Book Read Free

Fight 4 Us: Legacy

Page 10

by Grenda, Brian

  Kelly and I say goodbye to Jerri-Lynn and Kiersten.

  Jon enters the library house.

  “Glad you are here, you can help us organize the new books we just got,” says Kelly to Jon.

  “Great, just what I wanted to do today,” replies Jon with a sarcastic tone.

  “Get to work. I’ll make you a nice dinner tonight,” says Kelly to Jon.

  Jon and I start to organize the books and supplies that Jerri-Lynn and Kiersten just brought us.

  I open a box of books and say, “Let’s see what we got.”

  Several hours go by.

  Jon, Kelly, and I finish organizing the books and supplies in the library house.

  “What’s the book you have over there?” asks Jon.

  I look at the book that I put aside and reply, “It’s about universal truths and the meaning of life. I thought it would be a good read especially now.”

  “Make sure you sign it out,” says Kelly.

  I walk over to the sign in/out paper and write down the book that I’m taking out.

  “Is that necessary?” asks Jon.

  “Yeah, it will help keep track of our stuff,” replies Kelly.

  “I agree with Kelly. I think it’s a good idea to keep a record of things.”

  The library house door opens.

  Shaun walks through the open doorway with something in his right hand.

  Shaun is holding a video camera in his right hand and recording as he walks into the library house.

  “What’s up Shaun?”

  Shaun zooms in on me and replies, “Just found this bad boy the other day and wanted to try it out. I recorded a couple places around the neighborhood.”

  “No one wants to see your homemade sex tapes Shaun,” jokes Jon.

  “Funny guy!” shouts Shaun as he points his camera at Jon.

  “Where did you get that camera?”

  Shaun stops recording and replies, “I found it in Ray’s bedroom closet. It was weird. I didn’t look at any of the files on the memory card. I was afraid what I might find.”

  “Good idea. You might want to delete those.”

  “This place looks good. Do we have any survival books or military books here?” asks Shaun.

  Kelly points to a row of books and answers, “I think that section might have something like that.”

  Shaun walks over to the section of books Kelly pointed at.

  “You still down to go see Jaws Junior and Darlene tomorrow?” I ask Shaun.

  Shaun, while looking at a book, answers, “Yeah. I’ll be ready to go whenever you are.”

  “Good, let’s plan to go tomorrow morning. I’m going to get out of here. I need to relax a little bit.”

  I say goodbye to Shaun, Jon, and Kelly before I exit the library house.

  Storm clouds come towards the neighborhood.

  I see the storm clouds coming as I walk from the far end of our neighborhood towards my house.

  I pass the medical house, Phil’s house, and then turn the corner.

  I feel rain drops hitting my head as I turn the corner.

  The rain starts coming down harder and harder as I approach my house.

  I make it to my front door and enter my house.

  I remove my shoes and place them on the mat next to my front door.

  Milo sees me enter the house and runs over to me.

  I place the universal truth book on the table next to the front door and I pick up Milo.

  “Man, you are getting so heavy belly man,” I say to Milo as I hold him against my right shoulder.

  Milo starts to purr.

  Lauren exits our master bedroom.

  “Hey honey,” says Lauren.

  I put Milo down, and Milo runs over to his food bowl.

  I walk into my kitchen.

  Lauren turns on our kitchen faucet and starts washing our plates and dishes.

  “How was the library?” asks Lauren.

  “It was good. We got tons of books, magazines, and supplies. Jerri-Lynn says the bookstore off 19 is completely cleaned out now.”

  “Good, I’ll have to check it out. How’s your leg doing?” asks Lauren.

  “It’s good. I have to stretch more and work on my PT more as well.”

  I look at the water that is coming out of our kitchen faucet.

  “Turn the water off,” I say to Lauren.

  Lauren looks at the water coming out of the kitchen faucet and then quickly turns off the faucet.

  “Why is it yellow?” asks Lauren.

