Trust Me: A Bad Boy MC Romance

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Trust Me: A Bad Boy MC Romance Page 42

by Cristal Pierre

  Lexi, Adam’s girlfriend, breaks out into a laugh and Jordana and Bill Sinclair, Adam’s parents, join in as they shake their heads in amusement. It’s been a whole day of touring his parents around the city, and they’ve been to at least three parks, a musical, multiple restaurants, and three other tourist destinations. After the long day, they’re all happy to cap it off with dinner in a rooftop restaurant overlooking the whole city.

  “You’re not getting any younger, son.” That’s Bill Sinclair, looking at Adam over the tip of his wine glass. “And Lexi here…don’t tell me you don’t want any of her genes mixed with yours.” Bill Sinclair then turns to the woman. “You’re beautiful, my dear.”

  “Thank you…” Lexi gushes. She’s been nervous the whole day.

  Do Adam’s parents like her? The thought’s been swimming in her head ever since this morning.

  “Anyway…” Adam then interrupts. He knows Lexi’s in knots with the meet-the-parents situation. “Will you be staying longer? We’ve barely seen half of the city. We’d love to show you around tomorrow.”

  “Don’t fret, my dear,” says Jordana Sinclair, looking regal in a red wrap dress. She has a glass of wine in her hands and takes a sip from it. “Your father has some work in the city, and I’ll be meeting a few friends for a catch-up.”

  “Didn’t know I had such busy parents…” Adam tips his lips up into a small smile. “I may need to set up a meeting next time I want to hang out with you two.”

  A round of laughter ensues, and slowly, Lexi feels her nerves relax a bit. Bill and Jordana are easy-going and have been nothing but gracious to her the whole day; they’re fun to converse with and definitely not stiff and snooty as she initially thought. Lexi feels her shoulders relax as she automatically leans closer to her boyfriend.

  Dinner ends and Adam and Lexi drop off his parents in their hotel. After an exchange of hugs and air kisses, Bill closes the car door behind them before he and his wife enter the hotel and wave ‘goodbye’. The car speeds off and heads back to the apartment, and Adam rests a lazy hand on Lexi’s inner thigh.

  “So did you have fun today?” Adam says, drawing circles on her skin, as Lexi sinks further into the car seat. “My parents love you.”

  “Do they?” Lexi asks, turning her torso around, so that she’s facing him. “I barely even spoke. I bet I looked like a fish out of water.”

  “A sexy fish out of water.”

  Lexi gives him a look – a raised eyebrow and a hint of a smirk. Are you out of your mind? She seems to be telling him, but Adam ignores the unspoken query. Instead, his hands travel up from her thighs to her shoulders and he starts massaging them and untying her knots.

  “Hmm…” she breathes out as his hands work wonders on her shoulders. “That feels so good.”

  For some reason, Adam knows how to make everything, especially something so mundane as a massage, sexual and intimate. She feels the tension build up in her groin, and she’s tempted to push Adam onto his back. Thoughts, dirty thoughts, start filtering in her head – just the exact moment the car comes to a halt.

  Adam sees her bite her bottom lip, and he knows she does that when she’s disappointed. He lets out a chuckle before he gives her a quick kiss on the nose. He knows why she’s disappointed; it’s too late to have sex in the car. The thought brings a smile to his face. In the past month they’ve been dating, Lexi has been a whole new person in the bedroom. There’s no memory of the virgin that used to be, and Adam is more than happy to reap the fruits of his labor. He is a good teacher.

  “I don’t want to know what you’re thinking right now,” Lexi says with a hint of a grin, as they enter the elevators and Adam’s presses the button to his apartment floor.

  Adam’s ready to throw a highly-sexual remark, but with a number of senior citizens inside the elevator, he’ll have to hold that comment off until they’re alone. He won’t appreciate the judgmental glances they’re sure to receive.

