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Fight 4 Us: Legacy

Page 7

by Grenda, Brian

Dr. Morris walks around her desk and shouts, “You listen to me when I’m talking to you! I am your boss and you’ll do as I say!”

  Kat’s heart is racing.

  Dr. Morris is red in her face.

  “Yes ma’am,” says Kat to Dr. Morris.

  Dr. Morris says, “That’s better. See what you can do about getting more supplies from Ryan. I’ll talk with the leader of the new group that may be causing the trouble around here.”

  “Thank you,” replies Kat.

  Dr. Morris says, “You can leave now.”

  Kat grabs the door handle of Dr. Morris’ office door, opens the door, walks through the doorway, and then slams the office door shut.

  A man, a woman, and their son walk towards Kat as she exits Dr. Morris’ office.

  Kat says hello to the man, woman, and boy as she passes them.

  Dr. Morris opens her office door and looks for Kat.

  “Don’t slam my fucking door!” shouts Dr. Morris as Kat walks away from Dr. Morris’ office.

  The man and woman, that Kat just passed, make eye contact with Dr. Morris.

  Dr. Morris looks at the man and says, “I’m sorry for my tone Jacob. Please come into my office.”

  The man, woman, and child enter Dr. Morris’ office.

  “Where could Jacob be?” asks Shaun to Matt and Jon as they are working on organizing the supplies for the bullet recipe.

  “I don’t know, but I don’t like that asshole being alive. Chris either,” replies Jon.

  “I can’t believe we are in Chris’ house right now. We should burn it to the ground,” jokes Matt.

  “Why couldn’t Joseph blow up Chris’ house when they attacked us?” asks Shaun.

  Matt moves a pile of boxes and replies, “I don’t know, but you are lucky to be alive Shaun. Joseph could have easily killed you.”

  “I know, that was scary. My leg was trapped. I couldn’t move. I should have died that day,” says Shaun.

  Jon clears off a wooden table and places a plastic tote on top of the wooden table.

  Jon says, “Treat every day as a gift.”

  “I definitely do,” replies Shaun.

  “Part of me is glad I wasn’t here for the battle with Joseph. From what I’ve heard, the attack on this place was terrible,” says Jon.

  “It really was. Our entrance to the neighborhood was destroyed, several homes were blown up, and a lot of people died that day,” says Matt.

  Jon looks at Shaun and Matt and asks, “Are your parents still alive?”

  Shaun replies, “No, they died before we came down here. I wish my parents were still alive. I miss them.”

  Matt opens a beer and hands it to Shaun.

  “I know the feeling. I miss my dad as well. I’m just glad my mom survived,” says Matt.

  Jon opens a beer and says, “I miss my parents. I wish they were here with us. The way we lose people in this world is awful.”

  Matt thinks about his dad and the last time he saw him.

  “I hope my dad isn’t aimlessly walking around his neighborhood as a zombie. I wish I could have saved him,” says Matt.

  “There is nothing you could have done. He got bit and he sacrificed himself. He helped us get away,” says Shaun.

  “We have worked too damn hard to get this far. We can’t let Jacob, or anyone take this place,” says Matt.

  “What’s going on here?” I ask Matt, Shaun, and Jon as I walk up Chris’ driveway.

  “Just taking a break. We finished cleaning out the garage and now we are making room in here,” answers Matt.

  “How did the trip go?” asks Shaun.

  “It went well, but I think DK or Jacob, or someone had a camera in Jacob’s house.”

  “Really?” asks Jon.

  “Yeah, we left the camera in Jacob’s house. We didn’t know if they could track the camera.”

  “Anything else happen?” asks Matt.

  “We saw the white military drone again. It looked to be scanning the beach and nearby homes, but it didn’t attack us.”

  “Damn, I guess DK and Jacob are still here. I was hoping that they would have left or died or something,” says Shaun.

  “Not yet.”

  Jon hands me a beer.

  “Thank you, Jon. How are things here?”

  “Good, things are all good here. We set this garage up for our makeshift machine shop, and I started to setup more security measures around the neighborhood. Mainly around the West entrance and far end of the neighborhood,” says Matt.

