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Dethroning the King

Page 4

by Jennifer Loren

  “Oh, so you want to know how to seduce him?”

  “Well our escape in the gym wasn’t exactly smooth on my part. I’m not one to know how to walk in front of him and tease him until he can’t take it anymore. I basically leave off the underwear and that’s usually enough. I want to know how to make him mine.” I strut with confidence in front of him.

  “What the hell was that? Was that supposed to be sexy?” I sink into a nearby chair.

  “Well, at least you have the sad puppy dog look down. Get up, come here, and stop that. You’ve clearly done something right or Dace wouldn’t love you like he does. Apparently he likes the awkward tomboy type, but now we need to give the tomboy a few secret deadly sexy skills.”

  Eager, I stand up. “Yeah, that. Do you think I can?”

  “Uhhh … I guess anything is possible.” I punch him. “Owe! See, that’s not going to help you.”

  “So I should stop punching him during sex?” He cocks his head to one side and stares at me in amazement. “Just kidding.”

  “You have issues,” he says, pointing at me. “Okay, let’s see. Have you tried touching him?” I hold out my hands in confusion, and he rolls his eyes. “Let me show you.” He pulls me to him and rubs his hand over my ass, causing goosebumps on my arms. “See, there is a way to simply touch and make it erotic.” Taking my hand, he shows me how to touch with just the right amount of pressure. After, he teaches me how to moan. I didn’t know the moan mattered, but apparently it does.

  We spent more time than I think was necessary on those things, but he’s the expert. I have been practicing here and there but very little on Dace himself. I get nervous about what he will think, so I stop before I can really see if it will do anything for him. It would help if we had our own place and didn’t worry so much about the eyes that might be on us. No matter where the crew’s new lair is, it’s still not our home. It’s everyone’s home.

  As little as I have gotten to use my new sexual skills, Antony has gotten to use even less of his new shooting skills. We showed up for a rescue and ended up being paid to take the victim before she drove her captors insane. She wasn’t the easiest of people to be around. There wasn’t a shot taken or even a punch thrown. In fact, the most eventful moment of the day was when Antony got into an argument with a child who rode his bike over Antony’s foot while we debated with the kidnappers. We dropped the woman off at the airport and forgot to escort her in safely. Actually, after spending twenty minutes with the woman, we pulled up to the airport, helped her out, and waited for her to turn her back before we all ran back to the car and left. Her name was Daniella, which we assume is a nickname for the devil’s spawn. After next to no excitement, we are back to our hotel-home within hours, way before Dace makes it back from his mission. “All those lessons for that? My biggest challenge was the little bastard on the bicycle. Little shit ran right over my foot … twice, and then laughed.” I turn and smile at him as we enter my room. Antony crashes onto the sofa with a huff. “I don’t like kids. Except Sage. That’s the only little kid I care about. Damn I miss her, and Preston and …”

  “Let’s not get into who we miss please. Let’s do something more fun and less depressing.”

  Antony gets an odd smile on his face and quickly runs out of the room. He shows back up a few minutes later with a bag of things. “Okay, Honey, let’s get personal. We’ve talked about how to be sexy in bed, so let’s talk about how to make him feel sexy in bed. Let’s talk about how to make him feel like a man.” Antony grabs his package and smiles.

  “I’m not touching you there.”

  “Trust me, I don’t want you to. I brought devices to help with the demonstration.” He hands me a banana. “Don’t eat that.”

  “Why? That’s not sexy?” I laugh, but he doesn’t.

  “No. Now watch.” The details he gives are stunning, but to have to then show him what I have learned is difficult to do without laughing, especially in front of my lover’s brother. “Try something like this.” He shows me, and I feel like I am intruding by watching him.

  “Fuck, I’m a little excited now.”

  “See! Imagine how he will feel. And I’m not just talking about him feeling it. Watching you do it is equally as pleasing. Now you try.” I shake my head. “Go ahead. Don’t worry, you can’t turn me on.” I glare at him, and he smiles. “Do it and don’t laugh,” he directs as I try. I can’t hold in the giggles, but Antony tries to keep me from laughing by having me close my eyes and picture Dace. “Now open your eyes and look up at him. Make him hungry for more.” I do my best and then look over at Antony as I wait for further direction. “That’s good. I actually got a little excited.”