  “The water treatment plant looks to have stopped working. There might be mineralization or even bacteria in our tap water now.”

  “Let’s take a break with the tap water for a little while. Do not drink the tap water or use it for cooking right now.”

  “What if we boil it?” asks Lauren.

  “We might have to, but let’s not risk getting sick.”

  Lauren dries off her hands with a kitchen towel.

  “Go tell your mother about the water. I’m going to tell the people around the neighborhood.”

  Lauren walks over to Fran’s bedroom and knocks on her bedroom door.

  I put my shoes back on, grab an umbrella, and walk over to Bobby G’s house.

  I tell Bobby G not to drink the tap water and to take a break from using any tap water right now.

  I walk over to Shaun’s house and then Matt’s house.

  I tell Matt, Kylie, and Lisa about the tap water.

  I recruit Matt to tell the people at the South entrance and who live around that section of the neighborhood.

  Matt goes to tell the rest of the people around the neighborhood, while I go tell Jon, Kelly, Phil, and Nicole.

  The rain is coming down harder and harder now.

  I walk over to Buck’s house and knock on his front door.

  No one answers.

  I wait for several minutes, but no one answers Buck’s front door.

  I make it to Phil’s house and tell Phil and Nicole about the tap water.

  “What’s the plan for the water?” asks Nicole.

  “We need to test the tap water first and then go from there. The discoloration may mean nothing, but we need to know for sure.”

  Phil says, “I think we got a big box of water test kits from the sporting goods store.”

  “Do you have any here?”

  Phil goes to check for a water test kit inside his house.

  “How is everything going Nicole?” I ask Nicole as I talk with Nicole on her front porch.

  “Everything is good. Mia started to crawl a little bit. She moved towards me when she was in tummy time yesterday,” says Nicole.

  “That’s great. They’ll be running around before you know it.”

  Phil comes back with three water test kits.

  “Awesome, do you have any more of these?”

  Phil replies, “I got a couple more, and I know we have a big box of them somewhere.”

  “I’m going to test our tap water right now. Go tell Jon about the water situation and meet me at my house in an hour.”

  “Okay I will. I’ll see you later,” replies Phil.

  I say goodbye to Phil and Nicole and run back to my house.

  I make it back to my house and test our tap water.

  “What are you doing?” asks Lauren.

  “I have a water test kit. I’m checking our water for bacteria, lead, and a bunch of other things.”

  Ten minutes go by, and I check the water test.

  “Let’s see what we got,” I say as I look at the water

  test results.

  “The water is actually safe to drink. No bacteria,

  lead, pesticides, or anything. Just a little mineralization but

  it’s safe to drink.”

  “Why is it yellow though?” asks Lauren.

  “That’s probably the mineralization.”

  “I’ll stick to bottled water,” says Lauren.

  “The filters we have in the fridge should c
lear the

  tap water up. Let’s see.”

  I grab one of our water pitchers that has a water

  filter in it and fill the top container with tap water.

  The slightly yellow tap water sits in the top section

  of the water pitcher. It goes through the water filter

  and comes out crystal clear.

  “See the yellow color is gone,” I say to Lauren as

  we both look at the water filter pitcher.

  “Good, that makes me feel better. I don’t want to be drinking yellow water,” says Lauren.

  “The guys and everyone from the neighborhood are coming here in about an hour. I want to address the water situation with everyone and also have a little meeting.”

  “That’s good. Where are you going to have it?” asks Lauren.

  “I guess the garage, that’s the biggest area we have here.”

  I look out my kitchen window and see that the storm has passed, and it’s not raining outside anymore.

  “I was thinking about having a medical training class very soon. Like in a couple days.”

  “That’s a good idea. I would like to get some medical training,” replies Lauren.

  “I will do it after I get back from seeing Jaws Junior and Darlene again.”

  “Why are you going back there?” asks Lauren.

  “To pay them for Bobby G’s new ride.”

