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Vincent (Made Men Book 2)

Page 20

by Sarah Brianne

  Seeing the outline of the wadded-up cash she had stashed in her boobs, she pulled it out and shoved them down in Vincent’s jacket pocket, which she was still wearing. It made her feel cheap in a way, and she was sure that Perfect Vincent could only like her for the same reason all the men downstairs did. In her mind, there was no way a god like him could possibly want a trailer trash, white girl like her.

  Her eyes were caught by something in the mirror. Turning back around, she looked at the end of his closet. Everything was perfectly in place, but she noticed something sticking out.

  Walking toward it, she grabbed a hangar holding a black garment. Why does he have this? Staring at it, she didn’t know what to think.

  Lake’s eyes moved to the entry of the closet to see Vincent standing with nothing other than a towel wrapped around his hips.

  “Did you keep Adalyn’s dress?” she asked, licking her dry lips.

  He started going through his clothes, looking for something to wear. “Fuck no, I burned it.”

  Lake looked back at the black dress she had worn that night to Poison. “Then why did you keep mine?”

  “I couldn’t bring myself to burn it. You looked too fucking hot in it.”

  “Okay, but why did you keep it?” she asked again. You don’t just keep a random dress in your closet for months.

  When he didn’t answer her, just simply continued looking for clothes, she threw the dress down on the floor and started storming off. Fuck him. He is being a complete asshole today!

  Vincent swiftly grabbed her as she passed by him, holding her close to his naked body. He pulled the back of her hair down to force her to look up at him. “I kept that dress because I wanted to see you in it again. Do you know why else I kept it?”

  She softly shook her head as she forced herself to look down at his lips instead of his intense, blue eyes.

  He gave a light tug of her hair, making her look back up at him. “Because I also plan to fuck you in that dress one day.”

  “We’re just friends, remember?” She hated that it came out more breathy than she liked.

  A smile touched Vincent’s lips. “Baby, you know damn good and well I don’t just want to be your friend.” He slowly moved his other hand up from her hip, over her chest and to her neck, letting his thumb rest right over his favorite spot, feeling the drum of her heart. “Is that what you want, to just be friends?”

  Lake was under his control. He liked to do that when he wanted the truth from her. She could lie, but he would know it and make her pay for it, or she could tell the truth and it would stroke his already-massive ego. There was no winning.

  “Y-Yes, I just want to be friends.”

  He rubbed his thumb slower over her throat as he moved his face to where his lips were barely separated from hers. “You sure about that, baby? I’ll stop, I promise.”

  Told you he would make you pay for it.

  Lake stared at his lips, wanting him to kiss her again. Her body was on fire from wanting him to touch her more. She knew it was too late to turn back. There was no stopping a derailed train once it left the tracks.

  “Please, don’t stop,” she whispered in defeat.

  He moved his head to whisper in her ear, “I wasn’t going to.”

  Lake shuddered when his lips kissed the sensitive part of her neck then sucked in a piece of her flesh.

  She desperately wanted to grab him and feel his hard body, which was inches from hers, but she was afraid that, if she did, he would stop kissing her like he always had.

  Vincent grabbed her bare shoulders under the jacket and started sliding it off until it fell to the floor. Then he leaned down and placed a kiss on the top of her shoulder.

  “You are so fucking beautiful.” His hand went to the black zipper at the front of her corset, between her breasts.

  She started to blush when he leisurely pulled down the zipper. She was sure, if not for his continued tender kissing, she would have made him stop. When he continued to unzip until the corset fell to the floor along with the jacket, she had to look away from his gaze, averting her eyes to his chest as he took her body in. She didn’t think he was going to find her just as beautiful, since the corset made them appear much larger than they were.

  He lightly smoothed his hand over her right breast as he claimed her mouth for a kiss. “Perfect,” he said against her lips while he rolled his thumb over her nipple, bringing it to a peak.

