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Eternal 1: Eternal Embrace

Page 14

by Ann Lory

  Dimitri yelled at her, his accent thick. “Stay back!”

  Cassie screamed as the assailant brought the knife down and sank it into Dimitri’s right shoulder, then pulled it out to plunge it into Dimitri’s chest. But Dimitri grabbed the man’s hand and flipped him onto his back, straddling the man. He pushed the blade into Blondie’s heart. Blondie convulsed and shook on the ground, then he went still.

  Dimitri rose shakily to his feet, not meeting her terrified gaze, before he fell forward.

  Cassie cried out and rushed to him, dropping to her knees at his side and terrified at the thought of his injuries.

  “We have to get out of here.” He whispered, still not looking at her.

  Cassie gently stroked his jaw, then tried to bring his face around, but he jerked away from her touch. “Why won’t you look at me?”

  “I am a monster, Cassandra!” There was such anguish in his voice that her heart broke all over again.

  “Look at me, Dimitri.” He did not move, and she gripped his arm, noticing for the first time that his nails were long like talons and appeared razor sharp. “Please.”

  Taking a deep breath, he did as she asked. His eyes glowed an eerie red like hell’s own fury, and he curled his lips back, baring his fangs. He looked ferocious, but to her amazement, and no doubt his, she was not afraid.

  Cassie cupped his face tenderly and ran her fingers along his jaw, over his eyes and lips and through his hair, calming and soothing him. “Dimitri, just breathe.”

  He obeyed and took more deep calming breaths, closing his eyes, willing himself under control and extinguishing his rage. Her touch was like magic; she alone could wield the power to tame the beast within him. He opened his eyes, gazing at her. “We have to get out of here,” he told her again, and this time she nodded.

  “Where’s your car?”

  He motioned to the black Ferrari just up the road, and she rose, slipping her shoes off, then grabbed his hand as he slowly rose to his feet. Blood was trickling down the left side of his face, and a large stain had blossomed at his shoulder and side. Cassandra grabbed his arm and put it around her shoulder as his right hand covered his bleeding side.

  “Wait! First I must hide the bodies, so Rowlin can take care of them. I can’t leave this evidence, Cassandra.”

  Cassie nodded and he stumbled away from her despite the excruciating pain from his injuries, grabbing the two bodies and dragging them around the side of the house where he hid them in the darkest part of the bushes before returning to her once more.

  She helped him to the car, then reached into his pocket and grabbed the keys before opening the car door. Dimitri slid into the passenger seat, biting back a groan. Cassie hurried around and slipped into the driver’s side. He knew he looked pale as he bled all over his seat, and felt her fear that he might die. She put the pedal all the way to the floor as she drove.

  “Dimitri, what can I do?”

  He shook his head. “Home; just take me home. I have to go to ground.”

  She frowned. “Okay, we’ll be there soon. Just hang on.”

  “Do not worry. I am already dead, remember?” He tried to lighten the mood, but tears filled her eyes anyway. He touched her face and wiped her cheeks. “Do not weep. Please forgive my words. I will be fine, agapi mou.”

  “What were those men? They seemed so ... so inhuman.”

  “Gabriella’s minions.”

  “Minions? I don’t understand.”

  “They are her slaves and do not know pain or fear. They know only her command.”

  “Her command was to kill me ... wasn’t it?” He felt her terror.

  “She will not harm you. I will -- I will protect you.” His eyes were suddenly heavy from exhaustion and from the enormous blood loss he had sustained.

  Cassie touched his hand and squeezed it in reassurance. Shortly after, they pulled up under the stone canopy. Rowlin was already waiting for them and rushed around to the passenger side to help Dimitri out of the car. Cassie was instantly at his other side. His arm stole around her.

  They helped Dimitri up the two flights of stairs and down the hall to his chamber. The doors swung open of their own accord, and Cassie gasped. Candles flared to life all over the room, their dancing flames filling the chamber with a warm glow. His dresser of dark cherry wood stood on one side of the room and the huge king size bed sat in the middle with four swirling posts that towered over his ivory-sheeted and black-blanketed mattress. He knew that Cassie noticed the lack of windows.

