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Dethroning the King

Page 2

by Jennifer Loren

  “Fuck.” Dace says, finding our clothes and rushing after whoever it was. I stay put, waiting for him to return. When he does, I look up and see him walking in with Leandra. “She was looking to get in a workout too. I told her we were more than happy to share the space. Actually, I was finishing up, but maybe you and Le can train together and get to know each other better?” Dace nods towards me, trying to encourage me for some reason.

  “Sure, yeah, I just barely got started,” I sigh.

  Dace kisses my forehead. “Great, I am going to go get a shower, and I will meet you after.” We watch him leave, and I wonder why I am still standing here.

  “You know, we all get a little horny here and there, but we try to be a little more discreet about it. The guys here are good guys, but they are still only human. If they find out that you enjoy working out with your goods all hanging out for everyone to see, they just might take it the wrong way. Now, if you want to screw everything that moves here, then I wish you would stop pretending that you are so innocent. Okay, slut?”

  I turn to her. “My outfit was meant for Dace and only Dace, and I made damn sure that what crew was here was preoccupied.”

  “Not all of us.”

  “I thought you were supposed to be helping Peter with something. Why are you in here?”

  She stands still with a smile all over her face before boldly speaking up. “I was going to help Dace workout. I do know what he likes and how he likes it. And now that, that’s out in the open, I should tell you that your form is quite dull. Have you no imagination?”

  “You’re a fucking cunt bitch, and you need to butt out of my relationship before we have a problem.”

  “Oooh, I wouldn’t go there with me, Goldilocks. I can snap you like a twig,” Leandra says, setting up her mat before stretching with that disgusting smirk on her face. I am so done. Maybe I can get a shower with Dace and calm down. “He doesn’t like his shower interrupted right after sex. He likes to be clean when he gets ready to work. He can’t think straight if he isn’t. And, surely, you know he won’t ever dismiss a job he promised to get done. Maybe you can go spread your legs in the gathering area and see if anyone wants anything you got in there?”

  I can’t stand her.

  Everyone is back by dinner time, and I walk out to the main area to eat with Dace, only he hasn’t made it out yet. I assume he will be finished with work soon, so I move to sit by Antony, but he shakes his head at me silently for some reason.

  “Oh look who it is.” Craig jumps up and offers his seat to me. “Please take my seat, Austin.”

  “No, take mine,” several of the others say with laughter.

  Antony stands and helps me to a seat that puts him between me and everyone else. “What’s going on?” I ask.

  “Hey Austin, I need to get a work out in before I go to bed. Do you think you can help me work out my big muscle? I hear you are open to that.” Craig laughs.

  Antony stands and faces off with him. “I think you better rethink your attitude towards her before I put my fist down your throat, Craig!” There is suddenly more than Craig standing up to Antony, and I feel the need to jump up and save him.

  “Antony, it’s okay. Come back and sit down with me.”

  “Or better yet, come sit down on me, Austin,” Danny remarks, causing Antony to jump over the table at him.

  The brawl that ensues is a mess, and it takes Peter and Dace both to jump in before it finally stops. I spent most of my time just trying to keep people off of Antony’s back and never got a chance to actually stand up for myself. Antony and I are pulled out, and we go to his room where I tend to his wounds.

  “Thank you for standing up for me, but I can take care of myself.”

  “No, it was getting out of hand. You should have heard what was said before you got there. I should have come to warn you, but I was waiting and hoping to find out who said something to them.”

  “Oh I know who did that. Leandra caught me and Dace in the middle of the act. She wanted to be the one to help him workout.” I admit to him. “Yeah, I am not so sure how much longer we can stay here.” Antony sighs, nodding in agreement.

  “Good because I have been ready to go since we got here. I am so bored out of my mind. Hell, I think I would rather be that jackass that’s pretending to be me in Mexico. I don’t care anymore if Michael finally decides to kill me. Anything is better than this wretched boredom.”

  “So do one of you want to tell me what happened?” Dace asks from the doorway.

  “Your boys are a bunch of motherfuckers who are ready to pounce on Austin the moment you turn your back,” Antony readily admits.

  “They’re good guys. They just get riled up being stuck in this place weeks at a time. They would never hurt her.”

  “Your special girl decided to tell everyone what she saw today, and it became a show. She’s a fucking bitch. We need to go Dace,” I say, watching him sigh.

  “Okay, where do you want to go?”

  “Anywhere. Back to the States so we can …”

  Dace cuts Antony off before he can finish. “Back to the States? Why, so we can easily be spotted and killed by Michael?”

  “I don’t know, Dace, but we can’t continue to sit here and do nothing. Or wait until your boys decide they don’t like being left out and gang up on Austin when neither of us are around.”

  We are interrupted by Peter knocking on the door. “I hope I am not interrupting, but I heard what you are talking about, and I really think it’s a bad idea that you leave. We can all protect you here.”

  “Yeah it looks like it.” Antony smarts back.

  “Today won’t happen again. In fact, I have a great idea to help give everyone a little more space and privacy. I found a new hideout that can accommodate everyone, and with a little work, we can all have our own private place. It’s just an idea, but I think that it will work.” Peter sounds surprisingly hopeful.