  Lake whimpered under his touch as he continued to torture her nipple. She enveloped his neck with her arms, uncertain whether her legs were going to keep her up much longer. When he quickly picked her up and started heading toward his bed, she wrapped her legs around him.

  Forcefully kissing him back, she sucked his tongue into her mouth, wanting to taste him on her own.

  Just as quickly as he had picked her up, he laid her on the bottom of the bed, staring down over her.

  Why won’t he let me kiss him? She was becoming sexually frustrated by that point. It wasn’t fair that he could do whatever he wanted to her, but she couldn’t return the favor.

  Lake leaned up and went for the towel, but Vincent caught her hand before it could come any closer.

  “Don’t move,” he growled at her.

  That was the closest she had seen him to his dark side in a month. She didn’t like it when he would get like that, and she especially didn’t like it when she was half-naked in his bed.

  “How come you keep stopping me from kissing you, or anything else for that matter? Am I that bad?”

  He shook his head and seemed almost appalled she would think that. “No, baby. I want you too badly right now. I’ve wanted you for fucking months. I’m trying to go slow with you, but you kiss too fucking good. I will hurt you if you don’t stay still, and then I won’t forgive myself if I make this more painful for you than it’s already going to be.”

  As he spoke, Lake began to see him differently. She could see and feel his hands beginning to shake. He wasn’t teetering on the edge of his dark side; the Vincent in front of her was the purest version of him. He was physically torturing himself to keep from causing her any pain or discomfort.

  She laced her fingers in his. “You couldn’t hurt me.”

  She truly believed that, too. He had only hurt her once, and it had been that day he had dropped her off at her mother’s house, but she could finally see it had hurt him just as much. In her heart, she knew he wouldn’t ever want to do that again, which was why he went above and beyond to keep her happy.

  “Yes, I can, Lake. Just promise me you will stay still.” His breathing became heavy when he leaned down to give her a kiss.

  “I promise I will try.” She smiled before she nipped at his bottom lip.

  Vincent’s hands ran over her stockings and onto the tops of her bare thighs. “I’ve had to watch you walk around in these things and your heels, so I deserve to get to fuck you in them.” He inched up and grabbed the sides of her silk, black panties.

  She slightly lifted her hips when he began pulling them down. Her cheeks heated from being nervous as he slipped them down over her stockings and high heels.

  Looking down at her perfectly smooth pussy, his eyes became darker. “Fuck.”

  Lake’s eyes widened when he hurriedly dropped the towel down from his hips, springing free his huge and very hard dick. Oh, my fucking Go—

  All thoughts were lost when he kissed her senseless, moving her up the bed. Her chest grew heavy as he kissed her sensitive neck then swiftly took an even more sensitive pink nipple into his mouth, making her gasp.

  Then his hand went to cup her pussy, and his middle finger pressed at her folds. “How is every fucking part of you so fucking silky?” His voice sounded tortured, matching his appearance.

  It was hard for her to concentrate on what he had said as his finger plunged inside of her. She had to bite her bottom lip to keep from screaming out.

  “Baby, you are so tight and wet for me.” He moved to her neglected nipple and
sucked it until it turned into a tight, little nub as his finger slid in her deeper.

  Lake reached out, twisting her fingers into his hair, a moan passing her lips when his thumb swiped over her clit. After a few more passes, she felt another finger enter her and he started a motion inside of her, fucking her pussy with his fingers.

  She pulled at his hair when he removed his thumb from over her clit right when she was sure she was on the verge of coming. He’s going to kill me.

  “Vincent, please,” she moaned, hoping he would do something to give her release. She felt like crying when he, instead, removed his fingers from her.

  Vincent quickly moved his body over hers until the head of his dick was pressed at her folds.

  Lake put her hand on his chest, stopping him. “What about a condom?”

  “You’re on the pill, and I wouldn’t think about fucking you if I wasn’t sure I’m clean. I’m the only one who will ever fuck your perfect pussy, and I’m not fucking you with a condom. Not now and not ever.” He leaned down and bit the chubby part of her lip while the tip of his cock slid into her pussy.