  Rowlin and Cassie lowered Dimitri onto the bed. Dimitri waved his hand and the brick floor at the foot of the bed opened. Cassie stared in amazement as a bed of dirt appeared.

  “What is that?”

  Dimitri gave her a half smile. “It is the soil of my homeland. It will help me heal from my injuries faster.”

  “Your, er, nourishment is on the nightstand, sir.” Rowlin said quietly, as if he were trying to be inconspicuous in front of her.

  Cassie was confused. “Nourishment?”

  “Yes, Cassandra. Blood. I must drink blood before I go to ground. It will speed up the healing process.”

  “What kind of blood?” He could tell all sorts of things were racing through her mind.

  “Let’s just say I have a deal worked out with a local blood bank when I am unable to get out. They receive generous donations.”

  She was staring at the large goblet, filled to the brim with dark red liquid. More sat ready beside it. Dimitri could smell the blood from here. Warm, inviting, as it sat on a heating plate on the nightstand. In the blink of an eye he downed the contents, then the others, not wanting to disgust her. Her eyes widened, but she didn’t say anything.

  Instead, she stared at him intently. He knew what he looked like. Undoubtedly, his skin was sickly pale and his eyes were sunken with dark shadows under them. Large patches of drying and still oozing blood stained his torn shirt and face, and blackened skin showed where the silver blade had penetrated him. She watched her nose crinkle while Rowlin packed his wounds with soil.

  “Won’t that get infected?

  “No; as I’ve mentioned, my homeland’s soil has healing properties.”

  She continued to stare, her brows drawn together in concentration.

  His gaze touched hers the moment she tried to speak. “No.” His voice was firm.

  “Dimitri, please let me do this for you.”

  He sat up straighter and gave a disgusted grunt. “You want to help a beast?”

  She grabbed his hands and placed them on her hips, moving closer so that her body touched his. His hands tightened around her waist, her bare flesh warming his. He looked up at her and was astonished to see no fear in her.

  His lips touched the material covering her stomach and he felt her quiver beneath his lips. “Rowlin, leave us.” With another wave of his hand the chamber door shut and locked. He waited for her to pull away in terror, but she put her arms around his shoulders, her fingers gently caressing the back of his head. He swept her up into his arms and onto the bed. Cassie was looking at him with such trust and love that he wanted to weep.

  She touched his face. “Dimitri, I’m sorry I ran from you. I didn’t understand. I ...” She paused, her violet eyes turning a deeper shade of purple. “I tried to fight my heart, but I couldn’t. I love you, Dimitri.”

  Wasn’t this what he had wanted, yet at the same time dreaded, to hear,? He held her, rocking back and forth. “I love you, too, Cassandra!” His words were raw and choked with emotion.

  She pulled her hair back from her neck, revealing the slender ivory column to him. “Let me help you,” she whispered.

  He groaned and bent his head, his lips touching the base of her neck. Her pulse beat rapidly beneath his mouth, and he felt his fangs lengthen at the sweet scent of her blood. As his tongue traced her pulse, he heard her moan in pleasure, then his fangs sank into her tender flesh.

  She stiffened momentarily in his arms at the white-hot piercing pain; as he
began to drink, she relaxed and let the wonderful sensations flow through her. She felt his hard body over hers, pressing her down into the mattress. His mouth seemed to provide the greatest pleasure and she crooned aloud at the erotic way his tongue stroked and his lips caressed her, sucking and drawing. “Dimitri,” she whispered.

  He immediately pulled away. The chamber door opened at his command and Rowlin entered, carrying a glass of brandy. Dimitri grabbed it and held the glass to Cassie’s lips.

  She refused to drink as she looked up at him with worry. She could have lost him forever tonight. “Are you okay?”

  He smiled at her and nodded. She sensed him wonder how a beast such as he could be blessed to have her in his life. “I will be fine, Cassandra. Here, drink this. It’ll warm you up.”

  At last, she took the glass he offered and drank slowly. Dimitri stood and kissed her forehead. He walked to the opening in the floor and stepped in before facing them both. “Cassandra, do not leave the house until I rise again. Rowlin, see to her while I am asleep, and take care of the cleanup.”

