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Dethroning the King

Page 9

by Jennifer Loren

  “We weren’t planning on you getting drugged,” I say, checking him for injuries.

  “Um, I don’t want to be around my brother if he is going to try and …” Antony says, backing away from Dace when I turn to look at him.

  “He won’t … will you?” I ask him.

  “Austin, get them out of here.” I nod and explain to Antony to go ahead with our plan on his own but keep someone on watch outside our door in the meantime. The two leave happily and lock the door on their way out. I turn towards Dace who looks up at me, breathing carefully. “You look nice, and heels even, mmm …” He licks his lips, and I suddenly become aware of his growing fever.

  “Dace, I am not sure whether to untie you or not right now?”

  “Are you wearing underwear under that dress?” I nod, and he smiles. “Take them off.” The tone of his voice is so deep and hungry that I feel it vibrate right up my legs.

  “Dace, maybe we should let you get some food and calm down,” I say, feeling down my body as he rips through his restraints with his teeth. He releases one wrist, and I take a deep breath. “Now Dace …” I stop breathing when he becomes free and steps towards me.

  “I said take your underwear off.”

  “I’m not sure we should be doing this right now?”

  He lines himself up in front of me, groaning as he unbuttons his pants. For some reason, I can’t help myself. I force my hand down his pants and pull out his throbbing member in awe of its dripping desire. His eyes close the moment I touch him, and I realize that was all he needed to lose control. He wraps his hand around the back of my neck. “I’m sorry for this Baby.” Taking hold of my dress, he rips it right off me. I find it hard to breathe as my breasts are freed and fondled until my nipples are hard and ready to be licked and admired. I can hear him softly talking about my body as if he is describing it for his own pleasure. I melt in his hands. My panties are gone, and his face is in between my legs tongue fucking me while I fist his hair and try to hold onto my composure and not scream out. One more touch of his tongue against my clit, and I can no longer control my emotions. I groan with a forceful orgasm and fall onto my back with only enough energy to watch him strip his pants off and maneuver his cock against me until it is wet enough to slide inside of me. His eyes roll back, and he turns into a man on a mission. He thrusts and pulls my body into his while I try to hold onto the primal fury ravishing my body. By the time he comes and finally calms, I can barely move. I am in the den of the lion, naked and exposed with no ability to defend myself. Dace, apparently, recovers quickly because I wake up from a dead sleep and find him hovering over me protectively. “Not exactly the greeting I wanted to give you when I saw you again.”

  “I didn’t think it was horrible,” I murmur with a weak tone.

  “You need to get out of here.”

  “Not without you, I’m not,” I demand.

  “Austin, get the crew out of here, and I will follow. I promise.”

  “No, this time we do it my way, and you will listen.” I grab his restraints and tie him back up.

  “Austin, I swear,” Dace continues, cursing me while I let Antony back into the room. He hands me some clothes, and I get dressed right in front of him, shocking Dace apparently. “Good to see that you two are close now.” Antony nods with a sarcastic smile. “Keep smiling, asshole. I am going to hurt you.”

  “It’s not like it’s the first time I’ve seen her naked.” Dace looks at me. “Fuck Dace, you think I give a shit about her tits or ass? She has nothing that interests me.”


  “I mean sexually, Sweetheart. I still love your mind. Although, you do have great tits and a great ass actually, for a woman.”

  “Thanks.” I smile.

  “You’re welcome.”

  “Hello!” Dace snaps.

  “Sorry. We have been sharing a room for the last week. She didn’t trust anyone else to sleep with her. To be honest, I didn’t either, so we shared a bed. It was odd spooning a woman, but hey, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.”

  “What the fuck is happening here?” Dace interrupts.

  I lean to him and kiss him. “Don’t worry, handsome. I still only have eyes for you. Come on, Antony. Let’s go get this job done. You stay put Dace until we get back. We don’t want to alarm our hostess.” Antony waves to a cursing Dace as we walk out and shut the door behind us.

