Trust Me: A Bad Boy MC Romance

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Trust Me: A Bad Boy MC Romance Page 43

by Cristal Pierre

  She feels her walls inundated with his semen – creamy and in abundance. When she pulls her pussy away from his dick, Adam feels even more turned on at seeing his cum drip from her entrance. He has that mischievous look, and she knows what he means. She knows what he wants – another round.

  Chapter 4

  “Fuck, you look so hot,” Melissa says, as she pulls Lexi into a hug. “I don’t want to stand beside you.”

  It’s the last runway show – a perfect end to fashion week. In trend with the year’s theme of luxurious modernism, Lexi dons a very simple sheath skirt and a sleeveless satin top with a subtle color palette of nudes and grays. The pointed toe gray ankle boots complete the ensemble, and she’s noticed a number of paparazzi take snapshots of her look.

  “And look who’s talking,” replies Lexi, raising an eyebrow up at her new friend. “You’re flawless in that silk maxi dress!”

  “Come on! I want you all to myself for a short while,” Mel then says, hooking her arm around Lexi’s and leading her to their front row seats. “Before Adam wants you back.”

  They watch the full length of the runway show with Adam sitting at the other side. He’s with a couple of business partners, and they’re on work mode. As a new initiative for the season, Adam’s looking to partner up with both upcoming and established designers. It’s one way to reach a wider market since the number of consumers opting for high-end products is continuously increasing. Lexi is more than happy to spend the time with Melissa. There’s the after-party which Adam and she will be attending together anyway.

  Lexi takes a few mental snapshots of some of her favorite looks. She’s never been a spendthrift, and only purchases items out of necessity. Of all the items she wants from the looks tonight, she knows she’ll only end up buying a single one. Sometimes, Lexi feels she’s too much of a miser, but having come from a poor household, it’s better to be a cheapskate than otherwise.

  The models then walk the whole length of the runway and stop to pose in a single line. A round of applause ensues when the designer walks out from backstage and waves to the crowd. The standing ovation is almost deafening, and Lexi feels like she’s clapping too eagerly like a sea lion.

  When the show ends, Adam and his business partners head backstage for a quick chat with the designer, and when that’s done and over with, Adam and Lexi head to the after-party which most of their friends are attending as well. The function is located in one of the highest rooftop bars in the city, and most of fashion’s who’s who is in attendance. It’s paradise for anyone part of the industry.

  “Look who’s here,” says someone in a thick French accent. It’s a good thing Adam has his arm wrapped around Lexi’s waist else she would’ve have already buckled her knees and fallen to the floor. There’s just something about accents. “Long time no see.”

  Lexi feels Adam’s arm stiffen behind her, and she instantly knows this stranger is bad news.

  “Philippe?” Adam says, tone incredulous and wary. His eyes glance over the man’s face before they move and land on the woman beside him. “Yvonne?”

  There’s no missing the smirk on Philippe’s face. “I see you’ve met my girlfriend.”

  Lexi’s eyes then fly up to the woman’s face before they move down to her tattoos. There’s one on her inner wrist – a single word Lexi can’t read from afar – and another one on the side of her foot. In a sudden rush, pictures of Adam looking intimate with this same woman flood Lexi’s memory. She’s the woman in his Facebook pictures; she’s Adam’s ex-girlfriend.

  “You two are dating?!” Adam asks, his voice rising. “You can do better than him, Eve.”

  The woman, Yvonne or Eve, furrows her eyebrows together while Philippine tips the edge of his lips up into a sinister smirk. Lexi doesn’t like how the situation looks; Adam’s tight and tense against her, and she’s clueless and has no idea what to say and do.

  Philippe’s eyes scan Lexi from head to toe. He looks displeased. “I don’t think you’re a credible source for relationship advice.”

  Lexi feels gutted in an instant; she knows what he means by that statement. I’m not going to take advice from someone dating his assistant. Lexi looks to the side; she’s trying to keep her emotions and the tears in check. Thankfully, Adam cuts the conversation short.

  “Let’s not waste each other’s time,” he says before he turns around and walks away.

  All this time his arm is wrapped around Lexi’s waist. He likes the feeling, having Lexi there are as a support system. Throughout the night, he rids his thoughts of Philippine and Yvonne. He doesn’t want to end the night on a sour note, so he’s not going to think of them. Period. When the after-party carries on to the wee hours of the morning, Lexi and Adam decide to head home. Despite the long day and night, Adam knows there’s an interrogation waiting.

  “You’re not sleeping yet, mister,” Lexi says, when they start to undress in the bedroom.

  “You know I can’t ever say ‘no’ to sex.”

  Adam tries to change the route of the conversation, and Lexi only shakes her head at that.

  “I’m serious,” she then says. “You have some explaining to do.”

  And that’s how they end up staying awake until sunrise. Adam tells her how Philippe, who was raised in France until high school, moved to the US for university. They were fraternity brothers, became best friends even. They spent so much time together it was obvious they were going to be inseparable after graduation. After gaining some work experience in the corporate world, Adam and Philippe decided to start a company. When it was starting to gain traction and scaling at a faster pace than expected, that’s when Philippe decided to replicate the entire business model and start a new one on his own. The worst part is he took Adam’s clients. Suffice to say that was the straw that broke the camel’s back and ended their friendship.

