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Eternal 1: Eternal Embrace

Page 11

by Ann Lory

  Dimitri motioned to one of the seats and she sat down, strapping herself in. He approached the bar. “Would you care for a drink?”

  She shook her head. “No, thank you.”

  He returned to sit beside her.

  A second pilot’s voice came over the speaker. “Mr. Alexios, if you and your guest are ready, we have been given the okay to taxi onto the runway.”

  Dimitri depressed a button on his armrest. “We are ready, Mr. Hanson.”

  “We will be flying at twenty thousand feet and will arrive in San Francisco in four hours.”

  The small jet maneuvered onto the runway. When they received the all clear from the tower, the engines roared to full throttle, and they sped out across the runway, quickly becoming airborne.

  When the plane had leveled out, Cassie dug into her purse and pulled out the rectangular velvet box, handing it to Dimitri.

  “What’s this?”

  “Merry Christmas.” She smiled widely.

  He continued to hold her gift, seeming hesitant, then reached inside his pocket and handed a little burgundy one to her.

  “Oh, Dimitri.” She took the small box in her hands, then looked at him hopefully. “Open yours first.”

  “Very well.”

  He did as she asked and stared in wonder. “Cassandra, it’s beautiful.” He plucked the gold-linked bracelet out and immediately put it on, watching the light glint off the handsome design. The Greek symbols stood out, and strong emotion welled up in him. “Agapi mou,” he read aloud.

  He turned to her, feeling overwhelmed by her thoughtfulness. “Thank you. I’ve never received anything as beautiful as this.”

  She touched his lips, and he gently kissed the tips of her fingers.

  “You’re welcome, Dimitri.” She looked at her gift, then at him.

  He laughed. “Go on.”

  She flipped open the box and gasped. He didn’t have to look to know what she saw: the three-carat ruby ring was emerald cut with two half-carat diamonds on each side. She grasped his hand. “I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s gorgeous!”

  He leaned over and brushed his lips against hers, pleased that she liked the ring. “Not nearly as gorgeous as you, agapi mou.”

  She went into his embrace, wrapping her arms around his neck, kissing him back.

  Her taste sent excitement coursing through him. His fists tangled in her hair, tugging her head aside to expose her slender throat to him. He kissed the column of her neck, lingering over her rapidly beating pulse. His tongue caressed the skin, his lips suckling lightly. She cried out, twisting her fingers in the locks of his hair.

  His hand slid between her breasts and over her stomach, then up again. He undid one button, then another, slowly exposing the tops of her breasts to his hungry gaze. He traced an outline over her collarbone, then trailed down slowly over the top of each creamy mound. He groaned when he saw her lacy white bra, leaning over to nip at her exposed flesh.

  She drew in a sharp breath, the sound sending swirling sensations of pleasure pumping through his veins, making his cock harden painfully. He went to his knees before her, cradling himself between her legs.

  Cassie cupped the back of his head as he pulled down one delicate bra strap, causing the lacey cover to fall away and reveal her taut pink nipple. His mouth closed over her sensitive tip and she cried out as he continued to caress her with his tongue, pulling the hard bud into the heat of his mouth, savoring the flavor that was hers and hers alone, his senses clouding with the scent of her need.

  He felt his fangs lengthen as he grazed over her soft flesh. She jerked and groaned in pleasure at the feel of his teeth and he knew he had to stop before he went too far. With all the willpower he possessed, he forced himself away from her, pulling her bra back into place and covering the blouse over her breasts. She grabbed his hands when he started to rebutton her shirt.

  “Dimitri, what are you doing?”

  “I did not mean to get carried away.”

  “I want to.”

  “Not here,” he said huskily. He barely moved his lips, trying to conceal the fangs from her sight. “I want it to be perfect.” Rising, he walked to the back of the jet toward the restroom. Once out of her sight, he willed himself to calm the beast within. He took long deep breaths and splashed cold water on his face.

  He stayed there for another long moment. What was it about her that caused him to lose control? It didn’t matter how much he had fed or what he did; whenever he was with her, he wanted -- no, needed -- to taste her.

