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Clark, Rachel - The Nanny's Unplanned Marriage (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 7

by Rachel Clark

  “Yes, mubella,” he said, touching her face gently as she rolled over to face him. “I’m glad we had the chance to get to know each before the ceremony. Today means so much more knowing that you love me and Kaydin.”

  She nodded in agreement, those pesky tears blurring her vision once more. Jerrod smoothed his thumb under her eye, the smile on his face saying more than words could ever express. He touched his lips to hers for a brief moment, and then urged her to lie facedown on the bench once more.

  Their hands were warm, the lotion cool against her rapidly heating skin. She moaned softly as blunt fingers pressed in between her ass cheeks, thoroughly coating her anus. Jerrod and Kaydin rolled her over, grinning down at her as they continued their ministrations.

  Her ass was already tingling from the lotion’s effect, but it was when Kaydin caressed both breasts, thoroughly caressing the lotion into her nipples at the same time that Jerrod coated her clit, that she started to moan.

  Both men simply grinned.

  “It’s…” She had to swallow before she could get the rest of the words out. “…w–working fffffaster this time.”

  “Did we forget to mention that?” Kaydin asked in a voice that made it clear the omission had been deliberate. “Without the need to counteract the hair removal process, the lotion simply starts working straightaway.”

  She nodded. It was working all right. Hell, it was working really, really well. “Please,” she whimpered pathetically, knowing that she wouldn’t get through the part where the women would come into the room and paint Jerrod’s and Kaydin’s family symbols all over her body. Shit, she could almost climax just thinking about orgasm.

  “It’s not exactly traditional,” Kaydin said with mischief in his eyes.

  “Traditional?” she asked in a horrified voice. To hell with tradition. She needed her men. Right now!

  “Perhaps just something to take the edge off.” She nodded frantically, almost crying out in sheer relief when Kaydin bent to kiss her and Jerrod pushed something into her pussy. She knew it wasn’t his cock—so it was a poor substitute—but when he started thrusting it into her pussy she felt her body quickly respond. Kissing Kaydin frantically, squirming against the padded bench, shaking all over, Serena nearly swore when Jerrod pulled the toy from her body. But she changed her mind when he pressed it against her anus and pushed. The toy slid in easily, her entire body shivering from the explosive orgasm building inside her.

  “Come for us,” Jerrod growled as he grabbed her slippery clit, rubbing the swollen nub mercilessly. Her back arched as climax overwhelmed her sanity, her ass pulsing around the toy’s invasion, her pussy clenching frantically, her cream coating her thighs as bright swirling lights burst behind her eyelids and liquid heat ran through every vein.

  “Beautiful,” Kaydin said as he broke the kiss and caressed her soothingly.

  “We’ll see you at the ceremony,” Jerrod said a moment before pressing his kiss to her forehead. Kaydin did the same, and then they were gone.

  Several women came into the room almost immediately. They set up the cobalt-blue paint and helped her to roll onto her stomach once more. Her clit felt swollen and sensitive so she lifted her ass up a little bit before remembering the toy that Jerrod had left in.

  Embarrassment overrode the lingering effects of her incredible orgasm until she heard the women’s approving comments.

  “Oh, Serena,” one of the women said in an envious voice, “you are going to have an amazing mubella claiming ceremony. With all the mail-order brides from Earth, very few of the tredellas and tredellabinas get to celebrate their special day with double penetration.”

  * * * *

  Kaydin held on to his man. It was obvious that Jerrod was on edge. Although, after witnessing that incredible orgasm, Kaydin was feeling pretty jumpy himself. As much as he’d looked forward to this day, he wanted it over with. Claiming their mubella in front of witnesses truly appealed to him, but it was the promise of a lifetime together that claimed his heart.

  He and Jerrod had wondered for so long what it would be like to have a mubella in their lives, but it was Serena who made the whole thing so special. She wasn’t a mail-order bride. She was a beautiful, deeply affectionate woman who loved them both. Getting to know her before marrying her was probably the biggest bonus of the entire mix-up.