  “Pay them? They didn’t own the car,” says Lauren.

  “I know, but I feel bad. They looked pretty rough. I’m sure they can use some canned goods, some water, and other supplies.”

  “You always have to help others. Even in a zombie apocalypse,” says Lauren.

  “I don’t have to help everyone I meet, and I’m for damn sure never helping Jacob or Chris ever again.”

  “I know honey, it’s just in your nature. That’s why you were a great doctor. You care for people and want to help them,” replies Lauren.

  Lauren exits the kitchen and walks into Fran’s bedroom.

  I think about what Lauren just said about me and my helping nature. Was a great doctor? Do I really help everyone I meet?

  I walk towards Fran’s open bedroom door and ask, “What did you mean by that? Was a great doctor?”

  “Nothing really, just a simple observation of how the world is and the fact that we don’t have jobs anymore. I meant nothing by it. You are a very smart and caring person Ryan. I love you and everything about you. Even when you are fresh,” answers Lauren.

  I laugh at Lauren’s fresh comment and say, “I have been thinking about my life recently and where I am today.”

  Fran puts a shirt in a drawer and says, “You tend to reflect on your life when big things happen, when people die, or just as time goes by in general.”

  I look at Fran and say, “You are right Fran. When I got stabbed and almost died, I started to value life more. I started to think about my life, my future, and my legacy.”

  Lauren walks over to me and asks, “Legacy? Like a child?”

  “More like why people will remember me. Without my career now, why will people remember Dr. Ryan Briggs?”

  Lauren pulls me close and says, “A baby would do that. A little legacy baby.”

  I smile at Lauren and say, “Maybe one day. We had the baby conversation before sweetie. You know I would love to have a baby, but it’s a very scary thought as well. Especially in this world.”

  “I would love to have a grandchild,” says Fran.


  My doorbell rings.

  “Saved by the doorbell!” I shout as I exit Fran’s bedroom.

  Lauren looks at Fran and says, “One day we’ll have a baby. Hopefully a little girl.”

  “I hope so. I would love to have a grand baby before I die,” replies Fran.

  “Let’s do it in the garage. I think that’s the best space for the meeting.” I say to Phil and Shaun.

  I walk with Shaun and Phil into my garage.

  I open my garage door.

  “What did the test say?” asks Phil.

  “The water is drinkable and is okay. It has a slight yellow tint to it though. We filtered the water and the yellow color went away.”

  “I think we still need to check out the water treatment plant,” says Shaun as he looks at the large map of Tampa Bay that I have on my cork board.

  “Yeah, I think so too. I have some ideas what we should do next.”

  “Like what?” asks Phil.

  “Let’s wait until everyone arrives for the meeting.”

  About ten minutes go by, and everyone arrives for the meeting.

  Lauren passes out drinks for everyone, and I start the meeting.

  “Thank you all for meeting tonight. I know it was sudden, but I didn’t want anyone to get sick drinking the tap water. The tap water is safe to drink but is slightly yellow. Filter your water for drinking and making ice.”

  Phil, Shaun, Matt, Kylie, Ann, Lisa, Bobby G, Jon, Kelly, Brody, Lauren, and Fran are attending the meeting.

  “Please tell the guards at the South entrance and anyone that couldn’t attend the meeting tonight what we discussed.”

  Lisa raises her hand.

  I look at Lisa and ask, “Yes Lisa?”

  Lisa replies, “Any word on the location of Chris or Jacob?”

  “Nothing new to report. We have checked a lot of possible areas for both of them, and we haven’t found anything. I will be taking a group into a couple of Conqueror buildings and see what we find.”

  “When?” asks Phil.

  “After I get back from a trip I have tomorrow and after we check out the water treatment plant.”

  “I can take a team to check out the Conqueror buildings,” says Phil.

  “I want a bigger group to go out for that. We will go check them out together in a couple days. Let’s plan on doing that in three days.”