  Instinctively she wrapped her legs around his waist, wanting more of him inside of her, scraping her nails at his back.

  He slid inside, breaking through her barrier in one swift movement. “Dammit, baby,” he groaned. Quickly, he returned back to her clit, rolling the bud between his thumb and index finger.

  The pain was harsh and quick, making her eyes slam shut. Then it began to ease, and the hunger inside of her masked the pain more and more with every roll of his fingers.

  “I’m sorry.” He brushed a kiss against her lips.

  Opening her eyes, she saw the disappointment in himself. “It’s okay,” she told him before she deepened the kiss, slipping her tongue into his mouth.

  His hips finally started to move above her, starting in a slow rhythm. With each stroke, the tempo started to change, and he began taking his dick farther out of her before he plunged it deeper inside her pussy.

  Lake dug her heels into his ass just as much as her nails were carving into his back. She was letting him pick up the pace, but it somehow was all too slow for her while being way too fast, in the sense that she was ready to come at any second. Feeling his enlarged dick inside of her and hearing his pained breathing above her, she knew he was about to burst, too.

  “I need to come,” she loudly moaned when his cock left her pussy only to plunge back in.

  That time, his rhythm changed, fucking her with much quicker and harder strokes.

  “Come for me, baby.” His breath was ragged before he sucked the flesh of her neck into his mouth.

  Her hand jumped to cover her mouth to stifle the loud scream about to pass through her lips. She came on his cock as he did the same inside of her, she suspected from the jolts deep in her pussy.

  Lying limp and breathless, she felt him lick at the sting on her neck. She had barely felt him bite her as she had climaxed, but feeling the aftereffects, she assumed he had gotten her pretty good. It was okay, though; she had gotten his back pretty good in return, knowing he was going to have scratch marks for weeks.

  Lake could barely open her eyes when he rolled away to slide off her heels then bring her body close to his. Every night he had held her, her back to his chest, but it was the first time she had ever been held by him naked, and boy, did it feel good.

  His hand ran over the top of her thigh. “You didn’t tell me how come you’re so fucking smooth.”

  She smiled softly. “Sadie makes all the girls wax regularly.”

  “Damn, I hate that bitch.”

  “I think she feels the same about you.” Lake laughed sleepily.

  He pulled her into his chest deeper, changing his tone. “Go to sleep, baby.”

  Lake had never felt like she belonged more than she did in that moment with Vincent as he placed a light kiss on her shoulder. She had never felt like that with her mom, with her dad, or even with Adalyn.

  Adalyn … Oh, God. How in the fuck was she supposed to explain this to her best friend when she couldn’t even tell her she had kissed him? Let alone that she fucked Adalyn’s brother and was pretty certain they both wanted it to be a regular thing.

  She had to go to sleep, exhausted with a guilty conscience on her mind. Lake felt even guiltier for the fact that she had enjoyed it so much and that fucking Vincent had finally made her happy for once.

  Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.

  Chapter Forty-Two

  May He Open the Gates for You

  Lake scooted back on the bed, trying to find Vincent’s body behind her. She was still pretty much in dream state, but her internal clock was slowly telling her it was time to wake up.

  She rolled over, looking at the other side of the bed to find no Vincent. Why does he always leave me? Somehow, her brain had told her that giving Vincent her virginity would make it to where he would be there in the morning when she woke up.

  Getting out of bed, she took the blanket and wrapped it around her naked body. She then went to the end of the balcony, looking down at the first floor, only for him to not be there, either.

  She went to his open closet to find he had picked up her black dress and hung it back up in its spot. Something about that made her smile. He had also retrieved her normal clothes from the previous night and the bag she had left in the locker, and they were with her corset and stash of tips she had made, sitting beside them. He had set everything perfectly on a leather stool in the middle of his huge closet.

  Lake headed toward the bathroom with quiet excitement at finally getting to see what was behind the door.

  Holy fuck! She was not disappointed.

