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Eternal 1: Eternal Embrace

Page 3

by Ann Lory

  She shot up off the stool. “Oh, my goodness, I’ve got to go! I’m not going to make it to work tomorrow if I don’t go home and get some sleep.”

  The enthusiasm left his face, but he silently rose and escorted her to the kitchen door.

  “My purse, and ...”

  “I’ll get them for you.” He walked out of the kitchen and she followed him back through the dining room, and stood at the front entrance while he hurried up the staircase. Moments later he was coming back down the steps with her belongings. “Please allow me to drive you home.”

  “Oh, no, I couldn’t let you do that. I can manage.”

  “It’s late, and I would worry about you. Please.”

  His onyx gaze was intent on her, and she gave in. It was rather late, and the trip home would be long and isolated. “Okay.”

  He opened the door for her, then closed it as they stood on the landing. “Wait here, and I’ll go get the car.”

  “What about mine?” She looked down at her little Nissan.

  “I can have Rowlin pick you up in the morning and bring you to work, then return you here. You can drive your car back tomorrow when you finish your day’s work here.”

  “I guess that’s okay as long as he doesn’t mind.”

  “He won’t, I promise.” Dimitri gave her a reassuring smile and her heart fluttered in her chest at how something that simple seemed to change his whole personality from dark and mysterious to almost boyish.

  He rapidly descended the stairs and disappeared around the corner of the house, returning moments later in a black Ferrari. She ran down and he helped her settle into the passenger seat, stowing her purse and briefcase on the floorboard beside her, then shut the door, walked around the vehicle and slid behind the wheel.

  The car was charcoal gray inside and all leather. She had never been in a Ferrari before, and she couldn’t believe she was in one now. It had a CD player, car phone and all the accoutrements of a luxury vehicle.

  “Are you ready?”

  Once she’d given Dimitri the directions to her apartment, she sat back and enjoyed the ride and being near him. They didn’t say much but his presence alone was somehow comforting. Cassie also loved the way his hair fell around his shoulders, and her fingers itched to sift through them. She wanted to run her fingers along his strong jaw line and she could feel her breath quicken at the thought of being allowed to touch him.

  She watched his hands as he shifted gears, imagining what it would be like to have them caress her. From the way he handled everything with gentle grace, she knew he would send her over the edge and back ...

  Cassie shook her head, trying to bring her lustful thoughts to a standstill and was relieved when they finally pulled into the parking lot of her apartment building. Kelly would not believe it when she told her about Dimitri, his home and his Ferrari.

  He parked the car and turned off the engine. Stepping out of the vehicle, he came around and helped to ease her out. They walked toward her apartment in continued but companionable silence. Once they reached her door, she quickly pulled out her keys, surprised when Dimitri took them from her. “Please allow me.” Unlocking the bolt, he stood back and then placed the keys in her hand. His chivalry stunned her. She’d never met anyone quite like him. Realizing she was staring, Cassie quickly set her belongings inside before turning back to Dimitri.

  “Thank you. I had a great time talking with you, and the meal was delicious.”

  “It was my pleasure. Thank you for spending the evening with me; I enjoyed the conversation immensely.”

  She looked up into his eyes and wanted him to kiss her. Be bold, she told herself. For once in your life be bold.

  Cassie reached out and clasped his arm, stepping closer to him so that they were almost touching. She sighed as she felt one hand cup her face and his free arm sweep down around her waist, pulling her against him.

  His dark eyes held her spellbound, and she moaned softly as his lips captured hers. They were cool and firm, and yet heat enveloped her. Her arms came up around his neck, and she willingly opened to him as his tongue thrust inside her mouth. His erotic caresses and teasing made her mind spin, and her body seemed to have a will of its own. She pressed her soft length into him, savoring the feel of her breasts against the hard wall of his chest and Dimitri’s immediate response. She felt him grow hard, the proof of desire pushing insistently at her stomach.