  “The artists will be here shortly,” he said to Jerrod as he guided him into one of the chairs provided, “but maybe I could do for you what you did for me last time.”

  Jerrod grinned, his memory obviously not faulty.

  Kaydin pulled Jerrod’s formal clothing aside, dropped to his knees in front of his husband, and quickly took Jerrod’s hard cock into his mouth. He hummed a sound of pleasure, knowing the vibration would send his man’s need soaring higher. Jerrod tangled his fingers in Kaydin’s hair, massaging his scalp as he tried, and failed, not to take over. His hips bucked off the chair, forcing his cock deeper into Kaydin’s throat. Kaydin swallowed, groaning again, almost smiling when Jerrod’s grip tightened and he started fucking Kaydin’s mouth frantically.

  “Oh, fuck,” Jerrod said on a long groan as Kaydin swallowed around him and massaged the underside of his cock. Jerrod fucked his face faster, pushing to the back of his throat each time. Then he growled, held still, his cock pulsing, the salty streams of cum landing on Kaydin’s tongue, filling his mouth with his lover’s delicious taste. He laved Jerrod’s cock affectionately, caressing the slowly softening flesh until Jerrod’s grip in his hair became less frantic.

  “I love you,” Jerrod whispered as he smoothed his hands over Kaydin’s messed-up hair.

  Kaydin smiled as he let go of Jerrod’s cock and sat back on his knees. “I love you, too.”

  The door opened, and two women stepped inside, smiling when they saw what Jerrod and Kaydin had been up to.

  “Ready?” one of them asked with a bright smile. “We have a few minutes to spare if you two want to finish up.”

  Jerrod gave Kaydin an inquiring look, but he shook his head and turned to the women who would paint the design they’d agreed to use as a symbol of their mubella’s family onto their skin. “I think we’re good to go.”

  * * * *

  Serena still tingled all over from the lotion, but at least it was controllable for the moment. It helped that she was distracted by the beautiful patterns the women had drawn all over her body. Her left half wore the intricate swirls and star patterns of Kaydin’s family and her right was covered in the sharp angles and bold strokes of Jerrod’s. The men—and their families—were so very different, but somehow that just made their love deeper, their affection for each other completely beautiful. And yet incredibly, they’d somehow found a space for her. For the first time in her life she felt truly loved, truly accepted, and very appreciated.

  It was almost enough to make her want to thank the manufacturers of the faulty translator that had landed her on this planet in the first place.

  The women finished painting the designs on her and helped her into a sheer fabric that was mostly see-through. She might have been embarrassed by such an outfit when she’d first arrived here, but after three months being immersed in the culture it felt perfectly natural to wear it.

  “You look truly stunning,” the older woman said as she fixed a few strands of hair that had come loose from her braid. “Kaydin and Jerrod are lucky men.”

  “I think maybe I’m the lucky one.”

  “That, too,” the woman said with a wink. “Cindy said she would collect you when it’s time for the ceremony.” She glanced at the chronometer on the wall. “It shouldn’t be too long. I hope the ceremony goes well.”

  “Me, too,” Serena said with a smile as the women left the room.

  Alone for the first time all day, Serena closed her eyes and imagined all the things her men had planned for their mubella claiming ceremony. Considering the plug they’d left in her ass, she had a pretty good idea what they had in mind.

  Serena was so deep
in thought—or was that fantasy—that she physically jolted when the door slid open.

  “Thank god I’ve found you,” Craig said as he hurried into the room.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Rescuing you.” And then as if he suddenly noticed her near-naked state he grabbed a nearby sheet and threw it over her. Considering that she didn’t want to be nearly naked around this particular man she happily used it to cover up. “Fuck, what did these monsters do to you?” He grabbed her hand, trying to drag her out of the chair. “Come on. We don’t have much time. They’ll be back any moment.”

  Still too stunned to comprehend her ex’s sudden appearance, Serena at least had the presence of mind to pull her arm out of his grip.

  “Don’t fight me on this,” Craig said, looking annoyed. “We have to get you to safety before someone comes back.”

  “Safety?” she asked as a million questions bounced through her overwrought brain. “I am safe here.”