  “I think we should go,” I say, cleaning the blood from Antony’s mouth.

  “I understand how you feel, but if you just give me a couple more days, I think we can find a happy medium for everyone. It’s going to take you some time to find somewhere new to go anyway. You can’t exactly just get up and go in the middle of the night. Not safely, anyway,” Peter suggests, and Dace glances our way, trying to convince us to listen to him without saying a word.

  “Fine, but I don’t know why you would want us here if all we do is cause trouble, especially me apparently.”

  “I have a feeling you will be worth any trouble caused. Besides, these guys need to learn to appreciate women a little more. I would like to get some more women on the crew at some point. Leandra is great, but they are all scared of her. Maybe you should try being a little scarier, Austin.”

  “She can do that. She scared the hell out of me the first time I met her,” Dace says, trying to make light of the situation. Peter laughs and, thankfully, leaves us alone so we can talk in somewhat privacy. Considering these walls are made of paper, it’s not an easy task. Dace turns to me. “Give it a couple days. Let me see what he has planned, and if it doesn’t seem like it will work, we will find a new place to hide until we can go back. Okay? He is really sorry about what happened and wants to do everything to help us stay.”

  “Why?” I ask as both Antony I look at him.

  “Because he knows we have a lot to offer that can help the team. Plus, Peter and I have a special bond. I know how he thinks, and he knows how I think. We can both lead the team without worry of the other, and that’s not always easy to find. Not to mention, we still owe him for letting us stay here for as long as we have.” We all sigh, and Antony and I look at each other, both ready to pack and leave now, but we know we have nowhere else to go.

  “Two days, and if he doesn’t come up with something that will work, then we go,” I say, and we all nod, staying together for the night. Within two days, Peter introduces us to a hotel with an internal entrance and courtyard. It seems safe and not too ba
dly broken down. Actually, it seems fairly easy to fix up and make for a nice— decent— stronghold and safe place for everyone. I am not sure where Peter got the money; it seems like it would cost more than he could afford. He said it was worth it, a place he has been wanting for a long time. Besides, we would be able to make it up in no time. After a few more days and with the whole crew working together, we are able to make the place quite nice and impenetrable. The security is perfect, or as perfect as we can get in this part of the world. Dace and I get a nice suite to share while everyone else gets their own room and bathroom. The new place seems like it may work out after all.

  Waking up in this hotel is way better than the old warehouse, and waking up naked next to Dace brings the smile to my face every morning. He looks so peaceful sleeping, and I am not surprised that he still is. I had him up pretty late. Considering all that he did for me last night, I think the least I can do is get up and get him breakfast in bed. Leaving our share of the hotel is rarely fun and almost always makes me feel as if I have landed myself in a forever fraternity house. Today, for some reason, it’s quiet, and that makes my mood even better. I gather food, cook up some eggs, and make a flower out of a napkin, just like he showed me last night after we cleaned the sweet chocolate from our lips.

  “Oh my God, you are incredibly disgusting in the morning,” Leandra says, wandering in with something that seems like it might be a smile on her face, but it’s hard to tell. I glare in her direction, and she does the same, looking me up and down as if she knows me.

  “I’ll be done in a minute and be right out of your way,” I say, trying to remember Dace telling me to get along with her for him.

  “Oh, really? And when exactly are you going to be out of here completely? Eating our food, drinking our drinks, taking up a private room because you like to have privacy … although I don’t know why because you seem to have no problem fucking in the gym in front of anyone who happens to come by. By the way, when Dace and I would have sex, he really liked it when I would tie him up and suck his …”

  “You know, I don’t think I will take pointers from someone who he ran away from, but thank you for your inappropriate comments. I would also appreciate it if you would go get yourself some porn like a normal person rather than obsessively watching us for entertainment.” I lean over the counter. “Because now that he’s better, we are going to be having lots of sex in our private suite.”

  “Great! Have it somewhere that you pay for then! What kind of exhibitionist cheap ass hoe comes in here and expects people to look away from the public place she doesn’t pay for?!”

  “What the hell do you expect me to do? I appreciate you guys looking after us while Dace has been healing, but considering I’m dead and all, it isn’t like I can go out there and get a job, especially with a fake passport and ID.”

  “Dumbass, you don’t have to get a job. None of us have a job, but we all do work. Now from what I am told, you have some skills. You used to be a cop, so why can’t you chip in and use some of those skills you supposedly have?” She shakes her ass away from me and towards the door as Antony comes in. “And I don’t know what you do, but I am sure you could be of some help around here too.”

  Antony looks at me confused. “What did I do?”

  “Apparently, we need to start training and get to work on some jobs or get the hell out of here.”