  He leaned against the wall and forced his ardor to cool. When he was finally steadier, he came back out to face her.

  She was looking at the ring he’d given her. Dimitri took the box from her and removed the ring. Taking her right hand, he slid it on her ring finger and sealed it with a kiss.

  “Perfect,” he said.

  She looked at the stones as they glittered in the light. “Yes, it is. Thank you so much.”

  They made small talk for a while, both clearly trying not to think of the passion between them, till at last she yawned and snuggled into his arms.

  “I really missed you,” she whispered, then sleep claimed her.

  * * * * *

  She gave the man her most haughty look. She hated dealing with lesser beings. “Dimitrius Alexios.”

  “I’m sorry, madam, but he isn’t here. Perhaps you would like to leave a message for him.”

  She could feel his dislike for her, his wariness. She smiled, knowing it never touched her eyes, but still it always got her what she wanted. “No. I’ll find him myself. Adieu, Monsieur Rowlin.”

  She turned away from the man as he closed the door, then she took to the sky, not bothering to shape-shift as she did so. Foolish old man! She smirked and reached out with her senses to find her favorite plaything. She closed her eyes, seeking ... then grinned wickedly. “There you are, mon chére.”

  With a burst of preternatural speed she landed on a roof and stared down at Dimitri with a mortal woman. She concealed her presence from him, knowing he’d be angered and unreasonable if she intruded. She yawned, then watched, intrigued.

  Dimitri kissed the mortal in front of the woman’s apartment door. The woman’s eyes glowed purple as she gazed up at him, and his ebony eyes embraced her with a look. Even to her jaded eyes, there was no denying the love between them.

  Red lips curled into a snarl. Dimitri had never looked at her that way -- had never gazed at her with such adoration, never fallen to pieces over her, nor played her sensual games. She had given him the dark gift, but not once had he shown his appreciation or gratitude to her.

  Damn him!

  She could feel the anger growing within her, lighting a fire in the pit of her stomach. She breathed deeply, fanning the embers.

  For once he is going to grovel at my feet and give me the respect I deserve. I gave him immortality and I can take it away, too.

  She laughed to herself as she dissolved into mist.

  You disappoint me. You should have worshiped me. Pity. I’ll have to get to know this precious child who has stolen my Dimitri’s heart.

  * * * * *

  Cassie came awake, tucked into bed. Her suitcase was by the closet and Patches cuddled against her side. She looked at the clock on the nightstand. Two a.m. She groaned, falling back on her pillow and curling up to try to go back to sleep.

  Dimitri had brought her home and carried her luggage in for her, then they had shared several kisses before he left. It had made her heart glad that he had come to Missouri for her, that he had apparently missed her as much as she’d missed him. Men! They could be so fickle at times.

  Cassie ran her hand over Patches, loving the way the ruby Dimitri had given her glittered with the little bit of light that was in the room. Her pet purred and pushed against her hand. Cassie gave a soft chuckle and leaned down, kissing the top of the cat’s head.

  Without warning, Patches bolted up on the bed, her back arched, growling. She stared
at the window above Cassie’s bed. Cassie was amazed at the change in the animal and slowly came to her knees, peeking through the shades to see if there was an intruder.

  Nothing was there. She looked around the shadows of her room, but could see no danger. Patches continued to hiss, becoming more and more agitated.

  “Patches, there is nothing there.” She reached out to soothe the cat, but sucked in her breath at the sense of evil that suddenly filled the room. Her hair stood at the nape of her neck, and goose bumps rose on her skin. Fear filled her, and she swallowed past the lump that had formed in her throat.

  Something was there, watching her. She could feel eyes boring into her, seeming to strip her. Then she felt something touch her arm. It felt like a pair of long nails lazily tracing over her skin, and Cassie screamed, jumping from the bed, slapping at her arm, terrified at the sudden invasion.

  Laughter filled the air, a woman’s voice filled with vicious glee. Cassie felt fingers run through her hair, sending the strands into a tangled mess around her face. It was like fighting air. There was nothing to see, and Cassie wondered if she was losing her mind.