  “Everything look okay?”

  “Yeah, just staying on top of things around here. I’m taking my job of securing this place seriously. I think the neighborhood behind ours is where most of these new zombies are coming from,” replies Matt.

  “What makes you say that?”

  Matt answers, “I heard a lot more moans and groans coming from there recently. There have been less human sounds and more zombie noises coming from there.”

  “Stay on top of it and keep up the good work. I appreciate it.”

  “Did you get a new SUV or something?” asks Shaun.

  “How did you know?”

  “I saw you guys drive in,” answers Shaun.

  “Yeah, actually we got a sweet overpriced luxury SUV on our trip. We met two people and a pit bull at the dealership though.”

  “Everything okay? Did anyone get hurt?” asks Jon.

  “No, we are okay. The two people we met seemed nice and they were just trying to survive. They were Jaws Junior and Darlene.”

  “What the fuck? Jaws Junior?” asks Shaun.

  “Yeah, that’s what he went by. He’s a mechanic. His wife Darlene was cautious but nice as well. Their pit bull Indy looked mean as hell though.”

  “Glad you made out okay,” says Jon.

  “We also heard these two extremely loud gunshots around the car dealership. I don’t know where they came from, but they were loud as hell.”

  “Probably a sniper or someone hiding,” says Shaun.

  “This isn’t the Middle East bro,” says Matt to Shaun.

  “What does that matter? The world is a battlefield now. People will do everything necessary to survive. I’m sure people are staying hidden and taking down any threats that come their way,” replies Shaun.

  “Just be careful out there on your runs. I am going back to the dealership pretty soon, and I might check out the gunfire.”

  “Why are you going back?” asks Jon.

  “I think Jaws Junior and Darlene could use some help. I’m going to give them some supplies as payment for the SUV they gave us.”

  “They didn’t own it bro. You don’t have to pay for things now,” says Shaun.

  “Yes, you do. That’s the whole premise of karma. Payment isn’t always with paper currency. Your debts whether in this life or a past life will be paid. Everything we do comes back around. Good or bad. I’m not letting any bad karma come back for me. I already have to make up for killing Joseph and the two junkies that were living in the medical house.”

  “You can’t let the idea of bad juju ruin your life. The world is a crazy place right now. We all have to do questionable things to stay alive now,” says Matt.

  “I know the world is putting us in bad situations, but I just feel uneasy at times with the decisions I have made. My conscience will be a little clearer if I help Jaws Junior and Darlene. Plus, they could be an ally of ours. Jaws Junior is a mechanic and they took over a car dealership.”

  “I’ll go with you when you go back to the dealership,” says Shaun.

  Jon looks at me and says, “You might be having some PTSD. That’s no joke and changes a person. If you need to talk with someone, I am always here for your bro.”

  “Thank you, Jon. I think that’s a good idea. I think I should talk with therapist Jon.”

  “No problem Ry. That’s what I did before the zombie apocalypse,” says Jon.

  “Along with eight other professions,” jokes Matt.

  Jon smirks
and replies, “That’s true, but hey I got several degrees though.”

  “You are an asset to the Brotherhood,” I say to Jon as I raise my beer bottle in the air.

  The guys and I finish our beers and exit Chris’ garage.

  I walk out the cul-de-sac with Jon, Matt, and Shaun.

  I feel the need to tell the guys that I appreciate them and that I am thankful that they are my friends.

  “Hey guys, hold up a second.”

  Jon, Matt, and Shaun stop walking.

  I look at the guys and start to get emotional.

  “You okay Ry?” asks Matt.

  I gather my emotions and thoughts.

  “Yeah, I just wanted to tell you guys that I’m thankful for all that you do. For the great times we have had and for the fact that you are here right now. It’s crazy to think that we are all together right now.”

  Phil sees us talking in the center of the cul-de-sac and starts walking towards us.

  “Phil! Get over here!” shouts Shaun.

  Phil runs over to Jon, Matt, and Shaun.

  “What’s up?” asks Phil.

  Shaun jokes, “Ryan is just telling us how much he loves us and how great we are.”