  “You know, I am all for that. Michael is just sitting up in his big office like a king, not a worry in the world. We need to go get that motherfucker and …”

  “No one is going anywhere until you two learn how to infiltrate highly secure places and fight without getting hurt.” Dace announces, still looking half asleep. “I don’t know what started this conversation, but we will not be putting any plan into action until I am sure you guys know how to handle yourselves properly.” He moves to me, looking over my shoulder as I hand him the flower from the tray I was bringing him. “Was this for me?” I nod. “Ah baby …”

  “Oh come on! I am standing right here, and I just ate too. Yeah, you two are real cute and all, but I haven’t had sex in … fuck! Too damn long! So stop the motherfucking kissing and love-fuckin in front of me! Whatever you want me to do to prove myself and get my ass out of here, then let’s get on that right now!” Antony announces with authority as he stirs his chocolate milk before licking the spoon and taking a drink with an equal sense of clout. The chocolate milk-stache does a number on his intended display of power.

  Chapter 2


  There are rules to this work—rules you learn before you start and rules you learn along the way. I would like to teach Antony and Austin all the rules before they take the slightest step into this world. One wrong move could cost you and your whole crew if you’re not careful. I am already wishing I hadn’t said anything, but I never anticipated them wanting to get involved. Although, after seeing Austin jump up this morning and dressing to kill, literally, I think maybe I was foolish to not realize she would jump at the chance. Antony, on the other hand, is in workout clothes and more interested in handling a gun—which is only going to do him so much good. This class may be a little unbalanced.

  I guess there is no better way to start than at the beginning. “Okay boys and girls, lesson one: learn to anticipate …”

  “Anticipate what?” Antony says as one of the boys comes in from above and lands on top of him.

  I walk over to Antony as he rubs his head and looks all kinds of pissed off. “That! If you can’t anticipate the unexpected, then you certainly can’t beat Michael.” I glance out of the corner of my eye to see how Austin handles her test. I had no trouble finding a volunteer to try and surprise attack her. Leandra blazes in full force at Austin’s side. I cringe as the blur of a struggle happens. When the smoke clears, Le is on the floor, and Austin stands and nods in my direction with a superior expression. “Alright, so you know a little something, but that doesn’t mean you are ready,” I say, helping Le up to make sure I pull her away from Austin before a real fight ensues.

  “Oh, I know more than a little something, Honey, and you of all people should know that. I did get you,” Austin says smugly. “Now, let’s get to proving our worth around here.” Austin steps around Le who stares with intimidation, but it all goes wasted on my girl.

  I let Austin skip lesson one while I try and get my baby brother advanced to lesson two. “Alright Antony, let me show you something…” I walk up to him, and he steps back.

  “Keep in mind I am your only full-blooded, baby brother,” he says with his hands up, ready to defend whatever surprise attack I may throw at him.

  “Come here, you idiot. I’m not going to hurt you. I only want to show you something.” He nods slightly, lowering his hands, and then I hit him up the side of his head. “What’s wrong with you!?! Never let your defenses down!” I laugh as he curses at me. “Now, keep your arms tight, like this. Keep your feet loose and ready to move.”

  I have to work with my brother for a few days, improving his moves and making him stronger and madder at me. Against my liking, Austin works out nearby, attracting an audience. Everyone is waiting for Le to come back and start a girl fight. The anticipation becomes so bad I have to spend my breaks threatening people’s lives if they don’t stop dreaming and instigating it. I caught Randy telling Le not to worry about being the second best female fighter in the crew and that maybe Austin can teach her something. I can only imagine what else has been said. It doesn’t really matter. The tension between the two is evident, and it’s going to break at some point if we don’t get one, or both, an outlet for that pent up energy.

  Somehow, in the midst of keeping Austin and Le away from each other, Antony actually starts to improve. He shows up one day for practice and flawlessly executes a surprise attack before he even makes it through the door. At the realization of his own progress, a smile covers the expanse of his face, and I admit, I couldn’t be any prouder. He still has a lot to learn, but we are off to a good start.r />
  I invite Austin back into the mix for the next lesson. She is so smug and full of herself that I am starting to want to take her on myself. I’m just not sure it wouldn’t turn me on and we would end up spending the rest of the day fucking. Not exactly a way to get anything useful to the crew accomplished. Austin smiles as if she can read my mind. I so hope that’s not true. “Alright, lesson two: Be prepared to kill, because you can’t stop bullets … even you, Trouble,” I say focusing in on my weakness—her.

  “Are you sure about that? You’ve never seen me try,” she smarts back at me.

  “And I don’t want to, so don’t ever put yourself in that situation or we will have an argument you won’t win. Now, let’s see if you can shoot, Smartass. Did the police department teach you something useful?”

  She puts herself in a stance and takes aim, shooting directly at the target. She hits dead center twice, and the third time, she shoots his balls off. “Oops, it slipped.”

  I roll my eyes. “So we are just going to assume you know how to shoot. I guess you can skip this lesson too and just keep practicing.” She smiles and nods, and I mock her right back. Damn she makes me crazy.

  “Hey, I know how to shoot too,” Antony yells out, grabbing a gun and aiming at the target, shooting and hitting dead on, over and over again. I have to shake my head to make sure I am seeing straight. “That’s right … the gay man knows how to shoot a gun. I’ve got daddy issues, and I took my frustrations out at the gun range, thank you very much. I tried to date older man, but they aren’t my type so ...”

  “Good to know, so let’s move on then.” I shake my head again, walking away from them as they smack hands and do some odd dance they invented at some point. I would ask how it came about, but I am pretty sure I don’t want to know.


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