  I take a sip from my beer.

  “I also plan on having a medical training class in a couple days. Just some medical training tips and techniques that may come in handy for the future.”

  “Like what?” asks Matt.

  “Like how to stitch someone up, how to stop the bleeding from a major laceration, and other useful tips and techniques.”

  “When and where?” asks Matt.

  “TBD, but probably in the medical house as we have the medical supplies there.”

  It’s getting late in the day, and the sun is starting to set.

  I see the sun getting lower and say, “I’m losing daylight, so I’ll wrap this up. The water is safe to drink, but make sure you use your water filters. Don’t use too much water until we check out the water treatment plant. Jerri-Lynn is checking out some trouble areas, and I think we will help her after we get this water situation under control.”

  Brody raises his hand.

  “Yes Brody, and for the record you don’t have to raise your hand when you want to say something. Just make sure no one else is talking.”

  Brody says, “Sorry sir, I have something to say about Jerri-Lynn.”

  “Go ahead.”

  “Their neighborhood is across the street from the South entrance. We have seen two different vehicles drive around there neighborhood recently,” says Brody.

  “Was it them?”

  “I’m not sure sir, but it could have been. It’s been dark when we have seen the vehicles,” answers Brody.

  “I want to talk to you about Jerri-Lynn after the meeting Brody.”

  Brody nods his head.

  “Okay everyone. That’s all I have. Unless anyone else has any questions.”

  “Nope!” shouts Matt.

  “Okay then, have a good night and stay safe.”

  I look at Brody and ask, “Brody can I see you for a second?”

  Brody walks over to me.

  Phil, Shaun, and Jon walk over to me as well.

  “Let’s keep an eye on Jerri-Lynn’s house. She told me about a possible problem, but she wasn’t too worried about it.
Let’s not risk them getting hurt.”

  “Yes sir. I will get my men on it,” says Brody.

  “Oh, and Brody, you don’t have to keep calling me sir.”

  Brody replies, “Sorry sir.”

  I laugh at the fact that Brody just called me sir after I just said he didn’t have to.

  “What am I going to do with this guy?” I joke with Brody as I wrap my left arm around him and squeeze his shoulders.

  Brody replies, “Keep me around I hope.”

  Shaun hands Brody a bottle of beer.

  Brody looks at the beer and isn’t sure if he should drink it or not.

  I look at Brody and ask, “How old are you Brody?”

  “I’m eighteen,” answers Brody.

  “You can have a beer Brody if you like. The world has bigger problems then underage drinking right now.”

  Brody twists off the beer cap and is about to drink from his beer.

  “Hold up youngster,” says Phil to Brody.

  Brody stops the beer bottle before it touches his lips and lowers his beer bottle from his mouth.

  Phil says a couple funny lines of a toast and we all drink from our beers.

  Shaun, Phil, Jon, Brody, and I enjoy a couple beers together in my garage for a couple hours.



  It’s mid-morning and the hot Florida sun is shining down.

  “You sure you want to give them all this for that SUV?” asks Shaun to me as Shaun looks at the two large boxes of supplies that I put in the electric truck.

  “Yeah, I am giving them supplies that we have an abundance of.”

  “Okay, just making sure. They are making out in this deal,” says Shaun.

  “Finish up, and I’ll be right back.”

  I walk from Bobby G’s U-shaped driveway into my house.

  “I’m leaving sweetie!” I shout as I enter my house.

  “Okay, I’m coming,” replies Lauren.

  Lauren hands me my katana.

  I kiss Lauren goodbye.

  “You be safe out there,” says Lauren.

  “I will. We are only going to the dealership and then we are coming back.”

  “Okay, you sure you don’t want me to come?” asks Lauren.

  “It’s a quick trip. Plus, you wanted to check out our library and see what we have there.”

  “I just don’t want you going without me,” replies Lauren.

  “I’ll be fine. I’ll see you in a couple hours.”


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