  I laugh at Shaun’s joke.

  “But seriously, I just wanted to take the time right here and right now to communicate my appreciation for you guys. People don’t do that enough and sometimes they never get the chance.”

  “Thank you, Ryan,” says Jon.

  “Life is too short. I was thinking about this the other day. What are the odds that we are all together right here and right now? It has to be like a million to one or something.”

  “Everything happens for a reason,” says Phil.

  “That’s true. But thank you for all that you do. For saving my life and for making this place what it is. I couldn’t have done it without you. All of you.”

  “You done bro?” jokes Shaun.

  I punch Shaun in his left shoulder and say, “Yeah, now I’m done.”

  The guys and I exit the cul-de-sac and walk down the street.

  As we are walking down the street, I look at Phil, Matt, Shaun, and Jon. I can’t remember the last time we were able to spend so much time together. It just feels good being around my friends and family. I just wish it didn’t happen because the world fell apart.



  “The bottom line is that this is a rescue mission. Whatever happens, happens on this mission. Just make sure you bring my daughter back alive,” says Rich to Colonel Meyers and his men.

  Rich hands Colonel Meyers a picture of Alice.

  Colonel Meyers looks at the picture of Alice and hands the picture to another member of his team.

  Rich, Colonel Meyers, Colonel Meyer’s men, Commander Pine, and Lieutenant General Swartz are in a large open auditorium. Everyone is sitting in chairs, except Rich and Lieutenant General Swartz.

  “Any questions?” asks Rich.

  “I have a question,” replies Colonel Meyers.

  “Go ahead,” replies Rich.

  “What are our rules for the mission? What can’t we do?” asks Colonel Meyers.

  Rich goes to respond but is interrupted by Lieutenant General Swartz.

  “Don’t do anything stupid or dangerous. We need you alive to keep our projects going forward. You and your team are very valuable. Your rules are to stay alive,” answers Lieutenant General Swartz.

  TJ and Janet enter the auditorium.

  Everyone stares at TJ and Janet as they enter the auditorium.

  “Nice of you to join us,” says Lieutenant General Swartz with a condescending tone.

  TJ and Janet quickly sit in two open seats by the auditorium door.

  “I feel like we just got yelled at by the professor,” whispers Janet to TJ.

  “The mission is to rescue Alice. If you can gather any supplies, intel, or anything useful during this trip, that is a plus,” says Lieutenant General Swartz.

  “Any more questions?” asks Rich.

  “No sir,” replies Colonel Meyers.

  “Dismissed. You are free to leave. Gear up and get on with the mission,” says Rich.

  Colonel Meyers and his men walk towards the auditorium exit and walk by TJ and Janet.

  “Don’t be late for the mission. We leave in thirty,” says Colonel Meyers as he walks by TJ.

  TJ walks over to Rich.

  “I’m sorry I was late. I needed more notice about the meeting. The meeting was told to me last minute,” says TJ to Rich.

  “It’s fine son, don’t worry about it. Go get ready and gear up. I’ll meet you in hanger three,” says Rich.

  TJ and Janet exit the auditorium.

  “I hope you see this mission as a measure of good faith. My men don’t need to be going out rescuing your daughter. That’s not our responsibility. We are doing this as a favor,” says Lieutenant General Swartz to Rich.

  “I appreciate that, but wouldn’t you want someone to help you find your daughter sir?” replies Rich.

  “I don’t have a daughter, Captain Bailey. I had a son and he was killed by the dead. That’s why it’s my duty to honor him by ending this war with the dead and making sure he didn’t die for nothing,” says Lieutenant General Swartz.

  “I’m sorry to hear that about your son. Losing your child has to be tough,” says Rich.

  “He died while on a mission. We learned from it, I learned from it. That’s the key. Don’t let past mistakes reoccur. Always moving forward, never backward. We won’t let anything happen to your daughter. When we get your daughter back alive, you will owe us big time,” says Lieutenant General Swartz.

  Rich looks at Commander Pine, who is standing next to Lieutenant General Swartz, as Lieutenant General Swartz finishes his statement.