  He groaned and roughly grabbed a handful of her hair, arching her head back and exposing the curve of her throat. He trailed kisses down her neck, flames scorching her flesh wherever his lips touched her, branding her soul with his seductive touch. She cried out at the overwhelming pleasure rippling through her as he nipped at the column of her throat.

  Suddenly, he pushed her away from him.

  “Dimitri?” She looked up at him, confused. She gasped at the expression in his eyes and felt a shiver of fear race down her spine. Had she imagined that dark glow?

  “I’m sorry, I have to go.” He whirled away from her, leaving her standing at the entrance to her apartment, watching as he stalked to his car and rapidly drove away. She could feel tears in her eyes, wondering if she had done something wrong. But how could it have been wrong when it had felt so right?

  * * * * *

  He was on the prowl. Hunger was a burning, clawing pain in the pit of his stomach.

  Need had risen inside him on swift wings. He remembered the pain of his fangs exploding in his mouth when the scent of her blood had called to him, tantalizing his senses. It would have been so easy to take her, to drink of her sweetness, but he couldn’t. Not her.

  Dimitri waited in a tree, a black hawk watching a stranger from a distance. The woman sat smoking a cigarette on the front steps of her house. He soared to the ground, shifting as he did so, and approached her on silent feet. She jumped when he appeared before her, then looked up at him. He caught her with his black gaze.

  He held out his hand and she took it, going into his embrace without question, without fear. The woman arched her head back, giving him what he wanted, needed. He could hear her little moans of pleasure as he fed.

  He had to fight to not take too much, to not take it all and satisfy the beast raging within. Dimitri ran his tongue over the small wounds and watched as they closed. “Go inside, and remember nothing of this night.”

  She left as he spun away and took to the sky, a black hawk once again.

  What was he doing with Cassandra? Why was he even entertaining the idea of a future with her? He was fooling himself if he thought there could be anything between them as she would be the one to pay the ultimate price for his desire. Dimitri would only end up hurting her in the end -- or worse. He had to resist her, but did he have the strength to do what was necessary, and did he truly want to?

  Chapter Three

  Cassie practically sprinted across her apartment when a knock came at her door, hoping it would be Dimitri. The disappointment on her face must have been evident to Rowlin.

  “I’m sorry, Ms. Stephens, did I come at a bad time?”

  Cassie shook her head. “No.” She stepped back. “Please come in. I’ll be ready to go in a minute.” She went back to her bedroom and slipped on a pair of dress shoes, grabbed her purse and briefcase, then returned. “Thank you, I’m ready now.”

  The drive to work was silent, her mind filled with thoughts about Dimitri and why he had left so abruptly. Had she only imagined his passion?

  “I will be back in a few hours to take you to Mr. Alexios.” Rowlin closed the limo door behind her.

  “I’ll be ready.” Cassie smiled briefly and waved as Rowlin got back inside the vehicle and drove away.

  As soon as she reached her office and sat down her coworkers piled out of their offices and into hers.

  “A limo!” one of the women exclaimed.

  “Yeah, what did you do to have him bring you to work in a fancy car?”

  Cassie could hear the jealousy and accusation in Craig’s voice. �
��What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Nothing,” he said curtly and left.

  The women, however wouldn’t leave her alone. She felt like she was back in high school. They wanted to know everything about the mysterious client and the unasked but palpable question, Is something going on between you? hung in the air, which Cassie refused to answer.

  “Listen, guys, I have to get some work done, so please let me get on with it.” She shooed them away from her desk. The hours passed by quickly and she was ready when Rowlin greeted her at the museum entrance at eleven.

  Cassie didn’t feel comfortable in the back of the limo by herself. “Would you mind if I sit in front with you, Rowlin?”

  He laughed. “Of course you can.”

  She waited until they were out of the city before she bombarded him with her curiosity. “How long have you been working for Dimitri?”

  “I’ve been with him only a short time, but he is a remarkable man.”