  “Fuck this,” Adam says, the moment they’re in the privacy of his apartment. It hasn’t been a millisecond since the door closed, and he’s trying to get Lexi naked already. He succeeds, and as they stumble into his bedroom, Lexi’s wrapped in his arms, and she’s only in her lingerie.

  After a hot shower, sex included, Lexi and Adam are looking forward to some downtime. Adam has a few things to look over on his computer before the new work week begins, and Lexi spends the time browsing through random websites. She finds herself automatically typing Adam’s name on Facebook and looking through his pictures. She wants to see more of his life in photos. She pores through family albums and can’t help but laugh at seeing Adam’s childhood pictures. He seems to have been a naughty kid, and Lexi is the least bit surprised. There are also numerous photos of Bill and Jordana Sinclair during their younger years.

  “Hmmm…” she mutters to herself, as she scans through the rest of the albums.

  There’s a bunch with friends, and they’re either in some exotic international destination or in one of the swanky bars in the city. She’s met some of the people in the pictures. There’s even a few with Dale and Mack during Adam’s visits to Europe.

  Her eyes then land on a series of pictures where Adam has his arms wrapped around a woman. She looks familiar…a model most likely? She definitely fits the image – blond hair, bright blue eyes, and legs that never end. Lexi notices a couple of tattoos, one on her inner wrist and another on the side of her foot. The ink makes her look even hotter. She’s the perfect complement to Adam’s physical features. Whoever this girl is, she completes one-half of the power couple that used to be.

  A hint of jealousy then creeps up on Lexi, but she tries her best to shake it away. The pictures are dated a year ago; this girl is part of Adam’s past. She’s the one in the present.

  Chapter 2

  “Have I told you that you look beautiful tonight?” Adam whispers against Lexi’s ear. His warm breath sends a tingle down her spine. “I’m so tempted right now to push you against the wall and fu-”

  “Adam!” says a voice a short distance away, and just like that, the moment is ruined and Lexi finds herself twisting her fingers in an attempt to distract herself from the heat building up in her groin. “Long time no see!”

  “Mel!” Adam gives the tall, slender woman a kiss on both cheeks. “This is Lexi, my girlfriend. Lexi, meet Mel, a college friend.”

  “Nice to meet you, Lexi,” says the brunette, her jade eyes smiling. “It’s great to know someone’s managed to get Adam here on the commitment train.”

  Lexi can’t help but stare at Mel. She’s another level of gorgeous what with the combination of her dark hair and translucent green orbs; she also exudes class and sophistication all-around, from her attire and accessories to the way she moves. Her floral printed skirt ends a couple of inches below her knees, and she’s paired it up with a white bateau sleeveless top. The nude, satin heels are an elegant touch to top off the outfit, and Lexi suddenly feels she’s underdressed at the luncheon.

  The babydoll cocktail dress definitely fits Lexi’s petite frame. Adam’s complemented her on her look, and she knows her boyfriend always tells the truth. It’s just that beautiful and class are two very different things. She may fit the former, but the latter? Does she have class?

  She knows the answer to that, and she suddenly feels her heart plunge to her stomach. She looks around and eyes the women talking about haute couture and high tea; she hears the men talking about the newest mergers and acquisitions and the fluctuations of the stock market; she sees the children tasting the appetizers and pronouncing them in perfect French. Lexi knows she doesn’t fit, not in this luncheon and most especially not in this echelon of society.

  “Hey babe, you alright?” She feels Adam place a hand on the small of her back, and that breaks her train of thought. “Mel asked if you wanted to get some food. I have to talk with a few people for a minute.”

  “Sure,” Lexi then says, and Adam gives her a quick kiss on the lips before he sau
nters off to a group of businessmen in quiet conversation at one corner of the room.

  When Adam first invited her to the luncheon, she didn’t know what to expect. Being here now, she knows it’s much different from the galas and conferences Adam’s brought her to for work and for pleasure. There’s no red carpet, no flashing lights of the paparazzi, and no set program to while the time away. The last one gets her the most. It scares her to speak to a stranger, a stranger who’s been raised in a different world that she’s been. What can she talk about?