  “Yeah! If you were a guy, I would be all over you right now.”

  “Are you sure you aren’t just attracted to women now? Maybe I turned you.” I wrap my arms around him and kiss him as he tries to push me away, faking being grossed out. “Oh you know you love me.”

  “Stop, you crazy ass woman!” I back off laughing and enjoying seeing him laugh. It’s refreshing to see him having fun. “You know I really have never liked any of my brother’s girlfriends, not that any of them lasted long, but it’s nice that he has you. I like the idea of having a sister, and I am glad it will be you one day.” I have no control over my emotions at this point. I wrap my arms around him and hug him tight. We both shed a tear but quickly gather ourselves. We try to be serious for a while but quickly go back to practicing our blowjobs. Eventually it turns into the multiple ways we can freak Dace out instead of turning him on. Laughter is always more fun than shedding tears. I make goofy faces with my banana, and then he nudges me. “No, instead you can do this.” He takes hold of his banana, loves it, and then sits back, stroking it before singing, “And I …I-I… will always love you … ouuuu.” I copy him, singing along with my own version of loving my banana. Then, Dace walks in. Antony stops, casually peeling his banana like caressing fruit to the tunes of Whitney Houston never happened. Taking a bite, he nonchalantly turns his attention to Dace. “Hey Bro. You’re back early.”

  “What the fuck are you two doing?” Dace asks looking us both over carefully.

  “Isn’t it obvious? We’re having an affair … with bananas,” Antony says, sending me face forward into his shoulder laughing.

  “I don’t like you two spending so much time together. It scares me.” Dace laughs, shaking his head before coming over to peel my banana for me. He doesn’t say a word. He just caresses my cheek and walks away smiling. Damn. Busted.

  More work comes in, and still, Peter puts Dace somewhere other than anywhere near Antony and me. I am actually on a job by myself with David. We gather together and go over the details one more time before we disperse. I kiss Antony’s cheek for luck and say goodbye to Dace’s scowling face before leaving with my new partner. David’s a little cocky and a lot anxious, but he is observant enough to make me feel safe with him. Our goal is to rescue three girls from a sex slave situation with the least amount of casualties possible. Antony is one of our watchers, making sure no one comes up on our backs without warning. David seems to want to make small talk while we wait for the all clear.

  “So you and Dace are close huh?” he asks.

  “What? Yeah, we are real close. Aren’t you involved with someone? I thought you said something last time about an exciting night awaiting you or something?”

  “Eh, I slept with Leandra a couple of times,” he says as if anyone in this crew hasn’t. “Yeah she’s okay but not too easy to read. I think she’s really into Dace for some reason.”

  “Yeah, I know,” I retort, rolling my eyes.

  “Do you two ever explore more adventurous avenues?” I look at him confused. “I mean, do you guys have an open relationship or something? I only ask because Le acts as if she and Dace have something on the side. She said something about having some kind of foursome thing one night. I mean, I was a little shocked, but I want you to know, I am more than o
pen to sharing if you are?”

  I put my hand on his chest, causing a smile to form on his face until I maneuver further away. “You stay over there,” I insist.

  “Austin, you’re good to go in three…two… one, go.”

  “I will go first. You follow me.”

  “No problem,” he says, words laced with far too much eagerness. I move in with my gun drawn and eyes wide open, checking every corner before moving forward. Once we reach the door, I check the keypad while we wait to receive the code. The numbers flow into my ear piece, but I shake my head and deny it.

  “What are you doing? Punch the code,” David urges.

  “No, it won’t work. This keypad reads your fingerprints. If it doesn’t recognize you, it will lock everything down, and we will have every guard in the place on our ass within seconds.” I take out my set of tools and carefully remove the face of the keypad. The system is different than what I am used to but not impossible to understand.

