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by Silver, Jordan

  "Go to your room baby, I'll get rid of her as soon as I can and come to you okay, just know that you haven't done anything wrong, I'm not mad at you neither is she, she's just a little confused right now okay." I kissed her hair and led her out of the bathroom and past Maddy to the bedroom door.

  Getting rid of Maddy wasn't so easy but I did it eventually, she was all of a sudden consumed with jealousy. Going into my sister's I have to stop thinking of her like that, she was not my sister and thank heaven for that, I found her on the bed in a little ball and my heart clutched.

  In that moment I didn't care about anything else, I didn't worry about tomorrow or what may be, I only wanted her, wanted to comfort her, needed this night to end on the highest note for her, for us.

  Climbing in behind her I pulled her tight against me, her slight frame held a fine tremble.

  " please don't regret what we did, if you say you regret this I think I would go out of my mind. I don't know what's going to happen, where we're going to go from here, but I do know that you're part of it. Tell me you feel the same, tell me that you feel half of what I feel right now and I promise you I'll find a way, I’ll make us happen... just tell me."

  She rolled over in my arms, wiping the tears that had fallen silently.

  "You promise?"

  "Cross my heart baby." She held me so tight after that I was afraid she would crack a rib, but I wasn't about to tell her to let go, instead I tried to pull her even closer to me.

  I have no idea how I'm going to do this, but somehow I have to, it was the only thing that made sense, there was nothing else to be done, I could never be with Maddy or anyone else again, not after finding paradise with Isabella.

  Maddy was like a fucking pit bull and bloodhound rolled into one, every morning at school I had to play twenty questions, she questioned every move I'd made while not in her presence. Thankfully her period had started because I still hadn't come up with a good enough excuse as to why I could no longer fuck her.

  For some reason although I'd had yet to figure out mine and Isabella's new relationship and where it was going, I knew for sure that I was never going to touch Madelyn again.

  It was amazing spending the evenings at home alone with Isabella and although we hadn't made love again, we spent our evenings alone cuddled together watching TV.

  Our parents were still in the habit of leaving us to our own devices and why should they do any differently, we went out of our way to appear as normal as possible, though sometimes one of us might catch the other staring longingly at the other.

  At which time the one not doing the staring would do something to jar the other out of their daydream before we gave ourselves away.


  "Fuck..." I almost fell off the bleachers.

  "Maddy what the fuck?"

  "My period's over, we're going out tonight."

  "I'm not sure..." I tried to stall.

  "Stuff it Drake, we haven't done anything in forever and that's not like you, if I didn't know any better I'd swear you were screwing that little whore...."

  "Watch your fucking mouth." I was up out of my seat before I could think better of it.

  For the first time I saw a flash of real fear in her eyes but there was something else there as well, something ugly that made my guts tighten.

  "Look Maddy, you want to go to a movie or something that's what we'll do but just lay off okay."

  I didn't say anymore because I didn't want to start a big argument here on school grounds.

  "I promised dad I'd have dinner with the family tonight so it'll have to be after...."

  "Perfect, I'll meet you at your house, and just in case you were wondering, this is just you and me, no third wheel."

  Her lips on mine felt like a cold dead fish and I couldn't help pushing her away from me. I used her words as a shield.

  "Cut it out Maddy, I'll see you later." I walked away from her with my heart in my throat.

  Isabella and I have been skirting around the issue, we haven't really come out and promised each other anything but we both hinted at what we wanted and we both wanted to be together.

  I just didn't know how to handle the whole Maddy situation delicately, in a way that there would be no fallout. The way Maddy's been acting I knew she'd make trouble.

  There were only a few weeks left of school and then we'd be gone, both Isabella and I were waiting to hear from my mom's and dad's alma mater but I have no doubts we'd get in, if our grades didn't hold up, which I'm sure they would, my father or grandfather were more than ready to step in and make it happen.

  Grandpa had grown somewhat fond of Isabella over the years since I'd started dragging her to the ranch with me for the summer. They were buddies who more often than not ganged up on me at every turn.

  I did want Isabella to enjoy her last days in high school though before we ran off to become adults.

  Chapter 8

  Now more than ever that apartment we had waiting for us off campus was needful. Maddy had been playing around with the idea of joining us and before that had been alright by me, but there was no way in hell she was coming along now.

  Her grades were nowhere near mine and Isabella's and though her family had money, I don't think they had the kind that would allow for tuition at Harvard, so without a scholarship we might be saved from that argument.

  Now as I walk away my big worry was how to tell Isabella about tonight, I know her, this will just make her miserable.

  That night it seemed like everything conspired to keep me from having a minute alone with her, Rachel was in one of her rare moods where she was vying for mother of the year and wanted Isabella in the kitchen to help her with some new recipe she was trying out.

  By the time dinner was ready dad and I were deep in conversation about my upcoming move.

  The parents were pretty excited that we were both going off together, my dad had become somewhat of a father to Isabella as well and treated her like his own, so he was happy that I will be there to look after her.