  She never would have thought a black bathroom was possible, but man, was she wrong. She was going to try everything out and take her precious time showering in the massive glass shower she later found out rained down on the occupant. Then she was going to take the best bath of her life in the big Jacuzzi tub.

  Lake was practically salivating as she threw off her cover and stockings from the night before. How in the world has he been using my tiny, pathetic old bathroom?

  Looking at the black tub, she believed that was where the saying ‘once you go black, you never go back’ had originated from. The poor child inside of her was already crying about how the clock would eventually strike midnight, and then the carriage would turn back into a pumpkin. Because as much as she felt at home there, ultimately it wasn’t her home, and she wasn’t planning on moving in with Vincent any time soon. It’s not like he would want me to, anyways.

  Relaxing didn’t go as planned. So many thoughts swirled around in her mind about losing her virginity, Vincent, Adalyn, her mom, her dad, Dante—the list was ginormous. She quickly got dressed in the clothes she had worn to work the day before and even made something to eat in his glamorous kitchen.

  Sitting there with nothing to do, she wondered where Vincent had gone to for so long. It made her feel like a puppy watching for its owner as she waited either for him to return or for it to be time for her to head down to work. It was about an hour and a half until she usually started for work, but she couldn’t sit there any longer, not wanting to feel desperate when he came back.

  She grabbed her stuff and headed downstairs to the casino, even though she was sure Vincent was going to be really pissed about it.

  Lake was setting her bag down on her dressing table when she noticed Kim coming up behind her from the reflection in the mirror.

  Kim eyed Lake’s reflection, seeing her semi-damp hair and clothes from the previous night. “I see he finally took your fucking v-card. Maybe now that he’s fucked you out of his system, he’ll let me take another spin. ‘Cause, let’s be honest, Vincent is like every other man—they want a challenge every now and then, but in the end, they want someone with experience sucking their dick.” Her smile twisted up into a smirk. “I bet you didn’t even suck his dick, did you?”

  She watched Kim snicker off, not needing to w
ait for Lake’s answer to know. Lake quickly turned away from her reflection, not wanting to look at herself, and started to feel sick. She knew she shouldn’t listen to one word that came out of Kim’s mouth, but something in her found that everything Kim had been saying was the harshest fucking truth.

  “Honey, what are you doing here?” Sadie asked, coming up to her.

  Lake tried her best to shake off what Kim had just said. “I decided to come in a little bit early to apologize. I’m so, so, so sorry about yest—”

  Sadie held up her hand. “It’s okay. Fucking jeepers creepers deserved it, but you don’t work down here anymore. Didn’t playboy tell you already?”

  “Tell me what?” Lake looked at her in confusion.

  “Of course he didn’t. He made me promise not to tell you that last night was your last night working here. Your debt is paid, honey!”

  Lake’s mouth fell open. “Huh? How?”

  Sadie shrugged. “I don’t know. He didn’t tell me that part. You’re supposed to be happy, jump up and down, or scream. Some shit like that, anyway.”

  Swinging around, she quickly grabbed her bag then headed for the door, her mind racing. She hit the elevator button for it to open.

  Why didn’t he want me to know? Clearly, there was a reason he told Sadie to keep it a secret and why he hadn’t told her himself. Only one person was going to give her the truth, the whole truth.

  Getting on the elevator, she hit the code to take her to the top. Lake was going to the top of the fucking mafia food chain. There was another surprise visit in store for Dante Caruso.

  * * *

  Vincent spent his day cleaning up his almost fuck-up from the previous night. In all honesty, no one liked that fucker David, not even Dante who was racking up a shit-ton of money off him. After he had sent David into practically a coma when he had a flight back home to Canada the next day, some of the girls he had paid to take back to his hotel room had finally spoken up about how he had been quite abusive and given them a huge sum to keep quiet about it.

  Vincent’s day had been made. He had gotten to piss on David’s motherfucking grave. Not only that, but he finally had woken up beside Lake’s warm, naked body that morning, and his balls were a lesser shade of blue.


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