  “Hi, earth to Lexi,” Mel says with a laugh, waving a hand in front of Lexi’s face. “Are you alright? You’ve been zoning out. I’m sorry if my company bores you…”

  “Oh, no! I’m so sorry,” Lexi quickly apologizes, feeling embarrassed all of a sudden. “I was just thinking of something…”

  “I was just kidding.” Mel’s chuckling, so Lexi takes that as a good sign. “I just asked if you already had your top five shows to watch for Fashion Week. I’m so excited!”

  Lexi breathes out a sigh. This, she can talk about. Fashion is part of her job, being that she’s an employee of The Sinclair Group of Companies. The corporation, which Adam founded, owns and manages a select group of luxury fashion brands. And so she slips into easy conversation with Mel, who’s able to enumerate her top picks easily.

  “Yes, we have to watch that together!” Mel then says, when Lexi mentions a brand best known for its high-end casual wear. “I’m sure Adam can score you tickets, but I’ll give you one, so we can sit together!”

  It isn’t long before an hour passes, and Lexi’s sad at having her conversation with Mel cut short. Adam’s back at her side, and Mel has to leave to say ‘hi’ to a number of other friends. The two women exchange numbers and hug before Mel leaves.

  “So are you two best friends now?” Adam teases, as he casually rests his arm on Lexi’s shoulders. “You two looked inseparable from where I was standing.”

  “She’s so friendly and so beautiful and so sophisticated, Adam…” Lexi gushes.

  “That’s Mel for you.” Adam then sends a small smirk her way. “I’m getting jealous of all the compliments you’re giving her…”

  She just laughs at that before she lets Adam steer her away to their table. The rest of the luncheon is uneventful. When she isn’t standing by Adam’s side and listening to the men talk about economic forecasts and technical jargon, she’s trying to strike conversation with the other people in the room. She’s met a number already who have promised to invite her to other similar events.

  Of course, there are a rare few who don’t want anything to do with her. She can sense their judgmental glances from the other end of the room. She knows what they’re thinking. Why is he with her? Lexi just tries to push that kind of negativity to the back of her head.

  “Ready to go?” Adam whispers as he sidles up to her.

  “More than ever.”

  Chapter 3

  Adam Sinclair’s Charity Case?

  Yesterday was the monthly luncheon of New York’s ‘It’ crowd. From business moguls to fashion-forward socialites, the event was a sure hit. Adam Sinclair, CEO and Founder of The Sinclair Group of Companies (SGC) was seen in the affair with his girlfriend and personal assistant Alexis Hayes. The two were seen being touchy-feely with one another. We talked to a number of attendees, who have asked to remain anonymous, and this is what they had to say about the couple:

  “It’s great to see Adam. He lights up the room with his business savvy and engaging personality. I wasn’t able to talk to his girlfriend though. She seemed like she didn’t want to talk to anyone.”

  “They look okay, not my ideal couple, but whatever suits them.”

  “Didn’t he used to date supermodels and socialites? His girlfriend fits neither category.”

  This makes us wonder, folks. Is this part of the company’s corporate social responsibility (CSV) initiative?

  Lexi puts her tablet back down on the bedside table and tries to forget about the tabloid article she’s just read. To her side, Adam’s still asleep. He looks adorable, hugging one pillow and burying his head in another. Lexi doesn’t want to wake him up, so she tries to lie back down as clandestinely as possible. She can’t stop thinking about the article. It’s part of her usual morning routine to catch up on the news along with cooking breakfast for the both of them. Now, she’s in no mood to do anything. She knows the news, in general, is meant to elicit a reaction; it’s a different story when she’s the main topic though. It gets to her, and she doesn’t realize she’s been tearing up until Adam stirs awake beside her.

  “Hey…babe…” Adam says, and seeing tears run down Lexi’s face has Adam sitting up immediately from the bed. “What happened?”