  “Alright. From what we were able to figure out while you were busy, there seems to be a secure room in the center of the house. They have closed the door so you can’t go through, but there has to be a way to get in somehow. We are getting all kinds of signals from this room.”

  I review the door and find the oddity, I was hoping for. “Here, you see this? This piece of wood is almost sitting out in front of the door unattached to anything.” I play with it until it swerves upward and reveals a code box.” Smiling wide at Antony, I enjoy his respectful bow in my direction. “Okay, let’s see if we can handle this little gadget.” I tinker briefly with it before sliding in my own makeshift code builder. I glance towards Antony and signal for one second while he shakes his head. “By the way, where are the guards for this thing?” I ask him as I suddenly realize we made it here too easily.

  “Oh they are in that room over there. I lured them there, knocked them out, and then tied them up.”

  “Nice.” He nods with a smile while I open the now unlocked door to the security and systems room. I quickly sit down and get to work, first alerting Fonseco’s men that all alarms are shut down and all gates are now unlocked and open. Finishing out the input of codes, I finally, for the sake of all women and men who have yet to try this horrible drug, release my secret weapon. I turn off the power to the lab and allow my friends to easily exit their cages. It’s only a matter of time before Leandra gets her revenge and destroys everything in her path, including the entire lab and all of its documentation and ready stock. “Okay, let’s go before all hell breaks loose.” We open the door and watch for any guards happening by when I suddenly become curious about something. “Antony what did you use to lure those men away from this door?”

  “Oh, I told them I had naked pictures of you.” He looks a little too pleased with himself to be lying. “Don’t worry. I made sure they were the good ones.” I’m going to hurt him. “Alright you go get Dace, and I’m going to go meet our friends and go at Nidia’s men from behind …” He pauses. “I mean attack them from behind while Fonseca’s men attack from the front.” I shake my head. “Is it just me?” I shake my head. “Huh, I think I should be offended, but I am not sure why yet. In the meantime, good luck.” I watch him move out of the house to meet up with Marcus and some of the freed crew who have somehow armed themselves already. This seems to be going well.

  Optimistic, I head back to Dace and find him still cursing us. “Oh come on. You should be happy.” I crawl on the bed towards him and his scowl.

  “Back away from my slave, whore!” Nidia yells with her men coming up behind me to move me off the bed and to my feet. “I am allowing this one time use of him, but you better believe when you leave, he stays here. I hope you got your fill because my patience is fleeting, and I will be using him the rest of the night. I have another offer on the table, so you need to tell me if we have a deal or not because I am ready to move on,” she announces, taking her seat and making herself comfortable on the bed with Dace and me. “The way I see it, now that I have other offers, you need me more than I need you. So, if you want to make a deal, then you need to convince me. Maybe bring me some more like this one,” she says, stroking Dace with an eager tone.

  “She’s going to kill you. You know that right?” Dace asks.

  “I’m not going to kill her. I’m offering her the opportunity to deal first.”

  “He doesn’t mean that I am going to die, moron. He means that you are.” I walk towards the bed, eyeing her carefully. I should get my chance any moment now. She speaks, but all I hear is the sound of anger pounding thr
ough my chest. I have to laugh when she stands, screaming at me. The final seconds are counting down. I can hear the rumbling of trucks driving in. My six other partners should already be in the house after sneaking up on the oblivious guards. They are now closing in on the backs of the compound’s area guards as Fonseca’s men close in from the front. The two men accompanying Nidia seem as if they could stop me from getting to Nidia’s throat, but my focus is on her. Just to be sure I am not interrupted, I quickly disarm the one on my left and shoot the one on the right. It doesn’t take long for the other to get off his ass and run. I allow him to go. He won’t get far anyway, not with the amount of my men waiting for him outside. Turning towards an even angrier and now standing Nidia, I face her fully with my muscles tightening, my eyes focusing on her neck and a slowly forming smile across my face.

  “You are clearly not Lach, so who are you?” Nidia asks.