  “Hmm…” Lexi ponders when Adam finishes. “And now he’s dating your ex-girlfriend…”

  Adam cocks an eyebrow up. How does she know Yvonne and he used to date? “It looks like you’ve got some explaining to do as well…”

  Lexi lets out an embarrassed laugh. “Well, ah…you see…after dinner with your parents…” she says, as she recounts the time when she stalked him on Facebook and pored through his digital albums. Adam can’t help but grin at Lexi blushing and admitting what she did. She even told him how she was able to reach the very beginning of his Facebook profile.

  “Women make great detectives,” she says, trying to cover her sleuthing with a laugh.

  Adam shakes his head at feeling the tug in his heart. Only Lexi can make him feel this way.

  “Come here, you…” he says, when the explanations end, and he wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her closer to his side of the bed. They don’t have to worry about Philippe and Yvonne. They’re both in the past, and Lexi and Adam are each other’s present. With Lexi, his human pillow, right at his side, Adam can sleep soundly.

  Chapter 5

  Topless bodies are flushed against each other. The man, right at the center, is looking straight at the camera. If jawlines can cut…Lexi can’t help but think as she observes the man with the darkest hair and the lightest eyes she’s ever seen. They’re shooting their newest denim campaign, and what better way to highlight denim bottoms than for the models to go topless? The two women stand on each side of the male model; they’re looking at him longingly and seductively. One bites her bottom lip while the other has an arm protectively wrapped around the man’s nape. Their breasts are pressed up against this man, and Lexi can’t help but feel hot and heavy at the view before her.

  It’s just a shoot, and there are tons of cameras surrounding the models. There’s nothing romantic or passionate about it, but Lexi finds herself asking questions. Questions she knows she can’t ask just anyone.

  “Boo,” Adam surprises her from behind, as he wraps his arms around her waist. “What do you think of the campaign?”

  “For sure everyone will notice the denim
,” Lexi says, leaning her head on his chest. “What else is there to look at?”

  She hears Adam chuckling behind her and then says, “Right.” The shoot director tells the models to switch poses, and the three of them get down on the floor. The view is a hot tangle of limbs and skin.

  “Wouldn’t you like to be in the middle of a human sandwich?” Adam teases, and Lexi instantly shuts up.

  When she stays silent for a few seconds too long, Adam then asks, “I was just kidding, babe…”

  Lexi meets Adam’s eyes. “Have you been?” When Adam cocks an eyebrow up at her, she then says, “Been in a human sandwich?”

  Adam tells the director and the rest of the crew to ‘carry on’ before he leads Lexi away from the shoot and to a corner of the room where it’s only the two of them. He leans a shoulder against the industrial brick wall, while Lexi stands in front of him with her arms awkwardly at her sides.

  “You mean a threesome?” Lexi nods her head. Despite having had sex with Adam countless times already, she still finds herself getting horny at the mention of sex-related words. “What about it?”

  Lexi clasps her hands together, her fingers playing with one another. She’s nervous and has no idea how Adam will react.

  “I’m horny…” she whispers, looking at the models before turning back to face Adam. “Stupid topless models…”

  She expects no less of his reaction – that signature smirk and playful eyes.

  “What do you want me to do about it?” he then asks, enjoying her nervousness too much. She looks adorable, and all he wants is to close the distance between them and have her right then and there.

  In reply, Lexi turns her head to look at the shoot. The three models are still in a half-naked web of limbs. Adam knows the campaign’s bound to get some backlash, but he knows what the market wants. He knows what sells.

  “Forget about it,” Lexi then says, shaking her head. “Let’s go back?”

  “Tell me…” There’s a hint of a whine in Adam’s voice; he knows Lexi can’t say ‘no’ to that. “Please…”

  “Uhm…” Lexi starts, looking at anywhere but Adam’s eyes. “I’ve never had a threesome before…”

  She’s scared to see Adam’s reaction and has no idea of what to expect.

  “Have you kissed a woman before?” When Lexi looks taken aback, he then says, “Even just for fun?”

  Her silence is answer enough. No and no to having a threesome and kissing a woman. To ease her nerves, Adam pulls her closer to him by wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Lexi doesn’t look at him, and Adam knows she feels embarrassed. She’s made an issue of her inexperience before, but Adam’s always been there to reassure her that it doesn’t matter. They’re in the relationship together; they’ll learn and work together.

  “Can we change that?” When Lexi asks the question, it’s Adam’s turn to be caught off guard.

  “Are you sure?” Adam asks, bending his head so his lips are a hairsbreadth away from her ear. There’s no way anyone can hear them now. “Babe…”

  “Only if you’re okay with it…I just want to experience what it’s like to-” She clips her mouth shut, too nervous to carry on. “You know what I mean.”

  Adam turns his head to look at the three models. They’ve changed attires and are now taking individual shots. When he looks away and meets Lexi’s curious hazel eyes, he sees that she’s serious, nervous but serious all the same.

  “Are you sure…?”