  A hand grabbed her wrist and almost flung her toward the bedroom door. Cassie shrieked as she tumbled to the floor, but then she quickly scrambled to her feet and ran to the front room. She grabbed her keys off the bookshelf and raced toward the apartment door. Her hand was on the knob when she heard Dimitri’s voice.

  Do not open the door, Cassandra! At his command, she froze and cried out, wrenching her hand away from the knob.

  There was a light tapping on the door, and Cassie’s eyes went wide with fear.

  A woman’s voice washed over her, alluring, coaxing, drawing Cassie again toward the door. She wanted frantically to see whom that voice belonged to.

  Cassandra, you must listen to me. Whatever you do, do not open the door. I am coming. Do not let her in! Dimitri’s voice was insistent, demanding, and Cassie dropped to the floor, clutching her head in her hands, feeling the struggle for control between Dimitri and whoever stood on the other side of her apartment door.

  Both seemed to tug at her mind, trying to bend her will to theirs. She screamed out in pain, wanting it all to end as she fought against the unfamiliar presence. Suddenly, the pressure eased and she heard the woman’s laughter ring loudly before quickly fading to silence. Cassie sat in the middle of the room, her body trembling, her breath coming in quick rasps, her hands still clutched over her ears.

  Then Dimitri was there. He banged frantically on the door. “Cassandra! It’s Dimitri. Open the door.” She stood on shaky legs, and made her way unsteadily toward his voice. Her hand was on the doorknob when she hesitated.

  “It’s all right, Cassandra, it’s me.”

  Slowly opening the door, she peeked around its edge at him. When she saw it was indeed Dimitri, she flung the door open the rest of the way.

  His heart immediately went out to her as tears filled her eyes. He stepped into her home, pulling her into his embrace. She shook from the sobs that rocked her body, shuddering from fear at her ordeal. He had never felt so much fear in his life as when he sensed Cassandra being attacked with mental illusions, a torment he knew one vampire especially liked to employ. He had hoped he was wrong, that it wasn’t Gabriella.

  Picking up Cassandra, he cradled her protectively in his arms and carried her to the bedroom. The cat hissed and spat at him, striking out with its paw when he neared the bed. Gently laying her owner on top of the cover, he lifted the animal by the nape of its neck. Patches twisted and growled like a wildcat, claws extended and swiping at him. Dimitri quickly opened the closet door and placed the pet inside, slamming the door shut.

  Cassandra was curled up on the bed, looking very vulnerable; he gathered her in his arms and she clung to him.

  “W-what was th-that,” she finally asked.

  He sighed and tugged her close, so that she pressed against every hard angle of his body. Her violet eyes looked up at him, shining with tears. He hated lying to her, especially now that her life was in danger, but in her present state he could only believe that the truth would send her over the edge. He knew it had been Gabriella, but how had he not sensed her presence? How did she know of Cassandra, and now that she did, how could he keep his love safe?

  She gripped the front of his shirt with her fists, a look of desperation on her face. “I know you know, Dimitri. Please tell me what is going on or I swear I will go insane.”

  His black eyes captured hers, trapping her with their intense power. “You had a terrible nightmare. You called me and I came to comfort you.”

  She tried to fight him, beating at his chest with her small fists. “No, no, that’s not true. Why won’t you tell me the truth? Dimitri!” She shook her head, but she could not look away from his steady gaze.

  “Your nightmare seemed so real to you, but I am here.” He felt her gradually relax in his embrace, her hands falling into her lap. “Sleep now, agapi mou. Sleep.” His fingers worked magic in her hair, and her eyes grew heavy.

  As soon as she was asleep, he called out to the one who had made him.

  Gabriella. The night was silent for a moment, then he heard her laughter.

  Dimitri, mon amour. Her voice purred.

  You will not harm this woman.

  Do not give your commands to me, Dimitrius. Her voice stirred with anger. Tsk, tsk, you would give your love to a mortal? You are mine, Dimitri. I made you!

  Gabriella, if you harm her, I will kill you.