  If or when he found out about the change in our relationship there was no telling what the hell he would do, but as things stood he was still happy with the arrangement.

  "Dinner's ready." Rachel's sing song voice rang out as she came into the room with the salad bowl, followed by Isabella.

  Dinner was the usual Coburn affair there was talk about football and school, what we planned to major in, whether to take the piano or just buy one. Both Isabella and I were avid players these days though I still had her beat.

  Before long Maddy was walking into the room all smiles and cleavage and I still hadn't had time to tell Isabella. Shit.

  My dad and Rachel, having no clue of the turmoil taking place greeted Maddy like they always did, like the girlfriend of the son of the house,

  "What a beautiful sweater Maddy, how flattering it looks on you, doesn't she look beautiful Isabella?"

  Isabella smiled almost sickly, or at least that's how it looked to me. Maddy hadn't even spoken to her in a week and it played heavily on her heart I knew.

  "Yes, it's very pretty."

  "Whatever, Drake are you ready, we don't want to be late and the others are waiting for us."

  "Others, what others, I thought we were going to a movie."

  "Our friends of course silly, we thought after the movie we could drive down to the beach and hang out or something." She said this rather suggestively and I stole a quick glance at Isabella to see her face looking as though I'd stabbed her through the heart. I almost ended everything right then and there.

  I couldn't bear to hurt her this way, I wanted to go over there and reassure her that all will be well but how could I under the watchful eye of Maddy?

  "I'm not going to the beach, a movie and that's it, I have things to do tomorrow so I have to make it an early night."

  She looked as though she was about to argue but I didn't give her the chance.

  "Why don't you drive your car an
d I'll take mine, that way you can go on to the beach with the others and I can come back here."

  "What kind of date is that?"

  I just gave her a look because I had no intentions of arguing with her in front of my family, one thing though the more she pushed, the easier it was becoming for me to break things off.

  I didn't look at Isabella as I left the room with Maddy who had taken hold of my hand on the way out, the snarky smile she threw Isabella's way made me want to tell her to go fuck herself but I knew she would make trouble for Isabella if I didn't handle things the right way. Just a few more weeks and I wouldn't have to care, I could hang on until then I hope.

  I have no idea what was going on on the screen; I spent most of my time fighting off Maddy's advances.

  "Maddy cut it out."

  "That's not what you usually say, now come on let's fool around everyone else is doing it."

  "Not tonight okay."

  "Fuck you Drake, it's been weeks, don't tell me you're still hung up on your little sister's pussy..."

  "Ssh, will you shut the fuck up about that?"

  "What, you don't want our friends to know you fucked your sweet as pie little sister?"

  "That's it." I got up to leave, if she was looking for an argument I wasn't going to give her one, there was no way I was going to embarrass Isabella like that.

  "Oh sit down already, you're always so serious lately."

  I spent the rest of the movie with my mind stuck at home with Isabella, hoping that she knew she could trust me not to touch Maddy tonight.

  I was jolted back to the present with Maddy's next announcement.

  "I found someone for Bella to date, that way she doesn't have to tag along behind us anymore and be underfoot.

  Bitch, I felt my pulse quicken with sickening fear, what the fuck was she up to now?

  "What're you talking about?"

  "Jason Stewart, our gardener's son, he's perfect for Bella, just a year or so younger than her but he's big for his age, they're both losers so they'd be perfect for each other..."

  "Not in this fucking lifetime." I no longer gave a fuck what she did or didn't do, I'd listened to her ridicule Isabella, be smarmy and cutting, I'd even cut her some slack because I felt guilty for wanting Isabella, but the idea that she would try to bring some man into my girl's life, that was a deal breaker.

  "What do you care Drake, she's your stepsister not your girlfriend, I'm your girlfriend remember?"

  "Not anymore you're not, we're through, I told you what would happen if you fucked with Isabella, well now you've gone too far."

  "What, by finding her a date?"

  "No by calling her a loser and thinking your gardener's son is good enough for her, she happens to come from the wealthiest family in this fucking state, how fucking dare you. If she wanted to date a janitor, that would be her choice, but the fact that you think she can't do any better is bullshit and you know it."

  "She's not from a wealthy family, you are, her mother was nothing but a poor housewife until your dad came along and rescued both of them, she's not one of us."

  "Fuck you, stay the hell away from me and Isabella."

  "You think I don't know what this is about, you'll regret this."

  I left before she could finish her threats I no longer cared.

  Chapter 9

  The feeling of freedom was overwhelming as I hurried home, I didn't want her spending one more second than necessary hurting because I'd been too chicken shit to call things off with Maddy.

  How could I have been so stupid, the more I thought about it the more I realized I'd done Isabella a great disservice, she deserved all of me, especially after she'd given me her innocence and in such an unconventional way, instead of reassurance and happiness I'd left her in doubt and uncertainty.

  No more, after tonight there would be no more. The next thing I had to do was break the news to my dad and her mother, they were the only two I really cared about at this point because they had the power to make things difficult. Everyone else could fuck off it no longer mattered to me one way or another. As long as my baby was okay, happy, I was fine with whatever.