  “Is he home today?”

  She watched as Rowlin’s face closed. “No, Ms. Stephens. Mr. Alexios will be unavailable for the next few days.”

  Her heart plummeted, and she turned to look blankly out the window at the passing scenery. She wondered where he was but didn’t ask. It wasn’t any of her business, after all. For the remainder of the drive she forced herself to think of nothing at all. When they pulled up before the mansion, she quickly stepped from the car.

  “I would have helped you out, Ms. Stephens.”

  She gave him a quick grin. “Don’t worry, Rowlin. I’ve been opening my own doors for years.” He chuckled.

  They entered the house and she made her way up to the second floor.

  “May I get you anything?

  “No, thanks,” she called over her shoulder. “I packed my lunch today.”

  Reaching her temporary work room, she quickly set up her laptop. After several hours of entering information, she was able to complete cataloguing the art in the first room, then began reviewing and itemizing the treasures in the next room.

  By the time a clock chimed the six o’clock hour, Cassie was tired but excited at how much she had accomplished. Although there was still much to do in the second room and more awaited in the others, she was elated at being able to view and handle such beautiful objects.

  Despite Rowlin’s words that Dimitri was away for several days, she took her time stowing her things, hoping that he would appear. When she could delay no longer, she grabbed her belongings and left the room. As she walked slowly down the hall to the stairs, she glanced around, even looking up the stairs that led to the third floor. Nothing!

  Cassie told herself she didn’t care, that they had only shared one kiss, after all. Sure, it was one great, passionate kiss that she’d felt to the tips of her toes, but still just the one. She felt tears in her eyes and hurriedly wiped at them, then rushed down the steps, calling a farewell to Rowlin as she went out the door.

  Her car was right where she’d left it the night before. As she started it, she looked back up at the main door and sighed.

  Who was she kidding? Even though she barely knew him, her heart was breaking anyway.

  * * * * *

  Dimitri watched Cassandra, carefully shielding his presence from her. It was an old trick, one he had learned and become accomplished at over the years.

  God, she’s beautiful! He wanted to take her in his arms again. How could he have let this woman penetrate the walls he had built around his emotions? He was used to solitude, preferred it, but now that she had stepped into his life, he found that he couldn’t bear it anymore. He yearned to love someone and for someone to love him in return, but who could give their heart to a creature who depended on the lives of others for his existence?

  He saw Cassandra’s shoulders slump in defeat, and the shine of tears in her eyes were almost his undoing. It took everything in him to steel himself against racing after her and assuring her that he was there. He gripped the marble banister, growling low in his throat before he stormed up the stairs to his chambers.

  * * * * *

  The days went by and rapidly turned into weeks without any sign of Dimitri. Cassie thought about him all the time and had made the decision to not go into the museum this morning, but to come directly to Dimitri’s house. She was anxious to complete her work so could leave and never return to this place. If she could just get away from here, then she would be able to forget all about him.

  Cassie looked up from her work in the study and saw Dimitri watching her. His black gaze seemed filled with such tenderness and yearning that she wanted to run to him, but she knew she must be imagining things because he had kept away all this time.

  “Good evening, Cassandra.” He stepped into the room, filling it with his strong presence.

  Cassie was suddenly nervous. “What are you doing here?”

  He arched one dark eyebrow. “I live here.” The amused smile made him look even more handsome and her heart ached.

  “Sorry, guess that was a silly question.” She looked down at the papers on the desk. “Well, I was about ready to call it a night, anyway.” Quickly putting her items away, she stood and grabbed her things. “Have a good night.” Moving past him, she strode briskly down the hall and down the main staircase.

  “Cassandra, wait. Please.”

  She heard and felt him follow quickly on her heels. She stopped and whirled around, willing herself not to show any emotion.

  “Cassandra, I ...” He laid his hands on her shoulders, frowning as if he were trying to find the right words, before he finally spoke again. “Please, will you take a walk with me?”