  “I will, sir.”

  Cassie watched as he sank down into the dirt and the soil closed over him, then the stone floor closed with a grating sound. Cassie glanced at Rowlin, who smiled sadly.

  “Come. I’m sure you will want to bathe, then I have a change of clothes for you to rest in.”

  She followed him out of the room to the second floor, feeling a little light-headed. She touched her fingers to where Dimitri had bitten her, but felt no marks on her neck. Rowlin escorted her to the room she had slept in before. He motioned toward a door on the far side of the room. “In the armoire there is clothing that will fit you. Towels are in the linen closet in the bathroom.” He turned and regarded her with a concerned expression. “Can I get you anything, Ms. Stephens, anything at all?”

  “What did Dimitri mean about the clean up?”

  Rowlin hesitated before answering. “The bodies. Someone needs to take care of them so there will be no trouble.”

  Cassie was silent for a long moment.

  “Will there be anything else, Miss Stephens?”

  “How long have you really been with Dimitri?”

  “Forty-five years.”

  She nodded, still a bit dazed from the loss of blood and the night’s events. “I won’t need anything else.”

  “Good night, then.”

  She smiled. “Thank you, Rowlin.”

  Cassie walked into the bathroom, flipping on the light and wincing as the bright glare flooded the small room, and looked down at herself. Blood was smeared across her chest, shoulders and stomach, and along her arms and hands. Her black dress was ruined, and her hair was likely a tangled mess. She looked in the mirror, confirmed she appeared a fright, then laughed; she was just as bedraggled as Dimitri.

  She turned on the water, grabbed a towel and washcloth from the linen closet, then shed her clothes and climbed into the shower. The warm water was soothing over her skin, helping to relax the tense muscles in her shoulders, back and neck.

  Once she was done, she towel-dried and returned to the bedroom, walking to the armoire. Opening the top shelf she found an off-white satin nightgown and put it on. The smooth material glided over her skin to her ankles, caused little goose bumps to rise on her flesh. Thin straps crossed over her back to just above her waist. A matching robe completed the set; she slipped it on and tied the sash at her waist.

  She went to the bed, wishing she were near Dimitri even if she couldn’t be with him right now. Leaving the bedroom, she hurried up to the third floor and his room, lightly knocking on the door.


  Cassandra? It still surprised her to hear him in her head.

  Can I sleep in there with you? It took him so long to answer, she didn’t think he would. I need to be near you, please.

  The door opened to inky blackness, and she quickly stepped in. Making her way to the bed, she dropped the robe, the material falling to the floor. Cassie climbed into his bed, pulling the dark covers up to her chin, and curling up on her side to sleep. Thank you.

  The doors to the chamber closed, encasing her in complete darkness.

  I could never deny you anything, Cassandra. Sleep well, agapi mou.

  She smiled and slept.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Cassie slowly opened her eyes and came awake immediately as the snake slithered up the bed toward her, its black body gleaming. It glided over her legs, across her stomach, its head coming to rest between her breasts, and its tail wrapped around her legs, imprisoning her and squeezing painfully. The reptile’s black eyes watched her as its tongue spat at her, hissing.

  Cassie’s breath came in quick gasps as she fought for control over her mounting fear. She scooted back against the headboard. The snake lifted its head, appearing as though it were smiling at her with an evil grin. She gulped in terror as it bared its fangs and lunged at her.

  Cassie screamed and tried to dodge the snake and release herself from its constricting grip. She felt its fangs sink into her skin with every strike it took. Attempting to hold the snake at bay with one arm, she frantically pushed its coiled body from around her legs.

  Finally free, she jumped from the bed and raced toward the chamber doors, pounding, clawing and beating at them. But they would not budge. “Help me!” She prayed that Dimitri or Rowlin would hear her cries.

  There was a grating sound, and she turned around in terror. She could see nothing in the darkness except for the snake that undulated toward her. Venom dripped from its fangs, and it gave a terrifyingly evil laugh. Cassie held up her hands to ward off the reptile. Other hands grabbed her arms, shaking her. The snake was in front of her face, and she lashed out, her nails raking it.