  She shows him the article, the headline still fresh in her head. Adam Sinclair’s Charity Case? She looks at him as his eyes scan the write-up, and slowly, his eyebrows start to furrow together, and his lips form a straight line.

  “Don’t tell me you actually believe this shit?” Adam says, tossing the tablet to the side of the bed and scooting himself closer to Lexi. When his arms wrap around the expanse of her stomach, he feels her melt into him as she rests her head on his bare chest.

  “My parents love you. My friends do as well.” Lexi tries to stop the tears; she can’t let the media feed her insecurities. “To hell with what strangers think.”

  “Hmmm…” she just says, breathing a warm breath and placing a kiss on Adam’s lips.

  Adam’s hand travels down from her waist and underneath her shirt. Lexi wriggles against him when she feels him playing with her breasts, one and then the other. This is definitely one of the best perks of living in together – morning sex everyday.

  “Adam…” she whispers, as she pulls her shirt over her head.

  That gives Adam the ‘go’ signal to cover her soft, full mounds with his lips. She can’t stop moving against the soft bedsheets as Adam continues to pleasure her. His lips nip and suck one hardened nipple before they move to the other. His hand tugs at the waistband of her underwear before he buries his hand underneath and massages her opening. He rubs two fingers against the lips of her pussy. Wet and moist. And he finds himself grinning. He slips a finger inside her, and Lexi starts breathing heavily. She’s definitely awake now, and she knows she may have to take a nap after the coming round.

  Against her legs, Lexi feels Adam’s erection against the thin material of his boxers. It makes her happy to know she has this kind of effect on him, and so her hand starts to rub and tease his dick. She brushes up and down and up and down against the cotton. Adam tugs at a nipple before he pulls away and plants a trail of kisses from her ribs down to the skin of her inner thighs. As his fingers continue to push in and out of Lexi’s pussy, his tongue tugs and swipes her clit.

  Lexi arches her back off the sheets. To feel this kind of pleasure early in the morning is the best method to wake up. Growing impatient, Lexi wriggles out of her panties, giving Adam full, undisturbed access to her most intimate region. As his mouth devours her, her hands take fistfuls of his espresso black hair, and she involuntarily starts humping his face. She’s unable to contain the build-up of pleasure inside her.

  “My turn…” she says with a smirk playing on her lips, as she cups Adam’s face and leads him away from her vagina. She flips him on his back, eliciting a light chuckle. It’s his turn to lie down, and it’s her turn to ‘wake’ him up. When she throws his boxers onto the floor, she can’t help but grin at the sight of his full and throbbing erection.


  With her mouth around Adam’s dick, Lexi’s eyes move up to meet his. She’s looking at him mischievously, and as she sucks his dick, there’s a faint smile on her face. In and out and in and out her mouth moves, as her full lips remain tight around his shaft. When Adam lets out a low growl, Lexi takes it as her cue to up the ante. Her fingers close around his shaft as her mouth assaults the sensitive head of his dick. The sensations of both fingers and mout
h working together send jolts of pleasure throughout Adam’s body. His muscles are tensed; his jawline is tight; and his eyes remain shut. He’s almost there. As if sensing his finality, Lexi pulls her mouth away from his head and move to position her entrance right above his dick.

  Slowly, she feels the lips of her pussy enveloping his erection, and as Lexi pushes herself deeper, Adam feels like he’s about to lose it. She plants the palms of her hands on his taut stomach; there’s a build-up of sweat there. Up and down and up and down, Lexi starts to move. Adam arches a bit to grasp her full breast jiggling teasingly in front of his face. He squeezes them then gives her nipples a playful twist.

  “Adam…” Lexi then breathes out heavily, as she starts to move faster.

  Adam places two fingers on Lexi’s clitoris and starts to rub, and Lexi’s moans grow louder and more intense. Their eyes meet – jade meeting brown – and they know that look. Together.


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