  “I’ll keep you informed with how the mission goes,” says Lieutenant General Swartz to Rich.

  “Thank you, sir,” replies Rich.

  Lieutenant General Swartz exits the auditorium.

  “I’m sure he was a great father,” jokes Commander Pine to Rich.

  “I just hope Colonel Meyers doesn’t kill all the people at the casino,” says Rich to Commander Pine.

  “I hope so too, but I have heard stories about him and his men wiping out buildings of people and several different groups during missions,” says Commander Pine.

  “Great, I hope he doesn’t start a new problem with their chief,” says Rich.

  Rich exits the auditorium with Commander Pine.

  “I’ll see you later,” says Commander Pine to Rich as she walks down a hallway.

  Rich says goodbye to Commander Pine and makes his way to hanger three.

  TJ and Janet check their gear and weapons for the mission.

  “You ready to go?” asks Rich to TJ and Janet.

  “Yes sir, we are ready. We got our body armor and weapons,” answers Janet.

  Rich looks at TJ’s face and says, “Your face looks better. Still bruised, but far less swollen.”

  “Colonel Meyers and his men are ballbusters and can be a pain, but they are good at what they do,” says Rich to Janet and TJ.

  “I hope so,” replies TJ.

  “The plan is to get Alice and get out, but they might take things too far. Stay safe and don’t get involved with anything ugly,” says Rich.

  “Ugly is what works. We will get the job done,” says Colonel Meyers as he walks over to Rich after he overhears him talking with TJ.

  A Humvee speeds away from hanger four, followed by another Humvee behind it.

  “Where are they going?” asks TJ.

  “They are going to scout the area. We need to see what we are getting into,” answers Colonel Meyers.

  Rich looks at Colonel Meyers and says, “Thank you for doing this. Stay safe.”

  “Always,” replies Colonel Meyers.

  Rich says goodbye to TJ and Janet and then walks back to his office.

  Colonel Meyers looks at TJ and says, “I�
�m calling the shots today. My men and I will get this done. You listen to me, and you’ll stay alive.”

  “I understand. We are part of your team today. Don’t worry about us,” replies TJ.

  “Any problem with that little lady?” asks Colonel Meyers as he looks at Janet.

  “No problem with that besides your bad breath and your ugly face,” replies Janet.

  Colonel Meyers men join him in hanger three.

  A large oversized military transport truck pulls up to hanger three.

  The oversized military transport truck is dark green and has a thick camouflage tarp covering the back of the truck bed and seats.

  “Smartass huh? I like that,” says Colonel Meyers to Janet.

  “You have no idea,” jokes TJ as he looks at Janet.

  Colonel Meyers shouts, “We leave in five! Gear up and get ready!”

  TJ checks his body armor vest, his handgun, two bullet magazines, his rifle, and his large hunting knife.

  Janet checks her bulletproof vest, her dagger, her handgun, three bullet magazines, her precision rifle, and two grenades.

  Colonel Meyers’ group is mostly made up of Marines, but he also has a couple soldiers from the Special Forces now.

  Two men come over to TJ and Janet.

  “You TJ?” asks one of the men.

  “Yes sir. I’m TJ and this is Janet. Who are you?” asks TJ.

  “I’m Wylie and this is Hunt. We just got here a couple days ago with our teams. We were excited for the news of another mission,” replies a man who is dressed in U.S. Special Forces gear.

  TJ looks at the uniforms of Wylie and Hunt and sees that they are different from Colonel Meyers and his men.

  “Where did you come from?” asks Janet.

  Hunt replies, “We came from Texas, but we were in California and Colorado before that.”

  TJ looks around and doesn’t see anyone else wearing a uniform like Hunt or Wylie.

  “Where is the rest of your team?” asks TJ.

  “They are resting. We took some losses in Colorado and Texas, but those areas are secure now,” replies Hunt.

  “We are leaving now! Get your body armor and gear on! This is going to get messy!” shouts Colonel Meyers.

  Colonel Meyers directs his group to get into the large military truck.

  Colonel Meyers’ group has seven members, plus TJ, Janet, Hunt, and Wylie.


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