  “The wrong bitch to piss off,” I seethe with no sign of forgiveness in my voice. I don’t give her a chance to speak again. I knock out a couple of teeth with a side kick to her jaw, a front kick to her chin, and then a final clearing of teeth with a fist dead on to her face.

  Bleeding profusely, she tries to get away from me on her hands and knees. “Where the hell are you going?” I grab a fist full of her hair and pull her up to force her to look at Dace who is desperately fighting to get free. He can never just let me handle anything on my own. “Do you see that man?” I get down closer to her ear, force her face to focus perfectly on the sight in front of her. “Do you see him?”

  “Yes,” she coughs out.

  “He’s mine.” I raise up, slowly pulling her onto her feet by her hair. She screams and promises me everything but stupidly dives for a gun. She seems to think she can out battle me enough to take aim on me. She’s wrong. I escort her to the balcony of the room. The third floor is quite high, high enough to see for miles and miles. I can’t help but take notice of how beautiful the view is, and it’s even more beautiful once I push Nidia out of the way. Funny. I never knew evil whores could fly. Her screams echo in the canyon quite remarkably. I take a long stride back to Dace who is anxious to have his hands released. “If I let you go, will you play nice?”

  “No. I’m going to spank you for not listening to me and for scaring the shit out of me,” Dace responds angrily.

  “Oh. Hold that thought.” I leave him to go find Antony and Fonseca. It doesn’t take me long. They are all celebrating at Nidia’s well-stocked bar.

  “Well done, my dear!” Fonseca announces after removing the celebratory cigar from his mouth. “I am impressed and would very much like to hire you full time.”

  “Hmmm… tempting, but I am going to have to decline. Thank you for the offer. I have a mission of my own to finish before I can consider a career change,” I assure him, and he graciously accepts my answer. After all, I did gain a massive territory for him to control.

  “At the very least, you deserve a drink.” Leandra offers me an entire bottle.

  “Yes, I do, and how is the lab?”

  She smiles wide. “What lab?”

  “Good, I am going to grab some food and drink, and if you people could do me a favor and leave me alone for the day, it would be much appreciated. We have our own lap pool in our room.” I don’t give anyone much of a chance to respond before I gather everything I can and rush back to Dace who still looks pissed off but has now freed himself and is currently searching for pants. “What are you doing?”

  “Trying to get the fuck out of here, but I can’t find any pants …” He finally looks my way and notices all the food and beverages in my arms. “What the fuck are you doing?”

  “There’s a lap pool, a great bed, our own bathroom, a private view, and I have all this food and wine. So come on, Dace, lets’ relax and enjoy this moment. I worked hard for this.”

  He stares at me for a minute before sighing. “Can you tell me what the hell is going on out there at least?” I shake my head. “No? Why not?”

  “Because you need to learn to trust—me, specifically. So, let it go and trust that I have taken care of everything out there and that we are perfectly safe in here to do whatever we want to do.” I strip back down to my panties and pour two glasses of wine.

  “Did you not get enough sex earlier?”

  “I don’t want sex, Dace. I want romance. You know, something where we don’t have to live with a bunch of guys and the constant need to be leaving for this mission or that mission. And damn it! I want you, and only you, to indulge in this private paradise here…with me.”

  He looks around and laughs. “I’m sorry. I am feeling a little exposed right now, but I need to get something that the bitch took from me. So, if you will, bear with me for a moment. Please. And if you would get dressed and pack all that food and wine up somehow.” I nod in confusion as he finally finds his pants and puts them on and leaves the room. When he finally returns two hours later, he has a shirt on too. “Okay, Beautiful, will you come with me?” He holds his hand out to me, and I take it, trailing behind him as he exits out a side door and he helps me into a jeep. “Ready?” I shrug. “Good, now you need to trust me. I like this so much better.” I glare at him until we pull down an odd dirt road and pass some of Fonseca’s men as they leave, screaming something at Dace. “Ignore them.”