  “Oh, babe,” Craig said in what he probably thought of as sympathy, “you’ve been brainwashed. You’re nothing but a sex slave on this planet.”

  “Am not,” Serena said in surprise. She fought him, struggling against his hold, as Craig tried to lift her into his arms. “Leave me alone.”

  “It’s okay, babe,” he said as she felt something cold press against her neck, “you’ll thank me for this later.”

  She tried to wriggle, tried to talk, but whatever he’d used stole her ability to concentrate, and then she felt blackness engulf her.

  Chapter Eight

  “What do you mean? She’s missing?”

  Jerrod could feel his panic rising. If Serena was missing it was because someone had taken her. She hadn’t left of her own free will. Of that he was certain.

  “Cindy Richards has ordered a complete lockdown of this building and the surrounding buildings, local transport, and the spaceport. If Serena is still on the planet, we’ll find her.”

  Jerrod nodded, grinding his teeth as he tried to force the anger and panic into something useful. “Do we have surveillance footage for the corridor?”

  “I’ve got Katarnia working on that right now. She’ll contact us as soon as she—” Ewin’s communicator beeped, cutting him off. Katarnia’s voice was clear and to the point.

  “She was carried from the room by an unknown human male. She seems to be unconscious.”

  “Send a copy of his picture to every law enforcement agent in the immediate area. Contact every palace guard, on duty or off, and tell them this is a priority.”

  “Already done, sir,” Katarnia said in a professional voice. And then in a tone of voice that identified her as a close friend she added, “We will find her, Jerrod.”

  “I know,” he said, trying to keep the professional calm that had seen him promoted to head of the royal guard years earlier. Kaydin looked pale, his fear for Serena very clear in his eyes. Jerrod grabbed his lover’s hand and headed for the door. “A human is likely to try and get her off the planet at the first opportunity. We’ll start at the spaceport.”

  * * * *

  Serena drifted in and out of consciousness. It kind of felt like a lazy Sunday, but something in her head urged her to wake up early, almost as if there were something important she needed to do. It took a few moments to realize the rocking feeling was from being carried and not some sort of overly realistic dream.

  She let her eyes flutter open, her brain barely registering the sights as they moved quickly through a crowded area. She opened her mouth to ask where they were going, but something stilled her tongue at the last moment.

  The arms around her didn’t feel familiar. They didn’t belong to Jerrod or Kaydin, of that she was certain. So why then was someone carrying her? Was she sick?

  The man bumped into someone, and the tiny jolt made her suddenly aware of the plug in her ass. Memories rolled through her mind like an avalanche—Jerrod, Kaydin, the preparations for the mubella claiming ceremony, the lotion, the butt plug, and the orgasm that had left her feeling boneless. The memories also brought with them the identity of the man who carried her.

  She tried to kick her legs furiously, the movement sluggish and uncoordinated. Nevertheless, Craig struggled to hold on to her. “Let me go!” she demanded in a weak whisper. “Help.” She managed to grab onto someone in the crowd. “Help,” she pleaded again in a voice barely above a whisper. “Help me, please.”

  “She’s ill,” she heard Craig say as he tried to push his way past, but his path was blocked by a solid wall of Desconian citizens.

  “The lady asked for help,” a woman’s voice said loudly. “She asked for help, and until we know who you are and where you’re taking her, you don’t get to take another step.”

  “This is ridiculous,” Craig said in obvious irritation. “My wife is sick. I need to get her home to her own doctors.”

  “Not sick,” Serena managed to say tiredly. “Kidnapped.”

  Craig turned in a circle, apparently surrounded by people willing to protect a complete stranger simply because she asked. Serena almost cried in relief when she saw two men wearing the uniform of the palace guard step into the circle. She didn’t think it was Jerrod, but all of his staff knew who she was. She closed her eyes, giving in to the exhaustion stealing through her, safe in the knowledge that Craig wouldn’t be taking her anywhere.

  * * * *

  “Hicks and Tyler found her.”

  Kaydin barely dared breathe a sigh of relief.