  “What are you doing!? You’re taking too much time. We are supposed to be in by now.”

  “Hold on, David. Just give me a minute.” Studying the wires, I find the right one and cut, and then cut another.

  “It’s too late. We need to abort.” David starts leave.

  “No, we’re good.” I smile as the door unleashes its lock. Leading the way in, I search the room, trying to gather my bearings. It’s not quite what we were told but good enough to get me where I need to be. I lead David to a long corridor and a door that leads to a basement. The darkness is rough to navigate, but I don’t bother using my night vision goggles. It’s better to sense than to see sometimes, and in this case, I think that’s the best way to go. There are too many undercover traps, and I don’t want to be tempted in the wrong direction. This place is too easy so far. I know there has to be something, someone waiting for me somewhere. The next corner instantly sends vibrations through my legs, and I stop. David nudges me, but I shake my head. I know someone is there, maybe more. I take a quick inhale before exhaling and lowering my body to the floor as someone comes out from the corner to strike me. I sweep my leg out to knock his legs out from under him and punch him in the back of the head. Another man comes at me directly, and I strike him strategically in the chest, knocking him backwards. My final blow to my attacker is an easy one at that point. David handles the men at my back, allowing me enough time to get the next door unlocked. Down on the floor fidgeting with an ancient lock, I roll as a guard comes running up on me, taking out his legs. David, offering a hand to help me up, smiles down.

  “I’m impressed. You’re not a typical woman.”

  “No, I’m not,” I say without taking a second to be proud. I have a mission, and I will not fail. Moving forward, I find the girls, scared and cowering in the corner. I hold out my hand and speak softly to get them to trust me. Earning their trust is not an easy task. They have trusted before and been betrayed; I understand how they feel. There is no time to convince them of my trustworthiness, so I grab the biggest one by the arm. David grabs another, and the third follows us as we lead them out. They cry the whole way, making it difficult to get out quietly. “Shhh we are trying to help you get back to your families, but we can’t do that if you don’t stay quiet.” Their crying calms briefly, but when David jerks one down to the ground to avoid a guard’s light, the girls shriek in fear, catching the dogs’ attention and, in turn, alerting security. The sheer quantity of guards was way more than we anticipated and, honestly, quite impressive. I decide to forget the escape car and look for an alternate method of escape, settling on stealing the homeowner’s car. Walking into the garage, we have our choice of twelve beautiful cars and five motorcycles. I instantly think of Dace. Damn! He would love any one of these. I point to an SUV and eye a cycle while David gets the girls loaded up.

  “Come on!” he yells at me.

  Instead, I wave him on and jump on one of the motorcycles and ride out a few seconds behind them, targeting anyone that tries to follow. The idea works and keeps David’s back clear enough to get away with me following. As we fly down the road, I catch sight of Antony pulling in behind me, securing my back as we race towards the plane. By the time we reach the tarmac, the plane is warm, and we have mere minutes to get up the steps and into our seats before reinforcements close in on us. Antony and his partner light a trail of gasoline on the tarmac. A blazing wall of fire obstructs the incoming enemy’s view while the plane speeds down the runway. We are barely in our seats by the time we hit the air safely. The families paying for their daughters’ safe return are more than grateful as Peter greets them, returns their loved ones, and closes the deal.

  When we get back to our hotel-home, Dace’s anxiety is apparent. He rushes from hugging his brother to jump to meet me. I would complain about his overindulgence of happiness, especially since my feet don’t touch the ground from the front door to our room, but his love is all I need to keep me going. Antony is pretty proud of himself too, not missing the opportunity to celebrate with the guys once we get settled in. The celebration is fun to watch, but I can’t help but disappear with Dace and enjoy his touch on my bare skin.

  “You seem tired,” he says, playing with my hair and smiling into my eyes.

  “Maybe a little, but I can always find more energy … if I need to,” I hum, letting my hands wander up the t-shirt fitted tightly on his chest.

  “Well, you are definitely dirty.” He leans in with a kiss and an encouraging stroke of his tongue. “Yeah, you’re very dirty, and I think you could use a shower.”