  Do not threaten me. He could feel her rage. You are but a babe to my vast power. By all means, do your best to protect her, Dimitri, but know that she will be mine in the end.

  His hold tightened on Cassandra. He knew he would have to find Gabriella and destroy her; it would be the only way to save Cassandra, to protect her.

  He stayed with her till just before the sun rose in the sky. Kissing her softly on the lips, he left her apartment and raced across the city at a blinding speed, feeling the sun’s warmth on his back. It was mere moments later that he reached his home. He bounded up the stairs and locked himself in his chambers.


  Yes, sir.

  Make sure Cassandra is here in my home before nightfall. Do not fail me for if she is hurt or dies ...

  Understood, sir. She will be here.

  He released Cassandra from the forced sleep he had put her under, allowing her to wake naturally. Then he rested, even as fear for her persisted in his mind.

  Chapter Eleven

  Cassie felt like she had to fight through stuffed layers of darkness in order to wake up. She yawned and stretched, cringing when she thought of the previous night. Groaning, she realized Dimitri must think her the biggest baby, calling him over bad dreams.

  The phone rang. Cassie was surprised to hear Dimitri’s servant’s voice. “Hello, Rowlin. What can I do for you?”

  “Ms. Stephens, please come to Mr. Alexios’s house immediately after you leave from work.” He paused. “In fact, would it be possible for you leave early to come here? I would be glad to drive down to pick you up.”

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes, everything is fine. Mr. Dimitrios requests your presence early. Would that be all right?”

  “That shouldn’t be a problem.”

  “Very good, miss. I’ll see you this afternoon.”

  Replacing the phone, Cassie climbed out of bed and walked to her closet, surprised when Patches rushed out, complaining all the while. She picked the cat up and crooned at her. “How did you get in there, poor girl?” She talked sweetly to her pet as she walked toward the bathroom. Setting Patches down, she started the shower and went through her morning routine of preparing for work.

  * * * * *

  The day flew by. It was only a couple of days after Christmas and the atmosphere at work was more festive than business-like. When four o’clock came around, she shut down her computer and said good bye to everyone as she walked out the door. She waved at the c
urator she’d been working with. “I’ll see you tomorrow to help with the final pieces.”

  Once outside, she dug in her purse, her thoughts going to the New Year. Despite the disastrous Halloween party, she wondered if Dimitri would agree to try again and go with her to a friend’s New Year’s Eve party.

  Unlocking her car door, she slipped behind the wheel just as a car moved alongside hers. Looking over, she saw Rowlin and smiled. Cassie rolled down her window. “What are you doing here, Rowlin?”

  He looked nervous. “I was out running errands for Mr. Alexios, and I happened by here. I thought I would follow you back to the house.”

  “Oh, okay. I’ll see you there.”

  By the time they reached their destination, it was almost dark. She was surprised when Rowlin practically rushed her into the house.

  “Are you okay, Rowlin?” He seemed nervous.

  “Quite fine, miss. Would you care for a cup of hot tea?”

  “Yes, thank you. She looked around the foyer. “Is Dimitri here yet?”

  “He will arrive shortly. If you like, I can bring your tea to the study while you wait for him.”

  “That’s fine.” She moved away from him as Rowlin bustled off in the direction of the kitchen.

  Entering the study, Cassie tossed her jacket over one of the chairs and proceeded to the opposite side of the room, stopping in front of one of the Victorian windows. She looked down on the ocean below. The surf was rushing up over the beach and the moon could already be seen in the rapidly fading daylight. It wouldn’t be long before it shone bright and full in the dark night sky.

  She turned to Rowlin as he entered and took the cup of tea he offered with a murmur of thanks. “When will Dimitri be here?”

  Rowlin glanced at the clock. “Another thirty minutes to an hour. Would you care to read one of the books, or ...”

  Cassie touched the man’s arm. “No, thank you, Rowlin, I’ll be fine.”

  He nodded, then left. Cassie walked back to the window; the beach looked so inviting. She would just take a quick walk and be back by the time Dimitri arrived. Grabbing her jacket, she slipped into it, then headed for the front door.


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