  “Where?” Jerrod barked into his communicator, and then grabbed Kaydin’s hand and started running. He explained on the way. “A crowd of Desconians stopped them just outside the shopping plaza, not far from the spaceport. Serena is unconscious again, but she managed to wake up long enough to call for help.”

  Kaydin nodded, unable to say anything with his heart in his throat. The fear had been short-lived—barely a few minutes at the most—but the effects were far deeper. Never in his entire life had he experienced anything like the terror of the past few moments.

  “She’s okay,” Jerrod said as he relayed the conversation he could hear through his communicator. “The doctor says she’d been drugged. He’s given her something to reverse the effects but she’s still…” His words trailed away as they rounded the corner and came across the crowd surrounding Serena. Jerrod easily weaved them through the gathered people and within moments was lifting their still-sleeping mubella into his arms.

  “No,” she whispered as he started to walk them back toward home.

  “It’s okay, mubella. You’re safe now.”

  “Jerrod,” she said in a relieved voice. She snuggled deeper into his embrace for a moment before her eyes popped open and her gaze landed on Kaydin. “Kaydin.” She smiled sleepily and closed her eyes once more. “I love you two so much.”

  “We love you, mubella. Claiming ceremony or not, you’re our wife, and we will always love you,” Kaydin said, trying to hide how close he was to collapsing with relief. But Jerrod saw right through him. He lifted Serena higher, using his bulging muscles to hold her with one arm as he reached for Kaydin with the other.

  “I agree,” he said softly. “Now let’s get our mubella home.”


  “Apparently, Craig Hoolahan wasn’t quite as sincere in his ‘rescue’ attempt as he tried to convince us,” Jerrod said as he came in the front door, stripped off his clothes, and then headed to the sofa where Serena lay curled in Kaydin’s embrace.

  She raised an eyebrow and waited for Jerrod’s explanation. Over the past few days she’d tried to convince herself that maybe Craig had truly believed he was doing the right thing. It would have been the first time in his life, and she’d tried—unsuccessfully it seemed—to convince herself that he was capable of being a decent person once in a while. But Craig had always been a selfish man, and it had only taken an introduction to Jerrod and Kaydin to show her exactly how much.

  “Apparently, your Aunt…Irene?” Jerrod said with a q
uestion in his voice. She nodded at his correct pronunciation. “Your Aunt Irene apparently won something called ‘the lotto’ a few weeks ago and is now a very wealthy woman.”

  “That’s nice for her,” Serena said, almost giggling at the relief to be far away from what was sure to be a three-ring circus. Her father’s sister was a difficult woman to deal with even on a good day. Elderly, single, and childless, she was almost guaranteed to use the money to manipulate the people around her. If Serena had still been with Craig he would have found some way for them to be at the front of that line waiting for the woman to write her will and name her beneficiaries. But the idea of pretending to like somebody just to get their money seemed quite horrible to Serena. Personally, she hoped her aunt took the money and went on a very long holiday instead of trying to play greedy people off against each other. But in the end it was the woman’s choice. Everyone had to find their own path to happiness.

  Thankfully, in this situation, Craig had no influence over the way Serena would deal with her aunt. Neither of her men were interested in status symbols or the trappings of wealth. The only symbols they held dear were the ones painted on her body.

  “So you’re not anxious to run home and congratulate your aunt on her good fortune?”

  “Not really, no.” She didn’t want to sound like a bitch, but it was absolutely the last thing she wanted to do. She wanted to be right here, pressed between her men.

  “Excellent,” Jerrod said, leaning over to kiss her before he turned back to the front door. He opened it, nodded at someone she couldn’t see, and then stood back as several friends stepped into their home. Serena tried to sit up to greet their guests, but Kaydin held her down and pressed soft kisses to her lips.

  “Cindy taught us an old expression from Earth—third time’s a charm,” he said with a wide grin. “But this time we’re not leaving anything to chance, so our witnesses are coming to us. Ewin has offered to read the ancient blessing of love, prosperity, and fertility for us, and he and his husband, Dayved, and Eric, Cindy, and Loukie will stay to witness our joining. No big buildup, no fanfare, and way less chance of something going wrong.”


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