  “If this is because you feel you owe me any explanations, don’t worry about it.”

  “I only wish to speak with you. Please, come with me.”

  She wanted to yell at him, but found herself nodding instead. He took her belongings and set them on one of the side tables in the foyer, then clasped her hand in his, tucking it under his arm, and brought her outside and around to the back of the house. They came to some cliffs and steps that led to the beach below.

  The night was clear and cool. Fall was finally here, and the stars twinkled like a thousand diamonds in the sky. As she and Dimitri moved along the shore, the surf from the ocean waves rushed up to meet them. She shivered.

  “Are you cold?” His voice was low.

  “A little.”

  He slipped out of his jacket and placed it around her shoulders. The material seemed to envelop her small frame, his heat radiating from it, seeping into her body. His scent filled her senses, making her almost dizzy with the emotions it evoked in her.

  He grasped her hand again as they continued their walk. “I’m sorry for the way I behaved the last time I saw you, and for not being here the last several weeks.”

  “What did I do?”

  He spun around, grabbing her by the shoulders. “No! You did nothing. It was I in the wrong. Forgive me, but I’m not used to being around many people. I have always been a very solitary man.”

  She could see the pain in his eyes. “You may be used to being alone, but I don’t think you like it.” Cassie pulled at his arm and brought him down to the sand. She sank onto her knees beside him and did what she had wanted to do from the moment she first saw him. She opened her arms in invitation.

  He went into her embrace and she held him for a long time. Her hands ran through his long, dark hair, over his wide shoulders. She kissed the top of his head, and whispered softly to him. “You don’t have to be alone.” He looked up at her and she felt like she was falling into the black depths of his eyes.

  His lips were mere inches from hers, his voice a husky whisper. “Don’t leave me, Cassandra. No matter what I am, please don’t leave me.”

  She shook her head, not understanding the torment she saw in him, but sharing it somehow. Tears fell from her eyes. “No, I won’t leave you. I’ll be here for as long as you need me.”

  His breath was a mere sigh against her lip
s. “I will always need you.”

  Then he kissed her, holding her tightly as if he would never let her go. His mouth was cool and searching, robbing her of her senses, and his touch a gentle caress that made her heart ache. She knew she belonged with him, that he was the man she had been waiting for her entire life. This big strong man who cradled her against him like she was a delicate flower, his hands gently stroking the column of her neck and the curve of her cheekbones.

  Dimitri had watched her every evening as she worked late. Cassandra would be done all too soon, and that thought bothered him. He didn’t want to let her go, and he cursed himself for his weakness.

  She had come early today and had stayed even later than usual. Her hair had been pulled back in a clip at the back of her head, little wisps of chestnut strands escaping to frame her delicate face. She’d worn a pair of black parachute pants, an oversized gold sweatshirt with “University of Missouri” written across it and tennis shoes. She looked so adorable that he had to resist the urge to go to her and pull her into his arms.

  Her touch on his face, gently stroking his jaw with her fingertips, brought him back to the present. He broke their kiss and closed his eyes, marveling at her tenderness. Her skin was warm against his and the feel of her made him burn inside.

  “Dimitri, what is it?” He could hear the concern in her voice.

  He cupped his hand around hers, bringing his lips to her palm. He heard her breath catch, and he opened his eyes, looking down into hers. The purple hue stood out, glowing under the full moon. She looked like a nymph come to steal him away.

  “I cannot tell you,” he whispered. In wonder, he gently wiped a tear from her face. A tear for him; no one had wept for him in a very long time. A heart he thought long past any feeling made itself known, aching dully.

  She pressed her body into his again, her breasts scraping against his chest, and he couldn’t help but think that her soft curves seemed to mold against his hard length perfectly. He kissed her again, allowing his tongue to explore the secrets of her mouth. Her soft scent drove him wild, and he desired her in a way he had never craved anyone in the whole of his dark existence. She was light and goodness -- and he dare not take her.


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