  “Dimitri! Help me!” She was wild with fear and continued to strike out in terror. “Snake! Snake! Dimitri, why won’t you help me?” Her cry was agonizing. Suddenly, she heard his voice, calming, soothing, calling to her.

  The snake vanished before her eyes.

  Cassie looked frenziedly around the room. The candles were lit, and Dimitri stood before her, dirt clinging to his body and holding her at arm’s length. His fingers gripped her arms like iron bands and his voice seemed to melt over her. She looked up into his face, then fell into his arms and cried. “There was a snake, and ... and it was coming after me. It seemed so real, biting and squeezing me.” She whimpered.

  He held her close to him. She thought she heard Gabriella’s laughter in his mind and his angry reaction. Cassie pulled away and looked up at him. She noticed the four lines slashed across his cheek and she touched the marks with tender fingers, fearing she had done that to his beautiful face. “Oh, Dimitri!”

  “It’s all right, love.”

  She shook her head violently. “No, it isn’t, I’m so sorry! The snake it was in my face and I lashed out.”

  He crushed her to him. “There is nothing to forgive. It was a bad dream, but I’m here. I will protect you.” As he said the reassuring words, he wondered if he would be able to keep his promise. Gabriella was powerful and had proved that he couldn’t even keep her safe in his own home. Damn you Gabriella!

  Dimitri knew he would have to find Gabriella and end it before she caused serious harm or worse to Cassandra. The thought of living without her was like a blade twisting in his heart and he shut his eyes from pain at even the idea of it.

  Cassie pulled away and looked up at him, her eyes bright. “I trust you, Dimitri. I know you will let nothing happen to me.”

  Dimitri was surprised, then knew that she had read his fear. “I will protect you until my last breath, Cassandra. You are my light, my happiness.”

  She pressed her hand to his cheek and smiled as she started to wipe the dirt from his face. He glanced down and realized what a mess he was.

  “I think I will bathe.”

  She nodded. “I think you should.” She gently touched his blood-stained shirt. “How are your wounds?”

  In answer, he pulle
d the shirt from his body and she sucked in a breath. He knew that she what she saw: a smattering of black hair covered his chest, narrowing to a trail that disappeared beneath his pants. His arms, chest and stomach were solid, their muscles defined. He felt her fingers itching to trail over the rippling contours. Then she noticed his wounds were almost gone. There were red scars marring his flesh at his shoulder and side, but aside from that he looked fit.

  “My body heals quickly, agapi mou, even with silver.”

  “It would seem so.”

  “I will bathe and join you shortly.” His gaze was intent upon her face. “Will you be all right alone for a moment? I will be here if you need me.”

  Cassie took his hand in hers and squeezed it. “I’ll be fine. I’ll wait for you.”

  He walked to the other side of the room to a glossy wood door that swung open at a thought. As he entered his bathroom, he left the door ajar so she could hear him and be reassured. Even so, he knew when Cassie settled down on the bed again and thought about her dream, rightly deducing it had been Gabriella who had terrorized her. He felt her shudder at the thought of the other woman.

  Cassandra? Are you all right?

  Dimitri’s voice clearly surprised her. “Yes, why?”

  I felt your sudden fear.

  I was just thinking about my dream, is all. I’m fine.

  You must not worry yourself.

  I know. Now hurry up and take your bath. You’re filthy.

  He laughed at her teasing.

  She stole his breath when he walked back into the main chamber. Her chestnut mane was a shiny curtain around her, and she was a splash of the purest silk against the dark blanket of his bed. Her satin gown had crept up, revealing her shapely calves and a good portion of alabaster thighs. She was beautiful, and she was his.

  He came down beside her.

  She opened her eyes and smiled up at him. “I was just thinking of you,” she whispered, her voice low and husky. “I want you, Dimitri.”

  He noticed that her whole body was flushed and he grinned at her thoughts. “I’m glad that you desire me.” Dimitri took her in his arms and groaned at the pressure of her firm breasts that seemed to mold themselves to his chest. He pulled away for a moment, looking deeply into her eyes. The purple hues seemed to blind him with their brilliance and passion.


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