  He stops in the middle of some trees, in the middle of nowhere. “Why were they here? What’s going on?”

  “Trust me. I trust you.” He smiles. I am so angry at him right now. I fold my arms and refuse to move out of the car. “Come on, I want to show you something.”


  “Why?” he laughs.

  “Don’t you dare laugh at me. I am so angry with you right now.”

  “What did I do?”

  “Really? Think about it, Dace,” I snap at him and his laughing figure. “Stop laughing! You are just pissing me off more.”

  “But I planned this perfect night with you.”

  “I planned time with you. Why does it always have to be your way?” I scream at him.

  He leans into the car over me. “Because, sometimes, I have better ideas.”

  “My ideas are good.”

  “I didn’t say they weren’t. It’s just… I am pretty sure I have a better one this time if you would only uncross your arms and stop yelling at me, you might appreciate what I have done for you here.” I look the opposite way of him, and he laughs again. I turn to glare at him, and he instantly gets into a begging position. “Please, please Austin. I am begging you to, just this once, let me control things, and then when we are done, I promise we are going to go back and do whatever it is you want.”


  “Yes, I do.”

  I slide out of the Jeep and re-cross my arms, refusing to take his hand. “I bet my idea will be better.”

  “If you don’t take my hand, then I won’t go back with you to see whose idea is better.” I huff and take his hand, annoyed by his smartass laughter. He glances my way throughout our walk to who the fuck knows where. I sigh again until I look up and see a walkway illuminated with candles and hear waves beating down at the bottom of the cliff. I look over and then back up to see a little church in the distance, the windows dancing with the warmth from the candles inside.

  “Dace?” I say, beginning to feel butterflies inside. He leads me to the most charming church I have ever seen. The view, the candles, and the soft music playing by some unknown men is all too much. I laugh a little at the men’s presence, or maybe it’s nervous laughter because when I turn to Dace, he looks serious.

  “Do you remember the little church I told you about?” I nod, unable to speak to him without crying. “Well, this is it. And since you’re here and I’m here and you made such a great friend who was more than happy to do me a favor, I thought maybe this would be a good time to ask you something.” He pulls out this chain from his shirt and takes off a ring. “Can you believe I have had this thing since Ettore sent me away to keep me from
getting arrested? I couldn’t wait to see you again. And even though you broke my heart, I still loved you too much to throw it out. Thank goodness because it would have been a huge mistake to think your love for me wasn’t real.” He gets down on one knee and holds out the ring to me. “I hope your love for me hasn’t changed since I ruined your plan for the night, but I want to ask you if you will allow me to bring you back here one day and marry you. I love you, Austin, and I know that for sure because I have never felt this way in my life. I have never been so frustrated and made so crazy by anyone before you.” I laugh through my tears. “And I have never ached to be near someone as much as I do you. I love you so much, Austin. Will you please allow me to bring you back to this little chapel and make you my wife?”

  I nod, shaking, as he waits to slips the ring onto my finger. “Yes! Are you kidding?! I would marry you now.”

  With his ring on my finger, he stands and takes me into his arms. “Are you kidding?! I want to make sure we can tell the world. Our wedding day is going to be perfect. Nothing less would be good enough.”

  “Okay. I forgive you for ruining my idea, and your idea may be slightly better than what I wanted to do.”

  “Slightly? You really do make me crazier than anyone I have ever met,” he says, shaking his head and signaling to the band that they can leave.

  “But you love me.”

  “Yes, I do. How unfortunate for me,” he sighs, but I laugh. We kiss for a while along the cliffs, whispering our love to each other as if the ocean is trying to listen in and ruin our plans for love. We eventually get back to my idea, only it is so much sweeter than I thought it could be. I find out that Dace has been wearing the ring around his neck every time he goes on a mission to remind himself that he has something to fight for, a time when he can be free to love me as my husband. I somehow forget that I was mad at him and spend the night nuzzling and kissing him until I can no longer keep my eyes open.

  Chapter 9



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