  “Are you offering to help clean me up? I’m not sure I can reach everywhere I need to.”

  “Oh yeah, I can do that for you. I can make sure to get every”—he moans a little against my neck as his hands lift me up against him up—“part of you wet.” I jump into his arms and wrap my legs around his waist, encouraging him while he carries me to the shower. Fog bellows from the shower stall as Dace helps me out of my clothes. Stepping into the steaming water, I release an exhale but stutter as his mouth tastes up the back of my legs and to my ass. As the tip of his tongue rounds over my butt, I feel his hand inside of me. He plays a little before making his way back up to my mouth. “You are wounded,” he says suddenly. I glance backwards as he feels over a bloody scratch on my arm. “They shot at you?”

  “It’s a scratch, nothing more.”

  “Are you sure it doesn’t hurt?” He kisses my wound.

  “Maybe a little,” I say, biting my lip when he glances my way.

  “Oh no, my poor baby. What can I do to make it better?” he asks, cocking his head and waiting for me to say it. “Huh, what do you need Austin? A banana perhaps?” I laugh but change my attitude and become serious towards him. “Oh you do want something.” He kisses my neck and leans me back against the wall, letting the water beat down over his head and down over his chest before looking down at me again. “Tell me Austin,” he whispers.

  My legs shake watching the water love his body the way it does, clinging to ever bare inch of him as if it never wants to let go. I can understand its issue. My heart begins to race, and I gain enough desire, enough need, that I ask for exactly what I want without the slightest fear. “Fuck me, Dace. Make me feel oh so good. Fuck me how you want to, however you want to.”

  He stands naked and erect in front of me, and as if that wasn’t enough, he leans in and kisses my cheek. “Tell me if it hurts.” Before I have a chance to understand what he means, he turns me around and pushes himself inside of me. His hands rub over my body as if he is trying to memorize every part of me. I can’t think as I feel him inside of me this way, touching a part of me that has my head spinning. The exhilarating feeling has me climbing the shower wall, trying to get up on him more. He does me a favor and lifts my legs for me, fucking me to the point I feel as if I am going to pass out. My orgasm turns into one long, drawn out screaming of his name and a plea for mercy. “You want me to stop?” he asks, slowing down and taking away my piercing pleasure.

nbsp; I reach behind my head and fist his hair. “No,” I insist, and the fucking of my ass continues until he comes. I feel every ounce of him shooting inside of me, causing multiple orgasms to wash over me, a grazing flood sending vibrations all the way down to my toes. Dace eases me onto my feet again as his body encases mine. Weak from the delicious havoc he inflicted, I lean into him. Resting his head against mine, he whispers encouraging words of how good he feels with me, how much he loves me. I try to respond, but my head is still spinning as if I just walked off a rollercoaster, only this thrill has just fucked me into delirium. Who needs a pill when euphoria comes in the form of a beautifully talented cock?

  “I would have torn them apart for hurting you,” he says, bathing me and laughing a little at my drunk eyes. We finish up, and Dace smiles at me as I continue to lean against the wall.

  My brain finally calms. I’m still weak, but I am able to speak again. “Help,” I manage to say. It’s embarrassing, but what else can I do, stand in the shower all night acting like it’s normal?

  Dace laughs harder than I have ever heard him. “Come here.” He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder, smacking my ass lightly, being somewhat considerate of his erection’s sizeable abuse on me. He softly places me into the bed and kisses my lips. “Better?” I nod, covering up and getting into position next to him. “I heard you were wonderful today. I don’t know if you were as wonderful as you were a few minutes ago, but I am glad you did well.”

  “It was fun actually. Tense, but fun. Antony was perfect too. I think he is starting to come out of his depressed mood. It was good to get him out and his mind off of things for a while.”

  “Good. I’m happy to see you both smiling again.” Dace suddenly seems at peace.

  “So, since both Antony and I have proven ourselves, when are we going home?” I ask, noticing the fear rushing back into his eyes. There goes the peace.


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