  “Isn’t it every guy’s dream to be in a threesome with two women?” She nudges his shoulder in an attempt to lighten the mood.

  “Well, yeah but…” Adams bites his bottom lip. He knows threesomes can lead to complications, what more with Lexi who’s only slept with one guy – him. It’s a recipe for disaster, but Lexi looks adamant, and Adam kind of wishes he didn’t bring her to the shoot. “Babe…think about it first. Then come back to me in a few days and tell me whether or not you really want to push through with it…”

  Chapter 6

  “So you’ve done this before?” Lexi asks Candice, one of the models from the shoot a few days ago.

  Exactly three days after Adam told Lexi to think her invitation through, she went up to him and told him she wanted to go through with the plan. She promised Adam that it’s only going to be a one-time thing, something of a ‘get it out of the way’ situation. After a whole night of setting up rules and establishing boundaries, Adam finally invited Candice, and the woman was more than happy to join the ride.

  “Yeah, more than once…” she says, her eyes are cast upwards towards the ceiling of the hotel room. It’s as if she’s remembering something. “You know how college is. Everyone’s experimenting…”

  No, I don’t know, Lexi wants to answer, but she decides to settle for a head shake. She worked two jobs when she was an undergrad student, just so she can ease up on taking too many loans. Her college experience consisted of library visits and case studies. Obviously there were no threesomes.

  “You’re nervous,” Candice then says, walking over to the desk chair and taking a seat. “Are you sure you want to go through with this?”

  “That’s what I told her,” adds Adam, who’s seated on the bed right beside Lexi. “But she’s stubborn.”

  When Lexi eyes her boyfriend, Adam only sends a small smirk her way.

  “Well then,” says Candice, reaching for the bottle of vodka and pouring the contents into three shot glasses. “How about we ease your nerves first?”

  Candice hands one glass to Lexi and the other to Adam. The last one is for herself. They clink their glasses together and drink the shot in one go. Lexi feels the alcohol burn down her throat. She remembers Adam telling her before that premium vodka won’t burn, but it does, and she knows it’s because of her low alcohol tolerance.

  “More, more…” Candice says, as she pours more vodka until the bottle is three-fourths empty. “Have some more…”

  Lexi accepts the alcohol from Candice, drinks it, and suddenly feels a little woozy. She’s in between drunk and tipsy; she’s ready.

  Adam scoots closer to Lexi on the edge of the bed and cups her face. He wants to start gentle, to ease Lexi into the experience. He gives her a peck on the lips, and then another, until he deepens the kiss. She responds automatically, lips moving in sync with his and her arms winding around his neck. She absent-mindedly plays with the strands at his nape while Adam sets her on his lap, so she’s straddling him. When Lexi starts pushing her tongue deeper and asking for entrance, Adam pulls away. He looks at Candice, and Lexi feels more nervous than ever.

  Candice moves to Lexi’s other side, and slowly, the model hooks a finger under Lexi’s chin and tips it towards her. Then, Candice cups Lexi face in her hands, and just like that, Lexi feels a different sensation. Candice’s fingers are softer and more tender. It’s a different feeling being intimate with a woman, and the excitement builds up inside her.

  When Candice and Lexi’s lips meet, Candice’s hands travel from Lexi’s face to her shoulders. The kiss starts slow, as Lexi tries to get used to the more delicate and feminine figure. She feels Candice’s breasts pushed up against hers, and in a moment of confidence, she pulls Candice’s top over her head and discards it on the floor.

  “Hmm…” Adam says, as he removes his girlfriend’s shirt and throws it to the side as well.

  Candice and Lexi’s bras go off at the same time, and as Adam massages Lexi’s breasts, Lexi’s exploring Candice mounds with her lips. She’s not sure if she’s doing it correctly. Tonight’s a one-time thing; they all know it, but the least she can do is give Candice a good experience and not waste her time.

  “Yes…” Candice whispers, urging her on. “Yes…”

  Candice’s fingers intertwine with Lexi’s as she guides her hand towards her free breast. In response, Lexi pulls away from Candice’s left breast and gives her right one a quick suck. Then, her fingers start to twist and pull at Candice’s taut nipples.

  Lexi knows
Adam’s getting restless. His hands are roaming her inner thighs while his lips pepper kisses on her nape and back. When Lexi pulls away from Candice for a moment, Adam takes the opportunity and starts assaulting the crook of her neck.

  When Lexi opens her eyes, she sees Candice smiling at her mischievously. The woman then spreads her legs apart as her fingers fly to the waistband of her shorts. Lexi wriggles out of the denim, and Candice bites her lip at the sight of sheer underwear.

  “I see you’re prepared for tonight…” Candice says, noticing the bare, smooth skin of Lexi’s pussy.

  Lexi knows what to expect. Adam’s gone down on her too many times. She knows what fingering and receiving oral feels like…

  Lexi bites her lip when she realizes she’s been wrong all along. Her expectations fly out the window when Candice starts eating her out and playing with her clit. There’s a gentleness with Candice, unlike with Adam who’s rougher and hungrier when it comes to foreplay and sex. Candice savors each moment and takes Lexi slowly.


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