to side massaging his temples. “So you witnessed a business transaction that was a little in the gray area. Big deal.”

  “Not really that gray…” I interject. “It was pretty much straight-up illegal.”

  “Whatever. You saw what you saw, but I have the video.” He smirks.

  “The video? What video?” I feel an instant flash of heat in my cheeks.

  “The one of you opening my briefcase, taking out the document, photographing it and then proceeding to give me the best blow job of my life,” he replies, his annoying smirk transforming into a full-blown smile. “The rear in-flight camera captured it perfectly.”

  “Oh… Shit!” I still can’t believe I did that.

  “I don’t think you would want that video to appear in court, much less online,” he says with an evil little glint in his eye. “And besides, it shows that you illegally searched my bag.” He pauses, looking for a reaction from me. “You did study the fourth amendment, right?”

  “None of it matters,” I tell him looking directly into his deep, dark eyes. “I have no intention of using any of it against you.”

  “Then why did you take the pictures?” He presses.

  “Okay… I may have had intent at the time, but after spending some time with you I had a change of heart,” I tell him honestly. “I grew up hating your father and I thought you would be the same. Everything I read about you online made you sound like a spoiled playboy, but I was wrong.”

  “You were wrong.” He takes a long, slow drink of bourbon. “That’s why I hate those fucking reporters. They just make up shit… there’s no accountability.”

  “I’m sorry, Trey. You have a good heart and I already told Harris that he’s barking up the wrong tree. I told him everything is legit,” I explain.

  “And he didn’t believe a word of it,” Trey replies flatly.

  “No, he didn’t… but that doesn’t matter,” I assure him. “As far as I’m concerned he is wasting his time and there is nothing more for him to pursue.”

  “I know. Liv told me about your conversation with him.” A smirk re-emerges on his fac
e. “She heard you telling him that you hadn’t found anything.”

  “She told you that?” I’m stunned that she would do that for me.

  “Yeah. She wanted me to know that in spite of your initial intentions, you had done the right thing by me.” He finishes off his drink. “I need to check on her.”

  Trey gets up from the bar and pulls the phone from his pocket. He dials her number and it immediately goes to voicemail. He turns to take a few steps toward the corner of the bar looking for a bit of privacy, but I can still hear his words.

  “Hi Liv. Give me a call. I’m sorry for what Mom said to you.” He pauses for a second or two. “It’s true that I was attracted to you because of Vanessa, but we have had some good times. Anyhow, I’m sorry it had to end this way.” He pauses and rubs his forehead with his free hand. “Call me when you get a chance or at least send me a text to let me know you’re okay.”

  My heart melts as I listen to him. Liv is a first class pain in the ass, but he obviously does have some room in his heart for her. Even though he doesn’t think that he is relationship material, he is definitely a man who has a conscience. I made the right choice; he is nothing like his father.


  T rey

  I never thought I would have to worry about Mom sharing secrets about my past, but I guess I should’ve known better. I feel like shit thinking about how everything went down with Liv. I really should’ve had a talk with her myself. When I turn around and see the look on Mandy’s face, however, I know things are going to get better from here. Our eyes lock and I know deep down that there is more than just lust between us.

  “Let’s get out of here and go have a nice meal,” I suggest, since everyone else had basically abandoned us.

  “Nah. Sit down and order another bourbon. I want to try the oyster sliders and deep fried pickles; everyone raves about them on Yelp,” she says, flagging down the bartender for another Guinness and a menu.


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