  The house was almost totally dark when I pulled through the gates I made sure they were locked behind me just in case Maddy decided to follow me home.

  Dad and Rachel seemed to have disappeared, one of his cars were missing, good. This way Isabella and I could speak freely without fear of interruption.

  I found her in my room of all places, fast asleep on my bed one of my football jerseys being used for pajamas. The tear tracks on her face made me draw in a deep breath. I'm such an asshole.

  Toeing off my shoes I got on the bed with her.

  "Wake up sleepyhead." Just being this close brought such peace, such heart pounding love, how had I gone this long without recognizing the signs? She's always made me feel whole.

  "Hmmm, Drake you're back."

  "Yes baby I'm home, I'm sorry, so sorry I left you and went out with her...."

  "I understood...."

  "You did?"

  "Yeah, sorta...."

  "Well it won't happen again it's over, I broke things off with her..."

  "You did?" She came fully awake then.

  "Yes baby I did, I couldn't stand being with her one second more knowing what it was doing to you, from now on you're the only woman I'll be going out on dates with okay!"

  "Oh my gosh are you serious, is it real?"

  "Very serious, no more hiding and if you're ready we'll tell our parents as soon as possible...."

  "You know she's going to cause trouble don't you?"

  "I know baby and I'll try to shield you from as much of that as possible, just tell me you can be strong for me and we'll get through whatever."

  "I can be strong as long as we're together, I can face anything."

  "That's what I like to hear, now what are you doing in my bed beautiful?"

  "I missed you so much, I just wanted to be close to you, Rachel and Robert went out some where not long after dinner, I tried reading for a while but then I couldn't concentrate so I came in here."

  "I'm sorry love, forgive me?"

  "Yes, of course I forgive you."

  "Good, now can I have my shirt back?" I playfully raised the tail of the jersey until her bikini underwear were exposed, her long slender legs were perfect, her tummy flat with just a slight curve that I found sexy as hell. I couldn't resist planting a kiss just there.

  "What're you doing?"

  "Making love to my girlfriend."

  The transformation on her face made me feel like I could do just about anything.

  "Kiss me."

  I took her lips before she could obey my order.

  "I missed you baby, so much." I growled in her ear as I nibbled my way down her neck.

  "I missed you more."

  This time was different; there was no nervous tension, no holding back. I touched her how I wanted and where I wanted.

  I enjoyed her every sigh, her every moan, I took my time and learned her body, learned what she liked.

  Like the touch of my tongue behind her knee, the brush of my thumb across her clitty.

  "Drake...." She reached her arms out to me as I kissed my way up her thigh. I studied her feminine core before taking my first taste.

  Sweet, so fucking sweet, she made my heart pound in my ears as the blood rushed through my body from my head and headed to my hard on.

  Before Maddy I'd been known as a lady's man, I lost my virginity at fourteen and have been at it ever since. I've had all types of sex with different girls and in one case a grown woman, but none of them came close to my Isabella.

  The feelings she brought out in me were second to none; she made me think of forever and always, of having this one woman as mine for the rest of my life.

  That was some heavy shit for an eighteen year old, but somehow it seemed right for me, for us.

  I pulled my shirt all the way off of her body and she helped me remove my clothe
s in between fevered kisses and hurried touches.

  The feel of her wet hotness against my tortured dick felt like every birthday and holiday combined, it was so good I almost lost conscious thought.

  "Fuck, I forgot a condom." I started to pull out, the first time I'd been too far gone to stop, I couldn't keep taking chances with her though.

  "No don't stop, it's okay, please don't stop."

  "Baby, we can't." I kissed her face as I tried to stop my body's movements.

  "It's safe..." She held my ass in both hands holding me prisoner inside her.

  "If you're sure...."

  I hadn't stopped stroking into her body even as I offered to stop, my body was on fire, it had never felt anything this glorious before and it was gluttonous.

  The heart knows, that's all I kept thinking as I made love to her, the heart always knows.

  "We'll never be apart again, never, I love you."

  She squeezed around me then, her arms and legs coming up to hold me close, just where I wanted to be, always, as she cried out her love for me.

  That weekend was our first together as a couple, because everything was so new we found ourselves sneaking away at every opportunity so we could make love.

  Isabella told me she was on the pill because of some female issue she'd had with her periods or something so there was nothing but skin, I'd never experienced that phenomenon before her and I was greedy for more.

  Our parents had no clue what was going on and we'd decided to wait to tell them, just in case they had a fit and tried to break us up, which we both swore we would never let happen, but we just wanted to enjoy our happiness together before we had to deal with too much serious stuff.

  That all came crashing down early Monday morning when the halls of Lincoln High rang with whispers and innuendo. I had no idea of the goings-on because, like the rest of my team I'd come in early and headed straight to the field, it was after first bell when my phone went off and there was a text from my boy Justin telling me my sister was in trouble.

  I ran to the building in the grips of such fear as I've never known before in my life, the message hadn't said what the problem was but it didn't matter, whatever it was couldn't be good.


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